drvikasgaur's picture
Update app.py
43d249c verified
import os
import tensorflow as tf
import pandas as pd
import gradio as gr
# Load the model
# Load the model dynamically from the current directory
model_path = "model.keras"
model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_path)
print(f"Model loaded successfully from: {model_path}")
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to load the model from {model_path}: {e}")
# Define the risk classes
classes = [
'No Immediate Risk: No urgent concerns detected. Maintain self-care and regular check-ups.',
'Medium Risk of Harm - Needs Monitoring: Consider consulting a psychiatrist or mental health professional for guidance and treatment.',
'Immediate Concern - Needs Urgent Support: Seek immediate help from a psychiatrist or mental health crisis intervention services.'
# Yes/No mapping for questions
yes_no_mapping = {
'q1': {'yes': 0.1, 'no': 0}, 'q2': {'yes': 0.1, 'no': 0}, 'q3': {'yes': 0.1, 'no': 0},
'q4': {'yes': 0.1, 'no': 0}, 'q5': {'yes': 0.1, 'no': 0}, 'q6': {'yes': 0.1, 'no': 0},
'q7': {'yes': 0.1, 'no': 0}, 'q8': {'yes': 0.1, 'no': 0}, 'q9': {'yes': 0.1, 'no': 0},
'q10': {'yes': 0.1, 'no': 0}, 'q11': {'yes': 0.5, 'no': 0}, 'q12': {'yes': 0.7, 'no': 0},
'q13': {'yes': 0.5, 'no': 0}, 'q14': {'yes': 0.5, 'no': 0}, 'q15': {'yes': 0.5, 'no': 0},
'q16': {'yes': 0.5, 'no': 0}, 'q17': {'yes': 0.7, 'no': 0}, 'q18': {'yes': 0.7, 'no': 0},
'q19': {'yes': 0.7, 'no': 0}, 'q20': {'yes': 0.7, 'no': 0}, 'q21': {'yes': 0.7, 'no': 0},
'q22': {'yes': 0.7, 'no': 0}, 'q23': {'yes': 0.7, 'no': 0}, 'q24': {'yes': 0.7, 'no': 0},
'q25': {'yes': 0.7, 'no': 0}, 'q26': {'yes': 0.7, 'no': 0}, 'q27': {'yes': 0.9, 'no': 0},
'q28': {'yes': 0.9, 'no': 0}, 'q29': {'yes': 0.9, 'no': 0}, 'q30': {'yes': 0.9, 'no': 0},
'q31': {'yes': 1, 'no': 0}, 'q32': {'yes': 1, 'no': 0}, 'q33': {'yes': 1, 'no': 0}
# Store responses in a DataFrame
responses_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Name", "ID", "Predicted Risk Level"])
# Function to process form input
def predict_from_form(name, id_number, *responses):
global responses_df
# Map Yes/No to numeric
processed_data = [yes_no_mapping[f'q{i+1}'][response.lower()] for i, response in enumerate(responses)]
input_data = pd.DataFrame([processed_data], columns=[f'q{i+1}' for i in range(len(responses))])
# Predict using model
predictions = model.predict(input_data)
predicted_class = predictions.argmax(axis=1)[0]
# Store the result
new_entry = {"Name": name or "N/A", "ID": id_number or "N/A", "Predicted Risk Level": classes[predicted_class]}
responses_df = pd.concat([responses_df, pd.DataFrame([new_entry])], ignore_index=True)
return f"Prediction for {name or 'Anonymous'}: {classes[predicted_class]}"
except Exception as e:
return f"Error: {e}"
# Function to view all recorded responses
def view_responses():
if responses_df.empty:
return "No responses recorded yet."
return responses_df
# Function to download responses as CSV
def download_responses():
file_path = "results.csv"
# Save the responses to a CSV file
responses_df.to_csv(file_path, index=False)
print(f"Responses saved to {file_path}")
return file_path
except Exception as e:
return f"Error saving file: {e}"
# Define Gradio Inputs
form_inputs = [
gr.Textbox(label="Name (Optional)"), gr.Textbox(label="ID (Optional)")
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Is your age less than 18 years?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you are under 18. Otherwise, select 'No'.**"), # q1
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Are you Male?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you identify as male. Otherwise, select 'No'.**"), # q2
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have financial concerns been a source of stress for you or your family?",
info="**This includes challenges like debt, job loss, tuition fees, or difficulty covering daily expenses.**"), # q3
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Are you currently living alone, and unsatisfied with your living situation?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you live alone and feel unhappy or unsupported in your environment.**"), # q4
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Are you living in a hostel or dormitory and unsatisfied with your living situation?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you live in shared accommodations like a hostel or dorm and feel unhappy.**"), # q5
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Do you feel like you are pursuing your current path mainly because of your family’s expectations?",
info="**This includes academic, career, or personal decisions made primarily to satisfy family expectations.**"), # q6
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you been feeling disappointed with your performance recently?",
info="**This applies to academic, professional, or personal performance where you feel dissatisfied with yourself.**"), # q7
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Do you feel like your family is unhappy with your performance or choices?",
info="**Consider whether you feel judged or unsupported by your family for academic, professional, or personal reasons.**"), # q8
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Are there several problems in your family, or is your family environment very stressful?",
info="**This includes frequent arguments, lack of support, or other issues causing emotional stress at home.**"), # q9
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Does your family not support your decisions or choices?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if your family has expressed disapproval of significant life choices like career or relationships.**"), # q10
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you recently experienced a breakup?",
info="**This includes the end of romantic relationships or close friendships.**"), # q11
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you ever suffered from any mental illness in the past or are you currently suffering?",
info="**This includes diagnosed or undiagnosed conditions like depression, anxiety, or PTSD.**"), # q12
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Is there any history of psychiatric illness in your family?",
info="**Consider conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, or anxiety disorders among close family members.**"), # q13
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Has any close family member recently or in the past committed suicide?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you've lost a family member to suicide.**"), # q14
