import marimo |
__generated_with = "0.10.16" |
app = marimo.App() |
@app.cell |
def _(): |
import marimo as mo |
import polars as pl |
from sklearn import datasets |
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split |
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier |
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report, confusion_matrix |
mo.md("# Iris Dataset Showcase") |
return ( |
DecisionTreeClassifier, |
accuracy_score, |
classification_report, |
confusion_matrix, |
datasets, |
mo, |
pl, |
train_test_split, |
) |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def _(datasets): |
iris = datasets.load_iris() |
X = iris.data |
y = iris.target |
return X, iris, y |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def _(X, train_test_split, y): |
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42) |
return X_test, X_train, y_test, y_train |
@app.cell |
def _(DecisionTreeClassifier, X_train, mo, y_train): |
classifier = DecisionTreeClassifier() |
classifier.fit(X_train, y_train) |
mo.md(f""" |
## Decision Tree Classifier |
""") |
return (classifier,) |
@app.cell |
def _(X_test, classifier): |
y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test) |
return (y_pred,) |
@app.cell |
def _( |
accuracy_score, |
classification_report, |
confusion_matrix, |
mo, |
y_pred, |
y_test, |
): |
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred) |
conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred) |
class_report = classification_report(y_test, y_pred) |
mo.md(f""" |
Accuracy: {accuracy} |
Confusion Matrix: |
``` |
{conf_matrix} |
``` |
Classification Report: |
``` |
{class_report} |
``` |
""") |
return accuracy, class_report, conf_matrix |
@app.cell |
def _(X_test, pl, y_pred, y_test): |
import seaborn as sns |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
df = pl.DataFrame({ |
"sepal length (cm)": X_test[:, 0], |
"sepal width (cm)": X_test[:, 1], |
"Predicted": y_pred, |
"Actual": y_test |
}) |
return df, plt, sns |
@app.cell |
def _(df, mo, plt, sns): |
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) |
sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='sepal length (cm)', y='sepal width (cm)', hue='Predicted', style='Actual', palette='Set1', markers=['o', 's', 'D']) |
plt.title('Iris Dataset: Sepal Length vs Sepal Width') |
plt.xlabel('Sepal Length (cm)') |
plt.ylabel('Sepal Width (cm)') |
plt.legend(title='Class') |
mo.vstack( |
[ |
mo.md("## Iris Dataset"), |
plt.gcf() |
] |
) |
return |
@app.cell |
def _(conf_matrix, iris, mo, plt, sns): |
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) |
sns.heatmap(conf_matrix, annot=True, fmt='d', cmap='Blues', xticklabels=iris.target_names, yticklabels=iris.target_names) |
plt.xlabel('Predicted') |
plt.ylabel('Actual') |
mo.vstack([ |
mo.md("## Confusion Matrix"), |
plt.gcf() |
]) |
return |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def _(iris, pl): |
iris_df = pl.DataFrame(data=iris.data, schema=iris.feature_names) |
iris_df = iris_df.with_columns(pl.Series("species", iris.target)) |
return (iris_df,) |
@app.cell |
def _(iris_df, mo, plt, sns): |
sns.pairplot(iris_df.to_pandas(), hue='species', palette='Set1', markers=["o", "s", "D"]) |
mo.vstack([ |
mo.md("## Pair Plot"), |
plt.gcf() |
]) |
return |
@app.cell |
def _(classifier, iris, mo, plt): |
from sklearn.tree import plot_tree |
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) |
plot_tree(classifier, filled=True, feature_names=iris.feature_names, class_names=iris.target_names) |
mo.vstack([ |
mo.md("## Classifier Decision Tree Visualization"), |
plt.gcf() |
]) |
return (plot_tree,) |
@app.cell(hide_code=True) |
def _(): |
tips = { |
"Saving": ( |
""" |
**Saving** |
- _Name_ your app using the box at the top of the screen, or |
with `Ctrl/Cmd+s`. You can also create a named app at the |
command line, e.g., `marimo edit app_name.py`. |
- _Save_ by clicking the save icon on the bottom right, or by |
inputting `Ctrl/Cmd+s`. By default marimo is configured |
to autosave. |
""" |
), |
"Running": ( |
""" |
1. _Run a cell_ by clicking the play ( ▷ ) button on the top |
right of a cell, or by inputting `Ctrl/Cmd+Enter`. |
2. _Run a stale cell_ by clicking the yellow run button on the |
right of the cell, or by inputting `Ctrl/Cmd+Enter`. A cell is |
stale when its code has been modified but not run. |
3. _Run all stale cells_ by clicking the play ( ▷ ) button on |
the bottom right of the screen, or input `Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+r`. |
""" |
), |
"Console Output": ( |
""" |
Console output (e.g., `print()` statements) is shown below a |
cell. |
""" |
), |
"Creating, Moving, and Deleting Cells": ( |
""" |
1. _Create_ a new cell above or below a given one by clicking |
the plus button to the left of the cell, which appears on |
mouse hover. |
2. _Move_ a cell up or down by dragging on the handle to the |
right of the cell, which appears on mouse hover. |
3. _Delete_ a cell by clicking the trash bin icon. Bring it |
back by clicking the undo button on the bottom right of the |
screen, or with `Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+z`. |
""" |
), |
"Disabling Automatic Execution": ( |
""" |
Via the notebook settings (gear icon) or footer panel, you |
can disable automatic execution. This is helpful when |
working with expensive notebooks or notebooks that have |
side-effects like database transactions. |
""" |
), |
"Disabling Cells": ( |
""" |
You can disable a cell via the cell context menu. |
marimo will never run a disabled cell or any cells that depend on it. |
This can help prevent accidental execution of expensive computations |
when editing a notebook. |
""" |
), |
"Code Folding": ( |
""" |
You can collapse or fold the code in a cell by clicking the arrow |
icons in the line number column to the left, or by using keyboard |
shortcuts. |
Use the command palette (`Ctrl/Cmd+k`) or a keyboard shortcut to |
quickly fold or unfold all cells. |
""" |
), |
"Code Formatting": ( |
""" |
If you have [ruff](https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff) installed, |
you can format a cell with the keyboard shortcut `Ctrl/Cmd+b`. |
""" |
), |
"Command Palette": ( |
""" |
Use `Ctrl/Cmd+k` to open the command palette. |
""" |
), |
"Keyboard Shortcuts": ( |
""" |
Open the notebook menu (top-right) or input `Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+h` to |
view a list of all keyboard shortcuts. |
""" |
), |
"Configuration": ( |
""" |
Configure the editor by clicking the gears icon near the top-right |
of the screen. |
""" |
), |
} |
return (tips,) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
app.run() |