# Copyright 2023 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Beam search to find the translated sequence with the highest probability.""" import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf, tf_keras def inf(dtype): """Returns a value close to infinity, but is still finite in `dtype`. This is useful to get a very large value that is still zero when multiplied by zero. The floating-point "Inf" value is NaN when multiplied by zero. Args: dtype: A dtype. The returned value will be finite when casted to this dtype. Returns: A very large value. """ if dtype == "float32" or dtype == "bfloat16": return 1e7 elif dtype == "float16": # Disable no-member lint error, as the linter thinks np.float16 does not # exist for some reason. return np.finfo(np.float16).max # pylint: disable=no-member else: raise AssertionError("Invalid dtype: %s" % dtype) class _StateKeys(object): """Keys to dictionary storing the state of the beam search loop.""" # Variable storing the loop index. CUR_INDEX = "CUR_INDEX" # Top sequences that are alive for each batch item. Alive sequences are ones # that have not generated an EOS token. Sequences that reach EOS are marked as # finished and moved to the FINISHED_SEQ tensor. # Has shape [batch_size, beam_size, CUR_INDEX + 1] ALIVE_SEQ = "ALIVE_SEQ" # Log probabilities of each alive sequence. Shape [batch_size, beam_size] ALIVE_LOG_PROBS = "ALIVE_LOG_PROBS" # Dictionary of cached values for each alive sequence. The cache stores # the encoder output, attention bias, and the decoder attention output from # the previous iteration. ALIVE_CACHE = "ALIVE_CACHE" # Top finished sequences for each batch item. # Has shape [batch_size, beam_size, CUR_INDEX + 1]. Sequences that are # shorter than CUR_INDEX + 1 are padded with 0s. FINISHED_SEQ = "FINISHED_SEQ" # Scores for each finished sequence. Score = log probability / length norm # Shape [batch_size, beam_size] FINISHED_SCORES = "FINISHED_SCORES" # Flags indicating which sequences in the finished sequences are finished. # At the beginning, all of the sequences in FINISHED_SEQ are filler values. # True -> finished sequence, False -> filler. Shape [batch_size, beam_size] FINISHED_FLAGS = "FINISHED_FLAGS" def _expand_to_same_rank(tensor, target): """Expands a given tensor to target's rank to be broadcastable. Args: tensor: input tensor to tile. Shape: [b, d1, ..., da] target: target tensor. Shape: [b, d1, ..., da, ..., dn] Returns: Tiled tensor of shape [b, d1, ..., da, 1, ..., 1] with same rank of target. Raises: ValueError, if the shape rank of rank tensor/target is None. """ if tensor.shape.rank is None: raise ValueError("Expect rank for tensor shape, but got None.") if target.shape.rank is None: raise ValueError("Expect rank for target shape, but got None.") with tf.name_scope("expand_rank"): diff_rank = target.shape.rank - tensor.shape.rank for _ in range(diff_rank): tensor = tf.expand_dims(tensor, -1) return tensor class SequenceBeamSearch(tf.Module): """Implementation of beam search loop.""" def __init__( self, symbols_to_logits_fn, vocab_size, beam_size, alpha, max_decode_length, eos_id, padded_decode, dtype=tf.float32, noise_multiplier: float = 0.0, decoding_name=None, ): """Initialize sequence beam search. Args: symbols_to_logits_fn: A function to provide logits, which is the interface to the Transformer model. The passed in arguments are: ids -> A tensor with shape [batch_size * beam_size, index]. index -> A scalar. cache -> A nested dictionary of tensors [batch_size * beam_size, ...]. The function must return a tuple of logits and the updated cache: logits -> A tensor with shape [batch * beam_size, vocab_size]. updated cache -> A nested dictionary with the same structure as the input cache. vocab_size: An integer, the size of the vocabulary, used for topk computation. beam_size: An integer, number of beams for beam search. alpha: A float, defining the strength of length normalization. max_decode_length: An integer, the maximum number of steps to decode a sequence. eos_id: An integer or a list. ID of end of sentence token. padded_decode: A bool, indicating if max_sequence_length padding is used for beam search. dtype: A tensorflow data type used for score computation. The default is tf.float32. noise_multiplier: The amount of