import jnius_config import os import shutil save_dir = "/home2/vietle/icgpt/vncorenlp-1.2" max_heap_size='-Xmx4g' jnius_config.add_options(max_heap_size) jnius_config.set_classpath(save_dir + "/VnCoreNLP-1.2.jar") def download_model(save_dir='./'): # current_path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) if save_dir[-1] == '/': save_dir = save_dir[:-1] if os.path.isdir(save_dir + "/models") and os.path.exists(save_dir + '/VnCoreNLP-1.2.jar'): print("VnCoreNLP model folder " + save_dir + " already exists! Please load VnCoreNLP from this folder!") else: os.mkdir(save_dir + "/models") os.mkdir(save_dir + "/models/dep") os.mkdir(save_dir + "/models/ner") os.mkdir(save_dir + "/models/postagger") os.mkdir(save_dir + "/models/wordsegmenter") # jar os.system("wget") shutil.move("VnCoreNLP-1.2.jar", save_dir + "/VnCoreNLP-1.2.jar") # wordsegmenter os.system("wget") os.system( "wget") shutil.move("vi-vocab", save_dir + "/models/wordsegmenter/vi-vocab") shutil.move("wordsegmenter.rdr", save_dir + "/models/wordsegmenter/wordsegmenter.rdr") # postagger os.system("wget") shutil.move("vi-tagger", save_dir + "/models/postagger/vi-tagger") # ner os.system("wget") os.system("wget") os.system( "wget") shutil.move("vi-500brownclusters.xz", save_dir + "/models/ner/vi-500brownclusters.xz") shutil.move("vi-ner.xz", save_dir + "/models/ner/vi-ner.xz") shutil.move("vi-pretrainedembeddings.xz", save_dir + "/models/ner/vi-pretrainedembeddings.xz") # parse os.system("wget") shutil.move("vi-dep.xz", save_dir + "/models/dep/vi-dep.xz") class VnCoreNLP: def __init__(self, annotators=["wseg", "pos", "ner", "parse"], save_dir = './'): if save_dir[-1] == '/': save_dir = save_dir[:-1] if os.path.isdir(save_dir + "/models") == False or os.path.exists(save_dir + '/VnCoreNLP-1.2.jar') == False: raise Exception("Please download the VnCoreNLP model!") self.current_working_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(save_dir) from jnius import autoclass javaclass_vncorenlp = autoclass('vn.pipeline.VnCoreNLP') self.javaclass_String = autoclass('java.lang.String') self.annotators = annotators if "wseg" not in annotators: self.annotators.append("wseg") self.model = javaclass_vncorenlp(annotators) def annotate_text(self, text): from jnius import autoclass javaclass_Annotation = autoclass('vn.pipeline.Annotation') str = self.javaclass_String(text) annotation = javaclass_Annotation(str) self.model.annotate(annotation) dict_sentences = {} list_sentences = annotation.toString().split("\n\n")[:-1] for i in range(len(list_sentences)): list_words = list_sentences[i].split("\n") list_dict_words = [] for word in list_words: dict_word = {} word = word.replace("\t\t", "\t") list_tags = word.split("\t") dict_word["index"] = int(list_tags[0]) dict_word["wordForm"] = list_tags[1] dict_word["posTag"] = list_tags[2] dict_word["nerLabel"] = list_tags[3] if "parse" in self.annotators: dict_word["head"] = int(list_tags[4]) else: dict_word["head"] = list_tags[4] dict_word["depLabel"] = list_tags[5] list_dict_words.append(dict_word) dict_sentences[i] = list_dict_words return dict_sentences def tokenize(self, text): annotated_sens = self.annotate_text(text=text) output = [] for id_sen in annotated_sens: annotated_sen = annotated_sens[id_sen] out = [s["wordForm"] for s in annotated_sen] output.append(out) return output def pos_tag(self, text): annotated_sens = self.annotate_text(text=text) output = [] for id_sen in annotated_sens: annotated_sen = annotated_sens[id_sen] out = [(s["wordForm"], s["posTag"]) for s in annotated_sen] output.append(out) return output def ner(self, text): annotated_sens = self.annotate_text(text=text) output = [] for id_sen in annotated_sens: annotated_sen = annotated_sens[id_sen] out = [(s["wordForm"], s["nerLabel"]) for s in annotated_sen] output.append(out) return output def word_segment(self, text): from jnius import autoclass javaclass_Annotation = autoclass('vn.pipeline.Annotation') str = self.javaclass_String(text) annotation = javaclass_Annotation(str) self.model.annotate(annotation) list_segmented_sentences = [] list_sentences = annotation.toString().split("\n\n")[:-1] for sent in list_sentences: list_words = sent.split("\n") list_segmented_words = [] for word in list_words: word = word.replace("\t\t", "\t") list_tags = word.split("\t") list_segmented_words.append(list_tags[1]) list_segmented_sentences.append(" ".join(list_segmented_words)) return list_segmented_sentences def print_out(self, dict_sentences): for sent in dict_sentences.keys(): list_dict_words = dict_sentences[sent] for word in list_dict_words: print(str(word["index"]) + "\t" + word["wordForm"] + "\t" + word["posTag"] + "\t" + word["nerLabel"] + "\t" + str(word["head"]) + "\t" + word["depLabel"]) print("") def annotate_file(self, input_file, output_file): os.chdir(self.current_working_dir) input_str = self.javaclass_String(input_file) output_str = self.javaclass_String(output_file) self.model.processPipeline(input_str, output_str, self.annotators) if __name__ == '__main__': download_model(save_dir='/home2/vietle/icgpt/vncorenlp-1.2') model = VnCoreNLP(annotators=["wseg","pos","ner"], save_dir='/home2/vietle/icgpt/vncorenlp-1.2') # output = model.annotate_text("Ông Nguyễn Khắc Chúc đang làm việc tại Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội. Bà Lan, vợ ông Chúc, cũng làm việc tại đây.") # print(output) text = "Sau khi tốt nghiệp Trung học năm 1975, ông theo học dự bị Ngoại ngữ tại Đại học Ngoại ngữ (nay là Trường Đại học Hà Nội)." out = model.tokenize(text) print(out) # model.print_out(output)