Runtime error
Runtime error
import warnings | |
import numpy as np | |
import pandas as pd | |
import scipy.optimize as optim | |
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist | |
from scipy.special import softmax | |
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, TransformerMixin | |
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning | |
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder | |
from sklearn.utils import check_random_state | |
try: | |
import torch | |
import torch.nn.functional as F | |
except ImportError as error: | |
from logging import warning | |
warning("{}: LearnedFairRepresentations will be unavailable. To install, run:\n" | |
"pip install 'aif360[LFR]'".format(error)) | |
from aif360.sklearn.utils import check_inputs, check_groups | |
class LearnedFairRepresentations(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, TransformerMixin): | |
"""Learned Fair Representations. | |
Learned fair representations is a pre-processing technique that finds a | |
latent representation which encodes the data well but obfuscates information | |
about protected attributes [#zemel13]_. It can also be used as an in- | |
processing method by utilizing the learned target coefficients. | |
References: | |
.. [#zemel13] `R. Zemel, Y. Wu, K. Swersky, T. Pitassi, and C. Dwork, | |
"Learning Fair Representations." International Conference on Machine | |
Learning, 2013. <>`_ | |
# Based on code from | |
Attributes: | |
prot_attr_ (str or list(str)): Protected attribute(s) used for | |
reweighing. | |
groups_ (array, shape (n_groups,)): A list of group labels known to the | |
transformer. | |
classes_ (array, shape (n_classes,)): A list of class labels known to | |
the transformer. | |
priv_group_ (scalar): The label of the privileged group. | |
coef_ (array, shape (n_prototypes, 1) or (n_prototypes, n_classes)): | |
Coefficient of the intermediate representation for classification. | |
prototypes_ (array, shape (n_prototypes, n_features)): The prototype set | |
used to form a probabilistic mapping to the intermediate | |
representation. These act as clusters and are in the same space as | |
the samples. | |
n_iter_ (int): Actual number of iterations. | |
""" | |
def __init__(self, prot_attr=None, n_prototypes=5, reconstruct_weight=0.01, | |
target_weight=1., fairness_weight=50., tol=1e-4, max_iter=200, | |
verbose=0, random_state=None): | |
""" | |
Args: | |
prot_attr (single label or list-like, optional): Protected | |
attribute(s) to use in the reweighing process. If more than one | |
attribute, all combinations of values (intersections) are | |
considered. Default is ``None`` meaning all protected attributes | |
from the dataset are used. | |
n_prototypes (int, optional): Size of the set of "prototypes," Z. | |
reconstruct_weight (float, optional): Weight coefficient on the L_x | |
loss term, A_x. | |
target_weight (float, optional): Weight coefficient on the L_y loss | |
term, A_y. | |
fairness_weight (float, optional): Weight coefficient on the L_z | |
loss term, A_z. | |
tol (float, optional): Tolerance for stopping criteria. | |
max_iter (int, optional): Maximum number of iterations taken for the | |
solver to converge. | |
verbose (int, optional): Verbosity. 0 = silent, 1 = final loss only, | |
2 = print loss every 50 iterations. | |
random_state (int or numpy.RandomState, optional): Seed of pseudo- | |
random number generator for shuffling data and seeding weights. | |
""" | |
self.prot_attr = prot_attr | |
self.n_prototypes = n_prototypes | |
self.reconstruct_weight = reconstruct_weight | |
self.target_weight = target_weight | |
self.fairness_weight = fairness_weight | |
self.tol = tol | |
self.max_iter = max_iter | |
self.verbose = verbose | |
self.random_state = random_state | |
def fit(self, X, y, priv_group=1, sample_weight=None): | |
