Text-To-Speech-WaveGRU / sparse_matmul /layers /csr_blocksparse_matrix.h
cowboyuniverse's picture
Duplicate from ntt123/WaveGRU-Text-To-Speech
* Copyright 2021 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include "glog/logging.h"
// IWYU pragma: begin_exports
#include "sparse_matmul/compute/kernels_generic.h"
#include "sparse_matmul/compute/matmul.h"
#include "sparse_matmul/compute/thread_bounds.h"
#include "sparse_matmul/layers/masked_sparse_matrix.h"
#include "sparse_matmul/numerics/fixed_types.h"
#include "sparse_matmul/numerics/float16_types.h"
#include "sparse_matmul/os/coop_threads.h"
#include "sparse_matmul/vector/cache_aligned_vector.h"
// IWYU pragma: end_exports
#include "absl/memory/memory.h"
namespace csrblocksparse {
// CsrBlockSparseMatrix stores a modified block compressed sparse row
// representation of a sparse matrix. The ordering of the weights is modified
// in the 16x1 and 1x1 cases so that a certain number (4 and 8 respectively)
// of columns of weights are stored contiguously before moving on to the next
// row. The 4x4 case stores each block contiguously.
// Currently it is constructed from a MaskedSparseMatrix which usees a dense
// binary mask representation. The construction generates the compressed
// representation. Further iterations will support a direct serialization
// of the compressed representation.
// MaskedSparseMatrix masked_matrix(rows, cols, existing_mask, existing_values)
// CsrBlockSparseMatrix matrix(masked_matrix)
// matrix.SpMV_bias(rhs, bias, &out);
// This class is thread compatible.
template <typename WeightType, typename RhsType, typename DeltaType = int16_t>
class CsrBlockSparseMatrix {
CsrBlockSparseMatrix() {}
// Reference used to indicate that this is an input and not an output.
CsrBlockSparseMatrix(const uint8_t* const& buffer, const std::size_t& len) {
ReadFromFlatBuffer(buffer, len);
template <typename InputType>
CsrBlockSparseMatrix(const MaskedSparseMatrix<InputType>& masked_matrix) {
sparsity_ = masked_matrix.sparsity();
rows_ = masked_matrix.rows();
cols_ = masked_matrix.cols();
if (block_width_ == 1 && block_height_ == 1)
col_multiple_ = 8;
col_multiple_ = 1;
std::vector<InputType> weights(masked_matrix.values().begin(),
reduced_rows_ = (rows_ + block_height_ - 1) / block_height_;
rows_ = reduced_rows_ * block_height_;
reduced_cols_ = cols_ / block_width_;
// Calculate the reduced CSR representation of the matrix.
std::vector<int> reduced_mask(reduced_rows_ * reduced_cols_);
std::vector<int> row_offsets = {0};
int nnz = 0;
const auto& mask = masked_matrix.mask();
for (int r = 0; r < reduced_rows_; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < reduced_cols_; ++c) {
int mask_val = mask[r * block_height_ * cols_ + c * block_width_];
reduced_mask[r * reduced_cols_ + c] = mask_val;
nnz += mask_val;
// Make sure the reduced representation has the correct number of columns.
MakeColumnsMultiple(row_offsets, &reduced_mask, &weights);
std::vector<int> col_indices;
std::vector<WeightType> weights_csr;
std::vector<int> nnz_per_row;
MaskAndWeightsToCsr(reduced_mask, weights, &nnz_per_row, &col_indices,
// Generate column deltas from |col_indices|.
std::vector<DeltaType> col_deltas;
for (int i = 0; i < col_indices.size(); ++i) {
// |col_indices| are used to index the RHS vector which is always float.
int64_t diff = sizeof(RhsType);
if (i == 0)
diff *= block_width_ * (col_indices[i]);
diff *= block_width_ * (col_indices[i] - col_indices[i - 1]);
CHECK(diff < std::numeric_limits<DeltaType>::max())
<< "delta between column indices in bytes " << diff
<< " exceeded the maximum size of the DeltaType "
<< std::numeric_limits<DeltaType>::max();
// Because of pre-fetching we need some extra values at the end.
