import gradio as gr |
import json |
import subprocess |
import urllib.parse |
from pathlib import Path |
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download, HfApi |
from coremltools import ComputeUnit |
from coremltools.models.utils import _is_macos, _macos_version |
from transformers.onnx.utils import get_preprocessor |
from exporters.coreml import export |
from exporters.coreml.features import FeaturesManager |
from exporters.coreml.validate import validate_model_outputs |
compute_units_mapping = { |
"All": ComputeUnit.ALL, |
"CPU": ComputeUnit.CPU_ONLY, |
"CPU + GPU": ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_GPU, |
"CPU + NE": ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE, |
} |
compute_units_labels = list(compute_units_mapping.keys()) |
framework_mapping = { |
"PyTorch": "pt", |
"TensorFlow": "tf", |
} |
framework_labels = list(framework_mapping.keys()) |
precision_mapping = { |
"Float32": "float32", |
"Float16 quantization": "float16", |
} |
precision_labels = list(precision_mapping.keys()) |
tolerance_mapping = { |
"Model default": None, |
"1e-2": 1e-2, |
"1e-3": 1e-3, |
"1e-4": 1e-4, |
} |
tolerance_labels = list(tolerance_mapping.keys()) |
push_mapping = { |
"Submit a PR to the original repo": "pr", |
"Create a new repo": "new", |
} |
push_labels = list(push_mapping.keys()) |
def error_str(error, title="Error", model=None, task=None, framework=None, compute_units=None, precision=None, tolerance=None, destination=None): |
if not error: return "" |
issue_title = urllib.parse.quote(f"Error converting {model}") |
issue_description = urllib.parse.quote(f"""Conversion Settings: |
Model: {model} |
Task: {task} |
Framework: {framework} |
Compute Units: {compute_units} |
Precision: {precision} |
Tolerance: {tolerance} |
Push to: {destination} |
Error: {error} |
""") |
issue_url = f"https://huggingface.co/spaces/pcuenq/transformers-to-coreml/discussions/new?title={issue_title}&description={issue_description}" |
return f""" |
#### {title} |
{error} |
It could be that the model is not yet compatible with the Core ML exporter. Please, open a discussion on the [Hugging Face Hub]({issue_url}) to report this issue. |
""" |
def url_to_model_id(model_id_str): |
if not model_id_str.startswith("https://huggingface.co/"): return model_id_str |
return model_id_str.split("/")[-2] + "/" + model_id_str.split("/")[-1] |
def get_pr_url(api, repo_id, title): |
try: |
discussions = api.get_repo_discussions(repo_id=repo_id) |
except Exception: |
return None |
for discussion in discussions: |
if ( |
discussion.status == "open" |
and discussion.is_pull_request |
and discussion.title == title |
): |
return f"https://huggingface.co/{repo_id}/discussions/{discussion.num}" |
def supported_frameworks(model_id): |
""" |
Return a list of supported frameworks (`PyTorch` or `TensorFlow`) for a given model_id. |
Only PyTorch and Tensorflow are supported. |
""" |
api = HfApi() |
model_info = api.model_info(model_id) |
tags = model_info.tags |
frameworks = [tag for tag in tags if tag in ["pytorch", "tf"]] |
return sorted(["PyTorch" if f == "pytorch" else "TensorFlow" for f in frameworks]) |
def on_model_change(model): |
model = url_to_model_id(model) |
tasks = None |
error = None |
try: |
config_file = hf_hub_download(model, filename="config.json") |
if config_file is None: |
raise Exception(f"Model {model} not found") |
with open(config_file, "r") as f: |
config_json = f.read() |
config = json.loads(config_json) |
model_type = config["model_type"] |
features = FeaturesManager.get_supported_features_for_model_type(model_type) |
tasks = list(features.keys()) |
frameworks = supported_frameworks(model) |
selected_framework = frameworks[0] if len(frameworks) > 0 else None |
return ( |
gr.update(visible=bool(model_type)), |
