Browse files
@@ -9,51 +9,76 @@ generator = pipeline('text-generation', model='distilgpt2') # Lightweight model
9 |
SPECIAL_WORDS = ['weather', 'sun', 'middle', 'summer', 'heat']
10 |
11 |
def generate_circular_text_design(word):
12 |
"""Generate a
13 |
# Controlled randomization parameters
14 |
fonts = [
15 |
"'Dosis', sans-serif",
16 |
"'Josefin Sans', sans-serif",
17 |
"'Orbitron', sans-serif",
18 |
"'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif"
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
44 |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
def process_text(input_text):
59 |
"""Process text and apply special styling to matching words."""
@@ -87,11 +112,30 @@ def process_text(input_text):
87 |
final_output = f"""
88 |
89 |
90 |
<!-- Include
91 |
<link href=
92 |
93 |
<body style='background-color: #000; color: #fff;
94 |
<div style='max-width: 800px; margin: auto;'>{output_html}</div>
95 |
96 |
97 |
9 |
SPECIAL_WORDS = ['weather', 'sun', 'middle', 'summer', 'heat']
10 |
11 |
def generate_circular_text_design(word):
12 |
"""Generate a styled design for a word by styling each letter individually."""
13 |
# Controlled randomization parameters
14 |
fonts = [
15 |
"'Dosis', sans-serif",
16 |
"'Josefin Sans', sans-serif",
17 |
"'Orbitron', sans-serif",
18 |
"'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif",
19 |
"'VT323', monospace",
20 |
"'Rajdhani', sans-serif",
21 |
"'Anton', sans-serif",
22 |
"'Caveat', cursive",
23 |
"'Patrick Hand', cursive",
24 |
"'Nothing You Could Do', cursive",
25 |
"'Reenie Beanie', cursive",
26 |
"'Patrick Hand', cursive",
27 |
"'Raleway', sans-serif",
28 |
"'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif",
29 |
"'Poiret One', cursive",
30 |
"'Indie Flower', cursive",
31 |
"'Pacifico', cursive",
32 |
"'Teko', sans-serif",
33 |
"'Abril Fatface', cursive",
34 |
"'Gloria Hallelujah', cursive",
35 |
"'Righteous', cursive",
36 |
"'Annie Use Your Telescope', cursive"
37 |
38 |
font_sizes = [17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27]
39 |
font_tops = [11, 11, 13, 13, 15, 15]
40 |
letter_spacings = ["-6px", "-4px", "-3px", "-2px", "-1px", "0px", "1px", "2px"]
41 |
text_shadows = [
42 |
"0px 0px 1px",
43 |
"0px 0px 2px",
44 |
"1px 0px 0px",
45 |
"0px 0px 0px",
46 |
"0px 1px 0px",
47 |
"0px 2px 0px",
48 |
"0px 1px 1px",
49 |
"1px 1px 0px",
50 |
"1px 0px 1px"
51 |
52 |
skew_angles = [-10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
53 |
54 |
# Create HTML for each letter with dynamic styling
55 |
letters = list(word)
56 |
styled_letters = []
57 |
for i, letter in enumerate(letters):
58 |
style = {
59 |
'font-family': random.choice(fonts),
60 |
'line-height': '110%',
61 |
'font-size': f'{random.choice(font_sizes)}px',
62 |
'letter-spacing': random.choice(letter_spacings),
63 |
'text-shadow': random.choice(text_shadows),
64 |
'transform': f'skew({random.choice(skew_angles)}deg)',
65 |
'margin-top': f'{random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1):.2f}cm',
66 |
'position': 'relative',
67 |
'top': f'{random.choice(font_tops)}px',
68 |
'color': f'#{random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF):06x}',
69 |
'display': 'inline-block',
70 |
'margin': '0 1px'
71 |
72 |
73 |
# Convert style to inline CSS
74 |
style_str = '; '.join([f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in style.items()])
75 |
76 |
# Assign a unique class name for possible future reference (if needed)
77 |
styled_letter = f'<div class="styled-letter" style="{style_str}">{letter}</div>'
78 |
79 |
80 |
# Wrap styled letters in a flex container
81 |
return f'<div style="display: flex; align-items: baseline;">{" ".join(styled_letters)}</div>'
82 |
83 |
def process_text(input_text):
84 |
"""Process text and apply special styling to matching words."""
112 |
final_output = f"""
113 |
114 |
115 |
<!-- Include all necessary fonts -->
116 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
117 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
118 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
119 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
120 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
121 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
122 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
123 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
124 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
125 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
126 |
<link href="|Oswald:300" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
127 |
<link href="|Oswald:200" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
128 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
129 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
130 |
<link href="|Dosis:300|Fjalla+One" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
131 |
<link href="|Lobster" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
132 |
<link href="|Shadows+Into+Light|Dancing+Script|Amatic+SC" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
133 |
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
134 |
<link href="|Josefin+Sans|Gloria+Hallelujah|'Roboto Slab'|Righteous|Sacramento|Yellowtail" rel="stylesheet">
135 |
<link href="|Just+Me+Again+Down+Here|Nixie+One|Six+Caps|Unkempt" rel="stylesheet">
136 |
137 |
<body style='background-color: #000; color: #fff; font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.6; font-family: "Josefin Sans", sans-serif;'>
138 |
<div style='max-width: 800px; margin: auto; padding: 20px;'>{output_html}</div>
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