col_deltas.insert(col_deltas.end(), std::max(2, col_multiple_ + 1), 0);
nnz_per_row.insert(nnz_per_row.end(), 2, nnz_per_row.back());
weights_ = CacheAlignedVector<WeightType>(weights_csr);
col_deltas_ = CacheAlignedVector<DeltaType>(col_deltas);
nnz_per_row_ = CacheAlignedVector<int>(nnz_per_row);
num_threads_ = 0;
// Constructor makes a matrix from the given weights, deltas and nnz, taking
// the other parameters from |src_matrix|. |cols| is the number of raw columns
// (NOT blocks) of the new matrix.
const CsrBlockSparseMatrix<WeightType, RhsType, DeltaType>& src_matrix,
const std::vector<WeightType>& new_weights,
const std::vector<DeltaType>& new_deltas, const std::vector<int>& new_nnz,
int cols) {
num_threads_ = 0;
col_multiple_ = src_matrix.col_multiple_;
block_width_ = src_matrix.block_width_;
block_height_ = src_matrix.block_height_;
reduced_rows_ = new_nnz.size();
rows_ = reduced_rows_ * block_height_;
cols_ = cols;
reduced_cols_ = cols_ / block_width_;
weights_ = CacheAlignedVector<WeightType>(new_weights);
col_deltas_ = CacheAlignedVector<DeltaType>(new_deltas);
nnz_per_row_ = CacheAlignedVector<int>(new_nnz);
sparsity_ = 1.0f - static_cast<float>(new_weights.size()) / (rows_ * cols_);
name_ = src_matrix.name_;
// Factory method takes a column slice out of *this and returns a sparse
// matrix that takes as inputs [|start_col|, |end_col|) of *this, and
// returns the same number of outputs, but only a partial result.
// If |keep_rhs_size|, then the new matrix takes the same rhs as the current
// matrix, but uses a subset of it, instead of expecting just the reduced rhs.
// If |start_col| > |end_col|, then we slice out the complement of the defined
// interval, ie [0, |end_col|) + [|start_col|, current end).
// NOTE That |start_col| and |end_col| are in raw column coordinates, NOT
// block units.
CsrBlockSparseMatrix SplitByColumn(int start_col, int end_col,
bool keep_rhs_size = false) const {
int weight_index = 0;
int delta_index = 0;
std::vector<DeltaType> new_deltas;
std::vector<WeightType> new_weights;
std::vector<int> new_nnz(reduced_rows_);
int col = 0;
int prev_col = keep_rhs_size ? 0 : start_col;
for (int r = 0; r < reduced_rows_; ++r) {
int reduced_col_count = nnz_per_row_[r];
for (int c = 0; c < reduced_col_count; ++c, ++delta_index) {
col += col_deltas_[delta_index] / sizeof(RhsType);
if ((start_col < end_col && start_col <= col && col < end_col) ||
(start_col > end_col && (col < end_col || col >= start_col))) {
new_deltas.push_back((col - prev_col) * sizeof(RhsType));
prev_col = col;
for (int i = 0; i < block_width_ * block_height_;
++i, ++weight_index) {
} else {
weight_index += block_width_ * block_height_;
int new_cols = keep_rhs_size ? cols_ : end_col - start_col;
return CsrBlockSparseMatrix(*this, new_weights, new_deltas, new_nnz,
// Factory method takes a row slice out of *this and returns a sparse
// matrix that takes the sampe inputs as *this, and returns the outputs for
// the range [|start_row|, |end_row|).
// NOTE That |start_row| and |end_row| are in raw column coordinates, NOT
// block units.