gr.update(choices=tasks, value=tasks[0] if tasks else None), |
gr.update(visible=len(frameworks)>1, choices=frameworks, value=selected_framework), |
gr.update(value=error_str(error, model=model)), |
) |
except Exception as e: |
error = e |
model_type = None |
def convert_model(preprocessor, model, model_coreml_config, |
compute_units, precision, tolerance, output, |
use_past=False, seq2seq=None, |
progress=None, progress_start=0.1, progress_end=0.8): |
coreml_config = model_coreml_config(model.config, use_past=use_past, seq2seq=seq2seq) |
model_label = "model" if seq2seq is None else seq2seq |
progress(progress_start, desc=f"Converting {model_label}") |
mlmodel = export( |
preprocessor, |
model, |
coreml_config, |
quantize=precision, |
compute_units=compute_units, |
) |
filename = output |
if seq2seq == "encoder": |
filename = filename.parent / ("encoder_" + filename.name) |
elif seq2seq == "decoder": |
filename = filename.parent / ("decoder_" + filename.name) |
filename = filename.as_posix() |
mlmodel.save(filename) |
if _is_macos() and _macos_version() >= (12, 0): |
progress(progress_end * 0.8, desc=f"Validating {model_label}") |
if tolerance is None: |
tolerance = coreml_config.atol_for_validation |
validate_model_outputs(coreml_config, preprocessor, model, mlmodel, tolerance) |
progress(progress_end, desc=f"Done converting {model_label}") |
def push_to_hub(destination, directory, task, precision, token=None): |
api = HfApi(token=token) |
api.create_repo(destination, token=token, exist_ok=True) |
commit_message="Add Core ML conversion" |
api.upload_folder( |
folder_path=directory, |
repo_id=destination, |
token=token, |
create_pr=True, |
commit_message=commit_message, |
commit_description=f"Core ML conversion, task={task}, precision={precision}", |
) |
subprocess.run(["rm", "-rf", directory]) |
return get_pr_url(HfApi(token=token), destination, commit_message) |
def convert(model_id, task, |
compute_units, precision, tolerance, framework, |
push_destination, destination_model, token, |
progress=gr.Progress()): |
model_id = url_to_model_id(model_id) |
compute_units = compute_units_mapping[compute_units] |
precision = precision_mapping[precision] |
tolerance = tolerance_mapping[tolerance] |
framework = framework_mapping[framework] |
push_destination = push_mapping[push_destination] |
if push_destination == "pr": |
destination_model = model_id |
token = None |
base = Path("exported")/model_id |
output = base/"coreml"/task |
output.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
output = output/f"{precision}_model.mlpackage" |
try: |
progress(0, desc="Downloading model") |
preprocessor = get_preprocessor(model_id) |
model = FeaturesManager.get_model_from_feature(task, model_id, framework=framework) |
_, model_coreml_config = FeaturesManager.check_supported_model_or_raise(model, feature=task) |
if task in ["seq2seq-lm", "speech-seq2seq"]: |
convert_model( |
preprocessor, |
model, |
model_coreml_config, |
compute_units, |
precision, |
tolerance, |
output, |
seq2seq="encoder", |
progress=progress, |
progress_start=0.1, |
progress_end=0.4, |
) |
progress(0.4, desc="Converting decoder") |
convert_model( |
preprocessor, |
model, |
model_coreml_config, |
compute_units, |
precision, |
tolerance, |
output, |
seq2seq="decoder", |
progress=progress, |
progress_start=0.4, |
progress_end=0.7, |
) |
else: |
convert_model( |
preprocessor, |
model, |
model_coreml_config, |
compute_units, |
precision, |
tolerance, |
output, |
progress=progress, |
progress_end=0.7, |
) |
progress(0.7, "Uploading model to Hub") |
pr_url = push_to_hub(destination_model, base, task, precision, token=token) |
progress(1, "Done") |
did_validate = _is_macos() and _macos_version() >= (12, 0) |
result = f"""### Successfully converted! |
