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st.title("PHY 613: Electromagnetic Theory II") | |
# Course Details | |
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## Course Details | |
- **Course Title**: Electromagnetic Theory II | |
- **Credits**: 3 | |
- **Prerequisites**: PHY 611 | |
- **Instructor**: [Instructor Name] | |
- **Office Hours**: [Office Hours] | |
## Course Description | |
This course builds upon Electromagnetic Theory I and focuses on advanced topics in electromagnetism, including electromagnetic wave propagation, optical phenomena, radiation theory, and the covariant formulation of Maxwell’s equations. | |
## Course Objectives | |
By the end of this course, students will: | |
- Be proficient in the theory of electromagnetic waves. | |
- Understand the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. | |
- Apply the covariant formulation of Maxwell’s equations to physical problems. | |
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# Weekly Outline with Problems | |
# Week 1: Review of Maxwell’s Equations | |
with st.expander("**Week 1: Review of Maxwell’s Equations**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Maxwell’s Equations: Review of integral and differential forms of Maxwell’s equations in free space and in materials. | |
- Energy and Momentum Conservation: Derivation and applications of the Poynting theorem. | |
- Boundary Conditions: Conditions on electric and magnetic fields at material interfaces. | |
### Problems | |
1. Derive Maxwell’s equations in a vacuum from the differential forms of Gauss’s law and Ampère’s law with displacement current. | |
2. Solve for the electric and magnetic fields in a region with a time-varying current distribution. | |
3. Calculate the energy stored in the electric field of a spherical charge distribution. | |
4. Derive the Poynting vector from Maxwell’s equations and compute the energy flux through a closed surface. | |
5. Apply Maxwell’s equations to solve for the fields around a current loop in free space. | |
6. Solve for the boundary conditions of the electric and magnetic fields at the interface between two dielectrics. | |
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# Week 2-3: Electromagnetic Wave Propagation | |
with st.expander("**Week 2-3: Electromagnetic Wave Propagation: Polarization, Dispersion**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Wave Equation: Derivation of the electromagnetic wave equation from Maxwell’s equations. | |
- Polarization: Linear, circular, and elliptical polarization; manipulation of polarized waves. | |
- Dispersion: Understanding phase velocity, group velocity, and wave dispersion in different media. | |
### Problems | |
7. Derive the wave equation for an electromagnetic field in a dielectric medium. | |
8. Solve for the electric and magnetic fields of a plane wave propagating through free space. | |
9. Analyze the polarization state of an electromagnetic wave passing through a birefringent medium. | |
10. Derive the dispersion relation for electromagnetic waves in a plasma. | |
11. Calculate the group and phase velocities for an electromagnetic wave propagating in a dispersive medium. | |
12. Solve for the reflection and transmission coefficients of an electromagnetic wave incident on a dielectric boundary. | |
13. Calculate the power carried by an electromagnetic wave in a vacuum using the Poynting vector. | |
14. Determine the behavior of circularly polarized light when passing through an optically active medium. | |
15. Analyze the propagation of an electromagnetic wave in a conductor and calculate the skin depth. | |
16. Solve for the electromagnetic fields of a plane wave propagating through a conducting medium. | |
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# Week 4-5: Waveguides and Resonant Cavities | |
with st.expander("**Week 4-5: Waveguides and Resonant Cavities**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Waveguides: TE (transverse electric), TM (transverse magnetic), and TEM (transverse electromagnetic) modes in waveguides. | |
- Resonant Cavities: Modes, eigenfrequencies, and boundary conditions in resonant cavities. | |
- Energy Storage and Loss: Quality factor of cavities and waveguides. | |
### Problems | |
17. Derive the TE and TM modes of a rectangular waveguide and calculate the cutoff frequency. | |
18. Solve for the electromagnetic fields in a cylindrical waveguide and determine the modes that propagate. | |
19. Calculate the resonant frequencies for a rectangular cavity and analyze the boundary conditions. | |
20. Derive the quality factor for a resonant cavity with conducting walls. | |
21. Solve for the wave impedance in a rectangular waveguide operating in the TE mode. | |
22. Calculate the power transmitted through a waveguide as a function of the mode and frequency. | |
23. Solve for the fields inside a resonant cavity with mixed boundary conditions. | |
24. Analyze the energy stored in a resonant cavity and calculate the energy loss due to imperfect conductors. | |
