import os import shutil from typing import Any import insightface import cv2 import numpy as np import modules.globals from tqdm import tqdm from modules.typing import Frame from modules.cluster_analysis import find_cluster_centroids, find_closest_centroid from modules.utilities import get_temp_directory_path, create_temp, extract_frames, clean_temp, get_temp_frame_paths from pathlib import Path FACE_ANALYSER = None def get_face_analyser() -> Any: global FACE_ANALYSER if FACE_ANALYSER is None: FACE_ANALYSER ='buffalo_l', providers=modules.globals.execution_providers) FACE_ANALYSER.prepare(ctx_id=0, det_size=(640, 640)) return FACE_ANALYSER def get_one_face(frame: Frame) -> Any: face = get_face_analyser().get(frame) try: return min(face, key=lambda x: x.bbox[0]) except ValueError: return None def get_many_faces(frame: Frame) -> Any: try: return get_face_analyser().get(frame) except IndexError: return None def has_valid_map() -> bool: for map in modules.globals.souce_target_map: if "source" in map and "target" in map: return True return False def default_source_face() -> Any: for map in modules.globals.souce_target_map: if "source" in map: return map['source']['face'] return None def simplify_maps() -> Any: centroids = [] faces = [] for map in modules.globals.souce_target_map: if "source" in map and "target" in map: centroids.append(map['target']['face'].normed_embedding) faces.append(map['source']['face']) modules.globals.simple_map = {'source_faces': faces, 'target_embeddings': centroids} return None def add_blank_map() -> Any: try: max_id = -1 if len(modules.globals.souce_target_map) > 0: max_id = max(modules.globals.souce_target_map, key=lambda x: x['id'])['id'] modules.globals.souce_target_map.append({ 'id' : max_id + 1 }) except ValueError: return None def get_unique_faces_from_target_image() -> Any: try: modules.globals.souce_target_map = [] target_frame = cv2.imread(modules.globals.target_path) many_faces = get_many_faces(target_frame) i = 0 for face in many_faces: x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = face['bbox'] modules.globals.souce_target_map.append({ 'id' : i, 'target' : { 'cv2' : target_frame[int(y_min):int(y_max), int(x_min):int(x_max)], 'face' : face } }) i = i + 1 except ValueError: return None def get_unique_faces_from_target_video() -> Any: try: modules.globals.souce_target_map = [] frame_face_embeddings = [] face_embeddings = [] print('Creating temp resources...') clean_temp(modules.globals.target_path) create_temp(modules.globals.target_path) print('Extracting frames...') extract_frames(modules.globals.target_path) temp_frame_paths = get_temp_frame_paths(modules.globals.target_path) i = 0 for temp_frame_path in tqdm(temp_frame_paths, desc="Extracting face embeddings from frames"): temp_frame = cv2.imread(temp_frame_path) many_faces = get_many_faces(temp_frame) for face in many_faces: face_embeddings.append(face.normed_embedding) frame_face_embeddings.append({'frame': i, 'faces': many_faces, 'location': temp_frame_path}) i += 1 centroids = find_cluster_centroids(face_embeddings) for frame in frame_face_embeddings: for face in frame['faces']: closest_centroid_index, _ = find_closest_centroid(centroids, face.normed_embedding) face['target_centroid'] = closest_centroid_index for i in range(len(centroids)): modules.globals.souce_target_map.append({ 'id' : i }) temp = [] for frame in tqdm(frame_face_embeddings, desc=f"Mapping frame embeddings to centroids-{i}"): temp.append({'frame': frame['frame'], 'faces': [face for face in frame['faces'] if face['target_centroid'] == i], 'location': frame['location']}) modules.globals.souce_target_map[i]['target_faces_in_frame'] = temp # dump_faces(centroids, frame_face_embeddings) default_target_face() except ValueError: return None def default_target_face(): for map in modules.globals.souce_target_map: best_face = None best_frame = None for frame in map['target_faces_in_frame']: if len(frame['faces']) > 0: best_face = frame['faces'][0] best_frame = frame break for frame in map['target_faces_in_frame']: for face in frame['faces']: if face['det_score'] > best_face['det_score']: best_face = face best_frame = frame x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = best_face['bbox'] target_frame = cv2.imread(best_frame['location']) map['target'] = { 'cv2' : target_frame[int(y_min):int(y_max), int(x_min):int(x_max)], 'face' : best_face } def dump_faces(centroids: Any, frame_face_embeddings: list): temp_directory_path = get_temp_directory_path(modules.globals.target_path) for i in range(len(centroids)): if os.path.exists(temp_directory_path + f"/{i}") and os.path.isdir(temp_directory_path + f"/{i}"): shutil.rmtree(temp_directory_path + f"/{i}") Path(temp_directory_path + f"/{i}").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for frame in tqdm(frame_face_embeddings, desc=f"Copying faces to temp/./{i}"): temp_frame = cv2.imread(frame['location']) j = 0 for face in frame['faces']: if face['target_centroid'] == i: x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = face['bbox'] if temp_frame[int(y_min):int(y_max), int(x_min):int(x_max)].size > 0: cv2.imwrite(temp_directory_path + f"/{i}/{frame['frame']}_{j}.png", temp_frame[int(y_min):int(y_max), int(x_min):int(x_max)]) j += 1