import math import torch from torch import Tensor from torch.nn import Parameter from torch_geometric.nn.conv import MessagePassing, GCNConv class GCNIIConv(MessagePassing): """ The graph convolutional operator with initial residual connections and identity mapping (GCNII) from the `"Simple and Deep Graph Convolutional Networks" `_ paper """ def __init__(self, channels, alpha, theta=None, layer=None, shared_weights=True, cached=False, **kwargs): super(GCNIIConv, self).__init__(aggr='add', **kwargs) self.channels = channels self.alpha = alpha self.beta = 1. if theta is not None or layer is not None: assert theta is not None and layer is not None self.beta = math.log(theta / layer + 1) # self.cached = cached self.weight1 = Parameter(torch.Tensor(channels, channels)) if shared_weights: self.register_parameter('weight2', None) else: self.weight2 = Parameter(torch.Tensor(channels, channels)) self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): self.glorot(self.weight1) self.glorot(self.weight2) def glorot(self, tensor): if tensor is not None: stdv = math.sqrt(6.0 / (tensor.size(-2) + tensor.size(-1))), stdv) def forward(self, x, x_0, edge_index, edge_weight=None): edge_index, norm = GCNConv.norm(edge_index, x.size(0), edge_weight, dtype=x.dtype) x = self.propagate(edge_index, x=x, norm=norm) if self.weight2 is None: out = (1 - self.alpha) * x + self.alpha * x_0 out = (1 - self.beta) * out + self.beta * (out @ self.weight1) else: out1 = (1 - self.alpha) * x out1 = (1 - self.beta) * out1 + self.beta * (out1 @ self.weight1) out2 = self.alpha * x_0 out2 = (1 - self.beta) * out2 + self.beta * (out2 @ self.weight2) out = out1 + out2 return out def message(self, x_j, norm): return norm.view(-1, 1) * x_j def __repr__(self): return '{}({}, alpha={}, beta={})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.channels, self.alpha, self.beta)