25. Derive the expression for the cutoff wavelength in a rectangular waveguide. | |
26. Compute the electromagnetic field distribution inside a cavity operating in the TM mode. | |
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# Week 6: Optical Phenomena | |
with st.expander("**Week 6: Optical Phenomena: Interference, Diffraction, and Polarization**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Interference: Understanding interference of light waves; examples include Young’s double-slit experiment. | |
- Diffraction: Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction; diffraction patterns from apertures and obstacles. | |
- Polarization: The use of polarizers, birefringence, and optical rotation. | |
### Problems | |
27. Derive the interference pattern for a double-slit experiment with coherent light sources. | |
28. Solve for the diffraction pattern of light passing through a single slit using Fraunhofer diffraction. | |
29. Calculate the intensity of light after passing through a polarizer and an analyzer at different angles. | |
30. Analyze the interference pattern formed by a thin film and derive the conditions for constructive and destructive interference. | |
31. Solve for the diffraction pattern produced by a circular aperture. | |
32. Calculate the phase shift introduced by a birefringent material and determine the resulting polarization state. | |
33. Analyze the diffraction pattern for a diffraction grating and compute the angles of diffraction for different orders. | |
34. Solve for the transmission and reflection of polarized light through a series of polarizers at various angles. | |
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# Week 7-8: Electromagnetic Radiation | |
with st.expander("**Week 7-8: Electromagnetic Radiation: Retarded Potentials, Lienard-Wiechert Potentials**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Retarded Potentials: Deriving and understanding scalar and vector potentials in time-dependent situations. | |
- Lienard-Wiechert Potentials: Potentials and fields from moving charges, including radiation. | |
- Radiation from Accelerating Charges: Dipole radiation, quadrupole radiation, and radiation patterns. | |
### Problems | |
35. Derive the retarded scalar and vector potentials for a moving point charge. | |
36. Compute the Lienard-Wiechert potentials for a uniformly moving charge and derive the corresponding electric and magnetic fields. | |
37. Solve for the radiation field produced by a harmonically oscillating dipole. | |
38. Calculate the total power radiated by a point charge undergoing uniform acceleration. | |
39. Derive the angular distribution of the radiation emitted by a dipole antenna. | |
40. Compute the radiation intensity of a dipole antenna as a function of distance and angle. | |
41. Derive the electric and magnetic fields of a moving point charge using the Lienard-Wiechert potentials. | |
42. Analyze the radiation emitted by a charge moving in a circular orbit and derive the synchrotron radiation. | |
43. Calculate the electric field of a moving dipole at a point far from the source. | |
44. Derive the fields of a charge moving with uniform velocity in the near and far zones. | |
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# Week 9: Radiation from Moving Charges | |
with st.expander("**Week 9: Radiation from Moving Charges**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Power radiated by accelerating charges: Larmor’s formula. | |
- Angular distribution of radiation. | |
- Synchrotron radiation and bremsstrahlung. | |
### Problems | |
45. Derive Larmor’s formula for the total power radiated by a non-relativistic accelerating charge. | |
46. Calculate the angular distribution of radiation from an accelerating charge and compare it to the dipole radiation pattern. | |
47. Compute the radiation emitted by a charged particle undergoing circular motion (synchrotron radiation). | |
48. Analyze bremsstrahlung radiation emitted when a high-energy electron is decelerated by a nucleus. | |
49. Solve for the energy spectrum of synchrotron radiation from relativistic particles in a magnetic field. | |
50. Derive the expression for the radiation reaction force experienced by an accelerating charge. | |
51. Calculate the radiation emitted by a relativistic electron spiraling in a magnetic field. | |
52. Analyze the radiation fields produced by a charge oscillating in a harmonic potential. | |
### Topics Covered | |
- Lorentz Transformations: Understanding four-vectors and Lorentz transformations in special relativity. | |
- Electromagnetic Field Tensor: Covariant formulation of Maxwell’s equations using the field tensor. | |
- Relativistic Electromagnetic Fields: Transformations of electric and magnetic fields under Lorentz transformations. | |
### Problems | |
53. Derive the Lorentz transformations for the electric and magnetic fields between two inertial frames. | |
54. Solve for the electromagnetic field tensor and show how Maxwell’s equations are expressed in covariant form. | |
