from . import main as bm from .main import _outputfilename import json def _safer_eval(string:str) -> float: if isinstance(string, str): #print(''.join([i for i in string if i.isdecimal() or i in '.+-*/'])) string = eval(''.join([i for i in string if i.isdecimal() or i in '.+-*/'])) return string with open("presets.json", "r") as f: presets=json.loads(presets) def _song_copy( return,, samplerate=audio.samplerate, bmap=audio.beatmap, caching=audio.caching, filename=audio.filename, copied=True) def _normalize(song:, beat, pattern=None, scale=None, shift=None): beat=beat.lower() if pattern is not None: if scale is None: scale=1 if shift is None: shift=0 song.quick_beatswap(output=None, pattern=pattern, scale=scale,shift=shift) elif beat=='normal' or beat is None: pass elif beat=='shifted': song.quick_beatswap(output=None, pattern='1,2,3,4,5,7,6,8', scale=0.5) elif beat=='shifted2': song.quick_beatswap(output=None, pattern='1,2,3,4,5,6,8,7', scale=0.5) else: print(f"'{beat}' is not a valid beat") return song def lib_test(filename,output='', samplerate=44100, lib='madmom.BeatDetectionProcessor', scale=1, shift=0,beat='normal', log=False): '''basically a way to quickly test scale and offset''' if type(filename)==str : samplerate=song.samplerate else: song=filename if beat!='normal' and beat is not None: song=_normalize(song=song, beat=beat, scale=scale, shift=shift) song.quick_beatswap(output=None, pattern='test', scale=scale, shift=shift, log=log) if beat!='normal' and beat is not None: song=_normalize(song=song, beat=beat, scale=scale, shift=shift) song.write_audio(output=bm.outputfilename('', song.filename, f' ({lib} x{scale} {shift})')) def lib_test_full(filename,samplerate, log): '''A way to test all beat detection modules to see which one performs better.''' print(filename) lib_test(filename, samplerate,'madmom.BeatDetectionProcessor', log=log) lib_test(filename, samplerate,'madmom.BeatDetectionProcessor.consistent', log=log) #lib_test(filename, samplerate,'madmom.BeatTrackingProcessor') # better for live performances with variable BPM #lib_test(filename, samplerate,'madmom.BeatTrackingProcessor.constant') # results identical to madmom.BeatDetectionProcessor lib_test(filename, samplerate,'madmom.BeatTrackingProcessor.consistent', log=log) lib_test(filename, samplerate,'madmom.CRFBeatDetectionProcessor', log=log) lib_test(filename, samplerate,'madmom.CRFBeatDetectionProcessor.constant',log=log) #lib_test(filename, samplerate,'madmom.DBNBeatTrackingProcessor') # better for live performances with variable BPM lib_test(filename, samplerate,'madmom.DBNBeatTrackingProcessor.1000',log=log) lib_test(filename, samplerate,'madmom.DBNDownBeatTrackingProcessor',log=log) import gc gc.collect() def _process_list(something)-> list: if isinstance(something, int) or isinstance(something, float): something=(something,) elif isinstance(something,list): False if isinstance(something[0],int) or isinstance(something[0],float) else list(_safer_eval(i) for i in something) else: something=list(_safer_eval(i) for i in something.split(',')) return something def _process(, preset: str, scale:float, shift:float, random=False, every=False, log=True)-> #print(preset) if 'pattern' in preset: shift=shift+(preset['shift'] if 'shift' in preset else 0) # Scale can be a list and we either take one value or all of them if 'scale' in preset: pscale=_process_list(preset['scale']) else: pscale=(1,) #input(pscale) if random is True: import random pscale=random.choice(pscale) elif every is True: songs=[] for i in pscale: song2=_song_copy(song) song2.quick_beatswap(output=None, pattern=preset['pattern'], scale=scale*i, shift=shift, log = log) songs.append((song2, i)) return songs else: pscale=preset['scale_d'] if 'scale_d' in preset else pscale[0] if every is False: song.quick_beatswap(output=None, pattern=preset['pattern'], scale=scale*pscale, shift=shift, log = log) elif preset['type'] =='sidechain': length=preset['sc length'] if 'sc length' in preset else 0.5 curve=preset['sc curve'] if 'sc curve' in preset else 2 vol0=preset['sc vol0'] if 'sc vol0' in preset else 0 vol1=preset['sc vol1'] if 'sc vol1' in preset else 1 from . import generate sidechain=bm.open_audio(preset['sc