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import cv2
from mtcnn.mtcnn import MTCNN
from utils import *
cloth_examples = get_cloth_examples(hr=0)
cloth_hr_examples = get_cloth_examples(hr=1)
pose_examples = get_pose_examples()
face_detector = MTCNN()
# Description
title = r"""
<h1 align="center">VTON Test Demo</h1>
def onClick(cloth_image, pose_image, request: gr.Request):
if pose_image is None:
yield None, "no pose image found !", ""
return None, "no pose image found !", ""
if cloth_image is None:
yield None, "no cloth image found !", ""
return None, "no cloth image found !", ""
pose_id = os.path.basename(pose_image).split(".")[0]
cloth_id = int(os.path.basename(cloth_image).split(".")[0])
client_ip =
x_forwarded_for = dict(request.headers).get('x-forwarded-for')
if x_forwarded_for:
client_ip = x_forwarded_for
pose_np = cv2.imread(pose_image)
faces = face_detector.detect_faces(pose_np[:,:,::-1])
if len(faces)==0:
print(client_ip, 'faces num is 0! ', flush=True)
yield None, "Fatal Error !!! No face detected !!! You must upload a human photo!!! Not clothing photo!!!", ""
return None, "Fatal Error !!! No face detected !!! You must upload a human photo!!! Not clothing photo!!!", ""
x, y, w, h = faces[0]["box"]
H, W = pose_np.shape[:2]
max_face_ratio = 1/3.3
if w/W>max_face_ratio or h/H>max_face_ratio:
yield None, "Fatal Error !!! Headshot is not allowed !!! You must upload a full-body or half-body photo!!!", ""
return None, "Fatal Error !!! Headshot is not allowed !!! You must upload a full-body or half-body photo!!!", ""
if not check_region_warp(client_ip):
yield None, "Failed !!! Our server is under maintenance, please try again later", ""
return None, "Failed !!! Our server is under maintenance, please try again later", ""
# client_ip = ''
yield None, "begin to upload ", ""
timeId = int( str(time.time()).replace(".", "") )+random.randint(1000, 9999)
upload_url = upload_pose_img(client_ip, timeId, pose_image)
# exit(0)
yield None, "begin to public task ", ""
# return None, "begin to public task ", ""
if len(upload_url)==0:
yield None, "fail to upload", ""
return None, "fail to upload", ""
public_res = publicClothSwap(upload_url, cloth_id, is_hr=0)
if public_res is None:
yield None, "fail to public you task", ""
return None, "fail to public you task", ""
print(client_ip, public_res['mid_result'])
yield public_res['mid_result'], f"task is processing", ""
max_try = 120*3
wait_s = 0.5
for i in range(max_try):
state = getInfRes(public_res['id'])
timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
if state is None:
yield None, "task query failed,", ""
elif state['status']=='PROCESSING':
yield None, f"wait {i}", ""
elif state['status']=='SUCCEED':
yield state['output1'] + f"?t={timestamp}", f"task finished, {state['msg']}", ""
return state['output1'] + f"?t={timestamp}", f"task finished, {state['msg']}", ""
elif state['status']=='FAILED':
yield None, f"task failed, {state['msg']}", ""
return None, f"task failed, {state['msg']}", ""
yield None, f"{i}", ""
return None, "no machine...", ""
except Exception as e:
raise e
return None, "fail to create task", ""
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column():
cloth_image = gr.Image(value=None, interactive=False, type="filepath", label="choose a clothing")
example = gr.Examples(inputs=cloth_image,examples_per_page=20,examples=cloth_examples, label="clothing")
hr_example = gr.Examples(inputs=cloth_image,examples_per_page=9,examples=cloth_hr_examples, label="invalid clothing")
with gr.Column():
pose_image = gr.Image(value=None, type="filepath", label="choose/upload a photo")
example_pose = gr.Examples(inputs=pose_image,
with gr.Column():
with gr.Column():
run_button = gr.Button(value="Submit")
info_text = gr.Textbox(value="", interactive=False,
res_image = gr.Image(label="result image", value=None, type="filepath")
MK01 = gr.Markdown(), inputs=[cloth_image, pose_image],
outputs=[res_image, info_text, MK01])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# demo.queue(concurrency_count=60)
# demo.launch(server_name='', server_port=225)