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Has any close friend recently committed suicide?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you've lost a friend or close acquaintance to suicide.**"), # q15
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Are you suffering from any medical illness like diabetes, asthma, hypertension, or other chronic illness?",
info="**This includes long-term physical health conditions that might impact your mental well-being.**"), # q16
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you found yourself using alcohol, drugs, or online gaming to cope with stress recently?",
info="**This includes any substance or behavior used to escape stress or emotions.**"), # q17
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you ever experienced any form of abuse?",
info="**This includes physical, emotional, sexual, or verbal abuse at any stage of life.**"), # q18
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you been feeling emotionally numb or disconnected over the past few days?",
info="**Consider whether you've felt detached from emotions, others, or reality recently.**"), # q19
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Are you feeling very sad or anxious over the last few days?",
info="**This includes persistent feelings of sadness, worry, or unease.**"), # q20
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you been feeling hurt or embarrassed by things others have said recently?",
info="**Consider if recent comments or actions from others have affected your emotional well-being.**"), # q21
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you been feeling trapped in your current situation?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you've felt unable to escape a stressful or challenging situation.**"), # q22
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you been feeling particularly lonely over the past few days?",
info="**Consider whether you've felt isolated or without companionship recently.**"), # q23
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you been feeling uncertain or hopeless about your future?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you've felt unsure or negative about what lies ahead.**"), # q24
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you lost interest in things you usually enjoy over the past few days?",
info="**This includes hobbies, activities, or relationships that normally bring you happiness.**"), # q25
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you been struggling with sleep recently, either finding it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep?",
info="**This includes difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early.**"), # q26
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have thoughts about hurting yourself crossed your mind?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you've had any thoughts about self-harm, even if fleeting.**"), # q27
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you felt like life has been overwhelming recently?",
info="**Consider whether you've felt unable to manage daily stressors effectively.**"), # q28
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you been feeling a lack of motivation or desire to keep going in life?",
info="**This includes a general sense of apathy or disinterest in life.**"), # q29
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you been feeling like hurting yourself recently?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you've had persistent or recent thoughts about self-harm.**"), # q30
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you been searching online for information related to suicide?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you've researched suicide methods or related topics online.**"), # q31
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you been feeling so distressed that you’ve considered or planned how to end your life?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you've had specific thoughts or plans about ending your life.**"), # q32
gr.Radio(["Yes", "No"],
label="Have you previously had moments where you tried to harm yourself or end your life?",
info="**Select 'Yes' if you've attempted self-harm or suicide in the past.**"), # q33
import gradio as gr
# Tabbed Interface
interface = gr.TabbedInterface(
# Manual Form Submission Tab
title="PsyRiskAI – AI-Based Assessment of 33 Mental Health Risk Factors",
"### Instructions\n"
"1. **For Individual Users**: Use a unique and special name instead of your real name to maintain privacy.\n"
"2. **For Administrators/Mental Health Professionals**: Assign a unique special ID to each individual to ensure confidentiality, particularly for mass screenings.\n"
"3. **Mass Screening**: Share the following link with all participants: "
"[Self-Harm Risk Evaluator](https://huggingface.co/spaces/drvikasgaur/Self-Harm-Risk-Evaluator). "
"Participants can complete the questionnaire anytime or simultaneously. Results are instantly analyzed and securely accessible by administrators.\n"
"4. Respond to all 33 questions by selecting **'Yes'** or **'No'**. **All questions must be answered to generate a result.**\n"
"5. **Click 'Submit'**: The result will be displayed immediately in the output section. Please scroll up again to output section to view the result.\n\n"
"**Your responses will be analyzed using a deep learning model (Artificial Neural Network) to determine the predicted risk level.**"
"### Disclaimer\n"
"**This application is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.** "
"Always seek advice from a psychiatrist or qualified health provider regarding any psychiatric or medical condition.\n\n"
"**If you are in crisis or think you may have an emergency, contact a doctor or emergency services immediately.**"
# View Responses Tab
title="View All Responses",
"### Instructions\n"
"1. **For Administrators / Mental Health Professionals:** Use this section to view all recorded responses and their predicted risk levels.\n"
"2. Responses are stored only for this session and will not persist after the app is closed."
# Download Responses Tab
outputs=gr.File(label="Download Results"),
title="Download Results",
"### Instructions\n"
"1. **For Administrators / Mental Health Professionals:** Use this section to download all recorded responses as a CSV file.\n"
"2. **Click Generate**: This will allow you to save and analyze the data offline."
tab_names=["Manual Form Submission", "View All Responses", "Download Results"],
# Launch the Gradio app
if __name__ == "__main__":