hi / src /lib /components /common /RichTextInput.svelte
GitHub deploy: 46a97e62c7b095b0a87b890f9449742382800f53
<script lang="ts">
import { onDestroy, onMount } from 'svelte';
import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
const eventDispatch = createEventDispatcher();
import { EditorState, Plugin, TextSelection } from 'prosemirror-state';
import { EditorView, Decoration, DecorationSet } from 'prosemirror-view';
import { undo, redo, history } from 'prosemirror-history';
import {
} from 'prosemirror-markdown';
import {
} from 'prosemirror-inputrules'; // Import input rules
import { splitListItem, liftListItem, sinkListItem } from 'prosemirror-schema-list'; // Import from prosemirror-schema-list
import { keymap } from 'prosemirror-keymap';
import { baseKeymap, chainCommands } from 'prosemirror-commands';
import { DOMParser, DOMSerializer, Schema, Fragment } from 'prosemirror-model';
export let className = 'input-prose';
export let shiftEnter = false;
export let id = '';
export let value = '';
export let placeholder = 'Type here...';
export let trim = false;
let element: HTMLElement; // Element where ProseMirror will attach
let state;
let view;
// Plugin to add placeholder when the content is empty
function placeholderPlugin(placeholder: string) {
return new Plugin({
props: {
decorations(state) {
const doc = state.doc;
if (
doc.childCount === 1 &&
doc.firstChild.isTextblock &&
doc.firstChild?.textContent === ''
) {
// If there's nothing in the editor, show the placeholder decoration
const decoration = Decoration.node(0, doc.content.size, {
'data-placeholder': placeholder,
class: 'placeholder'
return DecorationSet.create(doc, [decoration]);
return DecorationSet.empty;
function unescapeMarkdown(text: string): string {
return text
.replace(/\\([\\`*{}[\]()#+\-.!_>])/g, '$1') // unescape backslashed characters
.replace(/&amp;/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(/&quot;/g, '"')
.replace(/&#39;/g, "'");
// Custom parsing rule that creates proper paragraphs for newlines and empty lines
function markdownToProseMirrorDoc(markdown: string) {
// Split the markdown into lines
const lines = markdown.split('\n\n');
// Create an array to hold our paragraph nodes
const paragraphs = [];
// Process each line
lines.forEach((line) => {
if (line.trim() === '') {
// For empty lines, create an empty paragraph
} else {
// For non-empty lines, parse as usual
const doc = defaultMarkdownParser.parse(line);
// Extract the content of the parsed document
doc.content.forEach((node) => {
// Create a new document with these paragraphs
return schema.node('doc', null, paragraphs);
// Create a custom serializer for paragraphs
// Custom paragraph serializer to preserve newlines for empty paragraphs (empty block).
function serializeParagraph(state, node: Node) {
const content = node.textContent.trim();
// If the paragraph is empty, just add an empty line.
if (content === '') {
} else {
const customMarkdownSerializer = new defaultMarkdownSerializer.constructor(
paragraph: (state, node) => {
serializeParagraph(state, node); // Use custom paragraph serialization
// Customize other block formats if needed
// Copy marks directly from the original serializer (or customize them if necessary)
// Utility function to convert ProseMirror content back to markdown text
function serializeEditorContent(doc) {
const markdown = customMarkdownSerializer.serialize(doc);
if (trim) {
return unescapeMarkdown(markdown).trim();
} else {
return unescapeMarkdown(markdown);
// ---- Input Rules ----
// Input rule for heading (e.g., # Headings)
function headingRule(schema) {
return textblockTypeInputRule(/^(#{1,6})\s$/, schema.nodes.heading, (match) => ({
level: match[1].length
// Input rule for bullet list (e.g., `- item`)
function bulletListRule(schema) {
return wrappingInputRule(/^\s*([-+*])\s$/, schema.nodes.bullet_list);
// Input rule for ordered list (e.g., `1. item`)
function orderedListRule(schema) {
return wrappingInputRule(/^(\d+)\.\s$/, schema.nodes.ordered_list, (match) => ({
order: +match[1]
// Custom input rules for Bold/Italic (using * or _)
function markInputRule(regexp: RegExp, markType: any) {
return new InputRule(regexp, (state, match, start, end) => {
const { tr } = state;
if (match) {
tr.replaceWith(start, end, schema.text(match[1], [markType.create()]));
return tr;
function boldRule(schema) {
return markInputRule(/(?<=^|\s)\*([^*]+)\*(?=\s|$)/, schema.marks.strong);
function italicRule(schema) {
// Using lookbehind and lookahead to prevent the space from being consumed
return markInputRule(/(?<=^|\s)_([^*_]+)_(?=\s|$)/, schema.marks.em);
// Initialize Editor State and View
function afterSpacePress(state, dispatch) {
// Get the position right after the space was naturally inserted by the browser.
