import discord import os import threading import gradio as gr import requests import json import random import time import re from discord import Embed, Color from discord.ext import commands from gradio_client import Client from PIL import Image from ratelimiter import RateLimiter from datetime import datetime # for times from pytz import timezone # for times import asyncio # check if used zurich_tz = timezone("Europe/Zurich") def convert_to_timezone(dt, tz): return dt.astimezone(tz).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z") DISCORD_TOKEN = os.environ.get("DISCORD_TOKEN", None) intents = discord.Intents.all() bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', intents=intents) #rate_limiter = RateLimiter(max_calls=10, period=60) # needs testing # todo ''' - test what works ->delete ->edit -x>nicknames - add role changes (moving roles) / discord/invite (block completely, need to be cautious) attempted @everyone / @here pings, or trying to use those strings (ping @alerts) ping alerts for list of keywords - backup? - more alerts for more stuff? ''' # moderation stuff---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @bot.event async def on_message_edit(before, after): try: if == bot.user: return if before.content != after.content: embed = Embed( embed.set_author(name=f"{} ID: {}", embed.title = "Message Edited" embed.description = f"**Before:** {before.content or '*(empty message)*'}\n**After:** {after.content or '*(empty message)*'}" embed.add_field(name="Author Username",, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Channel",, inline=True) #embed.add_field(name="Message Created On", value=before.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC"), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Message Created On", value=convert_to_timezone(before.created_at, zurich_tz), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Message ID",, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Message Jump URL", value=f"[Jump to message!]({}/{}/{})", inline=True) if before.attachments: attachment_urls = "\n".join([attachment.url for attachment in before.attachments]) embed.add_field(name="Attachments", value=attachment_urls, inline=False) #embed.set_footer(text=f"{datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')}") embed.set_footer(text=f"{convert_to_timezone(datetime.utcnow(), zurich_tz)}") await bot.log_channel.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") @bot.event async def on_message_delete(message): try: if == bot.user: return embed = Embed( embed.set_author(name=f"{} ID: {}", embed.title = "Message Deleted" embed.description = message.content or "*(empty message)*" embed.add_field(name="Author Username",, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Channel",, inline=True) #embed.add_field(name="Message Created On", value=message.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC"), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Message Created On", value=convert_to_timezone(message.created_at, zurich_tz), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Message ID",, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Message Jump URL", value=f"[Jump to message!]({}/{}/{})", inline=True) if message.attachments: attachment_urls = "\n".join([attachment.url for attachment in message.attachments]) embed.add_field(name="Attachments", value=attachment_urls, inline=False) #embed.set_footer(text=f"{datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC')}") embed.set_footer(text=f"{convert_to_timezone(datetime.utcnow(), zurich_tz)}") await bot.log_channel.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") # nickname stuff @bot.event async def on_member_update(before, after): try: """ if != async for entry in before.guild.audit_logs(limit=5): print(f'{entry.user} did {entry.action} to {}') """ if before.nick != after.nick: embed = Embed( embed.set_author(name=f"{after} ID: {}", icon_url=after.avatar.url) embed.title = "Nickname Modified" embed.add_field(name="Mention", value=after.mention, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Old", value=before.nick, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="New", value=after.nick, inline=True) embed.set_footer(text=f"{convert_to_timezone(datetime.utcnow(), zurich_tz)}") await bot.log_channel.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") @bot.event async def on_member_ban(guild, user): try: """ async for entry in before.guild.audit_logs(limit=5): print(f'{entry.user} did {entry.action} to {}') (and add reason if it exists) """ # member banned from the guild embed = Embed(description=f'Member {user.mention} was banned from the guild', await bot.log_channel.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") @bot.event async def on_member_unban(guild, user): try: # member unbanned from the guild embed = Embed(description=f'Member {user.mention} was unbanned from the guild', await bot.log_channel.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") # admin stuff--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @bot.event async def on_guild_channel_create(channel): try: # creating channels embed = Embed(description=f'Channel {channel.mention} was created', await bot.log_channel.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") @bot.event async def on_guild_channel_delete(channel): try: # deleting channels, should ping @alerts for this embed = Embed(description=f'Channel {} ({channel.mention}) was deleted', await bot.log_channel.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") @bot.event async def on_guild_role_create(role): try: # creating roles embed = Embed(description=f'Role {role.mention} was created', await bot.log_channel.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") @bot.event async def on_guild_role_delete(role): try: # deleting roles, should ping @alerts for this embed = Embed(description=f'Role {} ({role.mention}) was deleted', await bot.log_channel.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") @bot.event async def on_guild_role_update(before, after): try: # editing roles, could expand this if != embed = Embed(description=f'Role {before.mention} was renamed to {}', await bot.log_channel.send(embed=embed) if before.permissions.administrator != after.permissions.administrator: # changes involving the administrator permission / sensitive permissions (can help to prevent mistakes) content = "<@&1108342563628404747>" # @alerts role embed = Embed(description=f'Role {after.mention} had its administrator permission {"enabled" if after.permissions.administrator else "disabled"}', await bot.log_channel.send(content=content, embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") @bot.event async def on_voice_state_update(member, before, after): try: if before.mute != after.mute: # muting members embed = Embed(description=f'{member} was {"muted" if after.mute else "unmuted"} in voice chat', await bot.log_channel.send(embed=embed) if before.deaf != after.deaf: # deafening members embed = Embed(description=f'{member} was {"deafened" if after.deaf else "undeafened"} in voice chat', await bot.log_channel.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: print(f"Error: {e}") # bot stuff --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @bot.event async def on_ready(): print('Logged on as', bot.user) #bot.log_channel = bot.get_channel(1100458786826747945) # bot-test bot.log_channel = bot.get_channel(1036960509586587689) # admin-logs def run_bot(): threading.Thread(target=run_bot).start() def greet(name): return "Hello " + name + "!" demo = gr.Interface(fn=greet, inputs="text", outputs="text") demo.launch()