required_packages <- c( |
"httr", "jsonlite", "tidyverse", "glue", "lubridate", |
"wesanderson", "viridis", "shinycssloaders", |
"DT", "maps", "mapdata", "leaflet", "leaflet.extras", |
"shinythemes", "shiny" |
) |
installed_packages <- rownames(installed.packages()) |
for (pkg in required_packages) { |
if (!pkg %in% installed_packages) { |
install.packages(pkg, dependencies = TRUE) |
} |
} |
library(httr) |
library(jsonlite) |
library(tidyverse) |
library(glue) |
library(lubridate) |
library(wesanderson) |
library(viridis) |
library(shinycssloaders) |
library(DT) |
library(maps) |
library(mapdata) |
library(leaflet) |
library(leaflet.extras) |
library(shinythemes) |
library(shiny) |
fetch_dead_data_once <- function( |
place_id = NULL, |
swlat = NULL, |
swlng = NULL, |
nelat = NULL, |
nelng = NULL, |
start_date, |
end_date, |
iconic_taxa = NULL, |
taxon_name = NULL, |
conservation_status = NULL, |
per_page = 200, |
max_pages = 200 |
) { |
base_url <- "https://api.inaturalist.org/v1/observations" |
q_parts <- list( |
"term_id=17", |
"term_value_id=19", |
"verifiable=true", |
glue("d1={start_date}"), |
glue("d2={end_date}"), |
"order=desc", |
"order_by=created_at", |
glue("per_page={per_page}") |
) |
if (!is.null(iconic_taxa) && iconic_taxa != "") { |
q_parts <- c(q_parts, glue("iconic_taxa={iconic_taxa}")) |
} |
if (!is.null(taxon_name) && taxon_name != "") { |
q_parts <- c(q_parts, glue("taxon_name={URLencode(taxon_name)}")) |
} |
if (!is.null(conservation_status) && conservation_status != "") { |
if (!grepl("=", conservation_status, fixed = TRUE)) { |
q_parts <- c(q_parts, glue("cs={URLencode(conservation_status)}")) |
} else { |
q_parts <- c(q_parts, conservation_status) |
} |
} |
query_params <- paste(q_parts, collapse = "&") |
loc_part <- "" |
if (!is.null(place_id)) { |
loc_part <- glue("&place_id={place_id}") |
} else if (!is.null(swlat) && !is.null(swlng) && |
!is.null(nelat) && !is.null(nelng)) { |
loc_part <- glue("&nelat={nelat}&nelng={nelng}&swlat={swlat}&swlng={swlng}") |
} else { |
stop("Must provide either 'place_id' OR bounding box (swlat, swlng, nelat, nelng).") |
} |
observations_list <- list() |
current_page <- 1 |
while (current_page <= max_pages) { |
query_url <- paste0( |
base_url, "?", query_params, "&page=", current_page, loc_part |
) |
message("Fetching page ", current_page, |
" [", start_date, " to ", end_date, "]:\n", query_url) |
resp <- GET(query_url) |
if (http_error(resp)) { |
warning("HTTP error on page ", current_page, ": ", status_code(resp)) |
break |
} |
parsed <- content(resp, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") %>% |
fromJSON(flatten = TRUE) |
if (length(parsed$results) == 0) { |
message("No more results at page ", current_page) |
break |
} |
obs_page_df <- as_tibble(parsed$results) |
observations_list[[current_page]] <- obs_page_df |
if (nrow(obs_page_df) < per_page) { |
message("Reached last page of results at page ", current_page) |
break |
} |
current_page <- current_page + 1 |
Sys.sleep(1.5) |
} |
observations_all <- bind_rows(observations_list) |
return(observations_all) |
} |
fetch_dead_data_weekly <- function( |
year, |
place_id = NULL, |
swlat = NULL, |
swlng = NULL, |
nelat = NULL, |
nelng = NULL, |
iconic_taxa = NULL, |
taxon_name = NULL, |
conservation_status = NULL, |
per_page = 200, |
max_pages = 200 |
) { |
start_of_year <- as.Date(glue("{year}-01-01")) |
end_of_year <- as.Date(glue("{year}-12-31")) |
week_starts <- seq.Date(start_of_year, end_of_year, by = "1 week") |
weekly_list <- list() |
for (i in seq_along(week_starts)) { |
start_date <- week_starts[i] |
if (i < length(week_starts)) { |
end_date <- week_starts[i + 1] - 1 |
} else { |
end_date <- end_of_year |
} |