noise. decoding_name: an optional name for the decoding loop tensors. """ self.symbols_to_logits_fn = symbols_to_logits_fn self.vocab_size = vocab_size self.beam_size = beam_size self.alpha = alpha self.max_decode_length = max_decode_length if isinstance(eos_id, list): self.eos_id = eos_id else: self.eos_id = [eos_id] self.padded_decode = padded_decode self.dtype = tf.as_dtype(dtype) self.decoding_name = decoding_name self.noise_multiplier = noise_multiplier def search(self, initial_ids, initial_cache): """Beam search for sequences with highest scores. Args: initial_ids: initial ids to pass into the symbols_to_logits_fn. int tensor with shape [batch_size, 1] initial_cache: dictionary storing values to be passed into the symbols_to_logits_fn. Returns: finished_seq and finished_scores. """ batch_size = ( initial_ids.shape.as_list()[0] if self.padded_decode else tf.shape(initial_ids)[0]) state, state_shapes = self._create_initial_state(initial_ids, initial_cache, batch_size) def _grow_alive_seq(state): """Grow alive sequences by one token, collect top 2*beam_size sequences. 2*beam_size sequences are collected because some sequences may have reached the EOS token. 2*beam_size ensures that at least beam_size sequences are still alive. Args: state: A dictionary with the current loop state. Returns: Tuple of (Top 2*beam_size sequences [batch_size, 2 * beam_size, cur_index + 1], Scores of returned sequences [batch_size, 2 * beam_size], New alive cache, for each of the 2 * beam_size sequences) """ i = state[_StateKeys.CUR_INDEX] alive_seq = state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_SEQ] alive_log_probs = state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS] alive_cache = state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_CACHE] beams_to_keep = 2 * self.beam_size # Get logits for the next candidate IDs for the alive sequences. Get the # new cache values at the same time. if self.padded_decode: flat_ids = tf.reshape( tf.slice(alive_seq, [0, 0, i], [batch_size, self.beam_size, 1]), [batch_size * self.beam_size, -1]) else: flat_ids = flatten_beam_dim(alive_seq) # [batch_size * beam_size] flat_cache = tf.nest.map_structure(flatten_beam_dim, alive_cache) flat_logits, flat_cache = self.symbols_to_logits_fn( flat_ids, i, flat_cache) if self.noise_multiplier > 0: noise = tf.random.uniform(flat_logits.shape, dtype=flat_logits.dtype) # Generates standard Gumbel(0, 1) noise, GSE Tensors noise = -tf.math.log(-tf.math.log(noise)) # NOMUTANTS -- may not impact final result. flat_logits = flat_logits + noise * self.noise_multiplier # Unflatten logits to shape [batch_size, beam_size, vocab_size] logits = _unflatten_beam_dim(flat_logits, batch_size, self.beam_size) new_cache = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: _unflatten_beam_dim(t, batch_size, self.beam_size), flat_cache) # Convert logits to normalized log probs candidate_log_probs = _log_prob_from_logits(logits) # Calculate new log probabilities if each of the alive sequences were # extended # by the candidate IDs. # Shape [batch_size, beam_size, vocab_size] log_probs = candidate_log_probs + tf.expand_dims(alive_log_probs, axis=2) # Each batch item has beam_size * vocab_size candidate sequences. For each # batch item, get the k candidates with the highest log probabilities. flat_log_probs = tf.reshape(log_probs, [-1, self.beam_size * self.vocab_size]) topk_log_probs, topk_indices = tf.nn.top_k( flat_log_probs, k=beams_to_keep) # Extract the alive sequences that generate the highest log probabilities # after being extended. topk_beam_indices = topk_indices // self.vocab_size topk_seq, new_cache = self._gather_beams([alive_seq, new_cache], topk_beam_indices, batch_size, beams_to_keep) # Append the most probable IDs to the topk sequences topk_ids = topk_indices % self.vocab_size if self.padded_decode: topk_seq = tf.transpose(topk_seq, perm=[2, 0, 1]) # TODO(b/145533236, hongkuny): Reverts once TF fix the validation. topk_seq = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(topk_seq, [[i + 1]], tf.expand_dims(topk_ids, axis=0)) topk_seq = tf.transpose(topk_seq, perm=[1, 2, 0]) else: topk_seq = tf.concat( [topk_seq, tf.expand_dims(topk_ids, axis=2)], axis=2) return topk_seq, topk_log_probs, topk_ids, new_cache def _get_new_alive_state(new_seq, new_log_probs, new_finished_flags, new_cache): """Gather the top k sequences that are still alive. Args: new_seq: New sequences generated by growing the current alive sequences int32 tensor with shape [batch_size, 2 * beam_size, cur_index + 1] new_log_probs: Log probabilities of new sequences float32 tensor with shape [batch_size, beam_size] new_finished_flags: A boolean Tensor indicates which sequences are live inside the beam. new_cache: Dict of cached values for each sequence. Returns: Dictionary with alive keys from _StateKeys: {Top beam_size sequences that are still alive (don't end with eos_id) Log probabilities of top alive sequences Dict cache storing decoder states for top alive sequences} """ # To prevent finished sequences from being considered, set log probs to # -inf. new_log_probs += tf.cast(new_finished_flags, self.dtype) * -inf(self.dtype) _, topk_indexes = tf.nn.top_k(new_log_probs, k=self.beam_size) top_alive_seq, top_alive_log_probs, top_alive_cache = ( self._gather_beams([new_seq, new_log_probs, new_cache], topk_indexes, batch_size, self.beam_size)) return { _StateKeys.ALIVE_SEQ: top_alive_seq, _StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS: top_alive_log_probs, _StateKeys.ALIVE_CACHE: top_alive_cache } def _get_new_finished_state(state, new_seq, new_log_probs, new_finished_flags): """Combine new and old finished sequences, and gather the top k sequences. Args: state: A dictionary with the current loop state. new_seq: New sequences generated by growing the current alive sequences int32 tensor with shape [batch_size, beam_size, i + 1] new_log_probs: Log probabilities of new sequences float32 tensor with shape [batch_size, beam_size] new_finished_flags: A boolean Tensor indicates which sequences are live inside the beam. Returns: Dictionary with finished keys from _StateKeys: {Top beam_size finished sequences based on score, Scores of finished sequences, Finished flags of finished sequences} """ i = state[_StateKeys.CUR_INDEX] finished_seq = state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_SEQ] finished_scores = state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_SCORES] finished_flags = state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_FLAGS] # First append a column of 0-ids to finished_seq to increment the length. # New shape of finished_seq: [batch_size, beam_size, i + 1] if not self.padded_decode: finished_seq = tf.concat( [finished_seq, tf.zeros([batch_size, self.beam_size, 1], tf.int32)], axis=2) # Calculate new seq scores from log probabilities. length_norm = _length_normalization(self.alpha, i + 1, dtype=self.dtype) new_scores = new_log_probs / length_norm # Set the scores of the still-alive seq in new_seq to large negative # values. new_scores += ((1. - tf.cast(new_finished_flags, self.dtype)) * -inf(self.dtype)) # Combine sequences, scores, and flags. finished_seq = tf.concat([finished_seq, new_seq], axis=1) finished_scores = tf.concat([finished_scores, new_scores], axis=1) finished_flags = tf.concat([finished_flags, new_finished_flags], axis=1) # Return the finished sequences with the best scores. _, topk_indexes = tf.nn.top_k(finished_scores, k=self.beam_size) top_finished_seq, top_finished_scores, top_finished_flags = ( self._gather_beams([finished_seq, finished_scores, finished_flags], topk_indexes, batch_size, self.beam_size)) return { _StateKeys.FINISHED_SEQ: top_finished_seq, _StateKeys.FINISHED_SCORES: top_finished_scores, _StateKeys.FINISHED_FLAGS: top_finished_flags } def _search_step(state): """Beam search loop body. Grow alive sequences by a single ID. Sequences that have reached the EOS token are marked as finished. The alive and finished sequences with the highest log probabilities and scores are returned. A sequence's finished score is calculating by dividing the log probability by the length normalization factor. Without length normalization, the search is more likely to return shorter sequences. Args: state: A dictionary with the current loop state. Returns: new state dictionary. """ # Grow alive sequences by one token. new_seq, new_log_probs, topk_ids, new_cache = _grow_alive_seq(state) new_finished_flags = tf.equal(topk_ids, self.eos_id[0]) for eos_id in self.eos_id[1:]: one_finished_flags = tf.equal(topk_ids, eos_id) new_finished_flags = tf.logical_or( new_finished_flags, one_finished_flags ) # Collect top beam_size alive sequences alive_state = _get_new_alive_state(new_seq, new_log_probs, new_finished_flags, new_cache) # Combine newly finished sequences with existing finished sequences, and # collect the top k scoring sequences. finished_state = _get_new_finished_state(state, new_seq, new_log_probs, new_finished_flags) # Increment loop index and create new state dictionary new_state = {_StateKeys.CUR_INDEX: state[_StateKeys.CUR_INDEX] + 1} new_state.update(alive_state) new_state.update(finished_state) return [new_state] finished_state = tf.nest.map_structure( tf.stop_gradient, tf.while_loop( self._continue_search, _search_step, loop_vars=[state], shape_invariants=[state_shapes], parallel_iterations=1, name=self.decoding_name)) finished_state = finished_state[0] return self._process_finished_state(finished_state) def _process_finished_state(self, finished_state): alive_seq = finished_state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_SEQ] alive_log_probs = finished_state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS] finished_seq = finished_state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_SEQ] finished_scores = finished_state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_SCORES] finished_flags = finished_state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_FLAGS] # TF2 changes tf.where behavior. Should make parameters broadcastable. finished_cond = tf.reduce_any(finished_flags, 1, name="finished_cond") seq_cond = _expand_to_same_rank(finished_cond, finished_seq) score_cond = _expand_to_same_rank(finished_cond, finished_scores) # Account for corner case where there are no finished sequences for a # particular batch item. In that case, return alive sequences for that batch # item. finished_seq = tf.where(seq_cond, finished_seq, alive_seq) finished_scores = tf.where(score_cond, finished_scores, alive_log_probs) return finished_seq, finished_scores def _create_initial_state(self, initial_ids, initial_cache, batch_size): """Return initial state dictionary and its shape invariants.""" for key, value in initial_cache.items(): for inner_value in tf.nest.flatten(value): if inner_value.dtype != self.dtype: raise TypeError( "initial_cache element for key '%s' has dtype %s that does not " "match SequenceBeamSearch's dtype of %s. Value: %s" % (key, inner_value.dtype.name, self.dtype.name, inner_value)) # Current loop index (starts at 0) cur_index = tf.constant(0) # Create alive sequence with shape [batch_size, beam_size, 1] alive_seq = expand_to_beam_size(initial_ids, self.beam_size) alive_seq = tf.expand_dims(alive_seq, axis=2) if self.padded_decode: alive_seq = tf.tile(alive_seq, [1, 1, self.max_decode_length + 1]) # Create tensor for storing initial log probabilities. # Assume initial_ids are prob 1.0 initial_log_probs = tf.constant([[0.] + [-float("inf")] * (self.beam_size - 1)], dtype=self.dtype) alive_log_probs = tf.tile(initial_log_probs, [batch_size, 1]) # Expand all values stored in the dictionary to the beam size, so that each # beam has a separate cache. alive_cache = tf.nest.map_structure( lambda t: expand_to_beam_size(t, self.beam_size), initial_cache) # Initialize tensor storing finished sequences with filler values. finished_seq = tf.zeros(tf.shape(alive_seq), tf.int32) # Set scores of the initial finished seqs to negative infinity. finished_scores = tf.ones([batch_size, self.beam_size], dtype=self.dtype) * -inf(self.dtype) # Initialize finished flags with all False values. finished_flags = tf.zeros([batch_size, self.beam_size], tf.bool) # Create state dictionary state = { _StateKeys.CUR_INDEX: cur_index, _StateKeys.ALIVE_SEQ: alive_seq, _StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS: alive_log_probs, _StateKeys.ALIVE_CACHE: alive_cache, _StateKeys.FINISHED_SEQ: finished_seq, _StateKeys.FINISHED_SCORES: finished_scores, _StateKeys.FINISHED_FLAGS: finished_flags } # Create state invariants for each value in the state dictionary. Each # dimension must be a constant or None. A None dimension means either: # 1) the dimension's value is a tensor that remains the same but may # depend on the input sequence to the model (e.g. batch size). # 2) the dimension may have different