curt-park's picture
Init the space
history blame
2.39 kB
import torch
import numpy as np
from .log import logger
def get_dims_with_exclusion(dim, exclude=None):
dims = list(range(dim))
if exclude is not None:
return dims
def save_checkpoint(net, checkpoints_path, epoch=None, prefix='', verbose=True, multi_gpu=False):
if epoch is None:
checkpoint_name = 'last_checkpoint.pth'
checkpoint_name = f'{epoch:03d}.pth'
if prefix:
checkpoint_name = f'{prefix}_{checkpoint_name}'
if not checkpoints_path.exists():
checkpoint_path = checkpoints_path / checkpoint_name
if verbose:'Save checkpoint to {str(checkpoint_path)}')
net = net.module if multi_gpu else net{'state_dict': net.state_dict(),
'config': net._config}, str(checkpoint_path))
def get_bbox_from_mask(mask):
rows = np.any(mask, axis=1)
cols = np.any(mask, axis=0)
rmin, rmax = np.where(rows)[0][[0, -1]]
cmin, cmax = np.where(cols)[0][[0, -1]]
return rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax
def expand_bbox(bbox, expand_ratio, min_crop_size=None):
rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax = bbox
rcenter = 0.5 * (rmin + rmax)
ccenter = 0.5 * (cmin + cmax)
height = expand_ratio * (rmax - rmin + 1)
width = expand_ratio * (cmax - cmin + 1)
if min_crop_size is not None:
height = max(height, min_crop_size)
width = max(width, min_crop_size)
rmin = int(round(rcenter - 0.5 * height))
rmax = int(round(rcenter + 0.5 * height))
cmin = int(round(ccenter - 0.5 * width))
cmax = int(round(ccenter + 0.5 * width))
return rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax
def clamp_bbox(bbox, rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax):
return (max(rmin, bbox[0]), min(rmax, bbox[1]),
max(cmin, bbox[2]), min(cmax, bbox[3]))
def get_bbox_iou(b1, b2):
h_iou = get_segments_iou(b1[:2], b2[:2])
w_iou = get_segments_iou(b1[2:4], b2[2:4])
return h_iou * w_iou
def get_segments_iou(s1, s2):
a, b = s1
c, d = s2
intersection = max(0, min(b, d) - max(a, c) + 1)
union = max(1e-6, max(b, d) - min(a, c) + 1)
return intersection / union
def get_labels_with_sizes(x):
obj_sizes = np.bincount(x.flatten())
labels = np.nonzero(obj_sizes)[0].tolist()
labels = [x for x in labels if x != 0]
return labels, obj_sizes[labels].tolist()