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import numpy as np
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from aif360.algorithms.inprocessing.gerryfair.auditor import Auditor
from aif360.datasets import BinaryLabelDataset
from aif360.datasets.multiclass_label_dataset import MulticlassLabelDataset
from aif360.metrics import DatasetMetric, utils
from aif360.algorithms.inprocessing.gerryfair.clean import *
class BinaryLabelDatasetMetric(DatasetMetric):
"""Class for computing metrics based on a single
def __init__(self, dataset, unprivileged_groups=None, privileged_groups=None):
dataset (BinaryLabelDataset): A BinaryLabelDataset.
privileged_groups (list(dict)): Privileged groups. Format is a list
of `dicts` where the keys are `protected_attribute_names` and
the values are values in `protected_attributes`. Each `dict`
element describes a single group. See examples for more details.
unprivileged_groups (list(dict)): Unprivileged groups in the same
format as `privileged_groups`.
TypeError: `dataset` must be a
:obj:`~aif360.datasets.BinaryLabelDataset` type.
if not isinstance(dataset, BinaryLabelDataset) and not isinstance(dataset, MulticlassLabelDataset) :
raise TypeError("'dataset' should be a BinaryLabelDataset or a MulticlassLabelDataset")
# sets self.dataset, self.unprivileged_groups, self.privileged_groups
super(BinaryLabelDatasetMetric, self).__init__(dataset,
if isinstance(dataset, MulticlassLabelDataset):
fav_label_value = 1.
unfav_label_value = 0.
self.dataset = self.dataset.copy()
# Find all labels which match any of the favorable labels
fav_idx = np.logical_or.reduce(np.equal.outer(self.dataset.favorable_label, self.dataset.labels))
# Replace labels with corresponding values
self.dataset.labels = np.where(fav_idx, fav_label_value, unfav_label_value)
self.dataset.favorable_label = float(fav_label_value)
self.dataset.unfavorable_label = float(unfav_label_value)
def num_positives(self, privileged=None):
r"""Compute the number of positives,
:math:`P = \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb{1}[y_i = 1]`,
optionally conditioned on protected attributes.
privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to
condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or
the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None`
meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset.
AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be
must be provided at initialization to condition on them.
condition = self._to_condition(privileged)
return utils.compute_num_pos_neg(self.dataset.protected_attributes,
self.dataset.labels, self.dataset.instance_weights,
self.dataset.favorable_label, condition=condition)
def num_negatives(self, privileged=None):
r"""Compute the number of negatives,
:math:`N = \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb{1}[y_i = 0]`, optionally conditioned on
protected attributes.
privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to
condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or
the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None`
meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset.
AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be
must be provided at initialization to condition on them.
condition = self._to_condition(privileged)
return utils.compute_num_pos_neg(self.dataset.protected_attributes,
self.dataset.labels, self.dataset.instance_weights,
self.dataset.unfavorable_label, condition=condition)
def base_rate(self, privileged=None):
"""Compute the base rate, :math:`Pr(Y = 1) = P/(P+N)`, optionally
conditioned on protected attributes.
privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to
condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or
the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None`
meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset.
float: Base rate (optionally conditioned).
return (self.num_positives(privileged=privileged)
/ self.num_instances(privileged=privileged))
def disparate_impact(self):
.. math::
\frac{Pr(Y = 1 | D = \text{unprivileged})}
{Pr(Y = 1 | D = \text{privileged})}
return self.ratio(self.base_rate)
def statistical_parity_difference(self):
.. math::
Pr(Y = 1 | D = \text{unprivileged})
- Pr(Y = 1 | D = \text{privileged})
return self.difference(self.base_rate)
def consistency(self, n_neighbors=5):
r"""Individual fairness metric from [1]_ that measures how similar the
labels are for similar instances.
.. math::
1 - \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n |\hat{y}_i -
\frac{1}{\text{n_neighbors}} \sum_{j\in\mathcal{N}_{\text{n_neighbors}}(x_i)} \hat{y}_j|
n_neighbors (int, optional): Number of neighbors for the knn
.. [1] R. Zemel, Y. Wu, K. Swersky, T. Pitassi, and C. Dwork,
"Learning Fair Representations,"
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2013.
