Runtime error
Runtime error
EN_CC_100013.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists | |
EN_UA_300009.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300017.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100021.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300041.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_018789.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200321.txt CC: Questioning the measurements and science CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable | |
EN_CC_100005.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist | |
EN_CC_300008.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_300001.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_014637.txt URW: Speculating war outcomes URW: Speculating war outcomes: Russian army is collapsing | |
EN_UA_019640.txt URW: Praise of Russia;URW: Russia is the Victim URW: Praise of Russia: Russia has international support from a number of countries and people;URW: Russia is the Victim: The West is russophobic | |
EN_CC_200166.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists | |
EN_UA_022051.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Russia will also attack other countries;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors | |
EN_UA_004616.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_102703.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300153.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other | |
EN_UA_024321.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200344.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300025.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200015.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300080.txt URW: Praise of Russia;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Praise of Russia: Praise of Russian military might;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian military | |
EN_UA_000923.txt URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Speculating war outcomes: Other;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The EU is divided | |
EN_UA_102034.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other | |
EN_UA_015880.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200278.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_000543.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300048.txt URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: Ukraine is the aggressor | |
EN_UA_300129.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed | |
EN_CC_100044.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200104.txt CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Questioning the measurements and science CC: Downplaying climate change: Weather suggests the trend is global cooling;CC: Downplaying climate change: Temperature increase does not have significant impact;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Methodologies/metrics used are unreliable/faulty;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable | |
EN_CC_100150.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_002531.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_101996.txt URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Overpraising the West URW: Speculating war outcomes: Other;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The EU is divided;URW: Overpraising the West: The West has the strongest international support | |
EN_CC_100223.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_002668.txt URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Speculating war outcomes: Russian army is collapsing;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Other;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Other | |
EN_UA_300065.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_025652.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work;URW: Russia is the Victim: The West is russophobic;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West | |
EN_UA_014413.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100076.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Other;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists | |
EN_UA_013710.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Distrust towards Media;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is overreacting;URW: Distrust towards Media: Western media is an instrument of propaganda;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is associated with nazism | |
EN_UA_021377.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100197.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_DEV_24.txt URW: Negative Consequences for the West;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Sanctions imposed by Western countries will backfire;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work | |
EN_UA_028103.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200029.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100004.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Controversy about green technologies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is corrupt;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is unreliable;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Other;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is costly | |
EN_UA_300050.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_104224.txt URW: Negative Consequences for the West URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Sanctions imposed by Western countries will backfire | |
EN_CC_100014.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites | |
EN_UA_300018.txt URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: Ukraine is the aggressor | |
EN_CC_100091.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200152.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist | |
EN_CC_200337.txt CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives | |
EN_CC_300017.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_103372.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Other | |
EN_UA_300040.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Praise of Russia;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies;URW: Praise of Russia: Russia is a guarantor of peace and prosperity;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: Ukraine is the aggressor;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors | |
EN_UA_103011.txt URW: Praise of Russia;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities URW: Praise of Russia: Russian invasion has strong national support;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures | |
EN_UA_010735.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100037.txt CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Climate change is beneficial CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is dangerous;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is costly;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is unreliable;CC: Downplaying climate change: CO2 concentrations are too small to have an impact;CC: Climate change is beneficial: CO2 is beneficial | |
EN_UA_300001.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Praise of Russia URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is associated with nazism;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian military;URW: Praise of Russia: Praise of Russian military might | |
EN_UA_300049.txt URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Distrust towards Media URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: Ukraine is the aggressor;URW: Distrust towards Media: Western media is an instrument of propaganda | |
EN_CC_200246.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are only for profit;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy | |
EN_UA_025764.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII | |
EN_UA_012611.txt URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors | |
EN_UA_102990.txt URW: Distrust towards Media;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Praise of Russia;URW: Russia is the Victim URW: Distrust towards Media: Western media is an instrument of propaganda;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian military;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Russia is the Victim: The West is russophobic;URW: Praise of Russia: Russia is a guarantor of peace and prosperity;URW: Russia is the Victim: Russia actions in Ukraine are only self-defence | |
EN_UA_024628.txt URW: Overpraising the West;URW: Overpraising the West URW: Overpraising the West: The West belongs in the right side of history;URW: Overpraising the West: The West has the strongest international support | |
EN_CC_200343.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Climate change is beneficial;CC: Climate change is beneficial;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Questioning the measurements and science CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Downplaying climate change: Other;CC: Downplaying climate change: Climate cycles are natural;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other;CC: Climate change is beneficial: CO2 is beneficial;CC: Climate change is beneficial: Temperature increase is beneficial;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Other | |
