""" Streamlit dashboard for the Dippy Roleplay Subnet Leaderboard """ import requests import streamlit as st import pandas as pd def leaderboard_dashboard(): # st.image("banner.jpg") st.markdown("

SN11-Dippy-Roleplay Leaderboard

", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("
This is the leaderboard for the Dippy validation API hosted by SN11.
", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("---") # Add emojis based on the status status_emojis = { 'COMPLETED': '✅COMPLETED', 'FAILED': '❌FAILED', 'QUEUED': '🕒QUEUED', 'RUNNING': '🏃RUNNING' } # Get the leaderboard data from the API response = requests.get("") if response.status_code != 200: st.error("Failed to fetch leaderboard data.") return # Parse the response JSON data leaderboard_data = response.json() # Convert the data to a DataFrame leaderboard = pd.DataFrame(leaderboard_data) leaderboard['status'] = leaderboard['status'].map(lambda status: status_emojis.get(status, status)) # Sort the leaderboard by the total_score column leaderboard = leaderboard.sort_values(by='total_score', ascending=False, ignore_index=True) front_order = ['repo_namespace', 'repo_name', 'total_score', 'status', 'chat_template_type', 'hash'] # move status column to the front column_order = front_order + [column for column in leaderboard.columns if column not in front_order] leaderboard = leaderboard[column_order] st.dataframe(leaderboard, width=1800) if __name__ == '__main__': leaderboard_dashboard()