import warnings import numpy as np from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted from aif360.sklearn.metrics import statistical_parity_difference from aif360.sklearn.metrics import average_odds_error from aif360.sklearn.metrics import equal_opportunity_difference from aif360.sklearn.metrics import disparate_impact_ratio from aif360.sklearn.metrics import make_scorer from aif360.sklearn.utils import check_groups class RejectOptionClassifier(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin): """Reject option based classification (ROC) post-processor. Reject option classification is a post-processing technique that gives favorable outcomes to unprivileged groups and unfavorable outcomes to privileged groups in a confidence band around the decision boundary with the highest uncertainty [#kamiran12]_. Note: A :class:`~sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline` expects a single estimation step but this class requires an estimator's predictions as input. See :class:`PostProcessingMeta` for a workaround. See also: :class:`PostProcessingMeta`, :class:`RejectOptionClassifierCV` References: .. [#kamiran12] `F. Kamiran, A. Karim, and X. Zhang, "Decision Theory for Discrimination-Aware Classification," IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2012. `_ Attributes: prot_attr_ (str or list(str)): Protected attribute(s) used for post- processing. groups_ (array, shape (2,)): A list of group labels known to the classifier. Note: this algorithm require a binary division of the data. classes_ (array, shape (num_classes,)): A list of class labels known to the classifier. Note: this algorithm treats all non-positive outcomes as negative (binary classification only). pos_label_ (scalar): The label of the positive class. priv_group_ (scalar): The label of the privileged group. Examples: RejectOptionClassifier can be easily paired with GridSearchCV to find the best threshold and margin with respect to a fairness measure: >>> from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV >>> roc = RejectOptionClassifier() >>> param = [{'threshold': [t], 'margin': np.arange(0.05, min(t, 1-t)+0.025, 0.05)} ... for t in np.arange(0.05, 1., 0.05)] >>> stat_par = make_scorer(statistical_parity_difference) >>> scoring = {'bal_acc': 'balanced_accuracy', 'stat_par': stat_par} >>> def refit(cv_res): ... return['mean_test_bal_acc'], ... mask=cv_res['mean_test_stat_par'] < -0.1).argmax() ... >>> grid = GridSearchCV(roc, param, scoring=scoring, refit=refit) Or, alternatively, this can be done in one step with RejectOptionClassifierCV: >>> grid = RejectOptionClassifierCV(scoring='statistical_parity') """ def __init__(self, prot_attr=None, threshold=0.5, margin=0.1): """ Args: prot_attr (single label or list-like, optional): Protected attribute(s) to use in the post-processing. If more than one attribute, all combinations of values (intersections) are considered. Default is ``None`` meaning all protected attributes from the dataset are used. Note: This algorithm requires there be exactly 2 groups (privileged and unprivileged). threshold (scalar): Classification threshold. Probability estimates greater than this value are considered positive. Must be between 0 and 1. margin (scalar): Half width of the critical region. Estimates within the critical region are "rejected" and assigned according to their group. Must be between 0 and min(threshold, 1-threshold). metric ('statistical_parity', 'average_odds', 'equal_opportunity', or callable): """ self.prot_attr = prot_attr self.threshold = threshold self.margin = margin def _more_tags(self): return {'requires_proba': True} def fit(self, X, y, labels=None, pos_label=1, priv_group=1, sample_weight=None): """This is essentially a no-op; it simply validates the inputs and stores them for predict. Args: X (array-like): Ignored. y (array-like): Ground-truth (correct) target values. Note: one of X or y must contain protected attribute information. labels (list, optional): The ordered set of labels values. Must match the order of columns in X if provided. By default, all labels in y are used in sorted order. pos_label (scalar, optional): The label of the positive class. priv_group (scalar, optional): The label of the privileged group. sample_weight (array-like, optional): Ignored. Returns: self """ try: groups, self.prot_attr_ = check_groups(X, self.prot_attr, ensure_binary=True) except