cowboyuniverse's picture
Duplicate from ntt123/WaveGRU-Text-To-Speech
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "sparse_matmul/compute/ar_inputs.h"
#include "sparse_matmul/numerics/fast_transcendentals.h"
namespace csrblocksparse {
constexpr int kGenericSIMDWidth = 4;
// TODO(b/188702959): Rename arguments to match gru_gates.h.
template <typename GRUStateType, typename GRUMatMulOutType, typename QR_W_Type,
typename SampleType, ARInputsMode kInputsMode,
bool SplitGates = false>
void GoThroughGates(int start, int end, const QR_W_Type* qr_ptr,
const GRUMatMulOutType* gru_gates_ptr,
const GRUMatMulOutType* gru_gates_other_ptr,
const GRUMatMulOutType* conditioning_ptr,
GRUStateType* gru_h_ptr, const QR_W_Type* w_hat,
int proj_size, const SampleType* coarse_at_sminus1,
const SampleType* fine_at_sminus1,
const SampleType* coarse_at_s = nullptr) {
float qr_cell = 0.0f, reset, update, cell;
for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
if (kInputsMode == ARInputsMode::k0ARInputs) {
reset = static_cast<float>(gru_gates_ptr[i]);
update = static_cast<float>(gru_gates_ptr[proj_size + i]);
} else {
float qr_c_reset = static_cast<float>(qr_ptr[2 * i + 0]);
float qr_f_reset = static_cast<float>(qr_ptr[2 * i + 1]);
float qr_c_update = static_cast<float>(qr_ptr[2 * proj_size + 2 * i + 0]);
float qr_f_update = static_cast<float>(qr_ptr[2 * proj_size + 2 * i + 1]);
float qr_c_cell = static_cast<float>(qr_ptr[4 * proj_size + 2 * i + 0]);
float qr_f_cell = static_cast<float>(qr_ptr[4 * proj_size + 2 * i + 1]);
float w_hat_i_reset = 0.0f;
float w_hat_i_update = 0.0f;
float w_hat_i_cell = 0.0f;
if (kInputsMode == ARInputsMode::k3ARInputs) {
w_hat_i_reset = static_cast<float>(w_hat[i]);
w_hat_i_update = static_cast<float>(w_hat[proj_size + i]);
w_hat_i_cell = static_cast<float>(w_hat[2 * proj_size + i]);
float coarse = static_cast<float>(coarse_at_sminus1[0]);
float fine = static_cast<float>(fine_at_sminus1[0]);
reset = qr_c_reset * coarse + qr_f_reset * fine;
update = qr_c_update * coarse + qr_f_update * fine;
qr_cell = qr_c_cell * coarse + qr_f_cell * fine;
if (kInputsMode == ARInputsMode::k3ARInputs) {
float coarse = static_cast<float>(coarse_at_s[0]);
reset += w_hat_i_reset * coarse;
update += w_hat_i_update * coarse;
qr_cell += w_hat_i_cell * coarse;
reset += static_cast<float>(gru_gates_ptr[i]);
update += static_cast<float>(gru_gates_ptr[proj_size + i]);
cell = static_cast<float>(gru_gates_ptr[2 * proj_size + i]);
if (SplitGates) {
reset += static_cast<float>(gru_gates_other_ptr[i]);
update += static_cast<float>(gru_gates_other_ptr[proj_size + i]);
cell += static_cast<float>(gru_gates_other_ptr[2 * proj_size + i]);
float reset_conditioning = static_cast<float>(conditioning_ptr[i]);
float update_conditioning =
static_cast<float>(conditioning_ptr[proj_size + i]);
float cell_conditioning =
static_cast<float>(conditioning_ptr[2 * proj_size + i]);
reset = fast_sigmoid(reset + reset_conditioning);
update = fast_sigmoid(update + update_conditioning);
float hbar = fast_tanh(qr_cell + reset * cell + cell_conditioning);
int h_index = i;
float prev_h = static_cast<float>(gru_h_ptr[h_index]);
float diff = prev_h - hbar;
float new_h = hbar + diff * update;
gru_h_ptr[h_index] = static_cast<GRUStateType>(new_h);
} // namespace csrblocksparse