import sklearn.preprocessing import numpy as np from aif360.algorithms import Transformer class LimeEncoder(Transformer): """Tranformer for converting aif360 dataset to LIME dataset and vice versa. (LIME - Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations) [2]_ See for details/usage: References: .. [2] M.T. Ribeiro, S. Singh, and C. Guestrin, '"Why should I trust you?" Explaining the predictions of any classifier.' """ def __init__(self): super(LimeEncoder, self).__init__() def fit(self, dataset): """Take an aif360 dataset and save all relevant metadata as well as mappings needed to transform/inverse_transform the data between aif360 and lime. Args: dataset (BinaryLabelDataset): aif360 dataset Returns: LimeEncoder: Returns self. """ self.s_feature_names_with_one_hot_encoding = dataset.feature_names df, df_dict = dataset.convert_to_dataframe(de_dummy_code=True) dfc = df.drop(dataset.label_names[0], axis=1) # remove label (class) column self.s_feature_names = list(dfc.columns) # create list of feature names self.s_data = dfc.values # create array of feature values # since categorical features are 1-hot-encoded and their names changed, # the set diff gives us the list of categorical features as non- # categorical feature names are not changed self.s_categorical_features = list(set(self.s_feature_names) - set(self.s_feature_names_with_one_hot_encoding)) self.s_protected_attribute_names = dataset.protected_attribute_names # add protected attribute names to the list of categorical features self.s_categorical_features = self.s_categorical_features \ + self.s_protected_attribute_names self.s_labels = df[dataset.label_names[0]] # create labels # following 3 lines are not really needed # using to create s_class_names..can do so manually as well ...array([ 0., 1.]) s_le = sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder() # self.s_labels = s_le.transform(self.s_labels) self.s_class_names = s_le.classes_ # convert s_categorical_features to a list of array indexes in # s_feature_names corresponding to categorical features # (NOTE - does not included protected attributes) self.s_categorical_features = [self.s_feature_names.index(x) for x in self.s_categorical_features] # map all the categorical features to numerical values and store the # mappings in s_categorical_names self.s_categorical_names = {} for feature in self.s_categorical_features: self.le = sklearn.preprocessing.LabelEncoder()[:, feature]) #self.s_data[:, feature] = le.transform(self.s_data[:, feature]) self.s_categorical_names[feature] = self.le.classes_ return self def transform(self, aif360data): """Take aif360 data array and return data array that is lime encoded (numeric array in which categorical features are NOT one-hot-encoded). Args: aif360data (np.ndarray): Dataset features Returns: np.ndarray: LIME dataset features """ tgtNumRows = aif360data.shape[0] tgtNumcolumns = len(self.s_feature_names) limedata = np.zeros(shape=(tgtNumRows, tgtNumcolumns)) # non_categorical_features = list(set(self.s_feature_names) & set(self.s_feature_names_with_one_hot_encoding)) for rw in range(limedata.shape[0]): for ind, feature in enumerate(self.s_feature_names): if ind in self.s_categorical_features: # tranform the value since categorical feature except if it # is also a protected attribute if feature in self.s_protected_attribute_names: # just copy the value as is limedata[rw, ind] = aif360data[rw, self.s_feature_names_with_one_hot_encoding.index(feature)] else: possible_feature_values = self.s_categorical_names[ind] for indc in range(len(possible_feature_values)): cval = possible_feature_values[indc] colName = feature + "=" + cval if (aif360data[rw][self.s_feature_names_with_one_hot_encoding.index(colName)] == 1.0): limedata[rw][ind] = indc else: # just copy the value as is limedata[rw, ind] = aif360data[rw, self.s_feature_names_with_one_hot_encoding.index(feature)] return limedata def inverse_transform(self, limedata): """Take data array that is lime encoded (that is, lime-compatible data created by this class from a given aif360 dataset) and return data array consistent with the original aif360 dataset. Args: limedata (np.ndarray): Dataset features Returns: np.ndarray: aif360 dataset features """ tgtNumRows = limedata.shape[0] tgtNumcolumns = len(self.s_feature_names_with_one_hot_encoding) aif360data = np.zeros(shape=(tgtNumRows, tgtNumcolumns)) for rw in range(aif360data.shape[0]): for ind, feature in enumerate(self.s_feature_names): # s_categorical_features has list of indexes into # s_feature_names for categorical features if ind in self.s_categorical_features: if feature in self.s_protected_attribute_names: # just copy the value as is aif360data[rw, self.s_feature_names_with_one_hot_encoding.index(feature)] = limedata[rw, ind] else: # s_categorical_names[ind] has mapping of categorical to # numerical values i.e. limedata[rw, ind] is index of # this array. value is string val new_feature = feature + '=' + self.s_categorical_names[ind][int(limedata[rw, ind])] # categorical feature: aif360data[rw, self.s_feature_names_with_one_hot_encoding.index(new_feature)] = 1.0 else: # just copy value aif360data[rw, self.s_feature_names_with_one_hot_encoding.index(feature)] = limedata[rw, ind] return aif360data