Runtime error
Runtime error
import numpy as np | |
try: | |
import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf | |
except ImportError as error: | |
from logging import warning | |
warning("{}: AdversarialDebiasing will be unavailable. To install, run:\n" | |
"pip install 'aif360[AdversarialDebiasing]'".format(error)) | |
from aif360.algorithms import Transformer | |
class AdversarialDebiasing(Transformer): | |
"""Adversarial debiasing is an in-processing technique that learns a | |
classifier to maximize prediction accuracy and simultaneously reduce an | |
adversary's ability to determine the protected attribute from the | |
predictions [5]_. This approach leads to a fair classifier as the | |
predictions cannot carry any group discrimination information that the | |
adversary can exploit. | |
References: | |
.. [5] B. H. Zhang, B. Lemoine, and M. Mitchell, "Mitigating Unwanted | |
Biases with Adversarial Learning," AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial | |
Intelligence, Ethics, and Society, 2018. | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, | |
unprivileged_groups, | |
privileged_groups, | |
scope_name, | |
sess, | |
seed=None, | |
adversary_loss_weight=0.1, | |
num_epochs=50, | |
batch_size=128, | |
classifier_num_hidden_units=200, | |
debias=True): | |
""" | |
Args: | |
unprivileged_groups (tuple): Representation for unprivileged groups | |
privileged_groups (tuple): Representation for privileged groups | |
scope_name (str): scope name for the tenforflow variables | |
sess (tf.Session): tensorflow session | |
seed (int, optional): Seed to make `predict` repeatable. | |
adversary_loss_weight (float, optional): Hyperparameter that chooses | |
the strength of the adversarial loss. | |
num_epochs (int, optional): Number of training epochs. | |
batch_size (int, optional): Batch size. | |
classifier_num_hidden_units (int, optional): Number of hidden units | |
in the classifier model. | |
debias (bool, optional): Learn a classifier with or without | |
debiasing. | |
""" | |
super(AdversarialDebiasing, self).__init__( | |
unprivileged_groups=unprivileged_groups, | |
privileged_groups=privileged_groups) | |
self.scope_name = scope_name | |
self.seed = seed | |
self.unprivileged_groups = unprivileged_groups | |
self.privileged_groups = privileged_groups | |
if len(self.unprivileged_groups) > 1 or len(self.privileged_groups) > 1: | |
raise ValueError("Only one unprivileged_group or privileged_group supported.") | |
self.protected_attribute_name = list(self.unprivileged_groups[0].keys())[0] | |
self.sess = sess | |
self.adversary_loss_weight = adversary_loss_weight | |
self.num_epochs = num_epochs | |
self.batch_size = batch_size | |
self.classifier_num_hidden_units = classifier_num_hidden_units | |
self.debias = debias | |
self.features_dim = None | |
self.features_ph = None | |
self.protected_attributes_ph = None | |
self.true_labels_ph = None | |
self.pred_labels = None | |
def _classifier_model(self, features, features_dim, keep_prob): | |
"""Compute the classifier predictions for the outcome variable. | |
""" | |
with tf.variable_scope("classifier_model"): | |
W1 = tf.get_variable('W1', [features_dim, self.classifier_num_hidden_units], | |
initializer=tf.initializers.glorot_uniform(seed=self.seed1)) | |
b1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[self.classifier_num_hidden_units]), name='b1') | |
h1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(features, W1) + b1) | |
h1 = tf.nn.dropout(h1, keep_prob=keep_prob, seed=self.seed2) | |
W2 = tf.get_variable('W2', [self.classifier_num_hidden_units, 1], | |
initializer=tf.initializers.glorot_uniform(seed=self.seed3)) | |
b2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[1]), name='b2') | |
pred_logit = tf.matmul(h1, W2) + b2 | |
pred_label = tf.sigmoid(pred_logit) | |
return pred_label, pred_logit | |