CsrBlockSparseMatrix SplitByRow(int start_row, int end_row) const {
int start_reduced = start_row / block_height_;
int end_reduced = end_row / block_height_;
std::vector<int> new_nnz(nnz_per_row_.data() + start_reduced,
nnz_per_row_.data() + end_reduced);
int weight_start = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < start_reduced; ++r) {
weight_start += nnz_per_row_[r];
int weight_end = weight_start;
for (int r = start_reduced; r < end_reduced; ++r) {
weight_end += nnz_per_row_[r];
int delta_start = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < weight_start; ++i) {
delta_start += col_deltas_[i];
std::vector<DeltaType> new_deltas(col_deltas_.data() + weight_start,
col_deltas_.data() + weight_end);
new_deltas[0] += delta_start;
int block_size = block_height_ * block_width_;
std::vector<WeightType> new_weights(
weights_.data() + weight_start * block_size,
weights_.data() + weight_end * block_size);
return CsrBlockSparseMatrix(*this, new_weights, new_deltas, new_nnz, cols_);
// Combines adjacent row blocks, doubling the block height.
// This necessarily involves adding zero weights where the blocks don't align
// across adjacent pairs of rows, so use with caution, as the resulting matrix
// is most likely to run slower if very sparse to begin with.
// In the few cases where the blocks do mostly align, the resulting matmul
// could be much faster, as the number of reads of the rhs will be halved.
void DoubleBlockHeight() {
int new_rows = reduced_rows_ / 2;
std::vector<int> new_nnz(new_rows);
std::vector<DeltaType> new_rhs_indices;
std::vector<WeightType> new_weights;
int rhs_index1 = 0;
int rhs_index2 = 0;
int block_size = block_height_ * block_width_;
for (int r = 0; r < new_rows; ++r) {
int start_nnz = new_rhs_indices.size();
rhs_index2 += nnz_per_row_[r * 2];
int end1 = rhs_index1 + nnz_per_row_[r * 2];
int end2 = rhs_index2 + nnz_per_row_[r * 2 + 1];
// Run over a pair of rows with 2 iterators, combining blocks as we go, or
// padding with zeros where the block positions don't match.
while (rhs_index1 < end1 || rhs_index2 < end2) {
int col1 = rhs_index1 < end1 ? rhs_indices_[rhs_index1] : reduced_cols_;
int col2 = rhs_index2 < end2 ? rhs_indices_[rhs_index2] : reduced_cols_;
if (col1 < col2) {
// Need zero weights for row2 to pad out weights block.
weights_.data() + rhs_index1 * block_size,
weights_.data() + (rhs_index1 + 1) * block_size);
new_weights.insert(new_weights.end(), block_size,
} else if (col1 > col2) {
// Need zero weights for row1 to pad out weights block.
new_weights.insert(new_weights.end(), block_size,
weights_.data() + rhs_index2 * block_size,
weights_.data() + (rhs_index2 + 1) * block_size);
} else {
// Combine weights for both row1 and row2.
weights_.data() + rhs_index1 * block_size,
weights_.data() + (rhs_index1 + 1) * block_size);
weights_.data() + rhs_index2 * block_size,
weights_.data() + (rhs_index2 + 1) * block_size);
rhs_index1 = rhs_index2;
new_nnz[r] = new_rhs_indices.size() - start_nnz;
block_height_ *= 2;
reduced_rows_ /= 2;
weights_ = CacheAlignedVector<WeightType>(new_weights);
rhs_indices_ = CacheAlignedVector<DeltaType>(new_rhs_indices);
nnz_per_row_ = CacheAlignedVector<int>(new_nnz);
sparsity_ = 1.0f - static_cast<float>(new_weights.size()) / (rows_ * cols_);
if (num_threads_ > 0) {
int num_threads = num_threads_;
num_threads_ = 0;
// Allocates memory and fills buffer.
// Caller is responsible for the memory de-allocation.