We opened a PR to add the Core ML weights to the model repo. Please, view and merge the PR [here]({pr_url}). |
{f"**Note**: model could not be automatically validated as this Space is not running on macOS." if not did_validate else ""} |
""" |
return result |
except Exception as e: |
return error_str(e, model=model_id, task=task, framework=framework, compute_units=compute_units, precision=precision, tolerance=tolerance) |
## Convert a transformers model to Core ML |
With this Space you can try to convert a transformers model to Core ML. It uses the 🤗 Hugging Face [Exporters repo](https://huggingface.co/exporters) under the hood. |
Note that not all models are supported. If you get an error on a model you'd like to convert, please open an issue on the [repo](https://github.com/huggingface/exporters). |
After conversion, you can choose to submit a PR to the original repo, or create your own repo with just the converted Core ML weights. |
""" |
with gr.Blocks() as demo: |
gr.Markdown(DESCRIPTION) |
with gr.Row(): |
with gr.Column(scale=2): |
gr.Markdown("## 1. Load model info") |
input_model = gr.Textbox( |
max_lines=1, |
label="Model name or URL, such as apple/mobilevit-small", |
placeholder="pcuenq/distilbert-base-uncased", |
) |
btn_get_tasks = gr.Button("Load") |
with gr.Column(scale=3): |
with gr.Column(visible=False) as group_settings: |
gr.Markdown("## 2. Select Task") |
radio_tasks = gr.Radio(label="Choose the task for the converted model.") |
gr.Markdown("The `default` task is suitable for feature extraction.") |
radio_framework = gr.Radio( |
visible=False, |
label="Framework", |
choices=framework_labels, |
value=framework_labels[0], |
) |
radio_compute = gr.Radio( |
label="Compute Units", |
choices=compute_units_labels, |
value=compute_units_labels[0], |
) |
radio_precision = gr.Radio( |
label="Precision", |
choices=precision_labels, |
value=precision_labels[0], |
) |
radio_tolerance = gr.Radio( |
label="Absolute Tolerance for Validation", |
choices=tolerance_labels, |
value=tolerance_labels[0], |
) |
radio_push = gr.Radio( |
label="Destination Model", |
choices=push_labels, |
value=push_labels[0], |
) |
with gr.Row(visible=False) as row_destination: |
text_destination = gr.Textbox(label="Destination model name", value="") |
text_token = gr.Textbox(label="Token (write permissions)", value="") |
btn_convert = gr.Button("Convert") |
gr.Markdown("Conversion will take a few minutes.") |
error_output = gr.Markdown(label="Output") |
btn_get_tasks.click(lambda x: gr.update(value=''), [], [error_output]) |
btn_convert.click(lambda x: gr.update(value=''), [], [error_output]) |
input_model.submit(lambda x: gr.update(value=''), [],[error_output]) |
input_model.submit( |
fn=on_model_change, |
inputs=input_model, |
outputs=[group_settings, radio_tasks, radio_framework, error_output], |
queue=False, |
scroll_to_output=True |
) |
btn_get_tasks.click( |
fn=on_model_change, |
inputs=input_model, |
outputs=[group_settings, radio_tasks, radio_framework, error_output], |
queue=False, |
scroll_to_output=True |
) |
btn_convert.click( |
fn=convert, |
inputs=[input_model, radio_tasks, radio_compute, radio_precision, radio_tolerance, radio_framework, radio_push, text_destination, text_token], |
outputs=error_output, |
scroll_to_output=True |
) |
radio_push.change( |
lambda x: gr.update(visible=x == "Create a new repo"), |
inputs=radio_push, |
outputs=row_destination, |
queue=False, |
scroll_to_output=True |
) |
gr.HTML(""" |
<div style="border-top: 0.5px solid #303030;"> |
<br> |
<p style="color:gray;font-size:smaller;font-style:italic">Adapted from https://huggingface.co/spaces/diffusers/sd-to-diffusers/tree/main</p><br> |
</div> |
""") |
demo.queue(concurrency_count=1, max_size=10) |
demo.launch(debug=True, share=False) |