import pandas as pd import yaml import numpy as np import argparse from execute_evaluation import evaluate import logging import os import json import sys from mteb import MTEB def add_model(): """ Esto actualiza el archivo del cual coge la información para crear la leaderboard. Entonces, cuando alguien quiera añadir un nuevo modelo, tiene que ejecutar este archivo. 1. Leemos el CSV, sacamos información y añadimos simplemente una nueva row. """ # Initialize an empty DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['dataset_name', 'Accuracy', 'Spearman','V_measure', 'ndcg_at_10', 'Category']) metadata_archive = 'mteb_metadata.yaml' with open(metadata_archive, 'r') as file: for index, data in enumerate(yaml.safe_load_all(file)): if index == 0: model_index_list = data.get('model-index', []) model_name = model_index_list[0].get('name') results_list = model_index_list[0].get('results', []) if results_list: for i in range(len(results_list)): task = results_list[i].get('task', {}) task_name = task.get("type") dataset_name = results_list[i]['dataset']['name'] # Initialize the row with NaN values row = {'dataset_name': dataset_name, 'Accuracy': None, 'Spearman': None, 'V_measure': None, 'ndcg_at_10': None} if task_name == "Classification": accuracy = next((metric.get('value') for metric in results_list[i].get('metrics', []) if metric.get('type') == 'accuracy'), None) row['Accuracy'] = accuracy row['Category'] = "Classification" elif task_name == "STS": spearman = next((metric.get('value') for metric in results_list[i].get('metrics', []) if metric.get('type') == 'cos_sim_spearman'), None) row['Spearman'] = spearman row["Category"] = "STS" elif task_name == "Clustering": v_measure = next((metric.get('value') for metric in results_list[i].get('metrics', []) if metric.get('type') == 'v_measure'), None) row['V_measure'] = v_measure row['Category'] = "Clustering" elif task_name == "Retrieval": ndcg_at_10 = next((metric.get('value') for metric in results_list[i].get('metrics', []) if metric.get('type') == 'ndcg_at_10'), None) row['ndcg_at_10'] = ndcg_at_10 row['Category'] = "Retrieval" # Append the row to the DataFrame using pd.concat new_df = pd.DataFrame([row]) df = pd.concat([df, new_df], ignore_index=True) print(df) df['Accuracy'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Accuracy'], errors='coerce') classification_average = round(df.loc[df['Category'] == 'Classification', 'Accuracy'].mean(),2) df['Spearman'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Spearman'], errors='coerce') sts_spearman_average = round(df.loc[df['Category'] == 'STS', 'Spearman'].mean(),2) df['V_measure'] = pd.to_numeric(df['V_measure'], errors='coerce') clustering_v_measure_average = round(df.loc[df['Category'] == 'Clustering', 'V_measure'].mean(),2) df['ndcg_at_10'] = pd.to_numeric(df['ndcg_at_10'], errors='coerce') retrieval_average = round(df.loc[df['Category'] == 'Retrieval', 'ndcg_at_10'].mean(),2) ## CLASSIFICATION classification_dataframe = pd.read_csv('../data/classification.csv') classification_df = df[df['Category']== 'Classification'] new_row_data = {'Model name': model_name, 'Average': classification_average} for index, row in classification_df.iterrows(): column_name = row['dataset_name'] accuracy_value = row['Accuracy'] new_row_data[column_name] = round(accuracy_value,2) new_row_df = pd.DataFrame(new_row_data,index=[0]) classification_dataframe = pd.concat([classification_dataframe,new_row_df],ignore_index=True) classification_dataframe.to_csv("../data/classification.csv",index=False) ## STS sts_dataframe = pd.read_csv('../data/sts.csv') sts_df = df[df['Category']=='STS'] new_row_data = {'Model name': model_name, 'Average': sts_spearman_average} for index, row in sts_df.iterrows(): column_name = row['dataset_name'] spearman_value = row['Spearman'] new_row_data[column_name] = round(spearman_value,2) new_row_df = pd.DataFrame(new_row_data,index = [0]) sts_dataframe = pd.concat([sts_dataframe,new_row_df],ignore_index=True) sts_dataframe.to_csv('../data/sts.csv',index=False) ## Clustering clustering_dataframe = pd.read_csv("../data/clustering.csv") clustering_df = df[df['Category']=='Clustering'] new_row_data = {'Model name': model_name, 'Average': clustering_v_measure_average} for index, row in clustering_df.iterrows(): column_name = row['dataset_name'] v_measure_value = row['V_measure'] new_row_data[column_name] = round(v_measure_value,2) new_row_df = pd.DataFrame(new_row_data,index = [0]) clustering_dataframe = pd.concat([clustering_dataframe,new_row_df],ignore_index=True) clustering_dataframe.to_csv('../data/clustering.csv',index=False) ## Retrieval retrieval_dataframe = pd.read_csv("../data/retrieval.csv") retrieval_df = df[df['Category']=='Retrieval'] new_row_data = {'Model name': model_name, 'Average': retrieval_average} for index, row in retrieval_df.iterrows(): column_name = row['dataset_name'] ndcg_at_10_value = row['ndcg_at_10'] new_row_data[column_name] = round(ndcg_at_10_value,2) new_row_df = pd.DataFrame(new_row_data,index = [0]) retrieval_dataframe = pd.concat([retrieval_dataframe,new_row_df],ignore_index=True) retrieval_dataframe.to_csv('../data/retrieval.csv',index=False) ## GENERAL general_dataframe = pd.read_csv("../data/general.csv") average = round(np.mean([classification_average,sts_spearman_average,clustering_v_measure_average,retrieval_average]),2) ## TODO: solucionar la meta-data como Model Size o Embedding Dimensions. new_instance = {'Model name':model_name, 'Model Size (GB)': None, 'Embedding Dimensions': None, 'Average':average, 'Classification Average': classification_average, 'Clustering Average': clustering_v_measure_average, 'STS Average': sts_spearman_average, 'Retrieval Average': retrieval_average} new_row_df = pd.DataFrame(new_instance, index=[0]) general_dataframe = pd.concat([general_dataframe, new_row_df], ignore_index=True) general_dataframe.to_csv("../data/general.csv",index=False) def results_to_yaml(results_folder): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) model_name = results_folder.split("/")[-1] all_results = {} for file_name in os.listdir(results_folder): if not file_name.endswith(".json"):"Skipping non-json {file_name}") raise ValueError("This is not the proper folder. It does not contain the corresponding Json files.") continue with open(os.path.join(results_folder, file_name), "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: results = json.load(f) all_results = {**all_results, **{file_name.replace(".json", ""): results}} # Use "train" split instead TRAIN_SPLIT = ["DanishPoliticalCommentsClassification"] # Use "validation" split instead VALIDATION_SPLIT = ["AFQMC", "Cmnli", "IFlyTek", "TNews", "MSMARCO", "MultilingualSentiment", "Ocnli"] # Use "dev" split instead DEV_SPLIT = ["CmedqaRetrieval", "CovidRetrieval", "DuRetrieval", "EcomRetrieval", "MedicalRetrieval", "MMarcoReranking", "MMarcoRetrieval", "MSMARCO", "T2Reranking", "T2Retrieval", "VideoRetrieval"] MARKER = "---" TAGS = "tags:" MTEB_TAG = "- mteb" HEADER = "model-index:" MODEL = f"- name: {model_name}" RES = " results:" META_STRING = "\n".join([MARKER, TAGS, MTEB_TAG, HEADER, MODEL, RES]) ONE_TASK = " - task:\n type: {}\n dataset:\n type: {}\n name: {}\n config: {}\n split: {}\n revision: {}\n metrics:" ONE_METRIC = " - type: {}\n value: {}" SKIP_KEYS = ["std", "evaluation_time", "main_score", "threshold"] for ds_name, res_dict in sorted(all_results.items()): mteb_desc = ( MTEB(tasks=[ds_name.replace("CQADupstackRetrieval", "CQADupstackAndroidRetrieval")]).tasks[0].description ) hf_hub_name = mteb_desc.get("hf_hub_name", mteb_desc.get("beir_name")) if "CQADupstack" in ds_name: hf_hub_name = "BeIR/cqadupstack" mteb_type = mteb_desc["type"] revision = res_dict.get("dataset_revision") # Okay if it's None split = "test" if (ds_name in TRAIN_SPLIT) and ("train" in res_dict): split = "train" elif (ds_name in VALIDATION_SPLIT) and ("validation" in res_dict): split = "validation" elif (ds_name in DEV_SPLIT) and ("dev" in res_dict): split = "dev" elif "test" not in res_dict:"Skipping {ds_name} as split {split} not present.") continue res_dict = res_dict.get(split) for lang in mteb_desc["eval_langs"]: mteb_name = f"MTEB {ds_name}" mteb_name += f" ({lang})" if len(mteb_desc["eval_langs"]) > 1 else "" # For English there is no language key if it's the only language test_result_lang = res_dict.get(lang) if len(mteb_desc["eval_langs"]) > 1 else res_dict # Skip if the language was not found but it has other languages if test_result_lang is None: continue META_STRING += "\n" + ONE_TASK.format( mteb_type, hf_hub_name, mteb_name, lang if len(mteb_desc["eval_langs"]) > 1 else "default", split, revision ) for metric, score in test_result_lang.items(): if not isinstance(score, dict): score = {metric: score} for sub_metric, sub_score in score.items(): if any([x in sub_metric for x in SKIP_KEYS]): continue META_STRING += "\n" + ONE_METRIC.format( f"{metric}_{sub_metric}" if metric != sub_metric else metric, # All MTEB scores are 0-1, multiply them by 100 for 3 reasons: # 1) It's easier to visually digest (You need two chars less: "0.1" -> "1") # 2) Others may multiply them by 100, when building on MTEB making it confusing what the range is # This happend with Text and Code Embeddings paper (OpenAI) vs original BEIR paper # 3) It's accepted practice (SuperGLUE, GLUE are 0-100) sub_score * 100, ) META_STRING += "\n" + MARKER if os.path.exists(f"./mteb_metadata.yaml"): logger.warning("Overwriting") with open(f"./mteb_metadata.yaml", "w") as f: f.write(META_STRING) def main(): # if args.execute_eval: # output_folder = evaluate(args.model_id) # #results_to_yaml(output_folder) # add_model() # else: # if args.output_folder == None and args.already_yaml == False: # raise ValueError("You must indicate where your results are located") # else: #results_to_yaml(args.output_folder) add_model() print('Model added') if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Select the model that you want to add to the Leaderboard.") #parser.add_argument("--model_id", type=str, required=True, help="HuggingFace model path that you want to evaluate.") #parser.add_argument("--execute_eval",type=bool, default=False, help="Select if you want to execute evaluation.") #parser.add_argument("--output_folder", type=str, help = "Select the folder in which the results are stored.") #parser.add_argument("--already_yaml",default=False, help="Select if you already have the yaml file.") args = parser.parse_args() main()