X = self.dataset.features
num_samples = X.shape[0]
y = self.dataset.labels
# learn a KNN on the features
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm='ball_tree')
_, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(X)
# compute consistency score
consistency = 0.0
for i in range(num_samples):
consistency += np.abs(y[i] - np.mean(y[indices[i]]))
consistency = 1.0 - consistency/num_samples
return consistency
def _smoothed_base_rates(self, labels, concentration=1.0):
"""Dirichlet-smoothed base rates for each intersecting group in the
# Dirichlet smoothing parameters
if concentration < 0:
raise ValueError("Concentration parameter must be non-negative.")
num_classes = 2 # binary label dataset
dirichlet_alpha = concentration / num_classes
# compute counts for all intersecting groups, e.g. black-women, white-man, etc
intersect_groups = np.unique(self.dataset.protected_attributes, axis=0)
num_intersects = len(intersect_groups)
counts_pos = np.zeros(num_intersects)
counts_total = np.zeros(num_intersects)
for i in range(num_intersects):
condition = [dict(zip(self.dataset.protected_attribute_names,
counts_total[i] = utils.compute_num_instances(
self.dataset.protected_attribute_names, condition=condition)
counts_pos[i] = utils.compute_num_pos_neg(
self.dataset.protected_attributes, labels,
self.dataset.favorable_label, condition=condition)
# probability of y given S (p(y=1|S))
return (counts_pos + dirichlet_alpha) / (counts_total + concentration)
def smoothed_empirical_differential_fairness(self, concentration=1.0):
"""Smoothed EDF from [#foulds18]_.
concentration (float, optional): Concentration parameter for
Dirichlet smoothing. Must be non-negative.
To use with non-binary protected attributes, the column must be
converted to ordinal:
>>> mapping = {'Black': 0, 'White': 1, 'Asian-Pac-Islander': 2,
... 'Amer-Indian-Eskimo': 3, 'Other': 4}
>>> def map_race(df):
... df['race-num'] =
... return df
>>> adult = AdultDataset(protected_attribute_names=['sex',
... 'race-num'], privileged_classes=[['Male'], [1]],
... categorical_features=['workclass', 'education',
... 'marital-status', 'occupation', 'relationship',
... 'native-country', 'race'], custom_preprocessing=map_race)
>>> metric = BinaryLabelDatasetMetric(adult)
>>> metric.smoothed_empirical_differential_fairness()
.. [#foulds18] J. R. Foulds, R. Islam, K. N. Keya, and S. Pan,
"An Intersectional Definition of Fairness," arXiv preprint
arXiv:1807.08362, 2018.
sbr = self._smoothed_base_rates(self.dataset.labels, concentration)
def pos_ratio(i, j):
return abs(np.log(sbr[i]) - np.log(sbr[j]))
def neg_ratio(i, j):
return abs(np.log(1 - sbr[i]) - np.log(1 - sbr[j]))
# overall DF of the mechanism
return max(max(pos_ratio(i, j), neg_ratio(i, j))
for i in range(len(sbr)) for j in range(len(sbr)) if i != j)
# ============================== ALIASES ===================================
def mean_difference(self):
"""Alias of :meth:`statistical_parity_difference`."""
return self.statistical_parity_difference()
def rich_subgroup(self, predictions, fairness_def='FP'):
"""Audit dataset with respect to rich subgroups defined by linear thresholds of sensitive attributes
Args: fairness_def is 'FP' or 'FN' for rich subgroup wrt to false positive or false negative rate.
predictions is a hashable tuple of predictions. Typically the labels attribute of a GerryFairClassifier
Returns: the gamma disparity with respect to the fairness_def.
Examples: see examples/gerry_plots.ipynb
auditor = Auditor(self.dataset, fairness_def)
# make hashable type
y = array_to_tuple(self.dataset.labels)
predictions = array_to_tuple(predictions)
# returns mean(predictions | y = 0) if 'FP' 1-mean(predictions | y = 1) if FN
metric_baseline = auditor.get_baseline(y, predictions)
# return the group with the largest disparity
group = auditor.get_group(predictions, metric_baseline)
return group.weighted_disparity