"""Compute the transformation parameters that lead to fair | |
representations. | |
Args: | |
X (pandas.DataFrame): Training samples. | |
y (array-like): Training labels. | |
priv_group (scalar, optional): The label of the privileged group. | |
sample_weight (array-like, optional): Sample weights. | |
Returns: | |
self | |
""" | |
X, y, sample_weight = check_inputs(X, y, sample_weight) | |
rng = check_random_state(self.random_state) | |
groups, self.prot_attr_ = check_groups(X, self.prot_attr) | |
priv = (groups == priv_group) | |
self.priv_group_ = priv_group | |
self.groups_ = np.unique(groups) | |
le = LabelEncoder() | |
y = le.fit_transform(y) | |
self.classes_ = le.classes_ | |
n_classes = len(self.classes_) | |
if n_classes == 2: | |
n_classes = 1 # XXX | |
n_feat = X.shape[1] | |
w_size = self.n_prototypes*n_classes | |
i = 0 | |
eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps | |
def LFR_optim_objective(x, X, y, priv): | |
nonlocal i | |
x = torch.as_tensor(x).requires_grad_() | |
w = x[:w_size].view(-1, n_classes) | |
v = x[w_size:].view(-1, n_feat) | |
M = torch.softmax(-torch.cdist(X, v), dim=1) | |
y_pred = M.matmul(w).squeeze(1) | |
L_x = F.mse_loss(M.matmul(v), X) | |
L_y = F.cross_entropy(y_pred, y) if n_classes > 1 else \ | |
F.binary_cross_entropy(y_pred.clamp(eps, 1-eps), y.type_as(w)) | |
L_z = F.l1_loss(torch.mean(M[priv], 0), torch.mean(M[~priv], 0)) | |
loss = (self.reconstruct_weight * L_x + self.target_weight * L_y | |
+ self.fairness_weight * L_z) | |
loss.backward() | |
if self.verbose > 1 and i % 50 == 0: | |
print("iter: {:{}d}, loss: {:7.3f}, A_x*L_x: {:7.3f}, A_y*L_y: " | |
"{:7.3f}, A_z*L_z: {:7.3f}".format(i, | |
int(np.log10(self.max_iter)+1), loss, | |
self.reconstruct_weight*L_x, self.target_weight*L_y, | |
self.fairness_weight*L_z)) | |
i += 1 | |
return loss.item(), x.grad.numpy() | |
x0 = rng.random(w_size + self.n_prototypes*n_feat) | |
bounds = [(0, 1)]*w_size + [(None, None)]*self.n_prototypes*n_feat | |
res = optim.minimize(LFR_optim_objective, x0=x0, method='L-BFGS-B', | |
args=(torch.tensor(X.to_numpy()), torch.as_tensor(y), priv), | |
jac=True, bounds=bounds, options={'gtol': self.tol, | |
'maxiter': self.max_iter}) | |
self.coef_ = res.x[:w_size].reshape(-1, n_classes) | |
self.prototypes_ = res.x[w_size:].reshape(-1, n_feat) | |
self.n_iter_ = res.nit | |
if res.status == 0 and self.verbose: | |
print("Converged! iter: {}, loss: {:.3f}".format(res.nit, | |
elif res.status == 1: | |
warnings.warn('lbfgs failed to converge. Increase the number of ' | |
'iterations.', ConvergenceWarning) | |
elif res.status == 2: | |
warnings.warn('lbfgs failed to converge: {}'.format( | |
res.message.decode()), ConvergenceWarning) | |
return self | |
def transform(self, X): | |
"""Transform the dataset using the learned model parameters. | |
Args: | |
X (pandas.DataFrame): Training samples. | |
Returns: | |
pandas.DataFrame: Transformed samples. | |
""" | |
M = softmax(-cdist(X, self.prototypes_), axis=1) | |
Xt = | |
return pd.DataFrame(Xt, columns=X.columns, index=X.index) | |
def predict_proba(self, X): | |
"""Transform the targets using the learned model parameters. | |
Args: | |
X (pandas.DataFrame): Training samples. | |
Returns: | |
numpy.ndarray: Transformed targets. Returns the probability of the | |
sample for each class in the model, where classes are ordered as | |
they are in ``self.classes_``. | |
""" | |
M = softmax(-cdist(X, self.prototypes_), axis=1) | |
yt = | |
if yt.shape[1] == 1: | |
yt = np.c_[1-yt, yt] | |
else: | |
yt = softmax(yt, axis=1) | |
return yt | |
def predict(self, X): | |
"""Transform the targets using the learned model parameters. | |
Args: | |
X (pandas.DataFrame): Training samples. | |
Returns: | |
numpy.ndarray: Transformed targets. | |
""" | |
probas = self.predict_proba(X) | |
return self.classes_[probas.argmax(axis=1)] | |