values on different iterations. if self.padded_decode: state_shape_invariants = { _StateKeys.CUR_INDEX: tf.TensorShape([]), _StateKeys.ALIVE_SEQ: tf.TensorShape( [batch_size, self.beam_size, self.max_decode_length + 1]), _StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS: tf.TensorShape([batch_size, self.beam_size]), _StateKeys.ALIVE_CACHE: tf.nest.map_structure(lambda state: state.get_shape(), alive_cache), _StateKeys.FINISHED_SEQ: tf.TensorShape( [batch_size, self.beam_size, self.max_decode_length + 1]), _StateKeys.FINISHED_SCORES: tf.TensorShape([batch_size, self.beam_size]), _StateKeys.FINISHED_FLAGS: tf.TensorShape([batch_size, self.beam_size]) } else: state_shape_invariants = { _StateKeys.CUR_INDEX: tf.TensorShape([]), _StateKeys.ALIVE_SEQ: tf.TensorShape([None, self.beam_size, None]), _StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS: tf.TensorShape([None, self.beam_size]), _StateKeys.ALIVE_CACHE: tf.nest.map_structure(_get_shape_keep_last_dim, alive_cache), _StateKeys.FINISHED_SEQ: tf.TensorShape([None, self.beam_size, None]), _StateKeys.FINISHED_SCORES: tf.TensorShape([None, self.beam_size]), _StateKeys.FINISHED_FLAGS: tf.TensorShape([None, self.beam_size]) } return state, state_shape_invariants def _continue_search(self, state): """Return whether to continue the search loop. The loops should terminate when 1) when decode length has been reached, or 2) when the worst score in the finished sequences is better than the best score in the alive sequences (i.e. the finished sequences are provably unchanging) Args: state: A dictionary with the current loop state. Returns: Bool tensor with value True if loop should continue, False if loop should terminate. """ i = state[_StateKeys.CUR_INDEX] alive_log_probs = state[_StateKeys.ALIVE_LOG_PROBS] finished_scores = state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_SCORES] finished_flags = state[_StateKeys.FINISHED_FLAGS] not_at_max_decode_length = tf.less(i, self.max_decode_length) # Calculate largest length penalty (the larger penalty, the better score). max_length_norm = _length_normalization( self.alpha, self.max_decode_length, dtype=self.dtype) # Get the best possible scores from alive sequences. # This tf.slice/tf.squeeze is equivalent to alive_log_probs[:, 0] which # emits a tf.strided_slice. tf.slice is easier to reason about as we aren't # actually taking a non trivial stride. best_alive_scores = tf.squeeze(tf.slice(alive_log_probs, [0, 0], [-1, 1]), axis=1) / max_length_norm # Compute worst score in finished sequences for each batch element finished_scores *= tf.cast(finished_flags, self.dtype) # set filler scores to zero lowest_finished_scores = tf.reduce_min(finished_scores, axis=1) # If there are no finished sequences in a batch element, then set the lowest # finished score to -INF for that element. finished_batches = tf.reduce_any(finished_flags, 1) lowest_finished_scores += ((1.0 - tf.cast(finished_batches, self.dtype)) * -inf(self.dtype)) worst_finished_score_better_than_best_alive_score = tf.reduce_all( tf.greater(lowest_finished_scores, best_alive_scores)) return tf.logical_and( not_at_max_decode_length, tf.logical_not(worst_finished_score_better_than_best_alive_score)) @staticmethod def _gather_beams(nested, beam_indices, batch_size, new_beam_size): """Gather beams from nested structure of tensors. Each tensor in nested represents a batch of beams, where beam refers to a single search state (beam search involves searching through multiple states in parallel). This function is used to gather the top beams, specified by beam_indices, from the nested tensors. Args: nested: Nested structure (tensor, list, tuple or dict) containing tensors with shape [batch_size, beam_size, ...]. beam_indices: int32 tensor with shape [batch_size, new_beam_size]. Each value in beam_indices must be between [0, beam_size), and are not necessarily unique. batch_size: int size of batch new_beam_size: int number of beams to be pulled from the nested tensors. Returns: Nested structure containing tensors with shape [batch_size, new_beam_size, ...] """ # Computes the i'th coodinate that contains the batch index for gather_nd. # Batch pos is a tensor like [[0,0,0,0,],[1,1,1,1],..]