{ | |
"print亮黄": "PrintBrightYellow", | |
"print亮绿": "PrintBrightGreen", | |
"print亮红": "PrintBrightRed", | |
"print红": "PrintRed", | |
"print绿": "PrintGreen", | |
"print黄": "PrintYellow", | |
"print蓝": "PrintBlue", | |
"print紫": "PrintPurple", | |
"print靛": "PrintIndigo", | |
"print亮蓝": "PrintBrightBlue", | |
"print亮紫": "PrintBrightPurple", | |
"print亮靛": "PrintBrightIndigo", | |
"读文章写摘要": "ReadArticleWriteSummary", | |
"批量生成函数注释": "BatchGenerateFunctionComments", | |
"生成函数注释": "GenerateFunctionComments", | |
"解析项目本身": "ParseProjectItself", | |
"解析项目源代码": "ParseProjectSourceCode", | |
"解析一个Python项目": "ParsePythonProject", | |
"解析一个C项目的头文件": "ParseCProjectHeaderFiles", | |
"解析一个C项目": "ParseCProject", | |
"解析一个Golang项目": "ParseGolangProject", | |
"解析一个Rust项目": "ParseRustProject", | |
"解析一个Java项目": "ParseJavaProject", | |
"解析一个前端项目": "ParseFrontendProject", | |
"高阶功能模板函数": "HighOrderFunctionTemplateFunctions", | |
"高级功能函数模板": "AdvancedFunctionTemplate", | |
"全项目切换英文": "SwitchToEnglishForTheWholeProject", | |
"代码重写为全英文_多线程": "RewriteCodeToEnglish_MultiThreaded", | |
"Latex英文润色": "EnglishProofreadingForLatex", | |
"Latex全文润色": "FullTextProofreadingForLatex", | |
"同时问询": "SimultaneousInquiry", | |
"询问多个大语言模型": "InquiryMultipleLargeLanguageModels", | |
"解析一个Lua项目": "ParsingLuaProject", | |
"解析一个CSharp项目": "ParsingCSharpProject", | |
"总结word文档": "SummarizingWordDocuments", | |
"解析ipynb文件": "ParsingIpynbFiles", | |
"解析JupyterNotebook": "ParsingJupyterNotebook", | |
"对话历史存档": "ConversationHistoryArchive", | |
"载入对话历史存档": "LoadConversationHistoryArchive", | |
"删除所有本地对话历史记录": "DeleteAllLocalConversationHistoryRecords", | |
"Markdown英译中": "TranslateMarkdownFromEnglishToChinese", | |
"批量Markdown翻译": "BatchTranslateMarkdown", | |
"批量总结PDF文档": "BatchSummarizePDFDocuments", | |
"批量总结PDF文档pdfminer": "BatchSummarizePDFDocumentsUsingPdfminer", | |
"批量翻译PDF文档": "BatchTranslatePDFDocuments", | |
"批量翻译PDF文档_多线程": "BatchTranslatePDFDocuments_MultiThreaded", | |
"谷歌检索小助手": "GoogleSearchAssistant", | |
"理解PDF文档内容标准文件输入": "UnderstandPdfDocumentContentStandardFileInput", | |
"理解PDF文档内容": "UnderstandPdfDocumentContent", | |
"Latex中文润色": "LatexChineseProofreading", | |
"Latex中译英": "LatexChineseToEnglish", | |
"Latex全文翻译": "LatexFullTextTranslation", | |
"Latex英译中": "LatexEnglishToChinese", | |
"Markdown中译英": "MarkdownChineseToEnglish", | |
"下载arxiv论文并翻译摘要": "DownloadArxivPaperAndTranslateAbstract", | |
"下载arxiv论文翻译摘要": "DownloadArxivPaperTranslateAbstract", | |
"连接网络回答问题": "ConnectToNetworkToAnswerQuestions", | |
"联网的ChatGPT": "ChatGPTConnectedToNetwork", | |
"解析任意code项目": "ParseAnyCodeProject", | |
"读取知识库作答": "ReadKnowledgeArchiveAnswerQuestions", | |
"知识库问答": "UpdateKnowledgeArchive", | |
"同时问询_指定模型": "InquireSimultaneously_SpecifiedModel", | |
"图片生成": "ImageGeneration", | |
"test_解析ipynb文件": "Test_ParseIpynbFile", | |
"把字符太少的块清除为回车": "ClearBlocksWithTooFewCharactersToNewline", | |
"清理多余的空行": "CleanUpExcessBlankLines", | |
"合并小写开头的段落块": "MergeLowercaseStartingParagraphBlocks", | |
"多文件润色": "ProofreadMultipleFiles", | |
"多文件翻译": "TranslateMultipleFiles", | |
"解析docx": "ParseDocx", | |
"解析PDF": "ParsePDF", | |
"解析Paper": "ParsePaper", | |
"ipynb解释": "IpynbExplanation", | |
"解析源代码新": "ParsingSourceCodeNew", | |
"避免代理网络产生意外污染": "Avoid unexpected pollution caused by proxy networks", | |
"无": "None", | |
"查询代理的地理位置": "Query the geographic location of the proxy", | |
"返回的结果是": "The returned result is", | |
"代理配置": "Proxy configuration", | |
"代理所在地": "Location of the proxy", | |
"未知": "Unknown", | |
"IP查询频率受限": "IP query frequency is limited", | |
"代理所在地查询超时": "Timeout when querying the location of the proxy", | |
"代理可能无效": "Proxy may be invalid", | |
"一键更新协议": "One-click protocol update", | |
"备份和下载": "Backup and download", | |
"覆盖和重启": "Overwrite and restart", | |
"由于您没有设置config_private.py私密配置": "Since you have not set the private configuration", | |
"现将您的现有配置移动至config_private.py以防止配置丢失": "Now move your existing configuration to to prevent configuration loss", | |
"另外您可以随时在history子文件夹下找回旧版的程序": "In addition, you can always retrieve the old version of the program in the history subfolder", | |
"代码已经更新": "Code has been updated", | |
