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import json
import os
# os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '-1'
from function.topic_clustering import model, AgglomerativeClustering
def check_duplicate_title_domain(docs):
lst_title_domain = [f"{d.get('domain', '')} {d.get('title','')}" for d in docs]
for i in range(1,len(lst_title_domain) -1):
for j in range(i+1,len(lst_title_domain)):
if lst_title_domain[j] == lst_title_domain[i]:
lst_title_domain[j] = 'dup'
lst_filter_docs = [docs[i] for i,x in enumerate(lst_title_domain) if x != 'dup']
return lst_filter_docs
def main(req):
# threshold = req.get('threshold', 0.3)
type = req['type']
if type == 'monthly':
threshold = 0.4
preprocess = req.get('preprocess', [])
lst_labels = []
lst_topics = []
for date_clusters in preprocess:
# date = date_clusters['date']
topic = date_clusters.get('topic', [])
if topic:
for topic_id in topic:
# print(topic_id)
topic_docs = topic[topic_id]
label = '. '.join([topic_docs[0].get('title',''),topic_docs[0].get('snippet','')])
final_clusters = []
label_clusters = sbert_clustering(lst_labels, distance_threshold=threshold,return_ids=True)
# print(lst_labels)
if label_clusters:
for id_label_clusters in label_clusters:
merge_clusters = []
num_docs = 0
for topic_id in label_clusters[id_label_clusters]:
topic = lst_topics[topic_id]
count_doc = topic[0].get('num_docs',1)
num_docs += count_doc
merge_clusters = sorted(merge_clusters, key=lambda x: -x.get('created_time',0))
merge_clusters = check_duplicate_title_domain(merge_clusters)
merge_clusters = merge_clusters[:MAX_NUM_DOC_PER_CLUSTER]
for doc in merge_clusters:
doc['num_docs'] = num_docs
final_clusters = sorted(final_clusters, key=lambda x: -x[0]['num_docs'])
final_clusters = final_clusters[:MAX_CLUSTER]
final_result = {}
for i,cluster in enumerate(final_clusters):
final_result[i] = cluster
with open('zzz.json','w') as f:
json.dump(final_result, f, ensure_ascii=False)
return final_result
def get_sbert_embedding(lst_sentence):
embs = model.encode(lst_sentence)
# embs = np.array(embs)
return embs
def sbert_clustering(lst_sentence, distance_threshold=0.25, return_ids = False):
lst_sentence = [sen.replace('_',' ') for sen in lst_sentence]
if len(lst_sentence) == 0:
if len(lst_sentence) == 1:
if return_ids:
return {
0: [0]
return {
0: lst_sentence
# embs = model.encode(lst_sentence, show_progress_bar=True)
embs = get_sbert_embedding(lst_sentence)
hyer_clusteror = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters = None,compute_full_tree = True, affinity = 'cosine',
linkage = 'complete', distance_threshold=distance_threshold)
# print(f'[INFO] Len lst_sentence: {len(lst_sentence)}')
# print(f'[INFO] Len embs: {len(embs)}')
# print(hyer_clusteror.n_clusters_)
dict_result = {}
dict_ids = {}
for i in range(hyer_clusteror.n_clusters_):
if i not in dict_result:
dict_result[i] = []
dict_ids[i] = []
for j in range(len(lst_sentence)):
if hyer_clusteror.labels_[j] == i:
if return_ids:
output = dict_ids
output = dict_result
result = dict(sorted(output.items(), key=lambda i: -len(i[1])))
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open("input_merge.json",'r') as f:
req = json.load(f)
main(req) |