EN_UA_300073.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors | |
EN_CC_300088.txt CC: Amplifying Climate Fears CC: Amplifying Climate Fears: Amplifying existing fears of global warming | |
EN_UA_101805.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Praise of Russia URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Russia will also attack other countries;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is associated with nazism;URW: Praise of Russia: Russia is a guarantor of peace and prosperity | |
EN_CC_300112.txt CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Controversy about green technologies CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable;CC: Downplaying climate change: CO2 concentrations are too small to have an impact;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is dangerous | |
EN_UA_104569.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_300038.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_002991.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200007.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other | |
EN_UA_000568.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_022339.txt URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Speculating war outcomes: Ukrainian army is collapsing;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Situation in Ukraine is hopeless;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian military;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies | |
EN_UA_026036.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100069.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments | |
EN_UA_300039.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: West is tired of Ukraine | |
EN_UA_015962.txt URW: Speculating war outcomes URW: Speculating war outcomes: Russian army is collapsing | |
EN_CC_100036.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200270.txt CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups CC: Downplaying climate change: Human activities do not impact climate change;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Data shows no temperature increase;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Methodologies/metrics used are unreliable/faulty;CC: Downplaying climate change: CO2 concentrations are too small to have an impact;CC: Downplaying climate change: Climate cycles are natural;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives | |
EN_UA_102655.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_104876.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_013344.txt URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other | |
EN_CC_200279.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Climate change is beneficial CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is corrupt;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Downplaying climate change: Climate cycles are natural;CC: Climate change is beneficial: Temperature increase is beneficial | |
EN_CC_200024.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_104859.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a hub for criminal activities;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other | |
EN_CC_100070.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_001052.txt URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors | |
EN_CC_200191.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of international entities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy | |
EN_CC_200285.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_003579.txt URW: Negative Consequences for the West URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Sanctions imposed by Western countries will backfire | |
EN_UA_021918.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300145.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_004343.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_103445.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_300040.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of international entities | |
EN_UA_300139.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a hub for criminal activities;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies | |
EN_CC_300023.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Other;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other | |
EN_UA_300034.txt URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other | |
EN_CC_300151.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Downplaying climate change CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Downplaying climate change: Other;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Data shows no temperature increase;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Methodologies/metrics used are unreliable/faulty;CC: Downplaying climate change: Human activities do not impact climate change | |
EN_UA_100688.txt URW: Speculating war outcomes URW: Speculating war outcomes: Ukrainian army is collapsing | |
EN_CC_200168.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are only for profit;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other | |
EN_CC_300158.txt CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Questioning the measurements and science CC: Downplaying climate change: Human activities do not impact climate change;CC: Downplaying climate change: Climate cycles are natural;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Downplaying climate change: Other;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable | |
EN_CC_100023.txt CC: Green policies are geopolitical instruments;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Green policies are geopolitical instruments CC: Green policies are geopolitical instruments: Green activities are a form of neo-colonialism;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Other;CC: Green policies are geopolitical instruments: Climate-related international relations are abusive/exploitative | |
EN_UA_300058.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100066.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are only for profit;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective | |
EN_UA_300023.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_103995.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300120.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300066.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_017831.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Overpraising the West;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is weak;URW: Overpraising the West: The West belongs in the right side of history;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: NATO should/will directly intervene | |
EN_CC_300057.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Other | |
EN_UA_104604.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200110.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is costly;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other | |
EN_CC_100147.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_016012.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300000.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200105.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is unreliable;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other | |
EN_UA_102415.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other | |
EN_UA_300007.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Russia will also attack other countries;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: NATO should/will directly intervene | |
EN_UA_014829.txt URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Distrust towards Media;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;URW: Russia is the Victim: The West is russophobic;URW: Distrust towards Media: Western media is an instrument of propaganda;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The EU is divided | |
EN_CC_100038.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Questioning the measurements and science CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Methodologies/metrics used are unreliable/faulty;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable | |
EN_CC_200326.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of international entities | |
EN_UA_300043.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: West is tired of Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII | |
EN_UA_300086.txt URW: Praise of Russia URW: Praise of Russia: Other | |
EN_UA_102892.txt URW: Distrust towards Media;URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Praise of Russia;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Distrust towards Media: Western media is an instrument of propaganda;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Ukrainian army is collapsing;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is weak;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies;URW: Praise of Russia: Praise of Russian military might;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: West is tired of Ukraine | |
EN_CC_200013.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy | |
EN_CC_100232.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200056.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200141.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives | |
EN_CC_200234.txt CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Downplaying climate change: Other;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy | |
EN_UA_103517.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300090.txt URW: Praise of Russia;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Praise of Russia: Praise of Russian military might;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests | |
EN_UA_300020.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200083.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300038.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300063.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other | |
EN_UA_300135.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_027816.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300071.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Rewriting Ukraine’s history;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII | |
EN_CC_100123.txt CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Other;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Methodologies/metrics used are unreliable/faulty;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments | |
EN_CC_200181.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200113.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Controversy about green technologies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is costly;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is unreliable | |
EN_UA_100868.txt URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other | |
EN_CC_100159.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_010091.txt URW: Overpraising the West URW: Overpraising the West: The West belongs in the right side of history | |
EN_CC_200262.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective | |
EN_UA_100210.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies | |
EN_CC_200211.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300035.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200254.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures | |
EN_CC_300022.txt CC: Amplifying Climate Fears CC: Amplifying Climate Fears: Amplifying existing fears of global warming | |
EN_UA_300108.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies | |
EN_CC_300037.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100093.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_101189.txt URW: Praise of Russia URW: Praise of Russia: Russian invasion has strong national support | |
EN_CC_100050.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of international entities;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other | |
EN_CC_100003.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures | |
EN_UA_100411.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Negative Consequences for the West URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests;URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Sanctions imposed by Western countries will backfire | |
EN_UA_300059.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests | |
EN_UA_300016.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Negative Consequences for the West URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Other | |
EN_UA_021872.txt URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Negative Consequences for the West;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Negative Consequences for the West: The conflict will increase the Ukrainian refugee flows to Europe;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is overreacting;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The EU is divided | |
EN_CC_100046.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300144.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_DEV_23.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Praise of Russia;URW: Distrust towards Media URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII;URW: Praise of Russia: Praise of Russian military might;URW: Distrust towards Media: Western media is an instrument of propaganda | |
EN_UA_300085.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_DEV_216.txt URW: Negative Consequences for the West;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Sanctions imposed by Western countries will backfire;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The EU is divided;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is weak | |
EN_CC_100030.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300115.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work | |
EN_CC_100146.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100172.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200134.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives | |
EN_UA_102054.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Other | |
EN_CC_300114.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100024.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are only for profit;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy | |
EN_CC_100067.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200327.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_010909.txt URW: Distrust towards Media;URW: Russia is the Victim URW: Distrust towards Media: Western media is an instrument of propaganda;URW: Russia is the Victim: Other | |
EN_CC_200098.txt CC: Green policies are geopolitical instruments;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Green policies are geopolitical instruments: Green activities are a form of neo-colonialism;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures | |
EN_CC_200055.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_021263.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: West is tired of Ukraine | |
EN_CC_200012.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments | |
EN_CC_200154.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are only for profit | |
EN_UA_013727.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Russia will also attack other countries;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: NATO should/will directly intervene;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other | |
EN_UA_012803.txt URW: Speculating war outcomes URW: Speculating war outcomes: Russian army is collapsing | |
EN_UA_300100.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100203.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_300064.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is corrupt;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists | |
EN_UA_104523.txt URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Russia is the Victim: Russia actions in Ukraine are only self-defence;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is associated with nazism;URW: Russia is the Victim: UA is anti-RU extremists;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West | |
EN_UA_300070.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Speculating war outcomes URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is associated with nazism;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Ukrainian army is collapsing | |
EN_UA_300036.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200227.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of international entities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures | |
EN_CC_100124.txt CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Downplaying climate change: Ice is not melting;CC: Downplaying climate change: Climate cycles are natural;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists | |
EN_CC_300179.txt CC: Amplifying Climate Fears CC: Amplifying Climate Fears: Amplifying existing fears of global warming | |
EN_UA_300079.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other | |
EN_CC_200349.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100002.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites | |
EN_UA_300015.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Speculating war outcomes URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: West is tired of Ukraine;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Other | |
EN_CC_200048.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Controversy about green technologies CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Other | |
EN_UA_102958.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Other;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Russia will also attack other countries | |
EN_UA_027787.txt URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Russia is the Victim URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: Ukraine is the aggressor;URW: Russia is the Victim: UA is anti-RU extremists;URW: Russia is the Victim: Other | |
EN_CC_100139.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_103861.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_103667.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_021270.txt URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Praise of Russia;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Speculating war outcomes: Other;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Situation in Ukraine is hopeless;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: West is tired of Ukraine;URW: Praise of Russia: Praise of Russian military might;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests | |
EN_UA_103403.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100145.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300084.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies | |
EN_UA_300076.txt URW: Distrust towards Media;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Distrust towards Media: Western media is an instrument of propaganda;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors | |
EN_UA_027676.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Overpraising the West URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Overpraising the West: The West has the strongest international support | |
EN_UA_023211.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_017310.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Overpraising the West URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is weak;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Overpraising the West: The West belongs in the right side of history | |
EN_CC_200097.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is corrupt;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists | |
EN_CC_100137.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300092.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_008586.txt URW: Distrust towards Media;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Distrust towards Media: Western media is an instrument of propaganda;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Other;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other | |
EN_CC_200107.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Other;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives | |
EN_UA_300013.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Negative Consequences for the West URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work;URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Sanctions imposed by Western countries will backfire | |
EN_UA_025165.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: West is tired of Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Situation in Ukraine is hopeless;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Ukrainian army is collapsing;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Other;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors | |
EN_UA_300037.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_010901.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_300028.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of international entities | |
EN_UA_300099.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed | |
EN_CC_300125.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other | |
EN_CC_100122.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200058.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_100840.txt URW: Negative Consequences for the West;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Sanctions imposed by Western countries will backfire;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is weak;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Russia will also attack other countries;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed | |
EN_CC_200324.txt CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Methodologies/metrics used are unreliable/faulty;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Greenhouse effect/carbon dioxide do not drive climate change;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of international entities | |
EN_CC_200139.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy | |
EN_CC_100095.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists | |
EN_CC_100106.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist | |
EN_UA_014014.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300005.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_026697.txt URW: Distrust towards Media;URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Distrust towards Media URW: Distrust towards Media: Western media is an instrument of propaganda;URW: Russia is the Victim: The West is russophobic;URW: Distrust towards Media: Ukrainian media cannot be trusted | |
EN_UA_300133.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300142.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_101067.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_300052.txt CC: Amplifying Climate Fears CC: Amplifying Climate Fears: Amplifying existing fears of global warming | |
EN_UA_300150.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_300005.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Controversy about green technologies CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is costly | |
EN_UA_103732.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests | |
EN_UA_300022.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is weak;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other | |
EN_UA_300052.txt URW: Russia is the Victim URW: Russia is the Victim: The West is russophobic | |
EN_UA_102754.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300029.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100016.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200132.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of the EU | |
EN_UA_100106.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_102963.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_024847.txt URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: Ukraine is the aggressor | |
EN_UA_100587.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100065.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100136.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300156.txt URW: Overpraising the West URW: Overpraising the West: The West belongs in the right side of history | |
EN_UA_015443.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: West is tired of Ukraine;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: NATO should/will directly intervene;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII | |
EN_CC_100047.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is corrupt;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Other;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective | |
EN_UA_022016.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Negative Consequences for the West;URW: Overpraising the West URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is weak;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Other;URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Other;URW: Overpraising the West: The West belongs in the right side of history | |
EN_UA_300067.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Negative Consequences for the West;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: NATO should/will directly intervene;URW: Negative Consequences for the West: The conflict will increase the Ukrainian refugee flows to Europe;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The EU is divided | |
EN_UA_023008.txt URW: Distrust towards Media;URW: Praise of Russia URW: Distrust towards Media: Western media is an instrument of propaganda;URW: Praise of Russia: Praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin | |
EN_CC_200292.txt CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups CC: Downplaying climate change: Other;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Other;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites | |
EN_CC_100243.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_002416.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300044.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300103.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests | |
EN_UA_300141.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_102084.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300006.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Other;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors | |
EN_CC_200025.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100008.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200289.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Climate change is beneficial;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Downplaying climate change CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of international entities;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable;CC: Downplaying climate change: CO2 concentrations are too small to have an impact;CC: Climate change is beneficial: CO2 is beneficial;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Downplaying climate change: Temperature increase does not have significant impact | |
EN_CC_300124.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments | |
EN_UA_300117.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_013617.txt URW: Praise of Russia;URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Praise of Russia;URW: Praise of Russia URW: Praise of Russia: Praise of Russian military might;URW: Russia is the Victim: Russia actions in Ukraine are only self-defence;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Russia is the Victim: The West is russophobic;URW: Praise of Russia: Other;URW: Praise of Russia: Russia has international support from a number of countries and people | |