"即将更新pip包依赖……": "Will update pip package dependencies soon...", | |
"pip包依赖安装出现问题": "Problem occurred during installation of pip package dependencies", | |
"需要手动安装新增的依赖库": "Need to manually install the newly added dependency library", | |
"然后在用常规的": "Then use the regular", | |
"的方式启动": "way to start", | |
"更新完成": "Update completed", | |
"您可以随时在history子文件夹下找回旧版的程序": "You can always retrieve the old version of the program in the history subfolder", | |
"5s之后重启": "Restart after 5 seconds", | |
"假如重启失败": "If restart fails", | |
"您可能需要手动安装新增的依赖库": "You may need to manually install new dependencies", | |
"查询版本和用户意见": "Check version and user feedback", | |
"新功能": "New features", | |
"新版本可用": "New version available", | |
"新版本": "New version", | |
"当前版本": "Current version", | |
"Github更新地址": "Github update address", | |
"是否一键更新代码": "Update code with one click?", | |
"Y+回车=确认": "Y+Enter=Confirm", | |
"输入其他/无输入+回车=不更新": "Enter other/No input+Enter=No update", | |
"更新失败": "Update failed", | |
"自动更新程序": "Automatic update program", | |
"已禁用": "Disabled", | |
"正在执行一些模块的预热": "Some modules are being preheated", | |
"模块预热": "Module preheating", | |
"例如": "For example", | |
"此key无效": "This key is invalid", | |
"可同时填写多个API-KEY": "Multiple API-KEYs can be filled in at the same time", | |
"用英文逗号分割": "Separated by commas", | |
"改为True应用代理": "Change to True to apply proxy", | |
"如果直接在海外服务器部署": "If deployed directly on overseas servers", | |
"此处不修改": "Do not modify here", | |
"填写格式是": "Format for filling in is", | |
"协议": "Protocol", | |
"地址": "Address", | |
"端口": "Port", | |
"填写之前不要忘记把USE_PROXY改成True": "Don't forget to change USE_PROXY to True before filling in", | |
"常见协议无非socks5h/http": "Common protocols are nothing but socks5h/http", | |
"例如 v2**y 和 ss* 的默认本地协议是socks5h": "For example, the default local protocol for v2**y and ss* is socks5h", | |
"而cl**h 的默认本地协议是http": "While the default local protocol for cl**h is http", | |
"懂的都懂": "Those who understand, understand", | |
"不懂就填localhost或者127.0.0.1肯定错不了": "If you don't understand, just fill in localhost or and you won't go wrong", | |
"localhost意思是代理软件安装在本机上": "localhost means that the proxy software is installed on the local machine", | |
"在代理软件的设置里找": "Look for it in the settings of the proxy software", | |
"虽然不同的代理软件界面不一样": "Although the interface of different proxy software is different", | |
"但端口号都应该在最显眼的位置上": "But the port number should be in the most prominent position", | |
"代理网络的地址": "Address of the proxy network", | |
"打开你的*学*网软件查看代理的协议": "Open your *learning* software to view the proxy protocol", | |
"、地址": "and address", | |
"和端口": "and port", | |
"多线程函数插件中": "In the multi-threaded function plugin", | |
"默认允许多少路线程同时访问OpenAI": "How many threads are allowed to access OpenAI at the same time by default", | |
"Free trial users的限制是每分钟3次": "The limit for free trial users is 3 times per minute", | |
"Pay-as-you-go users的限制是每分钟3500次": "The limit for Pay-as-you-go users is 3500 times per minute", | |
"一言以蔽之": "In short", | |
"免费用户填3": "Free users should fill in 3", | |
"设置用户名和密码": "Set username and password", | |
"相关功能不稳定": "Related functions are unstable", | |
"与gradio版本和网络都相关": "Related to gradio version and network", | |
"如果本地使用不建议加这个": "Not recommended to add this for local use", | |
"重新URL重新定向": "Redirect URL", | |
"实现更换API_URL的作用": "Realize the function of changing API_URL", | |
"常规情况下": "Under normal circumstances", | |
"不要修改!!": "Do not modify!!", | |
"高危设置!通过修改此设置": "High-risk setting! By modifying this setting", | |
"您将把您的API-KEY和对话隐私完全暴露给您设定的中间人!": "You will completely expose your API-KEY and conversation privacy to the middleman you set!", | |
"如果需要在二级路径下运行": "If you need to run under the second-level path", | |
"需要配合修改main.py才能生效!": "Need to be modified in conjunction with to take effect!", | |
"如果需要使用newbing": "If you need to use newbing", | |
"把newbing的长长的cookie放到这里": "Put the long cookie of newbing here", | |
"sk-此处填API密钥": "sk-Fill in API key here", | |
"默认按钮颜色是 secondary": "The default button color is secondary", | |
"前言": "Preface", | |
"后语": "Postscript", | |
"按钮颜色": "Button color", | |
"预处理": "Preprocessing", | |