let { from, to, empty } = state.selection;
if (dispatch && empty) {
let tr = state.tr;
// Check for any active marks at `from - 1` (the space we just inserted)
const storedMarks = state.storedMarks || state.selection.$from.marks();
const hasBold = storedMarks.some((mark) => mark.type === state.schema.marks.strong);
const hasItalic = storedMarks.some((mark) => mark.type === state.schema.marks.em);
// Remove marks from the space character (marks applied to the space character will be marked as false)
if (hasBold) {
tr = tr.removeMark(from - 1, from, state.schema.marks.strong);
if (hasItalic) {
tr = tr.removeMark(from - 1, from, state.schema.marks.em);
// Dispatch the resulting transaction to update the editor state
return true;
function toggleMark(markType) {
return (state, dispatch) => {
const { from, to } = state.selection;
if (state.doc.rangeHasMark(from, to, markType)) {
if (dispatch) dispatch(state.tr.removeMark(from, to, markType));
return true;
} else {
if (dispatch) dispatch(state.tr.addMark(from, to, markType.create()));
return true;
function isInList(state) {
const { $from } = state.selection;
return (
$from.parent.type === schema.nodes.paragraph && $from.node(-1).type === schema.nodes.list_item
function isEmptyListItem(state) {
const { $from } = state.selection;
return isInList(state) && $from.parent.content.size === 0 && $from.node(-1).childCount === 1;
function exitList(state, dispatch) {
return liftListItem(schema.nodes.list_item)(state, dispatch);
function findNextTemplate(doc, from = 0) {
const patterns = [
{ start: '[', end: ']' },
{ start: '{{', end: '}}' }
let result = null;
doc.nodesBetween(from, doc.content.size, (node, pos) => {
if (result) return false; // Stop if we've found a match
if (node.isText) {
const text = node.text;
let index = Math.max(0, from - pos);
while (index < text.length) {
for (const pattern of patterns) {
if (text.startsWith(pattern.start, index)) {
const endIndex = text.indexOf(pattern.end, index + pattern.start.length);
if (endIndex !== -1) {
result = {
from: pos + index,
to: pos + endIndex + pattern.end.length
return false; // Stop searching
return result;
function selectNextTemplate(state, dispatch) {
const { doc, selection } = state;
const from = selection.to;
let template = findNextTemplate(doc, from);
if (!template) {
// If not found, search from the beginning
template = findNextTemplate(doc, 0);
if (template) {
if (dispatch) {
const tr = state.tr.setSelection(TextSelection.create(doc, template.from, template.to));
return true;
return false;
onMount(() => {
const initialDoc = markdownToProseMirrorDoc(value || ''); // Convert the initial content
state = EditorState.create({
doc: initialDoc,
plugins: [
rules: [
headingRule(schema), // Handle markdown-style headings (# H1, ## H2, etc.)
