# Copyright 2023 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Public interface for flag definition. See _example.py for detailed instructions on defining flags. """ import sys from six.moves import shlex_quote from absl import app as absl_app from absl import flags from official.utils.flags import _base from official.utils.flags import _benchmark from official.utils.flags import _conventions from official.utils.flags import _device from official.utils.flags import _distribution from official.utils.flags import _misc from official.utils.flags import _performance def set_defaults(**kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): flags.FLAGS.set_default(name=key, value=value) def parse_flags(argv=None): """Reset flags and reparse. Currently only used in testing.""" flags.FLAGS.unparse_flags() absl_app.parse_flags_with_usage(argv or sys.argv) def register_key_flags_in_core(f): """Defines a function in core.py, and registers its key flags. absl uses the location of a flags.declare_key_flag() to determine the context in which a flag is key. By making all declares in core, this allows model main functions to call flags.adopt_module_key_flags() on core and correctly chain key flags. Args: f: The function to be wrapped Returns: The "core-defined" version of the input function. """ def core_fn(*args, **kwargs): key_flags = f(*args, **kwargs) [flags.declare_key_flag(fl) for fl in key_flags] # pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned return core_fn define_base = register_key_flags_in_core(_base.define_base) # We have define_base_eager for compatibility, since it used to be a separate # function from define_base. define_base_eager = define_base define_log_steps = register_key_flags_in_core(_benchmark.define_log_steps) define_benchmark = register_key_flags_in_core(_benchmark.define_benchmark) define_device = register_key_flags_in_core(_device.define_device) define_image = register_key_flags_in_core(_misc.define_image) define_performance = register_key_flags_in_core(_performance.define_performance) define_distribution = register_key_flags_in_core( _distribution.define_distribution) help_wrap = _conventions.help_wrap get_num_gpus = _base.get_num_gpus get_tf_dtype = _performance.get_tf_dtype get_loss_scale = _performance.get_loss_scale DTYPE_MAP = _performance.DTYPE_MAP require_cloud_storage = _device.require_cloud_storage def _get_nondefault_flags_as_dict(): """Returns the nondefault flags as a dict from flag name to value.""" nondefault_flags = {} for flag_name in flags.FLAGS: flag_value = getattr(flags.FLAGS, flag_name) if (flag_name != flags.FLAGS[flag_name].short_name and flag_value != flags.FLAGS[flag_name].default): nondefault_flags[flag_name] = flag_value return nondefault_flags def get_nondefault_flags_as_str(): """Returns flags as a string that can be passed as command line arguments. E.g., returns: "--batch_size=256 --use_synthetic_data" for the following code block: ``` flags.FLAGS.batch_size = 256 flags.FLAGS.use_synthetic_data = True print(get_nondefault_flags_as_str()) ``` Only flags with nondefault values are returned, as passing default flags as command line arguments has no effect. Returns: A string with the flags, that can be passed as command line arguments to a program to use the flags. """ nondefault_flags = _get_nondefault_flags_as_dict() flag_strings = [] for name, value in sorted(nondefault_flags.items()): if isinstance(value, bool): flag_str = '--{}'.format(name) if value else '--no{}'.format(name) elif isinstance(value, list): flag_str = '--{}={}'.format(name, ','.join(value)) else: flag_str = '--{}={}'.format(name, value) flag_strings.append(flag_str) return ' '.join(shlex_quote(flag_str) for flag_str in flag_strings)