"清除换行符": "Remove line breaks", | |
"英语学术润色": "English academic polishing", | |
"中文学术润色": "Chinese academic polishing", | |
"查找语法错误": "Find syntax errors", | |
"中译英": "Chinese to English translation", | |
"学术中英互译": "Academic Chinese-English Translation", | |
"英译中": "English to Chinese translation", | |
"找图片": "Find image", | |
"解释代码": "Explain code", | |
"作为一名中文学术论文写作改进助理": "As a Chinese academic paper writing improvement assistant", | |
"你的任务是改进所提供文本的拼写、语法、清晰、简洁和整体可读性": "Your task is to improve the spelling, grammar, clarity, conciseness and overall readability of the provided text", | |
"同时分解长句": "Also, break down long sentences", | |
"减少重复": "Reduce repetition", | |
"并提供改进建议": "And provide improvement suggestions", | |
"请只提供文本的更正版本": "Please only provide corrected versions of the text", | |
"避免包括解释": "Avoid including explanations", | |
"请编辑以下文本": "Please edit the following text", | |
"翻译成地道的中文": "Translate into authentic Chinese", | |
"我需要你找一张网络图片": "I need you to find a web image", | |
"使用Unsplash API": "Use Unsplash API", | |
"英语关键词": "English keywords", | |
"获取图片URL": "Get image URL", | |
"然后请使用Markdown格式封装": "Then please wrap it in Markdown format", | |
"并且不要有反斜线": "And do not use backslashes", | |
"不要用代码块": "Do not use code blocks", | |
"现在": "Now", | |
"请按以下描述给我发送图片": "Please send me the image following the description below", | |
"请解释以下代码": "Please explain the following code", | |
"HotReload 的意思是热更新": "HotReload means hot update", | |
"修改函数插件后": "After modifying the function plugin", | |
"不需要重启程序": "No need to restart the program", | |
"代码直接生效": "The code takes effect directly", | |
"第一组插件": "First group of plugins", | |
"调用时": "When calling", | |
"唤起高级参数输入区": "Invoke the advanced parameter input area", | |
"默认False": "Default is False", | |
"高级参数输入区的显示提示": "Display prompt in the advanced parameter input area", | |
"加入下拉菜单中": "Add to the drop-down menu", | |
"修改函数插件代码后": "After modifying the function plugin code", | |
"第二组插件": "Second group of plugins", | |
"经过充分测试": "Fully tested", | |
"第三组插件": "Third group of plugins", | |
"尚未充分测试的函数插件": "Function plugins that have not been fully tested yet", | |
"放在这里": "Put it here", | |
"第n组插件": "Nth group of plugins", | |
"解析整个Python项目": "Parse the entire Python project", | |
"先上传存档或输入路径": "Upload archive or enter path first", | |
"请谨慎操作": "Please operate with caution", | |
"测试功能": "Test function", | |
"解析Jupyter Notebook文件": "Parse Jupyter Notebook files", | |
"批量总结Word文档": "Batch summarize Word documents", | |
"解析整个C++项目头文件": "Parse the entire C++ project header file", | |
"解析整个C++项目": "Parse the entire C++ project", | |
"解析整个Go项目": "Parse the entire Go project", | |
"解析整个Rust项目": "Parse the entire Go project", | |
"解析整个Java项目": "Parse the entire Java project", | |
"解析整个前端项目": "Parse the entire front-end project", | |
"css等": "CSS, etc.", | |
"解析整个Lua项目": "Parse the entire Lua project", | |
"解析整个CSharp项目": "Parse the entire C# project", | |
"读Tex论文写摘要": "Read Tex paper and write abstract", | |
"Markdown/Readme英译中": "Translate Markdown/Readme from English to Chinese", | |
"保存当前的对话": "Save the current conversation", | |
"多线程Demo": "Multithreading demo", | |
"解析此项目本身": "Parse this project itself", | |
"源码自译解": "Translate the source code", | |
"老旧的Demo": "Old demo", | |
"把本项目源代码切换成全英文": "Switch the source code of this project to English", | |
"插件demo": "Plugin demo", | |
"历史上的今天": "Today in history", | |
"若输入0": "If 0 is entered", | |
"则不解析notebook中的Markdown块": "Do not parse Markdown blocks in the notebook", | |
"多线程": "Multithreading", | |
"询问多个GPT模型": "Inquire multiple GPT models", | |
"谷歌学术检索助手": "Google Scholar search assistant", | |
"输入谷歌学术搜索页url": "Enter the URL of Google Scholar search page", | |
"模仿ChatPDF": "Imitate ChatPDF", | |
"英文Latex项目全文润色": "English Latex project full text proofreading", | |
"输入路径或上传压缩包": "Input path or upload compressed package", | |
"中文Latex项目全文润色": "Chinese Latex project full text proofreading", | |
"Latex项目全文中译英": "Latex project full text translation from Chinese to English", | |
"Latex项目全文英译中": "Latex project full text translation from English to Chinese", | |
"批量MarkdownChineseToEnglish": "Batch Markdown Chinese to English", | |