// TODO(b/189958858): Both Read and Write need to eventually handle the
// different possible HalfType and DeltaType values, but punting for now as
// there is only one supported combination.
std::size_t WriteToFlatBuffer(std::string* csr_flatbuffer) {
std::size_t bytes = 0;
bytes += FixedParameterSize();
bytes += weights_.size() * sizeof(WeightType);
bytes += col_deltas_.size() * sizeof(DeltaType);
bytes += nnz_per_row_.size() * sizeof(int);
uint8_t* bytes_ptr_ptr =
int* int_bytes_ptr = reinterpret_cast<int*>(bytes_ptr_ptr);
*int_bytes_ptr++ = rows_;
*int_bytes_ptr++ = cols_;
*int_bytes_ptr++ = reduced_rows_;
*int_bytes_ptr++ = reduced_cols_;
*int_bytes_ptr++ = block_width_;
*int_bytes_ptr++ = block_height_;
*int_bytes_ptr++ = col_multiple_;
*int_bytes_ptr++ = num_threads_;
*int_bytes_ptr++ = weights_.size();
*int_bytes_ptr++ = col_deltas_.size();
*int_bytes_ptr++ = nnz_per_row_.size();
float* float_bytes_ptr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(int_bytes_ptr);
*float_bytes_ptr++ = sparsity_;
uint8_t* bytes_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(float_bytes_ptr);
memcpy(bytes_ptr, weights_.data(), weights_.size() * sizeof(WeightType));
bytes_ptr += weights_.size() * sizeof(WeightType);
memcpy(bytes_ptr, col_deltas_.data(),
col_deltas_.size() * sizeof(DeltaType));
bytes_ptr += col_deltas_.size() * sizeof(DeltaType);
memcpy(bytes_ptr, nnz_per_row_.data(), nnz_per_row_.size() * sizeof(int));
bytes_ptr += nnz_per_row_.size() * sizeof(int);
csr_flatbuffer->assign(reinterpret_cast<char*>(bytes_ptr_ptr), bytes);
return bytes;
void ReadFromFlatBuffer(const uint8_t* const& bytes, const std::size_t& len) {
CHECK_GE(len, FixedParameterSize());
const int* int_bytes_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const int*>(bytes);
rows_ = *int_bytes_ptr++;
cols_ = *int_bytes_ptr++;
reduced_rows_ = *int_bytes_ptr++;
reduced_cols_ = *int_bytes_ptr++;
block_width_ = *int_bytes_ptr++;
block_height_ = *int_bytes_ptr++;
col_multiple_ = *int_bytes_ptr++;
int num_threads = *int_bytes_ptr++;
int32_t weights_size = *int_bytes_ptr++;
int32_t col_deltas_size = *int_bytes_ptr++;
int32_t nnz_per_row_size = *int_bytes_ptr++;
// Make sure negative sizes don't mess things up.
weights_size = std::max(0, weights_size);
col_deltas_size = std::max(0, col_deltas_size);
nnz_per_row_size = std::max(0, nnz_per_row_size);
const float* float_bytes_ptr =
reinterpret_cast<const float*>(int_bytes_ptr);
sparsity_ = *float_bytes_ptr++;
std::size_t total_bytes =
FixedParameterSize() + weights_size * sizeof(WeightType) +
col_deltas_size * sizeof(DeltaType) + nnz_per_row_size * sizeof(int);
CHECK_EQ(total_bytes, len)
<< "total bytes: " << total_bytes << ", actual len given: " << len;
const uint8_t* bytes_ptr =
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(float_bytes_ptr);
std::vector<WeightType> weights_raw(weights_size);
memcpy(weights_raw.data(), bytes_ptr, weights_size * sizeof(WeightType));
weights_ = CacheAlignedVector<WeightType>(weights_raw);
bytes_ptr += weights_size * sizeof(WeightType);
std::vector<DeltaType> deltas_raw(col_deltas_size);
memcpy(deltas_raw.data(), bytes_ptr, col_deltas_size * sizeof(DeltaType));
col_deltas_ = CacheAlignedVector<DeltaType>(deltas_raw);
bytes_ptr += col_deltas_size * sizeof(DeltaType);
std::vector<int> nnz_raw(nnz_per_row_size);
memcpy(nnz_raw.data(), bytes_ptr, nnz_per_row_size * sizeof(int));
nnz_per_row_ = CacheAlignedVector<int>(nnz_raw);
num_threads_ = 0;
// Multiply a Sparse matrix by a possibly dense matrix. Often the matrix is
// a vector with a small number of columns, hence the term "fat vector".
