from typing import * from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException, Request, WebSocket, WebSocketDisconnect, Query from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, StreamingResponse from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles import asyncio import logging from pydantic import BaseModel, Field import uvicorn from voiceapi.tts import TTSResult, start_tts_stream, TTSStream from voiceapi.asr import start_asr_stream, ASRStream, ASRResult import logging import argparse import os app = FastAPI() logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) @app.websocket("/asr") async def websocket_asr(websocket: WebSocket, samplerate: int = Query(16000, title="Sample Rate", description="The sample rate of the audio."),): await websocket.accept() asr_stream: ASRStream = await start_asr_stream(samplerate, args) if not asr_stream: logger.error("failed to start ASR stream") await websocket.close() return async def task_recv_pcm(): while True: pcm_bytes = await websocket.receive_bytes() if not pcm_bytes: return await asr_stream.write(pcm_bytes) async def task_send_result(): while True: result: ASRResult = await if not result: return await websocket.send_json(result.to_dict()) try: await asyncio.gather(task_recv_pcm(), task_send_result()) except WebSocketDisconnect:"asr: disconnected") finally: await asr_stream.close() @app.websocket("/tts") async def websocket_tts(websocket: WebSocket, samplerate: int = Query(16000, title="Sample Rate", description="The sample rate of the generated audio."), interrupt: bool = Query(True, title="Interrupt", description="Interrupt the current TTS stream when a new text is received."), sid: int = Query(0, title="Speaker ID", description="The ID of the speaker to use for TTS."), chunk_size: int = Query(1024, title="Chunk Size", description="The size of the chunk to send to the client."), speed: float = Query(1.0, title="Speed", description="The speed of the generated audio."), split: bool = Query(True, title="Split", description="Split the text into sentences.")): await websocket.accept() tts_stream: TTSStream = None async def task_recv_text(): nonlocal tts_stream while True: text = await websocket.receive_text() if not text: return if interrupt or not tts_stream: if tts_stream: await tts_stream.close()"tts: stream interrupt") tts_stream = await start_tts_stream(sid, samplerate, speed, args) if not tts_stream: logger.error("tts: failed to allocate tts stream") await websocket.close() return"tts: received: {text} (split={split})") await tts_stream.write(text, split) async def task_send_pcm(): nonlocal tts_stream while not tts_stream: # wait for tts stream to be created await asyncio.sleep(0.1) while True: result: TTSResult = await if not result: return if result.finished: await websocket.send_json(result.to_dict()) else: for i in range(0, len(result.pcm_bytes), chunk_size): await websocket.send_bytes(result.pcm_bytes[i:i+chunk_size]) try: await asyncio.gather(task_recv_text(), task_send_pcm()) except WebSocketDisconnect:"tts: disconnected") finally: if tts_stream: await tts_stream.close() class TTSRequest(BaseModel): text: str = Field(..., title="Text", description="The text to be converted to speech.", examples=["Hello, world!"]) sid: int = Field(0, title="Speaker ID", description="The ID of the speaker to use for TTS.") samplerate: int = Field(16000, title="Sample Rate", description="The sample rate of the generated audio.") speed: float = Field(1.0, title="Speed", description="The speed of the generated audio.") @"/tts", description="Generate speech audio from text.", response_class=StreamingResponse, responses={200: {"content": {"audio/wav": {}}}}) async def tts_generate(req: TTSRequest): if not req.text: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="text is required") tts_stream = await start_tts_stream(req.sid, req.samplerate, req.speed, args) if not tts_stream: raise HTTPException( status_code=500, detail="failed to start TTS stream") r = await tts_stream.generate(req.text) return StreamingResponse(r, media_type="audio/wav") if __name__ == "__main__": models_root = './models' for d in ['.', '..', '../..']: if os.path.isdir(f'{d}/models'): models_root = f'{d}/models' break parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=8000, help="port number") parser.add_argument("--addr", type=str, default="", help="serve address") parser.add_argument("--asr-provider", type=str, default="cpu", help="asr provider, cpu or cuda") parser.add_argument("--tts-provider", type=str, default="cpu", help="tts provider, cpu or cuda") parser.add_argument("--threads", type=int, default=2, help="number of threads") parser.add_argument("--models-root", type=str, default=models_root, help="model root directory") parser.add_argument("--asr-model", type=str, default='sensevoice', help="ASR model name: zipformer-bilingual, sensevoice, paraformer-trilingual, paraformer-en") parser.add_argument("--asr-lang", type=str, default='zh', help="ASR language, zh, en, ja, ko, yue") parser.add_argument("--tts-model", type=str, default='vits-zh-hf-theresa', help="TTS model name: vits-zh-hf-theresa, vits-melo-tts-zh_en") args = parser.parse_args() if args.tts_model == 'vits-melo-tts-zh_en' and args.tts_provider == 'cuda': logger.warning( "vits-melo-tts-zh_en does not support CUDA fallback to CPU") args.tts_provider = 'cpu' app.mount("/", app=StaticFiles(directory="./assets", html=True), name="assets") logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(asctime)s %(name)s:%(lineno)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO), host=args.addr, port=args.port)