impulse'])[0] if 'sc impulse' in preset else generate.sidechain(samplerate=song.samplerate, length=length, curve=curve, vol0=vol0, vol1=vol1, smoothing=40) scale=scale*(preset['scale'] if 'scale' in preset else 1) shift=shift+(preset['shift'] if 'shift' in preset else 0) song.quick_sidechain(output=None, audio2=sidechain, scale=scale, shift=shift) elif preset['type'] =='beatsample': sample=preset['filename'] scale=scale*(preset['scale'] if 'scale' in preset else 1) shift=shift+(preset['shift'] if 'shift' in preset else 0) song.quick_beatsample(output=None, filename2=sample, scale=scale, shift=shift) return song def use_preset(output:str,song: str, preset: str, presets=presets, scale=1, shift=0, beat:str='normal', test=False, _normalize=True, random=False, every=False, log = True): if not isinstance(song, else: song = _song_copy(song) #print(song.samplerate) if preset is None: weights=[] for i in presets.items(): weights.append(i[1]['weight']) import random preset = random.choices(population=list(presets), weights=weights, k=1)[0] name=preset if isinstance(preset, str): preset=presets[preset] if test is True: testsong=_song_copy(song) lib_test(testsong, output, samplerate=testsong.samplerate, log = log) del testsong #print(name, preset) if _normalize is True and beat!='normal' and beat is not None: if '_normalize' in preset: if preset['_normalize'] is True: song=_normalize(song, beat) if '1' in preset: for i in preset: if type(preset[i])==dict:song=_process(song, preset[i], scale=scale, shift=shift, log=log) else: song=_process(song, preset,scale=scale,shift=shift,random=random, every=every, log=log) if isinstance(song, list): for i in song: i[0].write(output=_outputfilename(output, i[0].filename, suffix=f' ({name}{(" x"+str(round(i[1], 3)))*(len(song)>1)})')) else: out_folder = _outputfilename(output, song.filename, suffix=' ('+name+')') song.write(output=out_folder) return out_folder def all(output:str,filename: str, presets:dict=presets, scale=1, shift=0, beat='normal', test=True, boring=False, effects=False, variations=False, log = False): if boring is False: for i in ['2x faster','3x faster','4x faster','8x faster','1.33x faster','1.5x faster','1.5x slower','reverse','random', 'syncopated effect']: if i in presets: #print(i) presets.pop(i) if not isinstance(filename, else: song=filename song__normalized=_normalize(_song_copy(song), beat) if test is True: testsong=_song_copy(song) lib_test(testsong, output, samplerate=testsong.samplerate, log = log) del testsong for key, i in presets.items(): #print(key, i) if 'scale' in i: #print(i['scale']) if isinstance(i['scale'], int) or isinstance(i['scale'], float): if i['scale']<0.01: continue if effects is False: if 'effect - ' in key: continue if '_normalize' in i: if i['_normalize'] is True: song2=_song_copy(song__normalized) else: song2=_song_copy(song) else: song2=_song_copy(song) use_preset(output, song2, preset=key, presets=presets, scale=scale, shift=shift, beat=beat, test=False, _normalize=False, every=variations, log = log) # ___ my stuff ___ # ___ get song ___ #filename='F:/Stuff/Music/Tracks/Poseidon & Leon Ross - Parallax.mp3' #filename = 'F:/Stuff/Music/Tracks/'+random.choice(os.listdir("F:\Stuff\Music\Tracks")) # print(filename) # ___ analyze+fix ___ #scale, shift = 1,0 #lib_test(filename, scale=scale, shift=shift) #bm.fix_beatmap(filename, scale=scale, shift=shift) # ___ presets ___ #use_preset ('', filename, 'dotted kicks', scale=1, shift=0, beat='normal', test=False) #use_preset ('', filename, None, scale=scale, shift=shift, test=False) #all('', filename, scale=1, shift=0, beat='normal', test=False) # ___ beat swap __ #song.quick_beatswap(output='', pattern='test', scale=1, shift=0) # ___ osu ___ #song.generate_hitmap() #song.osu() #song.hitsample() # ___ saber2osu ___ #import Saber2Osu as s2o #osu=s2o.osu_map(threshold=0.3, declumping=100) # ___ song to image ___ #song.write_image() # ___ randoms ___ # while True: # filename = 'F:/Stuff/Music/Tracks/'+random.choice(os.listdir("F:\Stuff\Music\Tracks")) # use_preset ('', filename, None, scale=scale, shift=shift, test=False) # ___ effects ___ #song =, 2, 100) #song.write_audio(bm.outputfilename('',filename, ' (pitch)'))