# Copyright 2023 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """TFM common training driver library.""" # pytype: disable=attribute-error import os import tempfile from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple # Import libraries from absl import logging import orbit import tensorflow as tf, tf_keras from official.core import actions from official.core import base_task from official.core import base_trainer from official.core import config_definitions from official.core import train_utils maybe_create_best_ckpt_exporter = train_utils.maybe_create_best_ckpt_exporter class OrbitExperimentRunner: """Runs experiment with Orbit training loop. The default experiment runner for model garden experiments. User can customize the experiment pipeline by subclassing this class and replacing components or functions. For example, an experiment runner with customized checkpoint manager: ```python class MyExpRunnerWithExporter(OrbitExperimentRunner): def _maybe_build_checkpoint_manager(sefl): # Replaces the default CheckpointManger with a customized one. return MyCheckpointManager(*args) # In user code, instead of the orginal # `OrbitExperimentRunner(..).run(mode)`, now user can do: MyExpRunnerWithExporter(**needed_kwargs).run(mode) ``` Similar override can be done to other components. """ def __init__( self, distribution_strategy: tf.distribute.Strategy, task: base_task.Task, mode: str, params: config_definitions.ExperimentConfig, model_dir: str, run_post_eval: bool = False, save_summary: bool = True, train_actions: Optional[List[orbit.Action]] = None, eval_actions: Optional[List[orbit.Action]] = None, trainer: Optional[base_trainer.Trainer] = None, controller_cls=orbit.Controller, summary_manager: Optional[orbit.utils.SummaryManager] = None, eval_summary_manager: Optional[orbit.utils.SummaryManager] = None, enable_async_checkpointing: bool = False, ): """Constructor. Args: distribution_strategy: A distribution strategy. task: A Task instance. mode: A 'str', specifying the mode. Can be 'train', 'eval', 'train_and_eval' or 'continuous_eval'. params: ExperimentConfig instance. model_dir: A 'str', a path to store model checkpoints and summaries. run_post_eval: Whether to run post eval once after training, metrics logs are returned. save_summary: Whether to save train and validation summary. train_actions: Optional list of Orbit train actions. eval_actions: Optional list of Orbit eval actions. trainer: the base_trainer.Trainer instance. It should be created within the strategy.scope(). controller_cls: The controller class to manage the train and eval process. Must be a orbit.Controller subclass. summary_manager: Instance of the summary manager to override default summary manager. eval_summary_manager: Instance of the eval summary manager to override default eval summary manager. enable_async_checkpointing: Optional boolean indicating whether to enable async checkpoint saving. """ self.strategy = distribution_strategy or tf.distribute.get_strategy() self._params = params self._model_dir = model_dir self._mode = mode self._run_post_eval = run_post_eval self._trainer = trainer or self._build_trainer( task, train='train' in mode, evaluate=('eval' in mode) or run_post_eval) assert self.trainer is not None self._checkpoint_manager = self._maybe_build_checkpoint_manager() self._summary_manager = summary_manager self._eval_summary_manager = eval_summary_manager self._controller = self._build_controller( trainer=self.trainer if 'train' in mode else None, evaluator=self.trainer, save_summary=save_summary, train_actions=train_actions, eval_actions=eval_actions, controller_cls=controller_cls, enable_async_checkpointing=enable_async_checkpointing) @property def params(self) -> config_definitions.ExperimentConfig: """The whole experiment parameters object.""" return self._params @property def model_dir(self) -> str: """Path to the model folder, which stores checkpoints, params, log, etc.""" return self._model_dir @property def trainer(self) -> base_trainer.Trainer: """The underlying Orbit Trainer object.""" return self._trainer @property def checkpoint_manager(self) -> Optional[tf.train.CheckpointManager]: """The CheckpointManager that stores the checkpoints in a train job.""" return self._checkpoint_manager @property def controller(self) -> orbit.Controller: """The Orbit controller object.""" return self._controller def _build_trainer(self, task: base_task.Task, train: bool, evaluate: bool) -> base_trainer.Trainer: """Create trainer.""" with self.strategy.scope(): trainer = train_utils.create_trainer( self.params, task, train=train, evaluate=evaluate, checkpoint_exporter=self._build_best_checkpoint_exporter()) return trainer def _build_best_checkpoint_exporter(self): return maybe_create_best_ckpt_exporter(self.params, self.model_dir) def _maybe_build_checkpoint_manager( self) -> Optional[tf.train.CheckpointManager]: """Maybe create a CheckpointManager.""" assert self.trainer is not None if self.trainer.checkpoint: if self.model_dir is None: raise ValueError('model_dir must be specified, but got None') if (not self.strategy) or self.strategy.extended.should_checkpoint: ckpt_path = self.model_dir max_to_keep = self.params.trainer.max_to_keep else: # In multi worker training we need every worker to save checkpoint, # because variables can trigger synchronization on read and # synchronization needs all workers to participate. To avoid workers # overriding each other we save to a temporary directory on non-chief # workers. ckpt_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() max_to_keep = 1 checkpoint_manager = tf.train.CheckpointManager( self.trainer.checkpoint, directory=ckpt_path, max_to_keep=max_to_keep, step_counter=self.trainer.global_step, checkpoint_interval=self.params.trainer.checkpoint_interval, init_fn=self.trainer.initialize) else: checkpoint_manager = None return checkpoint_manager def _build_controller( self, trainer, evaluator, save_summary: bool = True, train_actions: Optional[List[orbit.Action]] = None, eval_actions: Optional[List[orbit.Action]] = None, controller_cls=orbit.Controller, enable_async_checkpointing: bool = False, ) -> orbit.Controller: """Builds a Orbit controler.""" train_actions = [] if not train_actions else train_actions if trainer: checkpoint_manager = self.checkpoint_manager assert checkpoint_manager, 'Checkpoint manager required but undefined.' train_actions += actions.get_train_actions( self.params, trainer, self.model_dir, checkpoint_manager=checkpoint_manager, ) eval_actions = [] if not eval_actions else eval_actions if evaluator: eval_actions += actions.get_eval_actions(self.params, evaluator, self.model_dir) if save_summary: eval_summary_dir = os.path.join( self.model_dir, self.params.trainer.validation_summary_subdir ) else: eval_summary_dir = None controller = controller_cls( strategy=self.strategy, trainer=trainer, evaluator=evaluator, global_step=self.trainer.global_step, steps_per_loop=self.params.trainer.steps_per_loop, checkpoint_manager=self.checkpoint_manager, enable_async_checkpointing=enable_async_checkpointing, summary_dir=os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'train') if (save_summary) else None, eval_summary_dir=eval_summary_dir, summary_interval=self.params.trainer.summary_interval if (save_summary) else None, train_actions=train_actions, eval_actions=eval_actions, summary_manager=self._summary_manager if hasattr(self, '_summary_manager') else None, eval_summary_manager=self._eval_summary_manager if hasattr(self, '_eval_summary_manager') else None, ) return controller def run(self) -> Tuple[tf_keras.Model, Mapping[str, Any]]: """Run experiments by mode. Returns: A 2-tuple of (model, eval_logs). model: `tf_keras.Model` instance. eval_logs: returns eval metrics logs when run_post_eval is set to True, otherwise, returns {}. """ mode = self._mode params = self.params logging.info('Starts to execute mode: %s', mode) with self.strategy.scope(): if mode == 'train' or mode == 'train_and_post_eval': self.controller.train(steps=params.trainer.train_steps) elif mode == 'train_and_eval': self.controller.train_and_evaluate( train_steps=params.trainer.train_steps, eval_steps=params.trainer.validation_steps, eval_interval=params.trainer.validation_interval) elif mode == 'eval': self.controller.evaluate(steps=params.trainer.validation_steps) elif mode == 'continuous_eval': def timeout_fn(): if self.trainer.global_step.numpy() >= params.trainer.train_steps: return True return False self.controller.evaluate_continuously( steps=params.trainer.validation_steps, timeout=params.trainer.continuous_eval_timeout, timeout_fn=timeout_fn) else: raise NotImplementedError('The mode is not implemented: %s' % mode) num_params = train_utils.try_count_params(self.trainer.model) if num_params is not None: logging.info('Number of trainable params in model: %f Millions.', num_params / 10.**6) flops = train_utils.try_count_flops(self.trainer.model) if flops is not None: logging.info('FLOPs (multi-adds) in model: %f Billions.', flops / 10.**9 / 2) if self._run_post_eval or mode == 'train_and_post_eval': with self.strategy.scope(): return self.trainer.model, self.controller.evaluate( steps=params.trainer.validation_steps) else: return self.trainer.model, {} def run_experiment( distribution_strategy: tf.distribute.Strategy, task: base_task.Task, mode: str, params: config_definitions.ExperimentConfig, model_dir: str, run_post_eval: bool = False, save_summary: bool = True, train_actions: Optional[List[orbit.Action]] = None, eval_actions: Optional[List[orbit.Action]] = None, trainer: Optional[base_trainer.Trainer] = None, controller_cls=orbit.Controller, summary_manager: Optional[orbit.utils.SummaryManager] = None, eval_summary_manager: Optional[orbit.utils.SummaryManager] = None, enable_async_checkpointing: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[tf_keras.Model, Mapping[str, Any]]: """Runs train/eval configured by the experiment params. Args: distribution_strategy: A distribution distribution_strategy. task: A Task instance. mode: A 'str', specifying the mode. Can be 'train', 'eval', 'train_and_eval' or 'continuous_eval'. params: ExperimentConfig instance. model_dir: A 'str', a path to store model checkpoints and summaries. run_post_eval: Whether to run post eval once after training, metrics logs are returned. save_summary: Whether to save train and validation summary. train_actions: Optional list of Orbit train actions. eval_actions: Optional list of Orbit eval actions. trainer: the base_trainer.Trainer instance. It should be created within the strategy.scope(). controller_cls: The controller class to manage the train and eval process. Must be a orbit.Controller subclass. summary_manager: Instance of the summary manager to override default summary manager. eval_summary_manager: Instance of the eval summary manager to override default eval summary manager. enable_async_checkpointing: Optional boolean indicating whether to enable async checkpoint saving. Returns: A 2-tuple of (model, eval_logs). model: `tf_keras.Model` instance. eval_logs: returns eval metrics logs when run_post_eval is set to True, otherwise, returns {}. """ runner = OrbitExperimentRunner( distribution_strategy=distribution_strategy, task=task, mode=mode, params=params, model_dir=model_dir, run_post_eval=run_post_eval, save_summary=save_summary, train_actions=train_actions, eval_actions=eval_actions, trainer=trainer, controller_cls=controller_cls, summary_manager=summary_manager, eval_summary_manager=eval_summary_manager, enable_async_checkpointing=enable_async_checkpointing, ) return runner.run()