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# Set the page title
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st.title("PHY 632: Statistical Mechanics")
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# Course Details
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## Course Details
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- **Course Title**: Statistical Mechanics
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- **Credits**: 3
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- **Prerequisites**: PHY 504, PHY 520, PHY 522
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- **Instructor**: [Instructor Name]
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- **Office Hours**: [Office Hours]
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## Course Description
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This course provides an in-depth exploration of the principles of statistical mechanics and their applications to thermodynamics and various physical systems. Topics include the thermodynamic description of matter, perfect gases, and quantum statistics.
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## Course Objectives
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Upon completing this course, students will:
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- Understand the connection between statistical mechanics and thermodynamics.
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- Solve problems involving classical and quantum statistical systems.
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- Apply statistical mechanics to real-world physical systems.
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# Weekly Outline with Problems
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# Week 1: Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
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with st.expander("**Week 1: Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics**"):
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### Topics Covered
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- Review of thermodynamic principles.
34 |
- Introduction to statistical mechanics: microstates and macrostates.
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- Connection between thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.
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### Problems
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1. Derive the first law of thermodynamics from a microscopic statistical perspective.
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2. Calculate the change in entropy for an ideal gas in an adiabatic process.
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3. Use statistical mechanics to explain the concept of temperature in terms of microstates and macrostates.
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4. Compute the thermodynamic variables (energy, temperature, pressure) for a system of non-interacting particles.
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5. Explain the connection between the partition function and thermodynamic quantities.
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6. Derive the thermodynamic identity and apply it to a simple thermodynamic process.
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7. Calculate the entropy change in a reversible isothermal expansion of an ideal gas.
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8. Use statistical mechanics to describe the fluctuation of energy in a small subsystem.
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# Week 2-3: Microcanonical Ensemble and Classical Thermodynamics
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with st.expander("**Week 2-3: Microcanonical Ensemble and Classical Thermodynamics**"):
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### Topics Covered
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- Microcanonical ensemble and the definition of entropy.
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- Energy, entropy, and temperature in the microcanonical ensemble.
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- Applications to classical thermodynamics.
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### Problems
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9. Solve for the entropy of a system of N non-interacting particles in the microcanonical ensemble.
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10. Derive the thermodynamic quantities (energy, temperature, entropy) from the microcanonical partition function.
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11. Calculate the probability distribution of energy in a microcanonical ensemble for a small system.
60 |
12. Apply the microcanonical ensemble to a system of harmonic oscillators and derive the thermodynamic quantities.
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13. Explain the role of the density of states in determining the entropy of an isolated system.
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14. Calculate the change in entropy for a system of non-interacting spins in an external magnetic field.
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15. Solve for the temperature of a system in terms of the multiplicity of microstates.
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16. Use the microcanonical ensemble to derive the ideal gas law.
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17. Compute the entropy of an ideal gas in a microcanonical ensemble and compare with classical thermodynamics.
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18. Explain the concept of ergodicity and its significance in statistical mechanics.
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# Week 4-5: Canonical Ensemble: Partition Functions, Thermodynamic Quantities
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with st.expander("**Week 4-5: Canonical Ensemble: Partition Functions, Thermodynamic Quantities**"):
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### Topics Covered
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- Canonical ensemble for systems in thermal contact with a heat bath.
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- Partition function as the central quantity in the canonical ensemble.
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- Calculation of thermodynamic quantities from the partition function.
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### Problems
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19. Derive the canonical partition function for a system of non-interacting particles in a potential well.
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20. Use the canonical partition function to calculate the Helmholtz free energy for an ideal gas.
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21. Calculate the specific heat of a system from the partition function and discuss its temperature dependence.
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22. Solve for the energy fluctuations in a canonical ensemble and derive the corresponding heat capacity.
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23. Calculate the partition function for a system of N harmonic oscillators.
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24. Derive the relationship between the canonical partition function and the free energy.
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25. Apply the canonical ensemble to a system of particles in a gravitational potential and compute the thermodynamic quantities.
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26. Use the partition function to calculate the entropy and internal energy of an ideal gas.
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27. Derive the expression for the pressure of an ideal gas using the canonical ensemble.
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28. Solve for the thermodynamic properties of a two-level system in thermal equilibrium with a heat bath.
