import time import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as px # Set page configuration st.set_page_config( page_title="Enhanced Fraud Detection Demo", page_icon="🔍", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="expanded", ) # Title of the app st.title("🔍 Enhanced Fraud Detection Simulation Demo") # Security and Compliance Information st.markdown(""" --- **Security & Compliance:** - **Data Protection:** All data is encrypted and securely stored. - **Access Control:** Role-based access control implemented for all users. --- """) # Sidebar for user inputs st.sidebar.header("Simulate Submission Data") applicant_id = st.sidebar.text_input("Applicant ID", "A12345") name = st.sidebar.text_input("Name", "John Doe") age = st.sidebar.number_input("Age", 18, 100, 34) income = st.sidebar.number_input("Income ($)", 0, 10000, 2500) benefits = st.sidebar.multiselect( "Benefits Applied For", ["Food Assistance", "Child Support", "Medical Coverage", "Temporary Assistance"], ["Food Assistance", "Child Support"] ) address = st.sidebar.text_input("Address", "123 Elm Street") ebt_card = st.sidebar.text_input("EBT Card Number", "EBT123456789") app_date = st.sidebar.date_input("Application Date", value=pd.to_datetime("2024-10-25")) # Scenario selection scenario = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Select Submission Scenario", ["Custom Submission", "Normal Submission", "Potential Fraud"] ) # Adjust submission data based on scenario if scenario == "Normal Submission": income = 5000 benefits = ["Food Assistance"] address_change = False elif scenario == "Potential Fraud": income = 2500 benefits = ["Food Assistance", "Child Support"] address_change = True else: # Custom submission address_change = True if "Elm Street" in address else False # Help Section with st.expander("ℹī¸ Help & Documentation"): st.markdown(""" **How to Use This Demo:** 1. **Simulate Submission:** Enter applicant details in the sidebar or select a predefined scenario. 2. **Start Simulation:** Click the "Start Fraud Detection Simulation" button to begin. 3. **View Results:** The app will display the submission data, anomaly detection results, a detailed report, and visualizations. 4. **Rerun Simulation:** Use the "Rerun Simulation" button to test different scenarios. **Understanding the Outputs:** - **Anomaly Score:** A higher score indicates a higher likelihood of fraud. - **Fraud Analysis Report:** Provides detailed reasons and recommendations based on detected anomalies. - **Visualizations:** Graphical representations of anomaly scores and distributions. **Security Features:** - All data is handled securely and complies with relevant standards. """) # Button to start the simulation if st.button("Start Fraud Detection Simulation"): # Step 1: Submission Intake with st.status("Receiving submission..."): st.write("đŸ“Ĩ **Submission Received:**") # Simulated submission data submission_data = { "Applicant ID": applicant_id, "Name": name, "Age": age, "Income": income, "Benefits Applied For": benefits, "Address": address, "EBT Card Number": ebt_card, "Application Date": str(app_date) } st.json(submission_data) progress = st.progress(20) time.sleep(1) progress.progress(40) time.sleep(1) # Simulate fetching additional data from EBT vendor (FIS) with st.status("Fetching data from EBT vendor (FIS)..."): st.write("🔗 **Connecting to EBT Vendor (FIS):**") # Simulated external data ebt_vendor_data = { "EBT Card Number": "EBT123456789", "Balance": 1500, "Last Transaction": "2024-10-24", "Transaction History": [ {"Date": "2024-10-20", "Amount": 100, "Merchant": "SuperMart"}, {"Date": "2024-10-22", "Amount": 200, "Merchant": "QuickStop"}, ] } st.json(ebt_vendor_data) progress.progress(60) time.sleep(1) progress.progress(80) time.sleep(1) # Step 2: Anomaly Detection with ML with st.status("Analyzing submission for anomalies..."): st.write("🤖 **Running ML Anomaly Detection:**") # Simulated pattern data existing_submissions = pd.DataFrame([ {"Applicant ID": "A12346", "Name": "Jane Smith", "Income": 5200, "Benefits": ["Food Assistance"], "Address": "456 Oak Street", "EBT Card Number": "EBT987654321"}, {"Applicant ID": "A12347", "Name": "Bob Johnson", "Income": 3000, "Benefits": ["Child Support"], "Address": "789 Pine Street", "EBT Card Number": "EBT192837465"}, # Add more submissions as needed ]) terminal_usage = pd.DataFrame([ {"Terminal ID": "T001", "Location": "SuperMart Downtown", "Anomaly Score": 0.1}, {"Terminal ID": "T002", "Location": "QuickStop Uptown", "Anomaly Score": 0.3}, {"Terminal ID": "T003", "Location": "MegaStore Central", "Anomaly Score": 0.7}, # Add more terminals as needed ]) call_center_patterns = pd.DataFrame([ {"Call Center ID": "C001", "Activity": "High volume of calls", "Anomaly Score": 0.4}, {"Call Center ID": "C002", "Activity": "Repeated failed verifications", "Anomaly Score": 0.6}, {"Call Center ID": "C003", "Activity": "Unusual call times", "Anomaly Score": 0.2}, # Add more patterns as needed ]) # Simple anomaly detection logic across patterns def detect_patterns(income, benefits, address_change, ebt_balance, terminal_id, call_center_id): anomaly_score = 0 reasons = [] # Income anomaly if income < 3000: anomaly_score += 0.2 reasons.append("Income significantly lower than average for applicants.") # Multiple benefits if len(benefits) > 1: anomaly_score += 0.2 reasons.append("Multiple