def _adversary_model(self, pred_logits, true_labels): | |
"""Compute the adversary predictions for the protected attribute. | |
""" | |
with tf.variable_scope("adversary_model"): | |
c = tf.get_variable('c', initializer=tf.constant(1.0)) | |
s = tf.sigmoid((1 + tf.abs(c)) * pred_logits) | |
W2 = tf.get_variable('W2', [3, 1], | |
initializer=tf.initializers.glorot_uniform(seed=self.seed4)) | |
b2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=[1]), name='b2') | |
pred_protected_attribute_logit = tf.matmul(tf.concat([s, s * true_labels, s * (1.0 - true_labels)], axis=1), W2) + b2 | |
pred_protected_attribute_label = tf.sigmoid(pred_protected_attribute_logit) | |
return pred_protected_attribute_label, pred_protected_attribute_logit | |
def fit(self, dataset): | |
"""Compute the model parameters of the fair classifier using gradient | |
descent. | |
Args: | |
dataset (BinaryLabelDataset): Dataset containing true labels. | |
Returns: | |
AdversarialDebiasing: Returns self. | |
""" | |
if tf.executing_eagerly(): | |
raise RuntimeError("AdversarialDebiasing does not work in eager " | |
"execution mode. To fix, add `tf.disable_eager_execution()`" | |
" to the top of the calling script.") | |
if self.seed is not None: | |
np.random.seed(self.seed) | |
ii32 = np.iinfo(np.int32) | |
self.seed1, self.seed2, self.seed3, self.seed4 = np.random.randint(ii32.min, ii32.max, size=4) | |
# Map the dataset labels to 0 and 1. | |
temp_labels = dataset.labels.copy() | |
temp_labels[(dataset.labels == dataset.favorable_label).ravel(),0] = 1.0 | |
temp_labels[(dataset.labels == dataset.unfavorable_label).ravel(),0] = 0.0 | |
with tf.variable_scope(self.scope_name): | |
num_train_samples, self.features_dim = np.shape(dataset.features) | |
# Setup placeholders | |
self.features_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self.features_dim]) | |
self.protected_attributes_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None,1]) | |
self.true_labels_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None,1]) | |
self.keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32) | |
# Obtain classifier predictions and classifier loss | |
self.pred_labels, pred_logits = self._classifier_model(self.features_ph, self.features_dim, self.keep_prob) | |
pred_labels_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=self.true_labels_ph, logits=pred_logits)) | |
if self.debias: | |
# Obtain adversary predictions and adversary loss | |
pred_protected_attributes_labels, pred_protected_attributes_logits = self._adversary_model(pred_logits, self.true_labels_ph) | |
pred_protected_attributes_loss = tf.reduce_mean( | |
tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=self.protected_attributes_ph, logits=pred_protected_attributes_logits)) | |
# Setup optimizers with learning rates | |
global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) | |
starter_learning_rate = 0.001 | |
learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(starter_learning_rate, global_step, | |
1000, 0.96, staircase=True) | |
classifier_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate) | |
if self.debias: | |
adversary_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate) | |
classifier_vars = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables(scope=self.scope_name) if 'classifier_model' in] | |
if self.debias: | |
adversary_vars = [var for var in tf.trainable_variables(scope=self.scope_name) if 'adversary_model' in] | |
# Update classifier parameters | |
adversary_grads = {var: grad for (grad, var) in adversary_opt.compute_gradients(pred_protected_attributes_loss, | |
var_list=classifier_vars)} | |
normalize = lambda x: x / (tf.norm(x) + np.finfo(np.float32).tiny) | |
classifier_grads = [] | |
for (grad,var) in classifier_opt.compute_gradients(pred_labels_loss, var_list=classifier_vars): | |