message("\n--- Querying ", year, ", Week #", i, |
" [", start_date, " to ", end_date, "] ---") |
df_week <- fetch_dead_data_once( |
place_id = place_id, |
swlat = swlat, |
swlng = swlng, |
nelat = nelat, |
nelng = nelng, |
start_date = start_date, |
end_date = end_date, |
iconic_taxa = iconic_taxa, |
taxon_name = taxon_name, |
conservation_status = conservation_status, |
per_page = per_page, |
max_pages = max_pages |
) |
weekly_list[[i]] <- df_week |
Sys.sleep(1.5) |
} |
year_df <- bind_rows(weekly_list) |
return(year_df) |
} |
getDeadVertebrates_weeklyLoop <- function( |
years, |
place_id = NULL, |
swlat = NULL, |
swlng = NULL, |
nelat = NULL, |
nelng = NULL, |
iconic_taxa = NULL, |
taxon_name = NULL, |
conservation_status = NULL, |
per_page = 500, |
max_pages = 500, |
outdir = NULL |
) { |
all_years_list <- list() |
for (yr in years) { |
message("\n========= YEAR: ", yr, " ==========\n") |
yr_df <- fetch_dead_data_weekly( |
year = yr, |
place_id = place_id, |
swlat = swlat, |
swlng = swlng, |
nelat = nelat, |
nelng = nelng, |
iconic_taxa= iconic_taxa, |
taxon_name = taxon_name, |
conservation_status = conservation_status, |
per_page = per_page, |
max_pages = max_pages |
) %>% |
mutate(Window = as.character(yr)) |
all_years_list[[as.character(yr)]] <- yr_df |
} |
merged_df_all <- bind_rows(all_years_list) |
if (!"created_at_details.date" %in% names(merged_df_all) || |
nrow(merged_df_all) == 0) { |
daily_plot <- ggplot() + |
labs(title = "No 'Dead' Observations Found", x = NULL, y = NULL) + |
theme_void() |
top_species_plot <- ggplot() + |
labs(title = "No species data", x = NULL, y = NULL) + |
theme_void() |
map_hotspots_gg <- ggplot() + |
labs(title = "No data for hotspots map") + |
theme_void() |
return(list( |
merged_df_all = merged_df_all, |
merged_df = merged_df_all, |
daily_plot = daily_plot, |
top_species_plot = top_species_plot, |
map_hotspots_gg = map_hotspots_gg, |
daily_90th_quant = NA |
)) |
} |
if (!is.null(outdir)) { |
if (!dir.exists(outdir)) { |
dir.create(outdir, recursive = TRUE) |
} |
readr::write_csv(merged_df_all, file.path(outdir, "merged_df_ALL_data.csv")) |
} |
counts_by_day <- merged_df_all %>% |
mutate(obs_date = as.Date(`observed_on`)) %>% |
group_by(Window, obs_date) %>% |
summarise(n = n_distinct(id), .groups = "drop") |
y_max_value <- max(counts_by_day$n, na.rm = TRUE) |
n_windows <- length(unique(counts_by_day$Window)) |
wes_colors <- wes_palette("Zissou1", n_windows, type = "discrete") |
daily_plot <- ggplot(counts_by_day, aes(x = obs_date, y = n, color = Window)) + |
geom_line(size = 1.2) + |
geom_point(size = 2) + |
scale_x_date(date_labels = "%b", date_breaks = "1 month") + |
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, y_max_value)) + |
labs( |
title = glue("Daily 'Dead' Observations (Years {paste(years, collapse=', ')})"), |
x = "Month", |
y = "Number of Observations", |
color = "Year" |
) + |
theme_minimal(base_size = 14) + |
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) |
if ("taxon.name" %in% names(merged_df_all)) { |
species_counts <- merged_df_all %>% |
filter(!is.na(taxon.name)) %>% |
group_by(Window, taxon.name) %>% |
summarise(dead_count = n(), .groups = "drop") |
top_species_overall <- species_counts %>% |
group_by(taxon.name) %>% |
summarise(total_dead = sum(dead_count)) %>% |
arrange(desc(total_dead)) %>% |
slice_head(n = 20) |
species_top20 <- species_counts %>% |
filter(taxon.name %in% top_species_overall$taxon.name) |
top_species_plot <- ggplot(species_top20, aes( |
x = reorder(taxon.name, -dead_count), |
y = dead_count, |
fill= Window |
)) + |
geom_col(position = position_dodge(width = 0.7)) + |
coord_flip() + |
labs( |
title = "Top 20 Species with 'Dead' Observations", |
