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#' AIF360 dataset
#' @description
#' Function to create AIF compatible dataset.
#' @param data_path Path to the input CSV file or a R dataframe.
#' @param favor_label Label value which is considered favorable (i.e. “positive”).
#' @param unfavor_label Label value which is considered unfavorable (i.e. “negative”).
#' @param unprivileged_protected_attribute A unprotected attribute value which is considered privileged from a fairness perspective.
#' @param privileged_protected_attribute A protected attribute value which is considered privileged from a fairness perspective.
#' @param target_column Name describing the label.
#' @param protected_attribute A feature for which fairness is desired.
#' @usage
#' binary_label_dataset(data_path, favor_label, unfavor_label,
#' unprivileged_protected_attribute,
#' privileged_protected_attribute,
#' target_column, protected_attribute)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' load_aif360_lib()
#' # Input dataset
#' data <- data.frame("feat" = c(0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0), "label" = c(1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,1))
#' # Create aif compatible input dataset
#' act <- aif360::binary_label_dataset(data_path = data, favor_label=0, unfavor_label=1,
#' unprivileged_protected_attribute=0,
#' privileged_protected_attribute=1,
#' target_column="label", protected_attribute="feat")
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \href{}{More about AIF binary dataset.}
#' @export
#' @importFrom reticulate py_suppress_warnings py_dict r_to_py
#' @importFrom utils file_test
binary_label_dataset <- function(data_path, favor_label,
unfavor_label, unprivileged_protected_attribute,
target_column, protected_attribute) {
if ( {
dataframe <- r_to_py(data_path)
} else if (file_test("-f", data_path) == TRUE) {
dataframe = input_data(data_path)
unprivileged_protected_list <- list_of_list(unprivileged_protected_attribute)
privileged_protected_list <- list_of_list(privileged_protected_attribute)
target_column_list <- list_fn(target_column)
protected_attribute_list <- list_fn(protected_attribute)
return(datasets$BinaryLabelDataset(df = dataframe,
favorable_label = favor_label,
unfavorable_label = unfavor_label,
unprivileged_protected_attributes = unprivileged_protected_list,
privileged_protected_attributes = privileged_protected_list,
label_names = target_column_list,
protected_attribute_names = protected_attribute_list))