TypeError: groups, self.prot_attr_ = check_groups(y, self.prot_attr, ensure_binary=True) self.classes_ = np.array(labels) if labels is not None else np.unique(y) self.groups_ = np.unique(groups) self.pos_label_ = pos_label self.priv_group_ = priv_group if len(self.classes_) != 2: raise ValueError('Only binary classification is supported.') if pos_label not in self.classes_: raise ValueError('pos_label={} is not in the set of labels. The ' 'valid values are:\n{}'.format(pos_label, self.classes_)) if priv_group not in self.groups_: raise ValueError('priv_group={} is not in the set of groups. The ' 'valid values are:\n{}'.format(priv_group, self.groups_)) if not 0.0 <= self.threshold <= 1.0: raise ValueError('threshold must be between 0.0 and 1.0, ' 'threshold={}'.format(self.threshold)) if not 0.0 <= self.margin <= min(self.threshold, 1 - self.threshold): raise ValueError('margin must be between 0.0 and {}, margin={}' ''.format(min(self.threshold, 1 - self.threshold), self.margin)) return self def predict_proba(self, X): """Probability estimates. The returned estimates for all classes are ordered by the label of classes. Args: X (pandas.DataFrame): Probability estimates of the targets as returned by a ``predict_proba()`` call or equivalent. Note: must include protected attributes in the index. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Returns the probability of the sample for each class in the model, where classes are ordered as they are in ``self.classes_``. """ check_is_fitted(self, 'pos_label_') groups, _ = check_groups(X, self.prot_attr_) if len(self.classes_) != X.shape[1]: raise ValueError('X should contain one column per class. Got: {} ' 'columns.'.format(X.shape[1])) pos_idx = np.nonzero(self.classes_ == self.pos_label_)[0][0] yt = X.iloc[:, pos_idx].to_numpy().copy() # indices of critical region around the classification boundary crit_above = (self.margin > yt-self.threshold) & (yt > self.threshold) crit_below = (-self.margin < yt-self.threshold) & (yt < self.threshold) # flip labels: priv + above -> below, unpriv + below -> above priv = (groups == self.priv_group_) flip = (priv & crit_above) | (~priv & crit_below) yt[flip] = 2*self.threshold - yt[flip] return np.c_[1 - yt, yt] if pos_idx == 1 else np.c_[yt, 1 - yt] def predict(self, X): """Predict class labels for the given scores. Args: X (pandas.DataFrame): Probability estimates of the targets as returned by a ``predict_proba()`` call or equivalent. Note: must include protected attributes in the index. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Predicted class label per sample. """ scores = self.predict_proba(X) pos_idx = np.nonzero(self.classes_ == self.pos_label_)[0][0] y_pred = (scores[:, pos_idx] > self.threshold).astype(int) return self.classes_[y_pred if pos_idx == 1 else 1 - y_pred] def fit_predict(self, X, y=None, **fit_params): """Predict class labels for the given scores. In general, it is not necessary to fit and predict separately so this method may be used instead. For subsequent predicts, it may be easier to use the `predict` method, though. Args: X (pandas.DataFrame): Probability estimates of the targets as returned by a ``predict_proba()`` call or equivalent. Note: must include protected attributes in the index. y (array-like, optional): Ground-truth (correct) target values. Note: if not provided, `labels` must be provided in `**fit_params`. See `fit` for details. **fit_params: See `fit` for details. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Predicted class label per sample. """ return, y, **fit_params).predict(X) class RejectOptionClassifierCV(GridSearchCV): """Wrapper for running a grid search over threshold, margin combinations for a RejectOptionClassifier. Note: :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV` does not currently support sample weights in scoring. This will work but throw a warning if `sample_weight` is provided. See also: :class:`RejectOptionClassifier` Examples: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import pandas as pd >>> from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression >>> from aif360.sklearn.datasets import fetch_german >>> from aif360.sklearn.postprocessing import RejectOptionClassifierCV >>> X, y = fetch_german(numeric_only=True) >>> lr = LogisticRegression(solver='lbfgs').fit(X, y) >>> roc = RejectOptionClassifierCV('sex', scoring='disparate_impact') >>>, index=X.index), y) We