"一键DownloadArxivPaperAndTranslateAbstract": "One-click Download Arxiv Paper and Translate Abstract", | |
"先在input输入编号": "Enter the number in input first", | |
"如1812.10695": "e.g. 1812.10695", | |
"先输入问题": "Enter the question first", | |
"再点击按钮": "Then click the button", | |
"需要访问谷歌": "Access to Google is required", | |
"手动指定和筛选源代码文件类型": "Manually specify and filter the source code file type", | |
"输入时用逗号隔开": "Separate with commas when entering", | |
"*代表通配符": "* stands for wildcard", | |
"加了^代表不匹配": "Adding ^ means not matching", | |
"不输入代表全部匹配": "Not entering means matching all", | |
"手动指定询问哪些模型": "Manually specify which models to ask", | |
"支持任意数量的llm接口": "Support any number of llm interfaces", | |
"用&符号分隔": "Separate with & symbol", | |
"例如chatglm&gpt-3.5-turbo&api2d-gpt-4": "e.g. chatglm&gpt-3.5-turbo&api2d-gpt-4", | |
"先切换模型到openai或api2d": "Switch the model to openai or api2d first", | |
"在这里输入分辨率": "Enter the resolution here", | |
"如256x256": "e.g. 256x256", | |
"默认": "Default", | |
"建议您复制一个config_private.py放自己的秘密": "We suggest you to copy a file to keep your secrets, such as API and proxy URLs, from being accidentally uploaded to Github and seen by others.", | |
"如API和代理网址": "Such as API and proxy URLs", | |
"避免不小心传github被别人看到": "Avoid being accidentally uploaded to Github and seen by others", | |
"如果WEB_PORT是-1": "If WEB_PORT is -1", | |
"则随机选取WEB端口": "then a random port will be selected for WEB", | |
"问询记录": "Inquiry record", | |
"python 版本建议3.9+": "Python version recommended 3.9+", | |
"越新越好": "The newer the better", | |
"一些普通功能模块": "Some common functional modules", | |
"高级函数插件": "Advanced function plugins", | |
"处理markdown文本格式的转变": "Transformation of markdown text format", | |
"做一些外观色彩上的调整": "Make some adjustments in appearance and color", | |
"代理与自动更新": "Proxy and automatic update", | |
"功能区显示开关与功能区的互动": "Interaction between display switch and function area", | |
"整理反复出现的控件句柄组合": "Organize repeated control handle combinations", | |
"提交按钮、重置按钮": "Submit button, reset button", | |
"基础功能区的回调函数注册": "Registration of callback functions in basic function area", | |
"文件上传区": "File upload area", | |
"接收文件后与chatbot的互动": "Interaction with chatbot after receiving files", | |
"函数插件-固定按钮区": "Function plugin - fixed button area", | |
"函数插件-下拉菜单与随变按钮的互动": "Interaction between dropdown menu and dynamic button in function plugin", | |
"是否唤起高级插件参数区": "Whether to call the advanced plugin parameter area", | |
"随变按钮的回调函数注册": "Registration of callback functions for dynamic buttons", | |
"终止按钮的回调函数注册": "Callback function registration for the stop button", | |
"gradio的inbrowser触发不太稳定": "In-browser triggering of gradio is not very stable", | |
"回滚代码到原始的浏览器打开函数": "Roll back code to the original browser open function", | |
"打开浏览器": "Open browser", | |
"ChatGPT 学术优化": "ChatGPT academic optimization", | |
"代码开源和更新": "Code open source and updates", | |
"地址🚀": "Address 🚀", | |
"感谢热情的": "Thanks to the enthusiastic", | |
"开发者们❤️": "Developers ❤️", | |
"所有问询记录将自动保存在本地目录./gpt_log/chat_secrets.log": "All inquiry records will be automatically saved in the local directory ./gpt_log/chat_secrets.log", | |
"请注意自我隐私保护哦!": "Please pay attention to self-privacy protection!", | |
"当前模型": "Current model", | |
"输入区": "Input area", | |
"提交": "Submit", | |
"重置": "Reset", | |
"停止": "Stop", | |
"清除": "Clear", | |
"按Enter提交": "Submit by pressing Enter", | |
"按Shift+Enter换行": "Press Shift+Enter to line break", | |
"基础功能区": "Basic function area", | |
"函数插件区": "Function plugin area", | |
"注意": "Attention", | |
"以下“红颜色”标识的函数插件需从输入区读取路径作为参数": "The function plugins marked in 'red' below need to read the path from the input area as a parameter", | |
"更多函数插件": "More function plugins", | |
"打开插件列表": "Open plugin list", | |
"高级参数输入区": "Advanced parameter input area", | |
"这里是特殊函数插件的高级参数输入区": "Here is the advanced parameter input area for special function plugins", | |
"请先从插件列表中选择": "Please select from the plugin list first", | |
"点击展开“文件上传区”": "Click to expand the 'file upload area'", | |
"上传本地文件可供红色函数插件调用": "Upload local files for red function plugins to use", | |
"任何文件": "Any file", | |
"但推荐上传压缩文件": "But it is recommended to upload compressed files", | |
