Runtime error
Runtime error
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import os
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_openml
from aif360.sklearn.datasets.utils import standardize_dataset
# cache location
DATA_HOME_DEFAULT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)),
'..', 'data', 'raw')
def fetch_adult(subset='all', *, data_home=None, cache=True, binary_race=True,
usecols=None, dropcols=None, numeric_only=False, dropna=True):
"""Load the Adult Census Income Dataset.
Binarizes 'race' to 'White' (privileged) or 'Non-white' (unprivileged). The
other protected attribute is 'sex' ('Male' is privileged and 'Female' is
unprivileged). The outcome variable is 'annual-income': '>50K' (favorable)
or '<=50K' (unfavorable).
By default, the data is downloaded from OpenML. See the `adult
<>`_ page for details.
subset ({'train', 'test', or 'all'}, optional): Select the dataset to
load: 'train' for the training set, 'test' for the test set, 'all'
for both.
data_home (string, optional): Specify another download and cache folder
for the datasets. By default all AIF360 datasets are stored in
'aif360/sklearn/data/raw' subfolders.
cache (bool): Whether to cache downloaded datasets.
binary_race (bool, optional): Group all non-white races together. Only
the protected attribute is affected, not the feature column, unless
numeric_only is ``True``.
usecols (list-like, optional): Feature column(s) to keep. All others are
dropcols (list-like, optional): Feature column(s) to drop.
numeric_only (bool): Drop all non-numeric feature columns.
dropna (bool): Drop rows with NAs.
namedtuple: Tuple containing X, y, and sample_weights for the Adult
dataset accessible by index or name.
See also:
>>> adult = fetch_adult()
>>> adult.X.shape
(45222, 13)
>>> adult_num = fetch_adult(numeric_only=True)
>>> adult_num.X.shape
(48842, 5)
if subset not in {'train', 'test', 'all'}:
raise ValueError("subset must be either 'train', 'test', or 'all'; "
"cannot be {}".format(subset))
df = fetch_openml(data_id=1590, data_home=data_home or DATA_HOME_DEFAULT,
cache=cache, as_frame=True).frame
if subset == 'train':
df = df.iloc[16281:]
elif subset == 'test':
df = df.iloc[:16281]
df = df.rename(columns={'class': 'annual-income'}) # more descriptive name
df['annual-income'] = df['annual-income'].cat.reorder_categories(
['<=50K', '>50K'], ordered=True)
# binarize protected attributes
race =['Non-white', 'White'], ordered=True)
race = race.fillna('Non-white') if binary_race else 'race'
if numeric_only and binary_race:
df.race = race
race = 'race' =['Female', 'Male'], ordered=True)
return standardize_dataset(df, prot_attr=[race, 'sex'],
target='annual-income', sample_weight='fnlwgt',
usecols=usecols, dropcols=dropcols,
numeric_only=numeric_only, dropna=dropna)
def fetch_german(*, data_home=None, cache=True, binary_age=True, usecols=None,
dropcols=None, numeric_only=False, dropna=True):
"""Load the German Credit Dataset.
Protected attributes are 'sex' ('male' is privileged and 'female' is
unprivileged) and 'age' (binarized by default as recommended by
[#kamiran09]_: age >= 25 is considered privileged and age < 25 is considered
unprivileged; see the binary_age flag to keep this continuous). The outcome
variable is 'credit-risk': 'good' (favorable) or 'bad' (unfavorable).
By default, the data is downloaded from OpenML. See the `credit-g
<>`_ page for details.
data_home (string, optional): Specify another download and cache folder
for the datasets. By default all AIF360 datasets are stored in
'aif360/sklearn/data/raw' subfolders.
cache (bool): Whether to cache downloaded datasets.
binary_age (bool, optional): If ``True``, split protected attribute,
'age', into 'aged' (privileged) and 'youth' (unprivileged). The
'age' feature remains continuous.
usecols (list-like, optional): Column name(s) to keep. All others are
dropcols (list-like, optional): Column name(s) to drop.
numeric_only (bool): Drop all non-numeric feature columns.
dropna (bool): Drop rows with NAs.
namedtuple: Tuple containing X and y for the German dataset accessible
by index or name.