can also achieve this more simply using a PostProcessingMeta estimator: >>> from aif360.sklearn.postprocessing import PostProcessingMeta >>> pp = PostProcessingMeta(lr, roc).fit(X, y) """ def __init__(self, prot_attr=None, *, scoring, step=0.05, refit=True, **kwargs): """ Args: prot_attr (single label or list-like, optional): Protected attribute(s) to use in the post-processing. If more than one attribute, all combinations of values (intersections) are considered. Default is ``None`` meaning all protected attributes from the dataset are used. Note: This algorithm requires there be exactly 2 groups (privileged and unprivileged). scoring ('statistical_parity', 'average_odds', 'equal_opportunity', 'disparate_impact', or callable/dict): Fairness scorer to use to evaluate the predictions. If type is a `str`, constructs the corresponding scorer for that metric in addition to the default balanced accuracy. If type is callable (i.e., a scorer object), that will be used along with balanced accuracy. Finally, if an explicit dictionary is passed, this will be used as is. step (float): Step size for grid search. Will search every valid combination of threshold and margin that are multiples of this step size. See `param_grid` after fitting for the exact search space. refit (bool or callable, optional): Refit the estimator using the best parameters found. If `True` and not using a custom scoring function, this chooses the highest balanced accuracy given fairness score > -0.1 (or > 0.8 for disparate impact only). Alternatively, a custom refitting function may be passed. See :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV` for details. **kwargs: See :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV` for additional kwargs. """ self.scoring = scoring self.refit = refit self.step = step self.prot_attr = prot_attr super().__init__(RejectOptionClassifier(), {}, scoring=scoring, refit=refit, **kwargs) def _more_tags(self): return {'requires_proba': True} def fit(self, X, y, **fit_params): """Run fit with all sets of parameters. Args: X (pandas.DataFrame): Probability estimates of the targets as returned by a ``predict_proba()`` call or equivalent. Note: must include protected attributes in the index. y (pandas.Series): Ground-truth (correct) target values. **fit_params: Parameters passed to the ``fit()`` method. Returns: self """ self.param_grid = [] thresholds = np.arange(self.step, 1, self.step) # arange has numerical instabilities. this way guarantees margin <= threshold for i, t in enumerate(thresholds): n = min(i+1, len(thresholds)-i) margins = np.linspace(min(self.step, min(t, 1-t)), min(t, 1-t), n) self.param_grid.append({'prot_attr': [self.prot_attr], 'threshold': [t], 'margin': margins}) if fit_params.get('sample_weight', None) is not None: warnings.warn('sample_weight will be ignored when scoring.', RuntimeWarning) if not isinstance(self.scoring, dict): # TODO: sample_weight scoring workaround self.scorer_name_ = self.scoring if self.scoring == 'statistical_parity': self.scorer_ = make_scorer(statistical_parity_difference, prot_attr=self.prot_attr) elif self.scoring == 'average_odds': self.scorer_ = make_scorer(average_odds_error, prot_attr=self.prot_attr) elif self.scoring == 'equal_opportunity': self.scorer_ = make_scorer(equal_opportunity_difference, prot_attr=self.prot_attr) elif self.scoring == 'disparate_impact': self.scorer_ = make_scorer(disparate_impact_ratio, is_ratio=True, prot_attr=self.prot_attr, zero_division=0) elif not callable(self.scoring): raise ValueError("scorer must be one of: 'statistical_parity', " "'average_odds', 'equal_opportunity', 'disparate_impact' " "or a callable function. Got:\n{}".format(self.scoring)) else: self.scorer_name_ = 'fairness_metric' self.scorer_ = self.scoring self.scoring = {'bal_acc': 'balanced_accuracy', self.scorer_name_: self.scorer_} if self.refit is True and self.scorer_name_ != 'fairness_metric': if self.scorer_name_ == 'disparate_impact': self.refit = lambda res:['mean_test_bal_acc'], mask=res['mean_test_disparate_impact'] < 0.8).argmax() else: self.refit = lambda res:['mean_test_bal_acc'], mask=res['mean_test_'+self.scorer_name_] < -0.1).argmax() class NoSplit: def split(self, X, y=None, groups=None): yield np.arange(len(X)), np.arange(len(X)) def get_n_splits(self, X=None, y=None, groups=None): return 1 = NoSplit() return super().fit(X, y, **fit_params)