"更换模型 & SysPrompt & 交互界面布局": "Change model & SysPrompt & interactive interface layout", | |
"底部输入区": "Bottom input area", | |
"输入清除键": "Input clear key", | |
"插件参数区": "Plugin parameter area", | |
"显示/隐藏功能区": "Show/hide function area", | |
"更换LLM模型/请求源": "Change LLM model/request source", | |
"备选输入区": "Alternative input area", | |
"输入区2": "Input area 2", | |
"已重置": "Reset", | |
"插件": "Plugin", | |
"的高级参数说明": "Advanced parameter description for plugin", | |
"没有提供高级参数功能说明": "No advanced parameter function description provided", | |
"不需要高级参数": "No advanced parameters needed", | |
"如果浏览器没有自动打开": "If the browser does not open automatically", | |
"请复制并转到以下URL": "Please copy and go to the following URL", | |
"亮色主题": "Light theme", | |
"暗色主题": "Dark theme", | |
"一-鿿": "One-click", | |
"GPT输出格式错误": "GPT output format error", | |
"稍后可能需要再试一次": "May need to try again later", | |
"gradio可用颜色列表": "Gradio available color list", | |
"石板色": "Slate color", | |
"灰色": "Gray", | |
"锌色": "Zinc color", | |
"中性色": "Neutral color", | |
"石头色": "Stone color", | |
"红色": "Red", | |
"橙色": "Orange", | |
"琥珀色": "Amber", | |
"黄色": "Yellow", | |
"酸橙色": "Lime color", | |
"绿色": "Green", | |
"祖母绿": "Turquoise", | |
"青蓝色": "Cyan blue", | |
"青色": "Cyan", | |
"天蓝色": "Sky blue", | |
"蓝色": "Blue", | |
"靛蓝色": "Indigo", | |
"紫罗兰色": "Violet", | |
"紫色": "Purple", | |
"洋红色": "Magenta", | |
"粉红色": "Pink", | |
"玫瑰色": "Rose", | |
"添加一个萌萌的看板娘": "Add a cute mascot", | |
"gradio版本较旧": "Gradio version is outdated", | |
"不能自定义字体和颜色": "Cannot customize font and color", | |
"引入一个有cookie的chatbot": "Introduce a chatbot with cookies", | |
"刷新界面": "Refresh the page", | |
"稍微留一点余地": "Leave a little room", | |
"否则在回复时会因余量太少出问题": "Otherwise, there will be problems with insufficient space when replying", | |
"这个bug没找到触发条件": "The trigger condition for this bug has not been found", | |
"暂时先这样顶一下": "Temporarily handle it this way", | |
"使用 lru缓存 加快转换速度": "Use LRU cache to speed up conversion", | |
"输入了已经经过转化的字符串": "Input a string that has already been converted", | |
"已经被转化过": "Has already been converted", | |
"不需要再次转化": "No need to convert again", | |
"有$标识的公式符号": "Formula symbol with $ sign", | |
"且没有代码段": "And there is no code section", | |
"的标识": "Identifier of", | |
"排除了以上两个情况": "Exclude the above two cases", | |
"我们": "We", | |
"输入部分太自由": "The input part is too free", | |
"预处理一波": "Preprocess it", | |
"当代码输出半截的时候": "When the code output is halfway", | |
"试着补上后个": "Try to fill in the latter", | |
"第三方库": "Third-party library", | |
"需要预先pip install rarfile": "Need to pip install rarfile in advance", | |
"此外": "In addition", | |
"Windows上还需要安装winrar软件": "WinRAR software needs to be installed on Windows", | |
"配置其Path环境变量": "Configure its Path environment variable", | |
"需要预先pip install py7zr": "Need to pip install py7zr in advance", | |
"随机负载均衡": "Random load balancing", | |
"优先级1. 获取环境变量作为配置": "Priority 1. Get environment variables as configuration", | |
"读取默认值作为数据类型转换的参考": "Read the default value as a reference for data type conversion", | |
"优先级2. 获取config_private中的配置": "Priority 2. Get the configuration in config_private", | |
"优先级3. 获取config中的配置": "Priority 3. Get the configuration in config", | |
"在读取API_KEY时": "When reading API_KEY", | |
"检查一下是不是忘了改config": "Check if you forgot to change the config", | |
"当输入部分的token占比小于限制的3/4时": "When the token proportion of the input part is less than 3/4 of the limit", | |
"裁剪时": "When trimming", | |
"1. 把input的余量留出来": "1. Leave the surplus of input", | |
"2. 把输出用的余量留出来": "2. Leave the surplus used for output", | |
"3. 如果余量太小了": "3. If the surplus is too small", | |
"直接清除历史": "Clear the history directly", | |
"当输入部分的token占比": "When the token proportion of the input part", | |
"限制的3/4时": "is 3/4 of the limit", | |
"截断时的颗粒度": "Granularity when truncating", | |
"第一部分": "First part", | |
"函数插件输入输出接驳区": "Function plugin input and output docking area", | |
"带Cookies的Chatbot类": "Chatbot class with cookies", | |
"为实现更多强大的功能做基础": "Laying the foundation for implementing more powerful functions", | |
"装饰器函数": "Decorator function", | |
"用于重组输入参数": "Used to restructure input parameters", | |