See also:
.. [#kamiran09] `F. Kamiran and T. Calders, "Classifying without
discriminating," 2nd International Conference on Computer,
Control and Communication, 2009.
>>> german = fetch_german()
>>> german.X.shape
(1000, 21)
>>> german_num = fetch_german(numeric_only=True)
>>> german_num.X.shape
(1000, 7)
>>> X, y = fetch_german(numeric_only=True)
>>> y_pred = LogisticRegression().fit(X, y).predict(X)
>>> disparate_impact_ratio(y, y_pred, prot_attr='age', priv_group=True,
... pos_label='good')
df = fetch_openml(data_id=31, data_home=data_home or DATA_HOME_DEFAULT,
cache=cache, as_frame=True).frame
df = df.rename(columns={'class': 'credit-risk'}) # more descriptive name
df['credit-risk'] = df['credit-risk'].cat.reorder_categories(
['bad', 'good'], ordered=True)
# binarize protected attribute (but not corresponding feature)
age = (pd.cut(df.age, [0, 25, 100],
labels=False if numeric_only else ['young', 'aged'])
if binary_age else 'age')
# Note: marital_status directly implies sex. i.e. 'div/dep/mar' => 'female'
# and all others => 'male'
personal_status = df.pop('personal_status').str.split(expand=True)
personal_status.columns = ['sex', 'marital_status']
df = df.join(personal_status.astype('category')) =['female', 'male'], ordered=True)
df.foreign_worker = df.foreign_worker.astype('category').cat.set_categories(
['no', 'yes'], ordered=True)
return standardize_dataset(df, prot_attr=['sex', age, 'foreign_worker'],
target='credit-risk', usecols=usecols,
dropcols=dropcols, numeric_only=numeric_only,
def fetch_bank(*, data_home=None, cache=True, percent10=False, usecols=None,
dropcols=['duration'], numeric_only=False, dropna=False):
"""Load the Bank Marketing Dataset.
The protected attribute is 'age' (left as continuous). The outcome variable
is 'deposit': 'yes' or 'no'.
By default, the data is downloaded from OpenML. See the `bank-marketing
<>`_ page for details.
data_home (string, optional): Specify another download and cache folder
for the datasets. By default all AIF360 datasets are stored in
'aif360/sklearn/data/raw' subfolders.
cache (bool): Whether to cache downloaded datasets.
percent10 (bool, optional): Download the reduced version (10% of data).
usecols (list-like, optional): Column name(s) to keep. All others are
dropcols (list-like, optional): Column name(s) to drop.
numeric_only (bool): Drop all non-numeric feature columns.
dropna (bool): Drop rows with NAs. Note: this is False by default for
this dataset.
namedtuple: Tuple containing X and y for the Bank dataset accessible by
index or name.
See also:
>>> bank = fetch_bank()
>>> bank.X.shape
(45211, 15)
>>> bank_nona = fetch_bank(dropna=True)
>>> bank_nona.X.shape
(7842, 15)
>>> bank_num = fetch_bank(numeric_only=True)
>>> bank_num.X.shape
(45211, 6)
# TODO: this seems to be an old version
df = fetch_openml(data_id=1558 if percent10 else 1461, data_home=data_home
or DATA_HOME_DEFAULT, cache=cache, as_frame=True).frame
df.columns = ['age', 'job', 'marital', 'education', 'default', 'balance',
'housing', 'loan', 'contact', 'day', 'month', 'duration',
'campaign', 'pdays', 'previous', 'poutcome', 'deposit']
# remap target
df.deposit ={'1': 'no', '2': 'yes'}).astype('category')
df.deposit =['no', 'yes'], ordered=True)
# replace 'unknown' marker with NaN
for col in df.select_dtypes('category'):
if 'unknown' in df[col].cat.categories:
df[col] = df[col].cat.remove_categories('unknown') ='category').cat.reorder_categories(
['primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary'], ordered=True)
return standardize_dataset(df, prot_attr='age', target='deposit',
usecols=usecols, dropcols=dropcols,
numeric_only=numeric_only, dropna=dropna)