x = "Species", |
y = "Number of Dead Observations", |
fill = "Year" |
) + |
theme_minimal(base_size = 14) |
} else { |
top_species_plot <- ggplot() + |
labs(title = "No 'taxon.name' column found", x = NULL, y = NULL) + |
theme_void() |
} |
daily_quantile <- quantile(counts_by_day$n, probs = 0.90, na.rm = TRUE) |
high_mortality_days <- counts_by_day %>% |
filter(n >= daily_quantile) %>% |
pull(obs_date) |
merged_high <- merged_df_all %>% |
mutate(obs_date = as.Date(`observed_on`)) %>% |
filter(obs_date %in% high_mortality_days) |
if ("location" %in% names(merged_high)) { |
location_df <- merged_high %>% |
filter(!is.na(location) & location != "") %>% |
separate(location, into = c("lat_str", "lon_str"), sep = ",", remove = FALSE) %>% |
mutate( |
latitude = as.numeric(lat_str), |
longitude = as.numeric(lon_str) |
) |
if (nrow(location_df) == 0) { |
map_hotspots_gg <- ggplot() + |
labs(title = "No data in top 90th percentile days with valid location") + |
theme_void() |
} else { |
min_lon <- min(location_df$longitude, na.rm = TRUE) |
max_lon <- max(location_df$longitude, na.rm = TRUE) |
min_lat <- min(location_df$latitude, na.rm = TRUE) |
max_lat <- max(location_df$latitude, na.rm = TRUE) |
map_hotspots_gg <- ggplot(location_df, aes(x = longitude, y = latitude, color = Window)) + |
borders("world", fill = "gray80", colour = "white") + |
geom_point(alpha = 0.6, size = 2) + |
coord_quickmap( |
xlim = c(min_lon, max_lon), |
ylim = c(min_lat, max_lat), |
expand = TRUE |
) + |
labs( |
title = glue("Top 90th percentile mortality days ({paste(years, collapse=', ')})"), |
x = "Longitude", |
y = "Latitude", |
color = "Year" |
) + |
theme_minimal(base_size = 14) |
} |
} else { |
map_hotspots_gg <- ggplot() + |
labs(title = "No 'location' column for top 90% days map") + |
theme_void() |
} |
if (!is.null(outdir)) { |
readr::write_csv(merged_high, file.path(outdir, "merged_df_top90.csv")) |
ggsave(file.path(outdir, "daily_plot.png"), |
daily_plot, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 300) |
ggsave(file.path(outdir, "top_species_plot.png"), |
top_species_plot, width = 7, height = 7, dpi = 300) |
ggsave(file.path(outdir, "map_hotspots.png"), |
map_hotspots_gg, width = 8, height = 5, dpi = 300) |
} |
return(list( |
merged_df_all = merged_df_all, |
merged_df = merged_high, |
daily_plot = daily_plot, |
top_species_plot = top_species_plot, |
map_hotspots_gg = map_hotspots_gg, |
daily_90th_quant = daily_quantile |
)) |
} |
ui <- fluidPage( |
theme = shinytheme("cosmo"), |
fluidRow( |
column( |
width = 2, |
tags$img(src = "www/all_logos.png", height = "400px") |
), |
column( |
width = 10, |
titlePanel("Dead Wildlife Observations from iNaturalist") |
) |
), |
hr(), |
sidebarLayout( |
sidebarPanel( |
tabsetPanel( |
id = "sidebar_tabs", |
tabPanel( |
title = "Query", |
br(), |
radioButtons("region_mode", "Region Input Mode:", |
choices = c("Enter Numeric place_id" = "place", |
"Two-Click Bounding Box" = "bbox"), |
selected = "bbox"), |
conditionalPanel( |
condition = "input.region_mode == 'place'", |
numericInput("place_id", |
"Numeric place_id (e.g. 1 = USA, 6712 = Canada, 14 = California)", |
value = 1, min = 1, max = 999999, step = 1) |
), |
conditionalPanel( |
condition = "input.region_mode == 'bbox'", |
helpText("Left-click once for the SW corner, once more for the NE corner."), |
leafletOutput("map_two_click", height = "300px"), |
br(), |
actionButton("clear_bbox", "Clear bounding box"), |
br(), br(), |
verbatimTextOutput("bbox_coords") |
), |
checkboxGroupInput("years", "Select Year(s):", |
choices = 2018:2025, |
selected = c(2022, 2023)), |
radioButtons("query_type", "Query By:", |
choices = c("Taxon Class" = "iconic", |
"Exact Species Name" = "species")), |
