import imagehash # -------------- Initializations --------------------- DOWNLOAD_DIR = "/tmp" FRAME_BUFFER_HISTORY = 15 # Length of the frame buffer history to model background. DEC_THRESH = ( 0.75 # Threshold value, above which it is marked foreground, else background. ) DIST_THRESH = 100 # Threshold on the squared distance between the pixel and the sample to decide whether a pixel is close to that sample. MIN_PERCENT = ( 0.15 # %age threshold to check if there is motion across subsequent frames ) MAX_PERCENT = ( 0.01 # %age threshold to determine if the motion across frames has stopped. ) # Post processing SIM_THRESHOLD = ( 96 # Minimum similarity threshold (in percent) to consider 2 images to be similar ) HASH_SIZE = 12 # Hash size to use for image hashing HASH_FUNC = "dhash" # Hash function to use for image hashing HASH_BUFFER_HISTORY = 5 # Number of history images used to find out duplicate image HASH_FUNC_DICT = { "dhash": imagehash.dhash, "phash": imagehash.phash, "ahash": imagehash.average_hash, "difference hashing": imagehash.dhash, "perceptual hashing": imagehash.phash, "average hashing": imagehash.average_hash, } # ----------------------------------------------------