. batch_pos = tf.range(batch_size * new_beam_size) // new_beam_size batch_pos = tf.reshape(batch_pos, [batch_size, new_beam_size]) # Create coordinates to be passed to tf.gather_nd. Stacking creates a tensor # with shape [batch_size, beam_size, 2], where the last dimension contains # the (i, j) gathering coordinates. coordinates = tf.stack([batch_pos, beam_indices], axis=2) return tf.nest.map_structure(lambda state: tf.gather_nd(state, coordinates), nested) def sequence_beam_search( symbols_to_logits_fn, initial_ids, initial_cache, vocab_size, beam_size, alpha, max_decode_length, eos_id, padded_decode=False, dtype="float32", noise_multiplier: float = 0.0, decoding_name=None, ): """Search for sequence of subtoken ids with the largest probability. Args: symbols_to_logits_fn: A function that takes in ids, index, and cache as arguments. The passed in arguments will have shape: ids -> A tensor with shape [batch_size * beam_size, index]. index -> A scalar. cache -> A nested dictionary of tensors [batch_size * beam_size, ...]. The function must return a tuple of logits and new cache: logits -> A tensor with shape [batch * beam_size, vocab_size]. new cache -> A nested dictionary with the same shape/structure as the inputted cache. initial_ids: An int32 tensor with shape [batch_size]. Starting ids for each batch item. initial_cache: A dictionary, containing starting decoder variables information. vocab_size: An integer, the size of tokens. beam_size: An integer, the number of beams. alpha: A float, defining the strength of length normalization. max_decode_length: An integer, the maximum length to decoded a sequence. eos_id: An integer, ID of eos token, used to determine when a sequence has finished. padded_decode: A bool, indicating if max_sequence_length padding is used for beam search. dtype: A tensorflow data type used for score computation. The default is tf.float32. noise_multiplier: The amount of noise. decoding_name: an optional name for the decoding loop tensors. Returns: Top decoded sequences [batch_size, beam_size, max_decode_length] sequence scores [batch_size, beam_size] """ sbs = SequenceBeamSearch( symbols_to_logits_fn, vocab_size, beam_size, alpha, max_decode_length, eos_id, padded_decode, dtype, noise_multiplier, decoding_name, ) return sbs.search(initial_ids, initial_cache) def _log_prob_from_logits(logits): return logits - tf.reduce_logsumexp(logits, axis=2, keepdims=True) def _length_normalization(alpha, length, dtype=tf.float32): """Return length normalization factor.""" return tf.pow(((5. + tf.cast(length, dtype)) / 6.), alpha) def expand_to_beam_size(tensor, beam_size): """Tiles a given tensor by beam_size. Args: tensor: tensor to tile [batch_size, ...] beam_size: How much to tile the tensor by. Returns: Tiled tensor [batch_size, beam_size, ...] """ tensor = tf.expand_dims(tensor, axis=1) tile_dims = [1] * tensor.shape.ndims tile_dims[1] = beam_size return tf.tile(tensor, tile_dims) def flatten_beam_dim(tensor): """Reshapes first two dimensions into a single dimension. Args: tensor: Tensor to reshape of shape [A, B, ...] Returns: Reshaped tensor of shape [A*B, ...] """ shape = _shape_list(tensor) shape[0] *= shape[1] shape.pop(1) # Remove beam dim return tf.reshape(tensor, shape) def _shape_list(tensor): """Return a list of the tensor's shape, and ensure no None values in list.""" # Get statically known shape (may contain None's for unknown dimensions) shape = tensor.get_shape().as_list() # Ensure that the shape values are not None dynamic_shape = tf.shape(tensor) for i in range(len(shape)): # pylint: disable=consider-using-enumerate if shape[i] is None: shape[i] = dynamic_shape[i] return shape def _get_shape_keep_last_dim(tensor): shape_list = _shape_list(tensor) # Only the last for i in range(len(shape_list) - 1): shape_list[i] = None if isinstance(shape_list[-1], tf.Tensor): shape_list[-1] = None return tf.TensorShape(shape_list) def _unflatten_beam_dim(tensor, batch_size, beam_size): """Reshapes first dimension back to [batch_size, beam_size]. Args: tensor: Tensor to reshape of shape [batch_size*beam_size, ...] batch_size: Tensor, original batch size. beam_size: int, original beam size. Returns: Reshaped tensor of shape [batch_size, beam_size, ...] """ shape = _shape_list(tensor) new_shape = [batch_size, beam_size] + shape[1:] return tf.reshape(tensor, new_shape)