conditionalPanel( |
condition = "input.query_type == 'iconic'", |
selectInput("iconic_taxon", "Select Taxon Class:", |
choices = c("Aves", "Mammalia", "Reptilia", "Amphibia", |
"Actinopterygii", "Mollusca", "Animalia"), |
selected = "Aves") |
), |
conditionalPanel( |
condition = "input.query_type == 'species'", |
textInput("species_name", "Enter exact species name (e.g. Puma concolor)", "") |
), |
actionButton("run_query", "Run Query", icon = icon("play")), |
hr(), |
downloadButton("downloadTop90", "Download Top-90% CSV", icon = icon("download")), |
br(), br(), |
downloadButton("downloadAll", "Download ALL Data CSV", icon = icon("download")) |
), |
tabPanel( |
title = "About", |
br(), |
p("This Shiny application was created by Diego Ellis Soto (UC Berkeley). |
It queries iNaturalist for observations that have been annotated as 'Dead' wildlife (term_id=17, term_value_id=19). |
The data is fetched via the iNaturalist API and summarized here for scientific or conservation purposes.") |
), |
tabPanel( |
title = "Participatory Science", |
br(), |
p("Citizen science platforms like iNaturalist allow everyday people to collect and share data about local biodiversity. |
Recording observations of dead wildlife can help track mortality events, disease spread, and other factors affecting animal populations."), |
p("We encourage everyone to contribute their sightings responsibly, ensuring that any data on roadkill or other mortalities can help conservation efforts and |
raise public awareness.") |
), |
tabPanel( |
title = "How to Use", |
br(), |
p("This application lets you retrieve data about dead wildlife observations from iNaturalist. |
You can choose to manually provide a numeric place_id or define a custom bounding box by clicking twice on the map."), |
p("You can also decide whether to query by taxon class (e.g. Aves) or by exact species name (e.g. Puma concolor)."), |
p("After selecting your inputs, press 'Run Query.' Two separate CSV downloads are provided: (1) for all data retrieved, and (2) for only the top-90% mortality days (for hotspot analysis).") |
) |
) |
), |
mainPanel( |
tabsetPanel( |
tabPanel("Daily Time Series", withSpinner(plotOutput("dailyPlot"), type = 6)), |
tabPanel("Top Species", withSpinner(plotOutput("speciesPlot"), type = 6)), |
tabPanel("Hotspots Map (90th%)", withSpinner(plotOutput("hotspotMap"), type = 6)), |
tabPanel("Data Table (Top-90%)", withSpinner(DT::dataTableOutput("dataTable"), type = 6)) |
) |
) |
) |
) |
server <- function(input, output, session) { |
rv <- reactiveValues( |
corner1 = NULL, |
corner2 = NULL, |
bbox = NULL |
) |
output$map_two_click <- renderLeaflet({ |
leaflet() %>% |
addTiles() %>% |
setView(lng = -100, lat = 40, zoom = 4) |
}) |
observeEvent(input$map_two_click_click, { |
req(input$region_mode == "bbox") |
click <- input$map_two_click_click |
if (is.null(click)) return() |
lat_clicked <- click$lat |
lng_clicked <- click$lng |
if (is.null(rv$corner1)) { |
rv$corner1 <- c(lat_clicked, lng_clicked) |
showNotification("First corner set. Now click for the opposite corner.") |
leafletProxy("map_two_click") %>% |
clearMarkers() %>% |
addMarkers(lng = lng_clicked, lat = lat_clicked, popup = "Corner 1") |
rv$corner2 <- NULL |
rv$bbox <- NULL |
} else { |
rv$corner2 <- c(lat_clicked, lng_clicked) |
lat_min <- min(rv$corner1[1], rv$corner2[1]) |
lat_max <- max(rv$corner1[1], rv$corner2[1]) |
lng_min <- min(rv$corner1[2], rv$corner2[2]) |
lng_max <- max(rv$corner1[2], rv$corner2[2]) |
rv$bbox <- c(lat_min, lng_min, lat_max, lng_max) |
showNotification("Second corner set. Bounding box defined!", duration = 2) |
leafletProxy("map_two_click") %>% |
clearMarkers() %>% |
