test / utils /trans_utils.py
Add application file
history blame
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright FunASR (https://github.com/alibaba-damo-academy/FunClip). All Rights Reserved.
# MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
import os
import re
import numpy as np
PUNC_LIST = [',', '。', '!', '?', '、', ',', '.', '?', '!']
def pre_proc(text):
res = ''
for i in range(len(text)):
if text[i] in PUNC_LIST:
if '\u4e00' <= text[i] <= '\u9fff':
if len(res) and res[-1] != " ":
res += ' ' + text[i]+' '
res += text[i]+' '
res += text[i]
if res[-1] == ' ':
res = res[:-1]
return res
def proc(raw_text, timestamp, dest_text, lang='zh'):
# simple matching
ld = len(dest_text.split())
mi, ts = [], []
offset = 0
while True:
fi = raw_text.find(dest_text, offset, len(raw_text))
ti = raw_text[:fi].count(' ')
if fi == -1:
offset = fi + ld
ts.append([timestamp[ti][0]*16, timestamp[ti+ld-1][1]*16])
return ts
def proc_spk(dest_spk, sd_sentences):
ts = []
for d in sd_sentences:
d_start = d['timestamp'][0][0]
d_end = d['timestamp'][-1][1]
if str(d['spk']) == spkid and d_end-d_start>999:
ts.append([d_start*16, d_end*16])
return ts
def generate_vad_data(data, sd_sentences, sr=16000):
assert len(data.shape) == 1
vad_data = []
for d in sd_sentences:
d_start = round(d['ts_list'][0][0]/1000, 2)
d_end = round(d['ts_list'][-1][1]/1000, 2)
vad_data.append([d_start, d_end, data[int(d_start * sr):int(d_end * sr)]])
return vad_data
def write_state(output_dir, state):
for key in ['/recog_res_raw', '/timestamp', '/sentences']:#, '/sd_sentences']:
with open(output_dir+key, 'w') as fout:
if 'sd_sentences' in state:
with open(output_dir+'/sd_sentences', 'w') as fout:
def load_state(output_dir):
state = {}
with open(output_dir+'/recog_res_raw') as fin:
line = fin.read()
state['recog_res_raw'] = line
with open(output_dir+'/timestamp') as fin:
line = fin.read()
state['timestamp'] = eval(line)
with open(output_dir+'/sentences') as fin:
line = fin.read()
state['sentences'] = eval(line)
if os.path.exists(output_dir+'/sd_sentences'):
with open(output_dir+'/sd_sentences') as fin:
line = fin.read()
state['sd_sentences'] = eval(line)
return state
def convert_pcm_to_float(data):
if data.dtype == np.float64:
return data
elif data.dtype == np.float32:
return data.astype(np.float64)
elif data.dtype == np.int16:
bit_depth = 16
elif data.dtype == np.int32:
bit_depth = 32
elif data.dtype == np.int8:
bit_depth = 8
raise ValueError("Unsupported audio data type")
# Now handle the integer types
max_int_value = float(2 ** (bit_depth - 1))
if bit_depth == 8:
data = data - 128
return (data.astype(np.float64) / max_int_value)
def convert_time_to_millis(time_str):
# 格式: [小时:分钟:秒,毫秒]
hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds = map(int, re.split('[:,]', time_str))
return (hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds) * 1000 + milliseconds
def extract_timestamps(input_text):
# 使用正则表达式查找所有时间戳
timestamps = re.findall(r'\[(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2},\d{2,3})\s*-\s*(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2},\d{2,3})\]', input_text)
times_list = []
# 循环遍历找到的所有时间戳,并转换为毫秒
for start_time, end_time in timestamps:
start_millis = convert_time_to_millis(start_time)
end_millis = convert_time_to_millis(end_time)
times_list.append([start_millis, end_millis])
return times_list
if __name__ == '__main__':
text = ("1. [00:00:00,500-00:00:05,850] 在我们的设计普惠当中,有一个我经常津津乐道的项目叫寻找远方的美好。"
"2. [00:00:07,120-00:00:12,940] 啊,在这样一个我们叫寻美在这样的一个项目当中,我们把它跟乡村振兴去结合起来,利用我们的设计的能力。"
"3. [00:00:13,240-00:00:25,620] 问我们自身员工的设设计能力,我们设计生态伙伴的能力,帮助乡村振兴当中,要希望把他的产品推向市场,把他的农产品把他加工产品推向市场的这样的伙伴做一件事情,")