// 1x1 and 4x4 have specializations for output columns (ie fatness) > 5,
// and often achieve twice as many GFlops when multiplying a right hand side
// that has 5 or more columns. (Best is a multiple of 5).
// 16x1 doesn't have enough registers and just loops over the width 1 kernel.
// |rhs| and |out| are COLUMN MAJOR.
// Fast Tuples WeightType, BiasType, RhsType, OutType are:
// (float, float, float, float)
// (bfloat16, float, float, float)
// and only on ARM64. All other cases use a slow generic implementation.
template <typename RhsClass, typename BiasClass, typename OutClass,
typename BiasType = typename BiasClass::value_type,
typename OutType = typename OutClass::value_type>
void SpMM_bias(const RhsClass& rhs, const BiasClass& bias, OutClass* out,
bool relu = false, int tid = 0,
SpinBarrier* barrier = nullptr) const {
static_assert(std::is_same<typename RhsClass::value_type, RhsType>::value,
"Rhs types must match");
CHECK_LT(tid, num_threads_);
CHECK_EQ(rhs.cols(), out->cols());
CHECK_EQ(rhs.rows(), cols_);
CHECK_GE(out->rows(), rows_);
int cols_to_go = out->cols();
int rhs_index = *thread_bounds_.OffsetRhsIndices(rhs_indices_.data(), tid);
const RhsType* rhs_ptr = rhs.data() + rhs_index * block_height_;
OutType* out_ptr = thread_bounds_.OffsetOutput(out->data(), tid);
const WeightType* weights_ptr =
thread_bounds_.OffsetWeights(weights_.data(), tid);
const DeltaType* delta_ptr =
thread_bounds_.OffsetRhsIndices(col_deltas_.data(), tid);
int offset = *delta_ptr / sizeof(RhsType);
rhs_ptr -= offset;
const int* nnz_ptr = nnz_per_row_.data() + thread_bounds_.StartRow(tid);
int assigned_rows =
thread_bounds_.StartRow(tid + 1) - thread_bounds_.StartRow(tid);
const BiasType* bias_ptr = thread_bounds_.OffsetBias(bias.data(), tid);
while (cols_to_go > 0) {
if (block_width_ == 4 && block_height_ == 4) {
if (cols_to_go >= 5) {
detail::SpMM5_4x4<WeightType, RhsType, OutType>(
weights_ptr, delta_ptr, nnz_ptr, rhs_ptr, bias_ptr, out_ptr,
assigned_rows, out->col_stride(), rhs.col_stride(), relu);
} else {
detail::SpMV_4x4<WeightType, RhsType, OutType>(
weights_ptr, delta_ptr, nnz_ptr, rhs_ptr, bias_ptr, out_ptr,
assigned_rows, out->col_stride(), rhs.col_stride(), relu);
} else {
if (cols_to_go >= 5) {
detail::SpMM5_1x1<WeightType, RhsType, OutType>(
weights_ptr, delta_ptr, nnz_ptr, rhs_ptr, bias_ptr, out_ptr,
assigned_rows, out->col_stride(), rhs.col_stride(), relu);
} else {
detail::SpMV_1x1<WeightType, RhsType, OutType>(
weights_ptr, delta_ptr, nnz_ptr, rhs_ptr, bias_ptr, out_ptr,
assigned_rows, out->col_stride(), rhs.col_stride(), relu);
if (cols_to_go >= 5) {
cols_to_go -= 5;
rhs_ptr += rhs.col_stride() * 5;
out_ptr += out->col_stride() * 5;
} else {
rhs_ptr += rhs.col_stride();
out_ptr += out->col_stride();
if (barrier) barrier->barrier();
template <typename MVRhsType, typename MVBiasType, typename OutType>
void MatVec(const MVRhsType* rhs, const MVBiasType* bias, bool relu, int tid,
int replicas, int output_stride, OutType* output) {
CHECK_LT(tid, num_threads_);
CHECK_EQ(block_width_, 4) << "Block width must be 4!";
if (block_height_ == 8) {
thread_bounds_.OffsetWeights(weights_.cast_data(), tid), rhs,
thread_bounds_.OffsetBias(bias, tid), nnz_per_row_.data(),
thread_bounds_.OffsetRhsIndices(rhs_indices_.data(), tid),
thread_bounds_.StartRow(tid), thread_bounds_.StartRow(tid + 1), relu,
replicas, output_stride, thread_bounds_.OffsetOutput(output, tid));
} else {
CHECK_EQ(block_height_, 4) << "Block height must be 4 or 8!";
thread_bounds_.OffsetWeights(weights_.cast_data(), tid), rhs,
