import os | |
import openai | |
import torch | |
import tensorflow as tf | |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering | |
import gradio as gr | |
import re | |
# Set your OpenAI API key here temporarily for testing | |
openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY") | |
# Check if GPU is available and use it if possible | |
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') | |
# Load the English models and tokenizers | |
qa_model_name_v1 = 'salsarra/ConfliBERT-QA' | |
qa_model_v1 = TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(qa_model_name_v1) | |
qa_tokenizer_v1 = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(qa_model_name_v1) | |
bert_model_name_v1 = 'salsarra/BERT-base-cased-SQuAD-v1' | |
bert_qa_model_v1 = TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(bert_model_name_v1) | |
bert_qa_tokenizer_v1 = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(bert_model_name_v1) | |
# Load Spanish models and tokenizers | |
confli_model_spanish_name = 'salsarra/ConfliBERT-Spanish-Beto-Cased-NewsQA' | |
confli_model_spanish = TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(confli_model_spanish_name) | |
confli_tokenizer_spanish = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(confli_model_spanish_name) | |
beto_model_spanish_name = 'salsarra/Beto-Spanish-Cased-NewsQA' | |
beto_model_spanish = TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(beto_model_spanish_name) | |
beto_tokenizer_spanish = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(beto_model_spanish_name) | |
# Load the additional Spanish models | |
confli_sqac_model_spanish = 'salsarra/ConfliBERT-Spanish-Beto-Cased-SQAC' | |
confli_sqac_model_spanish_qa = TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(confli_sqac_model_spanish) | |
confli_sqac_tokenizer_spanish = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(confli_sqac_model_spanish) | |
beto_sqac_model_spanish = 'salsarra/Beto-Spanish-Cased-SQAC' | |
beto_sqac_model_spanish_qa = TFAutoModelForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(beto_sqac_model_spanish) | |
beto_sqac_tokenizer_spanish = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(beto_sqac_model_spanish) | |
# Define error handling to separate input size errors from other issues | |
def handle_error_message(e, default_limit=512): | |
error_message = str(e) | |
pattern = re.compile(r"The size of tensor a \\((\\d+)\\) must match the size of tensor b \\((\\d+)\\)") | |
match = | |
if match: | |
number_1, number_2 = match.groups() | |
return f"<span style='color: red; font-weight: bold;'>Error: Text Input is over limit where inserted text size {number_1} is larger than model limits of {number_2}</span>" | |
pattern_qa = re.compile(r"indices\\[0,(\\d+)\\] = \\d+ is not in \\[0, (\\d+)\\)") | |
match_qa = | |
if match_qa: | |
number_1, number_2 = match_qa.groups() | |
return f"<span style='color: red; font-weight: bold;'>Error: Text Input is over limit where inserted text size {number_1} is larger than model limits of {number_2}</span>" | |
return f"<span style='color: red; font-weight: bold;'>Error: {error_message}</span>" | |
# Define question_answering_v1 for ConfliBERT English with truncation=True | |
def question_answering_v1(context, question): | |
try: | |
inputs = qa_tokenizer_v1(question, context, return_tensors='tf', truncation=True) | |
outputs = qa_model_v1(inputs) | |
answer_start = tf.argmax(outputs.start_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] | |
answer_end = tf.argmax(outputs.end_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] + 1 | |
answer = qa_tokenizer_v1.convert_tokens_to_string( | |
qa_tokenizer_v1.convert_ids_to_tokens(inputs['input_ids'].numpy()[0][answer_start:answer_end]) | |
) | |
return f"<span style='font-weight: bold;'>{answer}</span>" | |
except Exception as e: | |
return handle_error_message(e) | |
# Define bert_question_answering_v1 for BERT English with truncation=True | |
def bert_question_answering_v1(context, question): | |
try: | |
inputs = bert_qa_tokenizer_v1(question, context, return_tensors='tf', truncation=True) | |
outputs = bert_qa_model_v1(inputs) | |