if self.debias: | |
unit_adversary_grad = normalize(adversary_grads[var]) | |
grad -= tf.reduce_sum(grad * unit_adversary_grad) * unit_adversary_grad | |
grad -= self.adversary_loss_weight * adversary_grads[var] | |
classifier_grads.append((grad, var)) | |
classifier_minimizer = classifier_opt.apply_gradients(classifier_grads, global_step=global_step) | |
if self.debias: | |
# Update adversary parameters | |
with tf.control_dependencies([classifier_minimizer]): | |
adversary_minimizer = adversary_opt.minimize(pred_protected_attributes_loss, var_list=adversary_vars)#, global_step=global_step) | | | | | |
# Begin training | |
for epoch in range(self.num_epochs): | |
shuffled_ids = np.random.choice(num_train_samples, num_train_samples, replace=False) | |
for i in range(num_train_samples//self.batch_size): | |
batch_ids = shuffled_ids[self.batch_size*i: self.batch_size*(i+1)] | |
batch_features = dataset.features[batch_ids] | |
batch_labels = np.reshape(temp_labels[batch_ids], [-1,1]) | |
batch_protected_attributes = np.reshape(dataset.protected_attributes[batch_ids][:, | |
dataset.protected_attribute_names.index(self.protected_attribute_name)], [-1,1]) | |
batch_feed_dict = {self.features_ph: batch_features, | |
self.true_labels_ph: batch_labels, | |
self.protected_attributes_ph: batch_protected_attributes, | |
self.keep_prob: 0.8} | |
if self.debias: | |
_, _, pred_labels_loss_value, pred_protected_attributes_loss_vale =[classifier_minimizer, | |
adversary_minimizer, | |
pred_labels_loss, | |
pred_protected_attributes_loss], feed_dict=batch_feed_dict) | |
if i % 200 == 0: | |
print("epoch %d; iter: %d; batch classifier loss: %f; batch adversarial loss: %f" % (epoch, i, pred_labels_loss_value, | |
pred_protected_attributes_loss_vale)) | |
else: | |
_, pred_labels_loss_value = | |
[classifier_minimizer, | |
pred_labels_loss], feed_dict=batch_feed_dict) | |
if i % 200 == 0: | |
print("epoch %d; iter: %d; batch classifier loss: %f" % ( | |
epoch, i, pred_labels_loss_value)) | |
return self | |
def predict(self, dataset): | |
"""Obtain the predictions for the provided dataset using the fair | |
classifier learned. | |
Args: | |
dataset (BinaryLabelDataset): Dataset containing labels that needs | |
to be transformed. | |
Returns: | |
dataset (BinaryLabelDataset): Transformed dataset. | |
""" | |
if self.seed is not None: | |
np.random.seed(self.seed) | |
num_test_samples, _ = np.shape(dataset.features) | |
samples_covered = 0 | |
pred_labels = [] | |
while samples_covered < num_test_samples: | |
start = samples_covered | |
end = samples_covered + self.batch_size | |
if end > num_test_samples: | |
end = num_test_samples | |
batch_ids = np.arange(start, end) | |
batch_features = dataset.features[batch_ids] | |
batch_labels = np.reshape(dataset.labels[batch_ids], [-1,1]) | |
batch_protected_attributes = np.reshape(dataset.protected_attributes[batch_ids][:, | |
dataset.protected_attribute_names.index(self.protected_attribute_name)], [-1,1]) | |
batch_feed_dict = {self.features_ph: batch_features, | |
self.true_labels_ph: batch_labels, | |
self.protected_attributes_ph: batch_protected_attributes, | |
self.keep_prob: 1.0} | |
pred_labels +=, feed_dict=batch_feed_dict)[:,0].tolist() | |
samples_covered += len(batch_features) | |
# Mutated, fairer dataset with new labels | |
dataset_new = dataset.copy(deepcopy = True) | |
dataset_new.scores = np.array(pred_labels, dtype=np.float64).reshape(-1, 1) | |
dataset_new.labels = (np.array(pred_labels)>0.5).astype(np.float64).reshape(-1,1) | |
# Map the dataset labels to back to their original values. | |
temp_labels = dataset_new.labels.copy() | |
temp_labels[(dataset_new.labels == 1.0).ravel(), 0] = dataset.favorable_label | |
temp_labels[(dataset_new.labels == 0.0).ravel(), 0] = dataset.unfavorable_label | |
dataset_new.labels = temp_labels.copy() | |
return dataset_new | |