addMarkers(lng = rv$corner1[2], lat = rv$corner1[1], popup = "Corner 1") %>% |
addMarkers(lng = rv$corner2[2], lat = rv$corner2[1], popup = "Corner 2") %>% |
clearShapes() %>% |
addRectangles( |
lng1 = lng_min, lat1 = lat_min, |
lng2 = lng_max, lat2 = lat_max, |
fillColor = "red", fillOpacity = 0.2, |
color = "red" |
) |
} |
}) |
observeEvent(input$clear_bbox, { |
rv$corner1 <- NULL |
rv$corner2 <- NULL |
rv$bbox <- NULL |
leafletProxy("map_two_click") %>% |
clearMarkers() %>% |
clearShapes() |
}) |
output$bbox_coords <- renderText({ |
req(input$region_mode == "bbox") |
if (is.null(rv$bbox)) { |
"No bounding box defined yet." |
} else { |
paste0( |
"Bounding box:\n", |
"SW corner: (", rv$bbox[1], ", ", rv$bbox[2], ")\n", |
"NE corner: (", rv$bbox[3], ", ", rv$bbox[4], ")" |
) |
} |
}) |
result_data <- reactiveVal(NULL) |
observeEvent(input$run_query, { |
req(input$years) |
shiny::validate(need(length(input$years) > 0, "Please select at least one year.")) |
yrs <- as.numeric(input$years) |
place_id_val <- NULL |
swlat_val <- NULL |
swlng_val <- NULL |
nelat_val <- NULL |
nelng_val <- NULL |
if (input$region_mode == "place") { |
place_id_val <- input$place_id |
} else { |
shiny::validate(need(!is.null(rv$bbox), "Please click twice on the map to define bounding box.")) |
swlat_val <- rv$bbox[1] |
swlng_val <- rv$bbox[2] |
nelat_val <- rv$bbox[3] |
nelng_val <- rv$bbox[4] |
} |
iconic_val <- NULL |
species_val <- NULL |
if (input$query_type == "iconic") { |
iconic_val <- input$iconic_taxon |
} else { |
species_val <- input$species_name |
} |
withProgress(message = 'Fetching data from iNaturalist (Weekly)...', value = 0, { |
incProgress(0.4) |
query_res <- getDeadVertebrates_weeklyLoop( |
years = yrs, |
place_id = place_id_val, |
swlat = swlat_val, |
swlng = swlng_val, |
nelat = nelat_val, |
nelng = nelng_val, |
iconic_taxa = iconic_val, |
taxon_name = species_val |
) |
result_data(query_res) |
incProgress(1) |
}) |
}) |
output$dailyPlot <- renderPlot({ |
req(result_data()) |
result_data()$daily_plot |
}) |
output$speciesPlot <- renderPlot({ |
req(result_data()) |
result_data()$top_species_plot |
}) |
output$hotspotMap <- renderPlot({ |
req(result_data()) |
result_data()$map_hotspots_gg |
}) |
output$dataTable <- DT::renderDataTable({ |
req(result_data()) |
df <- result_data()$merged_df |
if (nrow(df) == 0) { |
return(DT::datatable( |
data.frame(Message = "No records found"), |
options = list(pageLength = 20) |
)) |
} |
df <- df %>% |
mutate( |
inat_link = paste0( |
"<a href='https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/", |
id, "' target='_blank'>", id, "</a>" |
) |
) |
photo_col <- "taxon.default_photo.square_url" |
if (photo_col %in% names(df)) { |
df$image_thumb <- ifelse( |
!is.na(df[[photo_col]]) & df[[photo_col]] != "", |
paste0("<img src='", df[[photo_col]], "' width='50'/>"), |
"No Img" |
) |
} else { |
df$image_thumb <- "No Img" |
} |
show_cols <- c( |
"inat_link", "image_thumb", "taxon.name", "created_at_details.date", |
setdiff(names(df), c("inat_link", "image_thumb", "taxon.name", "created_at_details.date")) |
) |
DT::datatable( |
df[, show_cols, drop = FALSE], |
escape = FALSE, |
options = list(pageLength = 20, autoWidth = TRUE) |
) |
}) |
output$downloadTop90 <- downloadHandler( |
filename = function() { |
paste0("inat_dead_top90_", Sys.Date(), ".csv") |
}, |
content = function(file) { |
req(result_data()) |
readr::write_csv(result_data()$merged_df, file) |
} |
) |
output$downloadAll <- downloadHandler( |
filename = function() { |
paste0("inat_dead_ALL_", Sys.Date(), ".csv") |
}, |
content = function(file) { |
req(result_data()) |
readr::write_csv(result_data()$merged_df_all, file) |
} |
) |
} |
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) |