FairUP / src /aif360 /algorithms /inprocessing /exponentiated_gradient_reduction.py
erasmopurif's picture
First commit
The code for ExponentiatedGradientReduction wraps the source class
available in the https://github.com/fairlearn/fairlearn library
licensed under the MIT Licencse, Copyright Microsoft Corporation
from logging import warning
import pandas as pd
from aif360.algorithms import Transformer
from aif360.sklearn.inprocessing import ExponentiatedGradientReduction as skExpGradRed
class ExponentiatedGradientReduction(Transformer):
"""Exponentiated gradient reduction for fair classification.
Exponentiated gradient reduction is an in-processing technique that reduces
fair classification to a sequence of cost-sensitive classification problems,
returning a randomized classifier with the lowest empirical error subject to
fair classification constraints [#agarwal18]_.
.. [#agarwal18] `A. Agarwal, A. Beygelzimer, M. Dudik, J. Langford, and
H. Wallach, "A Reductions Approach to Fair Classification,"
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2018.
def __init__(self,
estimator: An estimator implementing methods
``fit(X, y, sample_weight)`` and ``predict(X)``, where ``X`` is
the matrix of features, ``y`` is the vector of labels, and
``sample_weight`` is a vector of weights; labels ``y`` and
predictions returned by ``predict(X)`` are either 0 or 1 -- e.g.
scikit-learn classifiers.
constraints (str or fairlearn.reductions.Moment): If string, keyword
denoting the :class:`fairlearn.reductions.Moment` object
defining the disparity constraints -- e.g., "DemographicParity"
or "EqualizedOdds". For a full list of possible options see
`self.model.moments`. Otherwise, provide the desired
:class:`~fairlearn.reductions.Moment` object defining the
disparity constraints.
eps: Allowed fairness constraint violation; the solution is
guaranteed to have the error within ``2*best_gap`` of the best
error under constraint eps; the constraint violation is at most
T: Maximum number of iterations.
nu: Convergence threshold for the duality gap, corresponding to a
conservative automatic setting based on the statistical
uncertainty in measuring classification error.
eta_mul: Initial setting of the learning rate.
run_linprog_step: If True each step of exponentiated gradient is
followed by the saddle point optimization over the convex hull
of classifiers returned so far.
drop_prot_attr: Boolean flag indicating whether to drop protected
attributes from training data.
super(ExponentiatedGradientReduction, self).__init__()
#init model, set prot_attr during fit
prot_attr = []
self.model = skExpGradRed(prot_attr=prot_attr, estimator=estimator,
constraints=constraints, eps=eps, max_iter=max_iter, nu=nu,
eta0=eta0, run_linprog_step=run_linprog_step,
def fit(self, dataset):
"""Learns randomized model with less bias
dataset: (Binary label) Dataset containing true labels.
ExponentiatedGradientReduction: Returns self.
#set prot_attr
self.model.prot_attr = dataset.protected_attribute_names
X_df = pd.DataFrame(dataset.features, columns=dataset.feature_names)
Y = dataset.labels
self.model.fit(X_df, Y)
return self
def predict(self, dataset):
"""Obtain the predictions for the provided dataset using the randomized
model learned.
dataset: (Binary label) Dataset containing labels that needs to be
dataset: Transformed (Binary label) dataset.
X_df = pd.DataFrame(dataset.features, columns=dataset.feature_names)
dataset_new = dataset.copy()
dataset_new.labels = self.model.predict(X_df).reshape(-1, 1)
fav = int(dataset.favorable_label)
# Probability of favorable label
scores = self.model.predict_proba(X_df)[:, fav]
dataset_new.scores = scores.reshape(-1, 1)
except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError):
warning("dataset.scores not updated, underlying model does not "
"support predict_proba")
return dataset_new