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29. Calculate the probability of finding a system in a particular energy state using the Boltzmann distribution.
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30. Use the canonical ensemble to solve for the entropy of a paramagnetic system in an external magnetic field.
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# Week 6-7: Grand Canonical Ensemble: Applications to Gases
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with st.expander("**Week 6-7: Grand Canonical Ensemble: Applications to Gases**"):
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### Topics Covered
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- Grand canonical ensemble for systems with varying particle numbers.
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- Chemical potential and applications to ideal and real gases.
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- Thermodynamic properties of systems in the grand canonical ensemble.
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### Problems
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31. Derive the grand partition function for an ideal gas and use it to calculate the average particle number.
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32. Calculate the chemical potential of an ideal gas using the grand canonical ensemble.
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33. Solve for the particle number fluctuations in a grand canonical ensemble and relate them to the compressibility.
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34. Use the grand canonical ensemble to derive the equation of state for a van der Waals gas.
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35. Calculate the thermodynamic properties of a photon gas using the grand canonical ensemble.
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36. Derive the relationship between the grand partition function and the thermodynamic potential.
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37. Apply the grand canonical ensemble to a system of fermions and calculate the Fermi energy at low temperatures.
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38. Solve for the particle number distribution in a grand canonical ensemble of non-interacting particles.
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39. Calculate the entropy of a Bose gas in the grand canonical ensemble and discuss Bose-Einstein condensation.
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40. Use the grand partition function to calculate the pressure and chemical potential of a photon gas.
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# Week 8: Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics
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with st.expander("**Week 8: Quantum Statistical Mechanics: Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics**"):
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### Topics Covered
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- Quantum statistics: Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac distributions.
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- Application to real-world systems like photon gases and electron systems.
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- Understanding condensation phenomena and degenerate Fermi gases.
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### Problems
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41. Derive the Bose-Einstein distribution function and apply it to a system of non-interacting bosons.
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42. Solve for the critical temperature of a Bose-Einstein condensate in three dimensions.
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43. Calculate the Fermi energy for a system of non-interacting fermions at absolute zero.
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44. Use the Fermi-Dirac distribution to compute the average energy of a system of electrons in a metal.
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45. Derive the equation of state for an ideal Fermi gas at high temperatures.
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46. Calculate the entropy and specific heat of a Fermi gas at low temperatures using the Fermi-Dirac distribution.
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47. Apply Bose-Einstein statistics to a photon gas and derive Planck’s law of blackbody radiation.
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48. Solve for the thermodynamic properties of a Bose gas near the critical temperature of condensation.
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49. Derive the chemical potential of a Bose gas in terms of the particle number and temperature.
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50. Calculate the thermodynamic properties of a degenerate Fermi gas and compare with classical ideal gases.
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# Week 9-10: Ideal Gases: Classical and Quantum Regimes
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with st.expander("**Week 9-10: Ideal Gases: Classical and Quantum Regimes**"):
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### Topics Covered
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- Classical ideal gas in the microcanonical and canonical ensembles.
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- Quantum ideal gas and quantum corrections to classical behavior.
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- Comparing classical and quantum behavior of ideal gases.
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### Problems
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51. Solve for the thermodynamic properties of a classical ideal gas using the partition function.
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52. Compare the behavior of a classical ideal gas and a quantum ideal gas at low temperatures.
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53. Derive the equation of state for an ideal gas in both classical and quantum regimes.
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54. Calculate the compressibility and specific heat of a quantum ideal gas.
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55. Solve for the quantum corrections to the thermodynamic properties of an ideal gas at low temperatures.
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56. Use quantum statistical mechanics to calculate the pressure and chemical potential of a photon gas.
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57. Calculate the specific heat of a classical ideal gas and compare with the Dulong-Petit law.
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58. Derive the expression for the entropy of a quantum ideal gas and compare with the classical result.
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59. Apply quantum statistical mechanics to a system of non-interacting particles in a box and calculate the energy levels.
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60. Solve for the energy density and pressure of a photon gas using quantum statistics.
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61. Compare the behavior of a Bose gas and a Fermi gas at low temperatures and discuss their differences.
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62. Calculate the thermodynamic quantities of an ideal gas in the classical limit using the canonical partition function.