EN_CC_100042.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200221.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Questioning the measurements and science CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other;CC: Downplaying climate change: Other;CC: Downplaying climate change: CO2 concentrations are too small to have an impact;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Downplaying climate change: Sea levels are not rising;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable | |
EN_UA_024050.txt URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Praise of Russia;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Russia will also attack other countries;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Praise of Russia: Praise of Russian military might;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is weak;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII | |
EN_UA_016466.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Russia will also attack other countries;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed | |
EN_CC_200073.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures | |
EN_UA_300030.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is weak | |
EN_UA_023816.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Russia is the Victim URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West;URW: Russia is the Victim: The West is russophobic;URW: Russia is the Victim: UA is anti-RU extremists | |
EN_UA_300012.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100000.txt CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups CC: Controversy about green technologies: Other;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites | |
EN_UA_026142.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other | |
EN_UA_029053.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Speculating war outcomes URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is weak;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Other | |
EN_UA_300134.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian military | |
EN_CC_200041.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Other;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is costly;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is unreliable;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is dangerous;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives | |
EN_CC_100010.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300045.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_104775.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100009.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200342.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of international entities;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures | |
EN_UA_020543.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_004209.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors | |
EN_CC_100169.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100015.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300028.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200018.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_027879.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian military;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Ukrainian army is collapsing;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: West is tired of Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West | |
EN_UA_300102.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_300134.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy | |
EN_CC_100211.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200242.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other | |
EN_UA_300077.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Negative Consequences for the West URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is overreacting;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work;URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Other | |
EN_CC_300006.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_026740.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_101954.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200052.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists | |
EN_UA_008072.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed | |
EN_UA_300051.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_029155.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Distrust towards Media URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies;URW: Distrust towards Media: Western media is an instrument of propaganda | |
EN_CC_200001.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200044.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other | |
EN_UA_001032.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work | |
EN_UA_104152.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Russia will also attack other countries;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: NATO should/will directly intervene;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed | |
EN_CC_100198.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300019.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100054.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300074.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Other | |
EN_UA_021310.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100011.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300031.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_104434.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Russia will also attack other countries;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: NATO should/will directly intervene | |
EN_UA_300104.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: By continuing the war we risk WWIII | |
EN_CC_200137.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Other;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is corrupt | |
EN_UA_101251.txt URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors | |
EN_CC_100007.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_103251.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work | |
EN_UA_300127.txt URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other | |
EN_CC_100035.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of the EU;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Other;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Downplaying climate change: Other;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective | |
EN_CC_300003.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300046.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300089.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200092.txt CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Methodologies/metrics used are unreliable/faulty;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Downplaying climate change: Human activities do not impact climate change;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists | |
EN_UA_103025.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of the EU;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures | |
EN_UA_300011.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200218.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Controversy about green technologies CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are only for profit;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is dangerous;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is costly | |
EN_CC_200245.txt CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Questioning the measurements and science CC: Downplaying climate change: Other;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are only for profit;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Other;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is unreliable;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable | |
EN_CC_300030.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_100864.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Overpraising the West URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Russia will also attack other countries;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work;URW: Overpraising the West: The West belongs in the right side of history | |
EN_UA_104791.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200021.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other | |
EN_UA_300082.txt URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: Ukraine is the aggressor;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is associated with nazism;URW: Russia is the Victim: UA is anti-RU extremists;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies | |
EN_UA_010095.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_300018.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_022319.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_028520.txt URW: Overpraising the West URW: Overpraising the West: The West belongs in the right side of history | |
