from itertools import product import numpy as np from aif360.metrics import BinaryLabelDatasetMetric, utils from aif360.datasets import BinaryLabelDataset from aif360.datasets.multiclass_label_dataset import MulticlassLabelDataset class ClassificationMetric(BinaryLabelDatasetMetric): """Class for computing metrics based on two BinaryLabelDatasets. The first dataset is the original one and the second is the output of the classification transformer (or similar). """ def __init__(self, dataset, classified_dataset, unprivileged_groups=None, privileged_groups=None): """ Args: dataset (BinaryLabelDataset): Dataset containing ground-truth labels. classified_dataset (BinaryLabelDataset): Dataset containing predictions. privileged_groups (list(dict)): Privileged groups. Format is a list of `dicts` where the keys are `protected_attribute_names` and the values are values in `protected_attributes`. Each `dict` element describes a single group. See examples for more details. unprivileged_groups (list(dict)): Unprivileged groups in the same format as `privileged_groups`. Raises: TypeError: `dataset` and `classified_dataset` must be :obj:`~aif360.datasets.BinaryLabelDataset` types. """ if not isinstance(dataset, BinaryLabelDataset) and not isinstance(dataset, MulticlassLabelDataset) : raise TypeError("'dataset' should be a BinaryLabelDataset or a MulticlassLabelDataset") # sets self.dataset, self.unprivileged_groups, self.privileged_groups super(ClassificationMetric, self).__init__(dataset, unprivileged_groups=unprivileged_groups, privileged_groups=privileged_groups) if isinstance(classified_dataset, BinaryLabelDataset) or isinstance(classified_dataset, MulticlassLabelDataset) : self.classified_dataset = classified_dataset else: raise TypeError("'classified_dataset' should be a " "BinaryLabelDataset or a MulticlassLabelDataset.") if isinstance(self.classified_dataset, MulticlassLabelDataset): fav_label_value = 1. unfav_label_value = 0. self.classified_dataset = self.classified_dataset.copy() # Find all the labels which match any of the favorable labels fav_idx = np.logical_or.reduce(np.equal.outer(self.classified_dataset.favorable_label, self.classified_dataset.labels)) # Replace labels with corresponding values self.classified_dataset.labels = np.where(fav_idx, fav_label_value, unfav_label_value) self.classified_dataset.favorable_label = float(fav_label_value) self.classified_dataset.unfavorable_label = float(unfav_label_value) # Verify if everything except the predictions and metadata are the same # for the two datasets with self.dataset.temporarily_ignore('labels', 'scores'): if self.dataset != self.classified_dataset: raise ValueError("The two datasets are expected to differ only " "in 'labels' or 'scores'.") def binary_confusion_matrix(self, privileged=None): """Compute the number of true/false positives/negatives, optionally conditioned on protected attributes. Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Returns: dict: Number of true positives, false positives, true negatives, false negatives (optionally conditioned). """ condition = self._to_condition(privileged) return utils.compute_num_TF_PN(self.dataset.protected_attributes, self.dataset.labels, self.classified_dataset.labels, self.dataset.instance_weights, self.dataset.protected_attribute_names, self.dataset.favorable_label, self.dataset.unfavorable_label, condition=condition) def generalized_binary_confusion_matrix(self, privileged=None): """Compute the number of generalized true/false positives/negatives, optionally conditioned on protected attributes. Generalized counts are based on scores and not on the hard predictions. Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Returns: dict: Number of generalized true positives, generalized false positives, generalized true negatives, generalized false negatives (optionally conditioned). """ condition = self._to_condition(privileged) return utils.compute_num_gen_TF_PN(self.dataset.protected_attributes, self.dataset.labels, self.classified_dataset.scores, self.dataset.instance_weights, self.dataset.protected_attribute_names, self.dataset.favorable_label, self.dataset.unfavorable_label, condition=condition) def num_true_positives(self, privileged=None): r"""Return the number of instances in the dataset where both the predicted and true labels are 'favorable', :math:`TP = \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb{1}[y_i = \text{favorable}]\mathbb{1}[\hat{y}_i = \text{favorable}]`, optionally conditioned on protected attributes. Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.binary_confusion_matrix(privileged=privileged)['TP'] def num_false_positives(self, privileged=None): r""":math:`FP = \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb{1}[y_i = \text{unfavorable}]\mathbb{1}[\hat{y}_i = \text{favorable}]` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.binary_confusion_matrix(privileged=privileged)['FP'] def num_false_negatives(self, privileged=None): r""":math:`FN = \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb{1}[y_i = \text{favorable}]\mathbb{1}[\hat{y}_i = \text{unfavorable}]` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.binary_confusion_matrix(privileged=privileged)['FN'] def num_true_negatives(self, privileged=None): r""":math:`TN = \sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb{1}[y_i = \text{unfavorable}]\mathbb{1}[\hat{y}_i = \text{unfavorable}]` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.binary_confusion_matrix(privileged=privileged)['TN'] def num_generalized_true_positives(self, privileged=None): """Return the generalized number of true positives, :math:`GTP`, the weighted sum of predicted scores where true labels are 'favorable', optionally conditioned on protected attributes. Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.generalized_binary_confusion_matrix( privileged=privileged)['GTP'] def num_generalized_false_positives(self, privileged=None): """Return the generalized number of false positives, :math:`GFP`, the weighted sum of predicted scores where true labels are 'unfavorable', optionally conditioned on protected attributes. Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.generalized_binary_confusion_matrix( privileged=privileged)['GFP'] def num_generalized_false_negatives(self, privileged=None): """Return the generalized number of false negatives, :math:`GFN`, the weighted sum of 1 - predicted scores where true labels are 'favorable', optionally conditioned on protected attributes. Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.generalized_binary_confusion_matrix( privileged=privileged)['GFN'] def num_generalized_true_negatives(self, privileged=None): """Return the generalized number of true negatives, :math:`GTN`, the weighted sum of 1 - predicted scores where true labels are 'unfavorable', optionally conditioned on protected attributes. Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.generalized_binary_confusion_matrix( privileged=privileged)['GTN'] def performance_measures(self, privileged=None): """Compute various performance measures on the dataset, optionally conditioned on protected attributes. Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Returns: dict: True positive rate, true negative rate, false positive rate, false negative rate, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, false discover rate, false omission rate, and accuracy (optionally conditioned). """ TP = self.num_true_positives(privileged=privileged) FP = self.num_false_positives(privileged=privileged) FN = self.num_false_negatives(privileged=privileged) TN = self.num_true_negatives(privileged=privileged) GTP = self.num_generalized_true_positives(privileged=privileged) GFP = self.num_generalized_false_positives(privileged=privileged) GFN = self.num_generalized_false_negatives(privileged=privileged) GTN = self.num_generalized_true_negatives(privileged=privileged) P = self.num_positives(privileged=privileged) N = self.num_negatives(privileged=privileged) return dict( TPR=TP / P, TNR=TN / N, FPR=FP / N, FNR=FN / P, GTPR=GTP / P, GTNR=GTN / N, GFPR=GFP / N, GFNR=GFN / P, PPV=TP / (TP+FP) if (TP+FP) > 0.0 else np.float64(0.0), NPV=TN / (TN+FN) if (TN+FN) > 0.0 else np.float64(0.0), FDR=FP / (FP+TP) if (FP+TP) > 0.0 else np.float64(0.0), FOR=FN / (FN+TN) if (FN+TN) > 0.0 else np.float64(0.0), ACC=(TP+TN) / (P+N) if (P+N) > 0.0 else np.float64(0.0) ) def true_positive_rate(self, privileged=None): """Return the ratio of true positives to positive examples in the dataset, :math:`TPR = TP/P`, optionally conditioned on protected attributes. Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['TPR'] def false_positive_rate(self, privileged=None): """:math:`FPR = FP/N` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['FPR'] def false_negative_rate(self, privileged=None): """:math:`FNR = FN/P` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['FNR'] def true_negative_rate(self, privileged=None): """:math:`TNR = TN/N` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['TNR'] def generalized_true_positive_rate(self, privileged=None): """Return the ratio of generalized true positives to positive examples in the dataset, :math:`GTPR = GTP/P`, optionally conditioned on protected attributes. Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['GTPR'] def generalized_false_positive_rate(self, privileged=None): """:math:`GFPR = GFP/N` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['GFPR'] def generalized_false_negative_rate(self, privileged=None): """:math:`GFNR = GFN/P` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['GFNR'] def generalized_true_negative_rate(self, privileged=None): """:math:`GTNR = GTN/N` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['GTNR'] def positive_predictive_value(self, privileged=None): """:math:`PPV = TP/(TP + FP)` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['PPV'] def false_discovery_rate(self, privileged=None): """:math:`FDR = FP/(TP + FP)` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['FDR'] def false_omission_rate(self, privileged=None): """:math:`FOR = FN/(TN + FN)` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['FOR'] def negative_predictive_value(self, privileged=None): """:math:`NPV = TN/(TN + FN)` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['NPV'] def accuracy(self, privileged=None): """:math:`ACC = (TP + TN)/(P + N)`. Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return self.performance_measures(privileged=privileged)['ACC'] def error_rate(self, privileged=None): """:math:`ERR = (FP + FN)/(P + N)` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return 1. - self.accuracy(privileged=privileged) def true_positive_rate_difference(self): r""":math:`TPR_{D = \text{unprivileged}} - TPR_{D = \text{privileged}}` """ return self.difference(self.true_positive_rate) def false_positive_rate_difference(self): r""":math:`FPR_{D = \text{unprivileged}} - FPR_{D = \text{privileged}}` """ return self.difference(self.false_positive_rate) def false_negative_rate_difference(self): r""":math:`FNR_{D = \text{unprivileged}} - FNR_{D = \text{privileged}}` """ return self.difference(self.false_negative_rate) def false_omission_rate_difference(self): r""":math:`FOR_{D = \text{unprivileged}} - FOR_{D = \text{privileged}}` """ return self.difference(self.false_omission_rate) def false_discovery_rate_difference(self): r""":math:`FDR_{D = \text{unprivileged}} - FDR_{D = \text{privileged}}` """ return self.difference(self.false_discovery_rate) def false_positive_rate_ratio(self): r""":math:`\frac{FPR_{D = \text{unprivileged}}}{FPR_{D = \text{privileged}}}` """ return self.ratio(self.false_positive_rate) def false_negative_rate_ratio(self): r""":math:`\frac{FNR_{D = \text{unprivileged}}}{FNR_{D = \text{privileged}}}` """ return self.ratio(self.false_negative_rate) def false_omission_rate_ratio(self): r""":math:`\frac{FOR_{D = \text{unprivileged}}}{FOR_{D = \text{privileged}}}` """ return self.ratio(self.false_omission_rate) def false_discovery_rate_ratio(self): r""":math:`\frac{FDR_{D = \text{unprivileged}}}{FDR_{D = \text{privileged}}}` """ return self.ratio(self.false_discovery_rate) def average_odds_difference(self): r"""Average of difference in FPR and TPR for unprivileged and privileged groups: .. math:: \tfrac{1}{2}\left[(FPR_{D = \text{unprivileged}} - FPR_{D = \text{privileged}}) + (TPR_{D = \text{unprivileged}} - TPR_{D = \text{privileged}}))\right] A value of 0 indicates equality of odds. """ return 0.5 * (self.difference(self.false_positive_rate) + self.difference(self.true_positive_rate)) def average_abs_odds_difference(self): r"""Average of absolute difference in FPR and TPR for unprivileged and privileged groups: .. math:: \tfrac{1}{2}\left[|FPR_{D = \text{unprivileged}} - FPR_{D = \text{privileged}}| + |TPR_{D = \text{unprivileged}} - TPR_{D = \text{privileged}}|\right] A value of 0 indicates equality of odds. """ return 0.5 * (np.abs(self.difference(self.false_positive_rate)) + np.abs(self.difference(self.true_positive_rate))) def average_predictive_value_difference(self): r"""Average of difference in PPV and FOR for unprivileged and privileged groups: .. math:: \tfrac{1}{2}\left[(PPV_{D = \text{unprivileged}} - PPV_{D = \text{privileged}}) + (FOR_{D = \text{unprivileged}} - FOR_{D = \text{privileged}}))\right] A value of 0 indicates equality of chance of success. """ return 0.5 * (self.difference(self.positive_predictive_value) + self.difference(self.false_omission_rate)) def error_rate_difference(self): r"""Difference in error rates for unprivileged and privileged groups, :math:`ERR_{D = \text{unprivileged}} - ERR_{D = \text{privileged}}`. """ return self.difference(self.error_rate) def error_rate_ratio(self): r"""Ratio of error rates for unprivileged and privileged groups, :math:`\frac{ERR_{D = \text{unprivileged}}}{ERR_{D = \text{privileged}}}`. """ return self.ratio(self.error_rate) def num_pred_positives(self, privileged=None): r""":math:`\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb{1}[\hat{y}_i = \text{favorable}]` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ condition = self._to_condition(privileged) return utils.compute_num_pos_neg( self.classified_dataset.protected_attributes, self.classified_dataset.labels, self.classified_dataset.instance_weights, self.classified_dataset.protected_attribute_names, self.classified_dataset.favorable_label, condition=condition) def num_pred_negatives(self, privileged=None): r""":math:`\sum_{i=1}^n \mathbb{1}[\hat{y}_i = \text{unfavorable}]` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ condition = self._to_condition(privileged) return utils.compute_num_pos_neg( self.classified_dataset.protected_attributes, self.classified_dataset.labels, self.classified_dataset.instance_weights, self.classified_dataset.protected_attribute_names, self.classified_dataset.unfavorable_label, condition=condition) def selection_rate(self, privileged=None): r""":math:`Pr(\hat{Y} = \text{favorable})` Args: privileged (bool, optional): Boolean prescribing whether to condition this metric on the `privileged_groups`, if `True`, or the `unprivileged_groups`, if `False`. Defaults to `None` meaning this metric is computed over the entire dataset. Raises: AttributeError: `privileged_groups` or `unprivileged_groups` must be provided at initialization to condition on them. """ return (self.num_pred_positives(privileged=privileged) / self.num_instances(privileged=privileged)) def disparate_impact(self): r""" .. math:: \frac{Pr(\hat{Y} = 1 | D = \text{unprivileged})} {Pr(\hat{Y} = 1 | D = \text{privileged})} """ return self.ratio(self.selection_rate) def statistical_parity_difference(self): r""" .. math:: Pr(\hat{Y} = 1 | D = \text{unprivileged}) - Pr(\hat{Y} = 1 | D = \text{privileged}) """ return self.difference(self.selection_rate) def generalized_entropy_index(self, alpha=2): r"""Generalized entropy index is proposed as a unified individual and group fairness measure in [3]_. With :math:`b_i = \hat{y}_i - y_i + 1`: .. math:: \mathcal{E}(\alpha) = \begin{cases} \frac{1}{n \alpha (\alpha-1)}\sum_{i=1}^n\left[\left(\frac{b_i}{\mu}\right)^\alpha - 1\right],& \alpha \ne 0, 1,\\ \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{b_{i}}{\mu}\ln\frac{b_{i}}{\mu},& \alpha=1,\\ -\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n\ln\frac{b_{i}}{\mu},& \alpha=0. \end{cases} Args: alpha (int): Parameter that regulates the weight given to distances between values at different parts of the distribution. References: .. [3] T. Speicher, H. Heidari, N. Grgic-Hlaca, K. P. Gummadi, A. Singla, A. Weller, and M. B. Zafar, "A Unified Approach to Quantifying Algorithmic Unfairness: Measuring Individual and Group Unfairness via Inequality Indices," ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2018. """ y_pred = self.classified_dataset.labels.ravel() y_true = self.dataset.labels.ravel() y_pred = (y_pred == self.classified_dataset.favorable_label).astype( np.float64) y_true = (y_true == self.dataset.favorable_label).astype(np.float64) b = 1 + y_pred - y_true if alpha == 1: # moving the b inside the log allows for 0 values return np.mean(np.log((b / np.mean(b))**b) / np.mean(b)) elif alpha == 0: return -np.mean(np.log(b / np.mean(b)) / np.mean(b)) else: return np.mean((b / np.mean(b))**alpha - 1) / (alpha * (alpha - 1)) def _between_group_generalized_entropy_index(self, groups, alpha=2): r"""Between-group generalized entropy index is proposed as a group fairness measure in [2]_ and is one of two terms that the generalized entropy index decomposes to. Args: groups (list): A list of groups over which to calculate this metric. Groups should be disjoint. By default, this will use the `privileged_groups` and `unprivileged_groups` as the only two groups. alpha (int): See :meth:`generalized_entropy_index`. References: .. [2] T. Speicher, H. Heidari, N. Grgic-Hlaca, K. P. Gummadi, A. Singla, A. Weller, and M. B. Zafar, "A Unified Approach to Quantifying Algorithmic Unfairness: Measuring Individual and Group Unfairness via Inequality Indices," ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2018. """ b = np.zeros(self.dataset.labels.size, dtype=np.float64) for group in groups: classified_group = utils.compute_boolean_conditioning_vector( self.classified_dataset.protected_attributes, self.classified_dataset.protected_attribute_names, condition=group) true_group = utils.compute_boolean_conditioning_vector( self.dataset.protected_attributes, self.dataset.protected_attribute_names, condition=group) # ignore if there are no members of this group present if not np.any(true_group): continue y_pred = self.classified_dataset.labels[classified_group].ravel() y_true = self.dataset.labels[true_group].ravel() y_pred = (y_pred == self.classified_dataset.favorable_label).astype( np.float64) y_true = (y_true == self.dataset.favorable_label).astype(np.float64) b[true_group] = np.mean(1 + y_pred - y_true) if alpha == 1: return np.mean(np.log((b / np.mean(b))**b) / np.mean(b)) elif alpha == 0: return -np.mean(np.log(b / np.mean(b)) / np.mean(b)) else: return np.mean((b / np.mean(b))**alpha - 1) / (alpha * (alpha - 1)) def between_all_groups_generalized_entropy_index(self, alpha=2): """Between-group generalized entropy index that uses all combinations of groups based on `self.dataset.protected_attributes`. See :meth:`_between_group_generalized_entropy_index`. Args: alpha (int): See :meth:`generalized_entropy_index`. """ all_values = list(map(np.concatenate, zip( self.dataset.privileged_protected_attributes, self.dataset.unprivileged_protected_attributes))) groups = [[dict(zip(self.dataset.protected_attribute_names, vals))] for vals in product(*all_values)] return self._between_group_generalized_entropy_index(groups=groups, alpha=alpha) def between_group_generalized_entropy_index(self, alpha=2): """Between-group generalized entropy index that uses `self.privileged_groups` and `self.unprivileged_groups` as the only two groups. See :meth:`_between_group_generalized_entropy_index`. Args: alpha (int): See :meth:`generalized_entropy_index`. """ groups = [self._to_condition(False), self._to_condition(True)] return self._between_group_generalized_entropy_index(groups=groups, alpha=alpha) def theil_index(self): r"""The Theil index is the :meth:`generalized_entropy_index` with :math:`\alpha = 1`. """ return self.generalized_entropy_index(alpha=1) def coefficient_of_variation(self): r"""The coefficient of variation is the square root of two times the :meth:`generalized_entropy_index` with :math:`\alpha = 2`. """ return np.sqrt(2*self.generalized_entropy_index(alpha=2)) def between_group_theil_index(self): r"""The between-group Theil index is the :meth:`between_group_generalized_entropy_index` with :math:`\alpha = 1`. """ return self.between_group_generalized_entropy_index(alpha=1) def between_group_coefficient_of_variation(self): r"""The between-group coefficient of variation is the square root of two times the :meth:`between_group_generalized_entropy_index` with :math:`\alpha = 2`. """ return np.sqrt(2*self.between_group_generalized_entropy_index(alpha=2)) def between_all_groups_theil_index(self): r"""The between-group Theil index is the :meth:`between_all_groups_generalized_entropy_index` with :math:`\alpha = 1`. """ return self.between_all_groups_generalized_entropy_index(alpha=1) def between_all_groups_coefficient_of_variation(self): r"""The between-group coefficient of variation is the square root of two times the :meth:`between_all_groups_generalized_entropy_index` with :math:`\alpha = 2`. """ return np.sqrt(2*self.between_all_groups_generalized_entropy_index( alpha=2)) def differential_fairness_bias_amplification(self, concentration=1.0): """Bias amplification is the difference in smoothed EDF between the classifier and the original dataset. Positive values mean the bias increased due to the classifier. Args: concentration (float, optional): Concentration parameter for Dirichlet smoothing. Must be non-negative. """ ssr = self._smoothed_base_rates(self.classified_dataset.labels, concentration) def pos_ratio(i, j): return abs(np.log(ssr[i]) - np.log(ssr[j])) def neg_ratio(i, j): return abs(np.log(1 - ssr[i]) - np.log(1 - ssr[j])) edf_clf = max(max(pos_ratio(i, j), neg_ratio(i, j)) for i in range(len(ssr)) for j in range(len(ssr)) if i != j) edf_data = self.smoothed_empirical_differential_fairness(concentration) return edf_clf - edf_data # ============================== ALIASES =================================== def equal_opportunity_difference(self): """Alias of :meth:`true_positive_rate_difference`.""" return self.true_positive_rate_difference() def power(self, privileged=None): """Alias of :meth:`num_true_positives`.""" return self.num_true_positives(privileged=privileged) def precision(self, privileged=None): """Alias of :meth:`positive_predictive_value`.""" return self.positive_predictive_value(privileged=privileged) def recall(self, privileged=None): """Alias of :meth:`true_positive_rate`.""" return self.true_positive_rate(privileged=privileged) def sensitivity(self, privileged=None): """Alias of :meth:`true_positive_rate`.""" return self.true_positive_rate(privileged=privileged) def specificity(self, privileged=None): """Alias of :meth:`true_negative_rate`.""" return self.true_negative_rate(privileged=privileged)