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# Week 11: Blackbody Radiation and Photon Gas
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with st.expander("**Week 11: Blackbody Radiation and Photon Gas**"):
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### Topics Covered
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- Blackbody radiation and photon gas.
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- Application of Bose-Einstein statistics to photons.
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- Planck’s law and thermodynamic properties of photon gases.
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### Problems
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63. Derive Planck’s radiation law using Bose-Einstein statistics for photons.
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64. Solve for the energy density of blackbody radiation as a function of temperature.
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65. Calculate the entropy of a photon gas and compare with classical thermodynamics.
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66. Use the Stefan-Boltzmann law to calculate the radiation pressure of blackbody radiation.
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67. Solve for the spectral energy density of blackbody radiation at different temperatures.
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68. Derive the relationship between the energy density and temperature for blackbody radiation.
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69. Calculate the specific heat of a photon gas using the partition function.
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70. Analyze the thermodynamic properties of blackbody radiation in terms of the photon gas model.
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# Week 12: Non-Ideal Systems: Interacting Gases and Phase Transitions
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with st.expander("**Week 12: Non-Ideal Systems: Interacting Gases and Phase Transitions**"):
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### Topics Covered
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- Non-ideal gas behavior and interactions between particles.
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- Phase transitions: first-order and second-order.
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- Application of statistical mechanics to phase transitions.
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### Problems
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71. Solve the van der Waals equation for a real gas and calculate its thermodynamic properties.
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72. Use statistical mechanics to derive the conditions for a first-order phase transition.
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73. Calculate the critical temperature and pressure of a real gas using the van der Waals equation.
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74. Solve for the coexistence curve of a phase transition in a two-phase system.
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75. Derive the Gibbs free energy for a system undergoing a phase transition.
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76. Apply the van der Waals equation to a liquid-gas phase transition and calculate the latent heat.
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77. Calculate the specific heat and compressibility of a system near a critical point.
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78. Solve for the entropy change during a first-order phase transition using statistical mechanics.
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79. Use statistical mechanics to derive the Clausius-Clapeyron equation for phase transitions.
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80. Analyze the behavior of a gas near the critical point using the van der Waals equation.
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# Week 13-14: Advanced Topics: Critical Phenomena, Renormalization
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with st.expander("**Week 13-14: Advanced Topics: Critical Phenomena, Renormalization**"):
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### Topics Covered
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- Critical phenomena and second-order phase transitions.
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- Renormalization group theory and its application to phase transitions.
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- Scaling laws and critical exponents.
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### Problems
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81. Derive the critical exponents for a system undergoing a second-order phase transition.
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82. Apply the renormalization group theory to calculate the scaling laws near the critical point.
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83. Solve for the correlation length and susceptibility near the critical point of a phase transition.
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84. Calculate the behavior of the specific heat near a second-order phase transition.
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85. Use scaling arguments to derive the temperature dependence of thermodynamic quantities near a critical point.
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86. Solve for the critical temperature of a system using renormalization group methods.
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87. Analyze the behavior of a magnetic system near its critical temperature using statistical mechanics.
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88. Apply renormalization techniques to derive the scaling behavior of thermodynamic quantities near a phase transition.
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89. Calculate the critical exponents for a system undergoing a phase transition and compare with experimental data.
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90. Use renormalization group theory to solve for the behavior of a system near a tricritical point.
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# Week 15: Review and Final Exam Preparation
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with st.expander("**Week 15: Review and Final Exam Preparation**"):
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### Topics Covered
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- Comprehensive review of statistical mechanics concepts.
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- Focus on key topics such as quantum statistics, partition functions, and phase transitions.
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- Problem-solving sessions and final exam preparation.
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### Problems
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91. Mixed problems covering microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical ensembles.
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92. Problems integrating quantum statistical mechanics with real systems such as photon gases and Bose-Einstein condensation.
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93. Calculate thermodynamic quantities for systems undergoing phase transitions.
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94. Use quantum statistics to solve real-world problems in condensed matter physics.
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95. Analyze thermodynamic properties of gases using classical and quantum statistics.
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96. Derive critical exponents and scaling laws for systems near critical points.
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# Textbooks Section
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## Textbooks
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- **"Statistical Mechanics"** by R.K. Pathria and Paul D. Beale
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- **"Statistical Physics: Volume 5 (Course of Theoretical Physics)"** by L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz
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