answer_start = tf.argmax(outputs.start_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] | |
answer_end = tf.argmax(outputs.end_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] + 1 | |
answer = bert_qa_tokenizer_v1.convert_tokens_to_string( | |
bert_qa_tokenizer_v1.convert_ids_to_tokens(inputs['input_ids'].numpy()[0][answer_start:answer_end]) | |
) | |
return f"<span style='font-weight: bold;'>{answer}</span>" | |
except Exception as e: | |
return handle_error_message(e) | |
# Define question_answering_spanish for ConfliBERT-Spanish-Beto-Cased-NewsQA | |
def question_answering_spanish(context, question): | |
try: | |
inputs = confli_tokenizer_spanish(question, context, return_tensors='tf', truncation=True) | |
outputs = confli_model_spanish(inputs) | |
answer_start = tf.argmax(outputs.start_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] | |
answer_end = tf.argmax(outputs.end_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] + 1 | |
answer = confli_tokenizer_spanish.convert_tokens_to_string( | |
confli_tokenizer_spanish.convert_ids_to_tokens(inputs['input_ids'].numpy()[0][answer_start:answer_end]) | |
) | |
return f"<span style='font-weight: bold;'>{answer}</span>" | |
except Exception as e: | |
return handle_error_message(e) | |
# Define beto_question_answering_spanish for Beto-Spanish-Cased-NewsQA | |
def beto_question_answering_spanish(context, question): | |
try: | |
inputs = beto_tokenizer_spanish(question, context, return_tensors='tf', truncation=True) | |
outputs = beto_model_spanish(inputs) | |
answer_start = tf.argmax(outputs.start_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] | |
answer_end = tf.argmax(outputs.end_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] + 1 | |
answer = beto_tokenizer_spanish.convert_tokens_to_string( | |
beto_tokenizer_spanish.convert_ids_to_tokens(inputs['input_ids'].numpy()[0][answer_start:answer_end]) | |
) | |
return f"<span style='font-weight: bold;'>{answer}</span>" | |
except Exception as e: | |
return handle_error_message(e) | |
# Define confli_sqac_question_answering_spanish for ConfliBERT-Spanish-Beto-Cased-SQAC | |
def confli_sqac_question_answering_spanish(context, question): | |
inputs = confli_sqac_tokenizer_spanish.encode_plus(question, context, return_tensors="tf", truncation=True) | |
outputs = confli_sqac_model_spanish_qa(inputs) | |
answer_start = tf.argmax(outputs.start_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] | |
answer_end = tf.argmax(outputs.end_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] + 1 | |
answer = confli_sqac_tokenizer_spanish.convert_tokens_to_string( | |
confli_sqac_tokenizer_spanish.convert_ids_to_tokens(inputs['input_ids'].numpy()[0][answer_start:answer_end]) | |
) | |
return f"<span style='font-weight: bold;'>{answer}</span>" | |
# Define beto_sqac_question_answering_spanish for Beto-Spanish-Cased-SQAC | |
def beto_sqac_question_answering_spanish(context, question): | |
inputs = beto_sqac_tokenizer_spanish.encode_plus(question, context, return_tensors="tf", truncation=True) | |
outputs = beto_sqac_model_spanish_qa(inputs) | |
answer_start = tf.argmax(outputs.start_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] | |
answer_end = tf.argmax(outputs.end_logits, axis=1).numpy()[0] + 1 | |
answer = beto_sqac_tokenizer_spanish.convert_tokens_to_string( | |
beto_sqac_tokenizer_spanish.convert_ids_to_tokens(inputs['input_ids'].numpy()[0][answer_start:answer_end]) | |
) | |
return f"<span style='font-weight: bold;'>{answer}</span>" | |
# Define a function to get ChatGPT's answer in English using the latest OpenAI API | |
def chatgpt_question_answering(context, question): | |
messages = [ | |
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."}, | |
{"role": "user", "content": f"Context: {context}\nQuestion: {question}\nAnswer:"} | |
] | |
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( | |
model="gpt-3.5-turbo", | |
messages=messages, | |
max_tokens=150 | |
) | |
return response['choices'][0]['message']['content'].strip() | |
# Define a function to get ChatGPT's answer in Spanish using the latest OpenAI API | |
def chatgpt_question_answering_spanish(context, question): | |
messages = [ | |