benefits applied for simultaneously.") # Address change if address_change: anomaly_score += 0.1 reasons.append("Recent change in address detected.") # EBT balance anomaly if ebt_balance < 500: anomaly_score += 0.2 reasons.append("EBT balance unusually low.") # Terminal anomaly terminal = terminal_usage[terminal_usage["Terminal ID"] == terminal_id] if not terminal.empty and terminal["Anomaly Score"].values[0] > 0.5: anomaly_score += 0.2 reasons.append(f"Terminal {terminal_id} at {terminal['Location'].values[0]} shows high anomaly score.") # Call center pattern anomaly call_center = call_center_patterns[call_center_patterns["Call Center ID"] == call_center_id] if not call_center.empty and call_center["Anomaly Score"].values[0] > 0.5: anomaly_score += 0.1 reasons.append(f"Call Center {call_center_id} shows suspicious activity: {call_center['Activity'].values[0]}.") # Insider threat simulation (e.g., unusual internal access) insider_threat = False # Hardcoded for simplicity if insider_threat: anomaly_score += 0.1 reasons.append("Insider threat detected: Unusual internal access patterns.") return round(anomaly_score, 2), reasons # Simulate terminal and call center IDs simulated_terminal_id = "T003" # High anomaly score terminal simulated_call_center_id = "C002" # High anomaly score call center # EBT balance from vendor data ebt_balance = ebt_vendor_data["Balance"] # Calculate anomaly score anomaly_score, reasons = detect_patterns( income=income, benefits=benefits, address_change=address_change, ebt_balance=ebt_balance, terminal_id=simulated_terminal_id, call_center_id=simulated_call_center_id ) ml_response = { "Anomaly Detected": anomaly_score > 0.5, "Anomaly Score": anomaly_score, "Reasons": reasons } # Simulate processing steps st.write("🔍 **Evaluating applicant data and detecting patterns...") time.sleep(1) st.write("📊 **Calculating comprehensive anomaly score...") time.sleep(1) st.write("✅ **Anomaly Detection Complete.") st.json(ml_response) progress.progress(100) time.sleep(0.5) # Step 3: Report Generation with AI with st.status("Generating fraud analysis report..."): st.write("📝 **Generating Report:**") # Generate AI report based on ML response def generate_report(applicant_id, name, anomaly_score, reasons): report = f""" ### Fraud Analysis Report **Applicant ID:** {applicant_id} **Name:** {name} **Anomaly Score:** {anomaly_score} **Reasons for Potential Fraud:** """ for reason in reasons: report += f"- **{reason}**\n" report += """ **Recommendations:** - Conduct a detailed investigation of the applicant's financial records. - Verify the authenticity of the provided documents. - Monitor EBT card transactions for any suspicious activities. - Review terminal usage patterns and secure high-risk terminals. - Investigate call center activities associated with the applicant. """ return report ai_report = generate_report(applicant_id, name, ml_response["Anomaly Score"], ml_response["Reasons"]) # Simulate report generation st.markdown(ai_report) time.sleep(1) # Step 4: Visualization with st.status("Creating visualization of detected anomalies..."): st.write("📈 **Generating Visualization:**") # Simulated data for visualization # Anomaly Scores by Category data = { "Category": ["Income", "Benefits Applied", "Address Changes", "EBT Transactions", "Terminal Usage", "Call Center Activity"], "Score": [0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1] } df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Create a bar chart with Matplotlib fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) bars =["Category"], df["Score"], color=['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow']) ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_ylabel("Anomaly Score") ax.set_title("Anomaly Scores by Category") # Add score labels on top of bars for bar in bars: height = bar.get_height() ax.annotate(f'{height:.2f}', xy=(bar.get_x() + bar.get_width() / 2, height), xytext=(0, 3), # 3 points vertical offset textcoords="offset points", ha='center', va='bottom') st.pyplot(fig) time.sleep(1) # Additional Visualization: Anomaly Score Distribution st.write("📊 **Anomaly Score Distribution:**") fig_pie = px.pie( values=[1 - anomaly_score, anomaly_score], names=["Normal", "Anomaly"], title="Anomaly Score Distribution", color_discrete_sequence=["#4CAF50", "#F44336"] ) st.plotly_chart(fig_pie) time.sleep(1) # Terminal Anomaly Heatmap st.write("📍 **Terminal Anomaly Heatmap:**") # Simulated terminal locations and anomaly scores terminal_map_data = terminal_usage.copy() fig_map = px.scatter_geo( terminal_map_data, lat=[47.6062, 47.6097, 47.6205], # Example latitudes lon=[-122.3321, -122.3416, -122.3493], # Example longitudes text=terminal_map_data["Location"], size=terminal_map_data["Anomaly Score"] * 20, color=terminal_map_data["Anomaly Score"], color_continuous_scale="Reds", title="Terminal Anomaly Heatmap" ) st.plotly_chart(fig_map) time.sleep(1) # Final Status st.success("✅ **Fraud Detection Simulation Completed Successfully!**") # Feedback Section with st.expander("đŸ’Ŧ Provide Feedback"): feedback = st.text_area("We value your feedback. Please share your thoughts on this simulation.") if st.button("Submit Feedback"): st.success("Thank you for your feedback!") # Option to rerun st.markdown("---") st.button("Rerun Simulation") else:"Click the **Start Fraud Detection Simulation** button to begin.")