thread_bounds_.OffsetBias(bias, tid), nnz_per_row_.data(),
thread_bounds_.OffsetRhsIndices(rhs_indices_.data(), tid),
thread_bounds_.StartRow(tid), thread_bounds_.StartRow(tid + 1), relu,
replicas, output_stride, thread_bounds_.OffsetOutput(output, tid));
int rows() const { return rows_; }
int cols() const { return cols_; }
int block_height() const { return block_height_; }
int block_width() const { return block_width_; }
float sparsity() const { return sparsity_; }
int num_threads() const { return num_threads_; }
const ThreadBounds& thread_bounds() const { return thread_bounds_; }
const CacheAlignedVector<DeltaType>& rhs_indices() const {
return rhs_indices_;
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
void set_name(const std::string& name) { name_ = name; }
const std::vector<int>& split_points() const {
return thread_bounds_.row_starts();
std::size_t bytes() const {
return weights_.size() * sizeof(WeightType) +
col_deltas_.size() * sizeof(DeltaType) +
nnz_per_row_.size() * sizeof(int);
// Multiplies a sparse matrix by a possibly dense matrix, as SpMM_bias above,
// and then samples from the output (softmax distribution) layer.
template <typename RhsClass, typename BiasClass, typename OutClass,
typename BiasType = typename BiasClass::value_type,
typename OutType = typename OutClass::value_type>
typename std::enable_if<!IsFixed32Type<OutType>::value, int>::type
SpMM_bias_Sample(const RhsClass& rhs, const BiasClass& bias, OutClass* out,
float temperature, int tid, SpinBarrier* barrier,
std::minstd_rand* gen,
CacheAlignedVector<float>* scratch) const {
SpMM_bias(rhs, bias, out, /*relu=*/false, tid, barrier);
return out->Sample(temperature, gen, scratch);
// Fixed32 version.
template <typename RhsClass, typename BiasClass, typename OutClass,
typename BiasType = typename BiasClass::value_type,
typename OutType = typename OutClass::value_type>
typename std::enable_if<IsFixed32Type<OutType>::value, int>::type
SpMM_bias_Sample(const RhsClass& rhs, const BiasClass& bias, OutClass* out,
float temperature, int tid, SpinBarrier* barrier,
std::minstd_rand* gen,
CacheAlignedVector<float>* scratch) const {
// We don't pass the barrier on, as we have more work to do.
SpMM_bias(rhs, bias, out, /*relu=*/false, tid);
return out->ReducingSample(gen, scratch, tid, temperature, barrier);
void Print() const {
std::cout << "Weights\n";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Deltas\n";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "nnz\n";
std::cout << std::endl;
// Split the computation amongst threads by rows based on the number of
// non zeros, with the addition of a constant to account for the work of the
// bias and the horizontal add at the end, and also guarantees that each
// thread writes only whole cache lines, based on the size of OutType.
// The |cache_line_size| arg is used only for testing. Normally it is provided
// through the architecture #defines.
// Each thread gets a contiguous row range (|split_points|).
// Thread t does rows [ split_points[t], split_points[t + 1] )
// Each thread also needs to know how many non zeros were before it to skip
// (|nnz_to_skip|). And finally it also needs to know what the offset into
// the rhs vector would have been at the split point (|rhs_to_skip|).
// Some tricky corner cases where the number of non-zeros doesn't split
// nicely amongst the number of requested threads are not handled and default
// to one thread; these cases are only going to happen in tests and not in
// the matrices that correspond in real models.