55. Calculate the electric and magnetic fields of a moving charge using the relativistic Lienard-Wiechert potentials. | |
56. Derive the four-potential for a moving point charge and show how it transforms under Lorentz transformations. | |
57. Solve for the transformation of the electromagnetic wave equation under Lorentz boosts. | |
58. Derive the energy-momentum tensor for the electromagnetic field and show how it leads to conservation laws. | |
59. Analyze the relativistic Doppler effect for an electromagnetic wave moving towards and away from a source. | |
60. Calculate the relativistic field transformation for a charged particle moving at near-light speed. | |
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# Week 12-13: Applications of Electromagnetic Theory to Modern Physics | |
with st.expander("**Week 12-13: Applications of Electromagnetic Theory to Modern Physics**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Electromagnetic Fields in Astrophysics: Applications to star formation, pulsars, and black holes. | |
- Quantum Electrodynamics (QED): Basic principles and interaction of photons and electrons. | |
- Electromagnetic Theory in Plasma Physics: Behavior of charged particles in a plasma; Debye shielding and plasma oscillations. | |
### Problems | |
61. Solve for the electromagnetic field around a neutron star using Maxwell’s equations and relativistic corrections. | |
62. Analyze the interaction between a photon and an electron in a basic quantum electrodynamics (QED) process, such as Compton scattering. | |
63. Calculate the behavior of electromagnetic waves in a plasma and derive the dispersion relation. | |
64. Solve for the radiation emitted by a rapidly spinning pulsar using relativistic electromagnetic theory. | |
65. Analyze the interaction between the cosmic microwave background radiation and charged particles in space. | |
66. Derive the electromagnetic field generated by a rotating black hole using the Kerr metric. | |
67. Solve for the energy lost to radiation in the early universe and its effects on the cosmic expansion. | |
68. Compute the fields produced by a magnetar and analyze the effects of extreme magnetic fields on the surrounding plasma. | |
69. Analyze the behavior of electromagnetic fields in a high-energy astrophysical plasma. | |
70. Solve for the electromagnetic fields of a charged particle moving in the strong gravitational field of a black hole. | |
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# Week 14: Advanced Topics in Plasma Physics and Magnetohydrodynamics | |
with st.expander("**Week 14: Advanced Topics: Plasma Physics and Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Plasma Physics: Understanding Debye shielding, plasma oscillations, and wave propagation in plasmas. | |
- Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD): Application of MHD equations to plasma flows and astrophysical systems. | |
- Alfven Waves: Study of MHD waves and their role in plasma dynamics. | |
### Problems | |
71. Derive the dispersion relation for plasma oscillations in a cold plasma and interpret its physical significance. | |
72. Solve for the Debye length in a plasma and analyze its implications for electrostatic shielding. | |
73. Compute the Alfven wave velocity in a magnetized plasma and analyze its behavior in an MHD system. | |
74. Derive the MHD equations for a plasma and solve for the magnetic pressure and tension forces. | |
75. Analyze the stability of an MHD pinch and solve for the conditions for stability. | |
76. Solve for the energy density and flux of Alfven waves in a conducting plasma. | |
77. Derive the equations governing the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a hot plasma. | |
78. Solve for the effects of magnetic reconnection on the stability of an astrophysical plasma. | |
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# Week 15: Review and Final Exam Preparation | |
with st.expander("**Week 15: Review and Final Exam Preparation**"): | |
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### Topics Covered | |
- Comprehensive Review: Review of electromagnetic wave theory, radiation, and covariant formulation of Maxwell’s equations. | |
- Problem-Solving Sessions: Focus on solving complex problems that integrate multiple course concepts. | |
- Final Exam Preparation: Students will receive guidance on tackling exam problems, with a focus on key concepts and application-based questions. | |
### Problems | |
79. Solve for the propagation of an electromagnetic wave in a dispersive medium and compare phase and group velocities. | |
80. Analyze the radiation pattern and power emitted by a relativistic electron spiraling in a magnetic field. | |
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# Textbooks Section | |
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## Textbooks | |
- **Classical Electrodynamics** by John David Jackson | |
- **Introduction to Electrodynamics** by David J. Griffiths | |
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