bulletListRule(schema), // Handle `-` or `*` input to start bullet list
orderedListRule(schema), // Handle `1.` input to start ordered list
boldRule(schema), // Bold input rule
italicRule(schema) // Italic input rule
'Mod-z': undo,
'Mod-y': redo,
Enter: (state, dispatch, view) => {
if (shiftEnter) {
return true;
return chainCommands(
(state, dispatch, view) => {
if (isEmptyListItem(state)) {
return exitList(state, dispatch);
return false;
(state, dispatch, view) => {
if (isInList(state)) {
return splitListItem(schema.nodes.list_item)(state, dispatch);
return false;
)(state, dispatch, view);
'Shift-Enter': (state, dispatch, view) => {
if (shiftEnter) {
return chainCommands(
(state, dispatch, view) => {
if (isEmptyListItem(state)) {
return exitList(state, dispatch);
return false;
(state, dispatch, view) => {
if (isInList(state)) {
return splitListItem(schema.nodes.list_item)(state, dispatch);
return false;
)(state, dispatch, view);
} else {
return baseKeymap.Enter(state, dispatch, view);
return false;
// Prevent default tab navigation and provide indent/outdent behavior inside lists:
Tab: chainCommands((state, dispatch, view) => {
const { $from } = state.selection;
if (isInList(state)) {
return sinkListItem(schema.nodes.list_item)(state, dispatch);
} else {
return selectNextTemplate(state, dispatch);
return true; // Prevent Tab from moving the focus
'Shift-Tab': (state, dispatch, view) => {
const { $from } = state.selection;
if (isInList(state)) {
return liftListItem(schema.nodes.list_item)(state, dispatch);
return true; // Prevent Shift-Tab from moving the focus
'Mod-b': toggleMark(schema.marks.strong),
'Mod-i': toggleMark(schema.marks.em)
view = new EditorView(element, {
dispatchTransaction(transaction) {
// Update editor state
let newState = view.state.apply(transaction);
value = serializeEditorContent(newState.doc); // Convert ProseMirror content to markdown text
eventDispatch('input', { value });
handleDOMEvents: {
focus: (view, event) => {
eventDispatch('focus', { event });
return false;
keypress: (view, event) => {
eventDispatch('keypress', { event });
return false;
keydown: (view, event) => {
eventDispatch('keydown', { event });
return false;
paste: (view, event) => {
if (event.clipboardData) {
// Check if the pasted content contains image files
const hasImageFile = Array.from(event.clipboardData.files).some((file) =>
// Check for image in dataTransfer items (for cases where files are not available)
const hasImageItem = Array.from(event.clipboardData.items).some((item) =>
if (hasImageFile) {
// If there's an image, dispatch the event to the parent
eventDispatch('paste', { event });
return true;
if (hasImageItem) {
// If there's an image item, dispatch the event to the parent
eventDispatch('paste', { event });
return true;
// For all other cases (text, formatted text, etc.), let ProseMirror handle it
return false;
// Handle space input after browser has completed it
keyup: (view, event) => {
if (event.key === ' ' && event.code === 'Space') {
afterSpacePress(view.state, view.dispatch);
return false;
attributes: { id }
// Reinitialize the editor if the value is externally changed (i.e. when `value` is updated)
$: if (view && value !== serializeEditorContent(view.state.doc)) {
const newDoc = markdownToProseMirrorDoc(value || '');
const newState = EditorState.create({
doc: newDoc,
plugins: view.state.plugins,
selection: TextSelection.atEnd(newDoc) // This sets the cursor at the end
if (value !== '') {
// After updating the state, try to find and select the next template
setTimeout(() => {
const templateFound = selectNextTemplate(view.state, view.dispatch);
if (!templateFound) {
// If no template found, set cursor at the end
const endPos = view.state.doc.content.size;
view.dispatch(view.state.tr.setSelection(TextSelection.create(view.state.doc, endPos)));
}, 0);
// Destroy ProseMirror instance on unmount
onDestroy(() => {
<div bind:this={element} class="relative w-full min-w-full h-full min-h-fit {className}"></div>