"改变输入参数的顺序与结构": "Change the order and structure of input parameters", | |
"刷新界面用 yield from update_ui": "Refresh the interface using yield from update_ui", | |
"将插件中出的所有问题显示在界面上": "Display all questions from the plugin on the interface", | |
"实现插件的热更新": "Implement hot update of the plugin", | |
"打印traceback": "Print traceback", | |
"为了安全而隐藏绝对地址": "Hide absolute address for security reasons", | |
"正常": "Normal", | |
"刷新用户界面": "Refresh the user interface", | |
"在传递chatbot的过程中不要将其丢弃": "Do not discard it when passing the chatbot", | |
"必要时": "If necessary", | |
"可用clear将其清空": "It can be cleared with clear if necessary", | |
"然后用for+append循环重新赋值": "Then reassign with for+append loop", | |
"捕捉函数f中的异常并封装到一个生成器中返回": "Capture exceptions in function f and encapsulate them into a generator to return", | |
"并显示到聊天当中": "And display it in the chat", | |
"插件调度异常": "Plugin scheduling exception", | |
"异常原因": "Exception reason", | |
"实验性函数调用出错": "Experimental function call error", | |
"当前代理可用性": "Current proxy availability", | |
"异常": "Exception", | |
"将文本按照段落分隔符分割开": "Split the text into paragraphs according to the paragraph separator", | |
"生成带有段落标签的HTML代码": "Generate HTML code with paragraph tags", | |
"用多种方式组合": "Combine in various ways", | |
"将markdown转化为好看的html": "Convert markdown to nice-looking HTML", | |
"接管gradio默认的markdown处理方式": "Take over the default markdown handling of gradio", | |
"处理文件的上传": "Handle file uploads", | |
"自动解压": "Automatically decompress", | |
"将生成的报告自动投射到文件上传区": "Automatically project the generated report to the file upload area", | |
"当历史上下文过长时": "Automatically truncate when the historical context is too long", | |
"自动截断": "Automatic truncation", | |
"获取设置": "Get settings", | |
"根据当前的模型类别": "According to the current model category", | |
"抽取可用的api-key": "Extract available API keys", | |
"* 此函数未来将被弃用": "* This function will be deprecated in the future", | |
"不详": "Unknown", | |
"将对话记录history以Markdown格式写入文件中": "Write the conversation record history to a file in Markdown format", | |
"如果没有指定文件名": "If no file name is specified", | |
"则使用当前时间生成文件名": "Generate a file name using the current time", | |
"chatGPT分析报告": "chatGPT analysis report", | |
"chatGPT 分析报告": "chatGPT analysis report", | |
"以上材料已经被写入": "The above materials have been written", | |
"向chatbot中添加错误信息": "Add error information to the chatbot", | |
"将Markdown格式的文本转换为HTML格式": "Convert Markdown format text to HTML format", | |
"如果包含数学公式": "If it contains mathematical formulas", | |
"则先将公式转换为HTML格式": "Convert the formula to HTML format first", | |
"解决一个mdx_math的bug": "Fix a bug in mdx_math", | |
"单$包裹begin命令时多余": "Redundant when wrapping begin command with single $", | |
"在gpt输出代码的中途": "In the middle of outputting code with GPT", | |
"输出了前面的": "Output the front part", | |
"但还没输出完后面的": "But haven't output the back part yet", | |
"补上后面的": "Complete the back part", | |
"GPT模型返回的回复字符串": "Reply string returned by GPT model", | |
"返回一个新的字符串": "Return a new string", | |
"将输出代码片段的“后面的": "Append the back part of output code snippet", | |
"”补上": "to it", | |
"将输入和输出解析为HTML格式": "Parse input and output as HTML format", | |
"将y中最后一项的输入部分段落化": "Paragraphize the input part of the last item in y", | |
"并将输出部分的Markdown和数学公式转换为HTML格式": "And convert the output part of Markdown and math formulas to HTML format", | |
"返回当前系统中可用的未使用端口": "Return an available unused port in the current system", | |
"需要安装pip install rarfile来解压rar文件": "Need to install pip install rarfile to extract rar files", | |
"需要安装pip install py7zr来解压7z文件": "Need to install pip install py7zr to extract 7z files", | |
"当文件被上传时的回调函数": "Callback function when a file is uploaded", | |
"我上传了文件": "I uploaded a file", | |
"请查收": "Please check", | |
"收到以下文件": "Received the following files", | |
"调用路径参数已自动修正到": "The call path parameter has been automatically corrected to", | |
"现在您点击任意“红颜色”标识的函数插件时": "Now when you click any function plugin with a 'red' label", | |
"以上文件将被作为输入参数": "The above files will be used as input parameters", | |
"汇总报告如何远程获取": "How to remotely access the summary report", | |
"汇总报告已经添加到右侧“文件上传区”": "The summary report has been added to the 'file upload area' on the right", | |