// Returns the maximum number of threads that can be used; <= |num_threads|.
template <typename OutType = int32_t>
int PrepareForThreads(int num_threads, int cache_line_size = -1) {
CHECK_GT(num_threads, 0);
// we've already prepared for this number of threads, nothing to do
if (num_threads == num_threads_) return num_threads_;
num_threads_ = num_threads;
block_width_, block_height_, num_threads_,
ReducedRowsPerCacheLine<OutType>(cache_line_size), reduced_rows_,
return num_threads_;
// Computes and stores the |rhs_indices_| from the |col_deltas_|.
void ComputeRHSIndices() {
std::vector<int> cumulative_deltas = CumulativeColDeltas();
std::vector<DeltaType> rhs_indices(cumulative_deltas.size() +
int total_indices = 0;
int delta_index = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < reduced_rows_; ++r) {
for (int n = 0; n < nnz_per_row_[r]; ++n, ++delta_index) {
rhs_indices[total_indices++] =
cumulative_deltas[delta_index] / block_width_;
rhs_indices_ = CacheAlignedVector<DeltaType>(rhs_indices);
// Computes and stores the |col_deltas_| from the |rhs_indices_|.
void ComputeColDeltas() {
std::vector<int> col_deltas(rhs_indices_.size());
int prev_index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rhs_indices_.size(); ++i) {
int offset = rhs_indices_[i] - prev_index;
prev_index = rhs_indices_[i];
col_deltas[i] = offset * block_width_ * sizeof(RhsType);
col_deltas_ = CacheAlignedVector<DeltaType>(col_deltas);
// Computes and returns the inclusive prefix sum of the deltas, ie absolute
// positions.
std::vector<int> CumulativeColDeltas() const {
std::vector<int> cum_col_deltas(col_deltas_.size());
for (int i = 0; i < col_deltas_.size(); ++i) {
cum_col_deltas[i] = col_deltas_[i] / sizeof(RhsType);
if (i > 0) cum_col_deltas[i] += cum_col_deltas[i - 1];
return cum_col_deltas;
constexpr std::size_t FixedParameterSize() const {
return sizeof(int) // rows
+ sizeof(int) // cols
+ sizeof(int) // reduced_rows
+ sizeof(int) // reduced_cols
+ sizeof(int) // block_width
+ sizeof(int) // block_height
+ sizeof(float) // sparsity
+ sizeof(int) // col_multiple
+ sizeof(int) // num_threads_
+ sizeof(int) // weights_.size()
+ sizeof(int) // col_deltas_.size()
+ sizeof(int); // nnz_per_row_.size()
// Possible block sizes are only those that are supported by the computation
// default is 1x1, other options are 4x4 and 16x1.
template <typename InputType>
void DetermineBlockSize(const MaskedSparseMatrix<InputType>& masked_matrix) {
const std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> kPreferredOrder = {{4, 4}};
int rows = masked_matrix.rows();
int cols = masked_matrix.cols();
for (const auto& block_size : kPreferredOrder) {
int block_height, block_width;
std::tie(block_height, block_width) = block_size;
if (cols % block_width != 0) continue;
int reduced_rows = (rows + block_height - 1) / block_height;
int reduced_cols = cols / block_width;
// For each possible block, confirm that it is either all 0s or all 1s.
bool all_same = true;
const auto& mask = masked_matrix.mask();
for (int r = 0; r < reduced_rows; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < reduced_cols; ++c) {
int val = mask[r * block_height * cols + c * block_width];
for (int i = 0; i < block_height; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < block_width; ++j) {
int index = (r * block_height + i) * cols + c * block_width + j;
if (index < masked_matrix.mask().size()) {
all_same &= (masked_matrix.mask()[index] == val);
// If this block configuration is possible, accept it.
if (all_same) {
block_height_ = block_height;
block_width_ = block_width;
// No large blocks were found, default to 1x1.
block_height_ = 1;
block_width_ = 1;
// CSR descriptors are for the reduced matrix, weights is the full matrix.
