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Duplicate from thomas-yanxin/LangChain-ChatLLM
Pretrained Punkt Models -- Jan Strunk (New version trained after issues 313 and 514 had been corrected)
Most models were prepared using the test corpora from Kiss and Strunk (2006). Additional models have
been contributed by various people using NLTK for sentence boundary detection.
For information about how to use these models, please confer the tokenization HOWTO:
and chapter 3.8 of the NLTK book:
There are pretrained tokenizers for the following languages:
File Language Source Contents Size of training corpus(in tokens) Model contributed by
czech.pickle Czech Multilingual Corpus 1 (ECI) Lidove Noviny ~345,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
Literarni Noviny
danish.pickle Danish Avisdata CD-Rom Ver. 1.1. 1995 Berlingske Tidende ~550,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
(Berlingske Avisdata, Copenhagen) Weekend Avisen
dutch.pickle Dutch Multilingual Corpus 1 (ECI) De Limburger ~340,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
english.pickle English Penn Treebank (LDC) Wall Street Journal ~469,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
estonian.pickle Estonian University of Tartu, Estonia Eesti Ekspress ~359,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
finnish.pickle Finnish Finnish Parole Corpus, Finnish Books and major national ~364,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
Text Bank (Suomen Kielen newspapers
Finnish Center for IT Science
french.pickle French Multilingual Corpus 1 (ECI) Le Monde ~370,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
german.pickle German Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG Neue Zürcher Zeitung ~847,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
(Switzerland) CD-ROM
(Uses "ss"
instead of "ß")
greek.pickle Greek Efstathios Stamatatos To Vima (TO BHMA) ~227,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
italian.pickle Italian Multilingual Corpus 1 (ECI) La Stampa, Il Mattino ~312,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
norwegian.pickle Norwegian Centre for Humanities Bergens Tidende ~479,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
(Bokmål and Information Technologies,
Nynorsk) Bergen
polish.pickle Polish Polish National Corpus Literature, newspapers, etc. ~1,000,000 Krzysztof Langner
portuguese.pickle Portuguese CETENFolha Corpus Folha de São Paulo ~321,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
(Brazilian) (Linguateca)
slovene.pickle Slovene TRACTOR Delo ~354,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
Slovene Academy for Arts
and Sciences
spanish.pickle Spanish Multilingual Corpus 1 (ECI) Sur ~353,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
swedish.pickle Swedish Multilingual Corpus 1 (ECI) Dagens Nyheter ~339,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
(and some other texts)
turkish.pickle Turkish METU Turkish Corpus Milliyet ~333,000 Jan Strunk / Tibor Kiss
(Türkçe Derlem Projesi)
University of Ankara
The corpora contained about 400,000 tokens on average and mostly consisted of newspaper text converted to
Unicode using the codecs module.
Kiss, Tibor and Strunk, Jan (2006): Unsupervised Multilingual Sentence Boundary Detection.
Computational Linguistics 32: 485-525.
---- Training Code ----
# import punkt
import nltk.tokenize.punkt
# Make a new Tokenizer
tokenizer = nltk.tokenize.punkt.PunktSentenceTokenizer()
# Read in training corpus (one example: Slovene)
import codecs
text ="slovene.plain","Ur","iso-8859-2").read()
# Train tokenizer
# Dump pickled tokenizer
import pickle
out = open("slovene.pickle","wb")
pickle.dump(tokenizer, out)