from config.prompts import prompts import chainlit as cl def get_sources(res, answer, stream=True, view_sources=False): source_elements = [] source_dict = {} # Dictionary to store URL elements for idx, source in enumerate(res["context"]): source_metadata = source.metadata url = source_metadata.get("source", "N/A") score = source_metadata.get("score", "N/A") page = source_metadata.get("page", 1) lecture_tldr = source_metadata.get("tldr", "N/A") lecture_recording = source_metadata.get("lecture_recording", "N/A") suggested_readings = source_metadata.get("suggested_readings", "N/A") date = source_metadata.get("date", "N/A") source_type = source_metadata.get("source_type", "N/A") url_name = f"{url}_{page}" if url_name not in source_dict: source_dict[url_name] = { "text": source.page_content, "url": url, "score": score, "page": page, "lecture_tldr": lecture_tldr, "lecture_recording": lecture_recording, "suggested_readings": suggested_readings, "date": date, "source_type": source_type, } else: source_dict[url_name]["text"] += f"\n\n{source.page_content}" full_answer = "" # Not to include the answer again if streaming if not stream: # First, display the answer if not streaming full_answer = "**Answer:**\n" full_answer += answer if view_sources: # Then, display the sources # check if the answer has sources if len(source_dict) == 0: full_answer += "\n\n**No sources found.**" return full_answer, source_elements, source_dict else: full_answer += "\n\n**Sources:**\n" for idx, (url_name, source_data) in enumerate(source_dict.items()): full_answer += f"\nSource {idx + 1} (Score: {source_data['score']}): {source_data['url']}\n" name = f"Source {idx + 1} Text\n" full_answer += name source_elements.append( cl.Text(name=name, content=source_data["text"], display="side") ) # Add a PDF element if the source is a PDF file if source_data["url"].lower().endswith(".pdf"): name = f"Source {idx + 1} PDF\n" full_answer += name pdf_url = f"{source_data['url']}#page={source_data['page']+1}" source_elements.append( cl.Pdf(name=name, url=pdf_url, display="side") ) full_answer += "\n**Metadata:**\n" for idx, (url_name, source_data) in enumerate(source_dict.items()): full_answer += f"\nSource {idx + 1} Metadata:\n" source_elements.append( cl.Text( name=f"Source {idx + 1} Metadata", content=f"Source: {source_data['url']}\n" f"Page: {source_data['page']}\n" f"Type: {source_data['source_type']}\n" f"Date: {source_data['date']}\n" f"TL;DR: {source_data['lecture_tldr']}\n" f"Lecture Recording: {source_data['lecture_recording']}\n" f"Suggested Readings: {source_data['suggested_readings']}\n", display="side", ) ) return full_answer, source_elements, source_dict def get_prompt(config, prompt_type): llm_params = config["llm_params"] llm_loader = llm_params["llm_loader"] use_history = llm_params["use_history"] llm_style = llm_params["llm_style"].lower() if prompt_type == "qa": if llm_loader == "local_llm": if use_history: return prompts["tiny_llama"]["prompt_with_history"] else: return prompts["tiny_llama"]["prompt_no_history"] else: if use_history: return prompts["openai"]["prompt_with_history"][llm_style] else: return prompts["openai"]["prompt_no_history"] elif prompt_type == "rephrase": return prompts["openai"]["rephrase_prompt"] # TODO: Do this better def get_history_chat_resume(steps, k, SYSTEM, LLM): conversation_list = [] count = 0 for step in reversed(steps): if step["name"] not in [SYSTEM]: if step["type"] == "user_message": conversation_list.append( {"type": "user_message", "content": step["output"]} ) count += 1 elif step["type"] == "assistant_message": if step["name"] == LLM: conversation_list.append( {"type": "ai_message", "content": step["output"]} ) count += 1 else: pass # raise ValueError("Invalid message type") # count += 1 if count >= 2 * k: # 2 * k to account for both user and assistant messages break conversation_list = conversation_list[::-1] return conversation_list def get_history_setup_llm(memory_list): conversation_list = [] for message in memory_list: message_dict = message.to_dict() if hasattr(message, "to_dict") else message # Check if the type attribute is present as a key or attribute message_type = ( message_dict.get("type", None) if isinstance(message_dict, dict) else getattr(message, "type", None) ) # Check if content is present as a key or attribute message_content = ( message_dict.get("content", None) if isinstance(message_dict, dict) else getattr(message, "content", None) ) if message_type in ["ai", "ai_message"]: conversation_list.append({"type": "ai_message", "content": message_content}) elif message_type in ["human", "user_message"]: conversation_list.append( {"type": "user_message", "content": message_content} ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid message type") return conversation_list def get_last_config(steps): # TODO: Implement this function return None