template <typename InputType>
void MakeColumnsMultiple(const std::vector<int>& row_offsets,
std::vector<int>* reduced_mask,
std::vector<InputType>* weights) {
if (col_multiple_ > 0) {
// Make sure each row has a number of columns that is a multiple of
// |col_multiple|.
for (int r = 1; r < row_offsets.size(); ++r) {
int num_row = row_offsets[r] - row_offsets[r - 1];
int num_needed = col_multiple_ - num_row % col_multiple_;
if (num_needed < col_multiple_) {
// Find gaps in the columns where we can insert a column of 0 weights.
int num_added = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < reduced_cols_; ++c) {
if ((*reduced_mask)[(r - 1) * reduced_cols_ + c] == 0) {
(*reduced_mask)[(r - 1) * reduced_cols_ + c] = 1;
// Zero out the weights that correspond to this block.
for (int i = 0; i < block_height_; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < block_width_; ++j) {
(*weights)[((r - 1) * block_height_ + i) * cols_ +
block_width_ * c + j] = InputType(0.f);
if (num_added == num_needed) break;
// Given the final dense mask and weights, convert to the compressed
// block CSR representation.
template <typename InputType>
void MaskAndWeightsToCsr(const std::vector<int>& mask,
const std::vector<InputType>& weights,
std::vector<int>* nnz_per_row,
std::vector<int>* col_indices,
std::vector<WeightType>* weights_csr) {
std::vector<int> row_offsets = {0};
int nnz = 0;
// Standard CSR format.
if (block_width_ == 1 && block_height_ == 1) {
for (int r = 0; r < rows_; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < cols_; ++c) {
if (mask[r * cols_ + c] == 1) {
weights_csr->push_back(WeightType(weights[r * cols_ + c]));
} else if (block_width_ == 4 && block_height_ == 4) {
// Weights are stored contiguously for each block in this case.
for (int r = 0; r < reduced_rows_; ++r) {
for (int c = 0; c < reduced_cols_; ++c) {
if (mask[r * reduced_cols_ + c] == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < block_height_; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < block_width_; ++j) {
int row_index = (block_height_ * r + i) * cols_;
int w_index = row_index + block_width_ * c + j;
WeightType weight = w_index < weights.size()
? WeightType(weights[w_index])
: WeightType(0.0f);
for (int i = 1; i < row_offsets.size(); ++i)
nnz_per_row->push_back(row_offsets[i] - row_offsets[i - 1]);
// Returns the number of block rows per cache line. This is the minimum unit
// into which the calculation is broken for threads.
template <typename OutType>
int ReducedRowsPerCacheLine(int override_cache_line_size = -1) const {
int line_size = kCacheLineSize;
if (override_cache_line_size >= 1) line_size = override_cache_line_size;
return std::max<int>(line_size / (block_height_ * sizeof(OutType)), 1);
int col_multiple_;
int rows_;
int cols_;
int reduced_rows_;
int reduced_cols_;
float sparsity_;
int block_width_;
int block_height_;
int num_threads_;
std::string name_;
CacheAlignedVector<WeightType> weights_;
CacheAlignedVector<DeltaType> col_deltas_;
CacheAlignedVector<int> nnz_per_row_;
// |thread_bounds_| and |rhs_indices_| don't need to be serialized as they are
// always recalculated from serialized data.
CacheAlignedVector<DeltaType> rhs_indices_;
Matmul<WeightType, RhsType> matmul_;
ThreadBounds thread_bounds_;
static constexpr int kCacheLineSize = 64;
// Converts a sparse matrix represented with (|mask|, |weights|, |size|) into
// the CSR format, and returns that as a serialized string.
template <typename MaskType>
std::string ConvertDenseToSparseRepresentation_Int16Deltas(
const std::vector<MaskType>& mask, const std::vector<float>& weights,
const int rows, const int cols) {
MaskedSparseMatrix<float> masked_weights(rows, cols, mask.data(),
CsrBlockSparseMatrix<csrblocksparse::bfloat16, float, int16_t>
std::string buffer;
return buffer;
} // namespace csrblocksparse