EN_UA_100601.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200188.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is costly;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is unreliable;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are only for profit | |
EN_CC_300054.txt CC: Amplifying Climate Fears CC: Amplifying Climate Fears: Amplifying existing fears of global warming | |
EN_UA_103941.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_DEV_100028.txt URW: Negative Consequences for the West;URW: Negative Consequences for the West URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Sanctions imposed by Western countries will backfire;URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Other | |
EN_CC_200145.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Other;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments | |
EN_CC_200318.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Downplaying climate change;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Green policies are geopolitical instruments;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Questioning the measurements and science CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Downplaying climate change: Humans and nature will adapt to the changes;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Other;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives;CC: Green policies are geopolitical instruments: Climate-related international relations are abusive/exploitative;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Scientific community is unreliable;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Methodologies/metrics used are unreliable/faulty | |
EN_CC_200150.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist | |
EN_CC_200116.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate policies CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other | |
EN_CC_200159.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Amplifying Climate Fears;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are only for profit;CC: Amplifying Climate Fears: Doomsday scenarios for humans;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is costly;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is unreliable;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments | |
EN_UA_300032.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors | |
EN_CC_100235.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300075.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_DEV_26.txt URW: Russia is the Victim URW: Russia is the Victim: Other | |
EN_CC_100040.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100083.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_021123.txt URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: West is tired of Ukraine;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Ukrainian army is collapsing;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Situation in Ukraine is hopeless;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies | |
EN_UA_012234.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears;URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Russia will also attack other countries;URW: Amplifying war-related fears: There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be employed | |
EN_CC_200009.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Green policies are geopolitical instruments CC: Criticism of climate movement: Ad hominem attacks on key activists;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is corrupt;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Other;CC: Green policies are geopolitical instruments: Green activities are a form of neo-colonialism | |
EN_CC_200086.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of international entities | |
EN_UA_102953.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_103168.txt URW: Amplifying war-related fears URW: Amplifying war-related fears: Other | |
EN_UA_300154.txt URW: Negative Consequences for the West URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Sanctions imposed by Western countries will backfire | |
EN_CC_300031.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_300074.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200294.txt CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Controversy about green technologies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is unreliable;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Renewable energy is costly;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Controversy about green technologies: Other;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures | |
EN_UA_300069.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100012.txt CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of international entities;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures | |
EN_UA_300060.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100098.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100034.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200016.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments | |
EN_CC_200165.txt CC: Downplaying climate change CC: Downplaying climate change: Ice is not melting | |
EN_CC_100213.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_011260.txt URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Russia is the Victim: UA is anti-RU extremists;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a hub for criminal activities;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is associated with nazism;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: Ukraine is the aggressor;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Other;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work | |
EN_CC_200093.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Blaming global elites;CC: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Climate agenda has hidden motives | |
EN_UA_300053.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Discrediting Ukrainian government and officials and policies;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a hub for criminal activities | |
EN_CC_300004.txt Other Other | |
EN_UA_300010.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_100156.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_200101.txt CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies have negative impact on the economy;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures | |
EN_CC_200144.txt CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of climate movement;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is alarmist;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Climate policies are ineffective;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Other;CC: Criticism of climate movement: Climate movement is corrupt;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of political organizations and figures | |
EN_UA_300132.txt URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Speculating war outcomes;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Discrediting Ukraine;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy;URW: Praise of Russia;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is a puppet of the West;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Ukrainian army is collapsing;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West does not care about Ukraine, only about its interests;URW: Russia is the Victim: Russia actions in Ukraine are only self-defence;URW: Speculating war outcomes: Other;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: The West is weak;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Situation in Ukraine is hopeless;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: West is tired of Ukraine;URW: Praise of Russia: Praise of Russian military might;URW: Discrediting the West, Diplomacy: Diplomacy does/will not work | |
EN_UA_101079.txt URW: Negative Consequences for the West URW: Negative Consequences for the West: Sanctions imposed by Western countries will backfire | |
EN_CC_200022.txt CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities;CC: Criticism of climate policies;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Questioning the measurements and science;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of national governments;CC: Criticism of climate policies: Other;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Methodologies/metrics used are unreliable/faulty;CC: Questioning the measurements and science: Greenhouse effect/carbon dioxide do not drive climate change;CC: Criticism of institutions and authorities: Criticism of international entities | |
EN_CC_100028.txt Other Other | |
EN_CC_300010.txt CC: Amplifying Climate Fears CC: Amplifying Climate Fears: Other | |
EN_UA_013257.txt URW: Russia is the Victim;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups;URW: Discrediting Ukraine URW: Russia is the Victim: Russia actions in Ukraine are only self-defence;URW: Blaming the war on others rather than the invader: The West are the aggressors;URW: Hidden plots by secret schemes of powerful groups: Other;URW: Discrediting Ukraine: Ukraine is associated with nazism | |
EN_UA_000104.txt Other Other | |