"可能处于折叠状态": "It may be in a collapsed state", | |
"检测到": "Detected", | |
"个": "items", | |
"您提供的api-key不满足要求": "The api-key you provided does not meet the requirements", | |
"不包含任何可用于": "Does not contain any that can be used for", | |
"的api-key": "api-key", | |
"您可能选择了错误的模型或请求源": "You may have selected the wrong model or request source", | |
"环境变量可以是": "Environment variables can be", | |
"优先": "preferred", | |
"也可以直接是": "or can be directly", | |
"例如在windows cmd中": "For example, in windows cmd", | |
"既可以写": "it can be written as", | |
"也可以写": "or as", | |
"尝试加载": "Attempting to load", | |
"默认值": "Default value", | |
"修正值": "Corrected value", | |
"环境变量": "Environment variable", | |
"不支持通过环境变量设置!": "Setting through environment variables is not supported!", | |
"加载失败!": "Loading failed!", | |
"成功读取环境变量": "Successfully read environment variables", | |
"本项目现已支持OpenAI和API2D的api-key": "This project now supports api-keys for OpenAI and API2D", | |
"也支持同时填写多个api-key": "It also supports filling in multiple api-keys at the same time", | |
"您既可以在config.py中修改api-key": "You can modify the api-key in", | |
"也可以在问题输入区输入临时的api-key": "You can also enter a temporary api-key in the question input area", | |
"然后回车键提交后即可生效": "After submitting with the enter key, it will take effect", | |
"您的 API_KEY 是": "Your API_KEY is", | |
"*** API_KEY 导入成功": "*** API_KEY imported successfully", | |
"请在config文件中修改API密钥之后再运行": "Please modify the API key in the config file before running", | |
"网络代理状态": "Network proxy status", | |
"未配置": "Not configured", | |
"无代理状态下很可能无法访问OpenAI家族的模型": "It is very likely that you cannot access OpenAI's models without a proxy", | |
"建议": "Suggestion", | |
"检查USE_PROXY选项是否修改": "Check if the USE_PROXY option has been modified", | |
"已配置": "Configured", | |
"配置信息如下": "Configuration information is as follows", | |
"proxies格式错误": "Proxies format error", | |
"请注意proxies选项的格式": "Please note the format of the proxies option", | |
"不要遗漏括号": "Do not miss the parentheses", | |
"这段代码定义了一个名为DummyWith的空上下文管理器": "This code defines an empty context manager named DummyWith", | |
"它的作用是……额……就是不起作用": "Its purpose not do anything", | |
"即在代码结构不变得情况下取代其他的上下文管理器": "That is, to replace other context managers without changing the code structure", | |
"上下文管理器是一种Python对象": "Context managers are a type of Python object", | |
"用于与with语句一起使用": "Used in conjunction with the with statement", | |
"以确保一些资源在代码块执行期间得到正确的初始化和清理": "To ensure that some resources are properly initialized and cleaned up during code block execution", | |
"上下文管理器必须实现两个方法": "Context managers must implement two methods", | |
"分别为 __enter__": "They are __enter__", | |
"和 __exit__": "and __exit__", | |
"在上下文执行开始的情况下": "At the beginning of the context execution", | |
"方法会在代码块被执行前被调用": "The method is called before the code block is executed", | |
"而在上下文执行结束时": "While at the end of the context execution", | |
"方法则会被调用": "The method is called", | |
"把gradio的运行地址更改到指定的二次路径上": "Change the running address of Gradio to the specified secondary path", | |
"通过裁剪来缩短历史记录的长度": "Shorten the length of the history by trimming", | |
"此函数逐渐地搜索最长的条目进行剪辑": "This function gradually searches for the longest entry to clip", | |
"直到历史记录的标记数量降低到阈值以下": "Until the number of history markers is reduced to below the threshold", | |
"应急食品是“原神”游戏中的角色派蒙的外号": "Emergency Food is the nickname of the character Paimon in the game Genshin Impact", | |
"安全第一条": "Safety first", | |
"后面两句是": "The next two sentences are", | |
"亲人两行泪": "Two lines of tears for loved ones", | |
"test_解析一个Cpp项目": "test_Parse a Cpp project", | |
"test_联网回答问题": "test_Answer questions online", | |
"这是什么": "What is this?", | |
"这个文件用于函数插件的单元测试": "This file is used for unit testing of function plugins", | |
"运行方法 python crazy_functions/": "Run the command 'python crazy_functions/'", | |
"AutoGPT是什么": "What is AutoGPT?", | |
"当前问答": "Current Q&A", | |
"程序完成": "Program completed", | |
"回车退出": "Press Enter to exit", | |
"退出": "Exit", | |
"当 输入部分的token占比 小于 全文的一半时": "When the proportion of tokens in the input part is less than half of the entire text", | |
"只裁剪历史": "Trim only history", | |
"用户反馈": "User feedback", | |