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant that responds in Spanish."}, | |
{"role": "user", "content": f"Contexto: {context}\nPregunta: {question}\nRespuesta:"} | |
] | |
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create( | |
model="gpt-3.5-turbo", | |
messages=messages, | |
max_tokens=150 | |
) | |
return response['choices'][0]['message']['content'].strip() | |
# Main comparison function with language selection | |
def compare_question_answering(language, context, question): | |
if language == "English": | |
confli_answer_v1 = question_answering_v1(context, question) | |
bert_answer_v1 = bert_question_answering_v1(context, question) | |
chatgpt_answer = chatgpt_question_answering(context, question) | |
return f""" | |
<div> | |
<h2 style='color: #2e8b57; font-weight: bold;'>Answers:</h2> | |
</div><br> | |
<div> | |
<strong style='color: green; font-weight: bold;'>ConfliBERT-cont-cased-SQuAD-v1:</strong><br><span style='font-weight: bold;'>{confli_answer_v1}</span></div><br> | |
<div> | |
<strong style='color: orange; font-weight: bold;'>BERT-base-cased-SQuAD-v1:</strong><br><span style='font-weight: bold;'>{bert_answer_v1}</span> | |
</div><br> | |
<div> | |
<strong style='color: #74AA9C; font-weight: bold;'>ChatGPT:</strong><br><span style='font-weight: bold;'>{chatgpt_answer}</span> | |
</div><br> | |
""" | |
elif language == "Spanish": | |
confli_answer_spanish = question_answering_spanish(context, question) | |
beto_answer_spanish = beto_question_answering_spanish(context, question) | |
confli_sqac_answer_spanish = confli_sqac_question_answering_spanish(context, question) | |
beto_sqac_answer_spanish = beto_sqac_question_answering_spanish(context, question) | |
chatgpt_answer_spanish = chatgpt_question_answering_spanish(context, question) | |
return f""" | |
<div> | |
<h2 style='color: #2e8b57; font-weight: bold;'>Answers:</h2> | |
</div><br> | |
<div> | |
<strong style='color: green; font-weight: bold;'>ConfliBERT-Spanish-Beto-Cased-NewsQA:</strong><br><span style='font-weight: bold;'>{confli_answer_spanish}</span></div><br> | |
<div> | |
<strong style='color: orange; font-weight: bold;'>Beto-Spanish-Cased-NewsQA:</strong><br><span style='font-weight: bold;'>{beto_answer_spanish}</span> | |
</div><br> | |
<div> | |
<strong style='color: green; font-weight: bold;'>ConfliBERT-Spanish-Beto-Cased-SQAC:</strong><br><span style='font-weight: bold;'>{confli_sqac_answer_spanish}</span> | |
</div><br> | |
<div> | |
<strong style='color: orange; font-weight: bold;'>Beto-Spanish-Cased-SQAC:</strong><br><span style='font-weight: bold;'>{beto_sqac_answer_spanish}</span> | |
</div><br> | |
<div> | |
<strong style='color: #74AA9C; font-weight: bold;'>ChatGPT:</strong><br><span style='font-weight: bold;'>{chatgpt_answer_spanish} | |
</div><br> | |
""" | |
# Gradio interface setup | |
with gr.Blocks(css=""" | |
body { | |
background-color: #f0f8ff; | |
font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; | |
} | |
h1, h1 a { | |
color: #2e8b57; | |
text-align: center; | |
font-size: 2em; | |
text-decoration: none; | |
} | |
h1 a:hover { | |
color: #ff8c00; | |
} | |
h2 { | |
color: #ff8c00; | |
text-align: center; | |
font-size: 1.5em; | |
} | |
""") as demo: | |
gr.Markdown("# [ConfliBERT-QA](", elem_id="title") | |
gr.Markdown("Compare answers between ConfliBERT, BERT, and ChatGPT for English, and ConfliBERT, BETO, ConfliBERT-SQAC, Beto-SQAC, and ChatGPT for Spanish.") | |
language = gr.Dropdown(choices=["English", "Spanish"], label="Select Language") | |
context = gr.Textbox(lines=5, placeholder="Enter the context here...", label="Context") | |
question = gr.Textbox(lines=2, placeholder="Enter your question here...", label="Question") | |
output = gr.HTML(label="Output") | |
with gr.Row(): | |
clear_btn = gr.Button("Clear") | |
submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit") | |, inputs=[language, context, question], outputs=output) | | ("", "", "", ""), inputs=[], outputs=[language, context, question, output]) | |
gr.Markdown(""" | |
<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 20px;"> | |
Built by: <a href="" target="_blank">Sultan Alsarra</a> | |
</div> | |
""") | |
demo.launch(share=True) | |