import os import sys import cv2 import json import random import time import requests import func_timeout import numpy as np import gradio as gr OssUrl = "" Regions = "" TOKEN = os.environ['TOKEN'] UKAPIURL = os.environ['UKAPIURL'] proj_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) data_dir = os.path.join(proj_dir, 'Datas') # data_dir = "Datas" tmpFolder = "tmp" os.makedirs(tmpFolder, exist_ok=True) def get_cloth_examples(hr=0): cloth_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'ClothImgs') examples = [] files = sorted(os.listdir(cloth_dir)) hr_clothes = list(range(588, 597)) # hr_clothes = [] for f in files: if '.jpg' not in f and '.png' not in f: continue cloth_id = f.split(".")[0] if int(cloth_id) in hr_clothes and hr==0: continue if int(cloth_id) not in hr_clothes and hr==1: continue cloth_path = os.path.join(cloth_dir, f) examples.append(cloth_path) examples = examples[::-1] return examples def get_pose_examples(): pose_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'PoseImgs') examples = [] for f in os.listdir(pose_dir): if '.jpg' not in f and '.png' not in f: continue pose_id = f.split(".")[0] pose_path = os.path.join(pose_dir, f) examples.append(pose_path) return examples def get_result_example(cloth_id, pose_id): result_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'ResultImgs') res_path = os.path.join(result_dir, f"{cloth_id}_{pose_id}.jpg") return res_path # def get_tips(): # path1 = OssUrl+'ClothData/Publics/PoseGuide/tip1.jpg' # path2 = OssUrl+'ClothData/Publics/PoseGuide/tip2.jpg' # return path1, path2 def upload_pose_img(clientIp, timeId, img): fileName = clientIp.replace(".", "")+str(timeId)+".jpg" local_path = os.path.join(tmpFolder, fileName) img = cv2.imread(img) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(tmpFolder, fileName), img) json_data = { "token": "c0e69e5d129b11efa10c525400b75156", "input1": fileName, "input2": "", "protocol": "", "cloud": "ali" } session = requests.session() ret = f"{UKAPIURL}/upload", headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, json=json_data ) res = "" if ret.status_code==200: if 'upload1' in ret.json(): upload_url = ret.json()['upload1'] headers = {'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg'} response = session.put(upload_url, data=open(local_path, 'rb').read(), headers=headers) # print(response.status_code) if response.status_code == 200: res = upload_url if os.path.exists(local_path): os.remove(local_path) return res def publicClothSwap(image, clothId, is_hr=0): json_data = { "image": image, "task_type": "11", "param1": str(clothId), "param2": "", "param3": "", "param4": str(is_hr), "delete_if_complete": "1", "force_celery":"1" } headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {TOKEN}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } ret = f'{UKAPIURL}/public_advton', headers=headers, json=json_data ) if ret.status_code == 200: response = ret.json() if 'mid_result' in response and 'id' in response: return {'mid_result': response['mid_result'], 'id': response['id'], "msg": response['msg']} # print(response) return None else: return None def getInfRes(taskId): headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } json_data = { 'id': taskId } ret = f'{UKAPIURL}/status_advton', headers=headers, json=json_data ) if ret.status_code == 200: response = ret.json() if 'status' in response: return response print(response) return None else: return None @func_timeout.func_set_timeout(10) def check_region(ip): session = requests.session() # ret = requests.get(f"{ip}") ret = requests.get(f"{ip}") # print(ret) nat = ret.json()['country'].lower() if nat in Regions.lower(): print(nat, 'invalid', ip) return False else: print(nat, 'valid', ip) return True def check_region_warp(ip): try: return check_region(ip) except Exception as e: print(e) return True