"第一种情况": "First scenario", | |
"顺利完成": "Completed smoothly", | |
"第二种情况": "Second scenario", | |
"Token溢出": "Token overflow", | |
"选择处理": "Choose processing", | |
"尝试计算比例": "Attempt to calculate ratio", | |
"尽可能多地保留文本": "Retain text as much as possible", | |
"返回重试": "Return and retry", | |
"选择放弃": "Choose to give up", | |
"放弃": "Give up", | |
"第三种情况": "Third scenario", | |
"其他错误": "Other errors", | |
"重试几次": "Retry several times", | |
"提交任务": "Submit task", | |
"yield一次以刷新前端页面": "Yield once to refresh the front-end page", | |
"“喂狗”": "Feed the dog", | |
"看门狗": "Watchdog", | |
"如果最后成功了": "If successful in the end", | |
"则删除报错信息": "Delete error message", | |
"读取配置文件": "Read configuration file", | |
"屏蔽掉 chatglm的多线程": "Disable chatglm's multi-threading", | |
"可能会导致严重卡顿": "May cause serious lag", | |
"跨线程传递": "Cross-thread communication", | |
"子线程任务": "Sub-thread task", | |
"也许等待十几秒后": "Perhaps after waiting for more than ten seconds", | |
"情况会好转": "The situation will improve", | |
"开始重试": "Start retrying", | |
"异步任务开始": "Asynchronous task starts", | |
"更好的UI视觉效果": "Better UI visual effects", | |
"每个线程都要“喂狗”": "Each thread needs to \"feed the dog\"", | |
"在前端打印些好玩的东西": "Print some fun things in the front end", | |
"异步任务结束": "Asynchronous task ends", | |
"是否在结束时": "Whether to display the result on the interface when ending", | |
"在界面上显示结果": "Display the result on the interface", | |
"递归": "Recursion", | |
"列表递归接龙": "List recursion chaining", | |
"第1次尝试": "1st attempt", | |
"将双空行": "Use double blank lines as splitting points", | |
"作为切分点": "As a splitting point", | |
"第2次尝试": "2nd attempt", | |
"将单空行": "Use single blank lines", | |
"第3次尝试": "3rd attempt", | |
"将英文句号": "Use English periods", | |
"这个中文的句号是故意的": "This Chinese period is intentional", | |
"作为一个标识而存在": "Exists as an identifier", | |
"第4次尝试": "4th attempt", | |
"将中文句号": "Chinese period", | |
"第5次尝试": "5th attempt", | |
"没办法了": "No other way", | |
"随便切一下敷衍吧": "Cut it randomly and perfunctorily", | |
"Index 0 文本": "Index 0 Text", | |
"Index 1 字体": "Index 1 Font", | |
"Index 2 框框": "Index 2 Box", | |
"是否丢弃掉 不是正文的内容": "Whether to discard non-main text content", | |
"比正文字体小": "Smaller than main text font", | |
"如参考文献、脚注、图注等": "Such as references, footnotes, captions, etc.", | |
"小于正文的": "Less than main text", | |
"时": "When", | |
"判定为不是正文": "Determined as non-main text", | |
"有些文章的正文部分字体大小不是100%统一的": "In some articles, the font size of the main text is not 100% consistent", | |
"有肉眼不可见的小变化": "Small changes invisible to the naked eye", | |
"第 1 步": "Step 1", | |
"搜集初始信息": "Collect initial information", | |
"获取页面上的文本信息": "Get text information on the page", | |
"块元提取": "Block element extraction", | |
"第 2 步": "Step 2", | |
"获取正文主字体": "Get main text font", | |
"第 3 步": "Step 3", | |
"切分和重新整合": "Split and reassemble", | |
"尝试识别段落": "Attempt to identify paragraphs", | |
"单行 + 字体大": "Single line + Large font", | |
"尝试识别section": "Attempt to recognize section", | |
"第 4 步": "Step 4", | |
"乱七八糟的后处理": "Messy post-processing", | |
"清除重复的换行": "Remove duplicate line breaks", | |
"换行 -": "Line break -", | |
"双换行": "Double line break", | |
"第 5 步": "Step 5", | |
"展示分割效果": "Display segmentation effect", | |
"网络的远程文件": "Remote file on the network", | |
"直接给定文件": "Directly given file", | |
"本地路径": "Local path", | |
"递归搜索": "Recursive search", | |
"请求GPT模型同时维持用户界面活跃": "Request GPT model while keeping the user interface active", | |
"输入参数 Args": "Input parameter Args", | |
"以_array结尾的输入变量都是列表": "Input variables ending in _array are all lists", | |
"列表长度为子任务的数量": "The length of the list is the number of sub-tasks", | |
"执行时": "When executing", | |
"会把列表拆解": "The list will be broken down", | |
"放到每个子线程中分别执行": "And executed separately in each sub-thread", | |
"输入": "Input", | |
"展现在报告中的输入": "Input displayed in the report", | |
"借助此参数": "With the help of this parameter", | |
"在汇总报告中隐藏啰嗦的真实输入": "Hide verbose real input in the summary report", | |
"增强报告的可读性": "Enhance the readability of the report", | |
"GPT参数": "GPT parameters", | |
"浮点数": "Floating point number", | |
"用户界面对话窗口句柄": "Handle of the user interface dialog window", | |
"用于数据流可视化": "Used for data flow visualization", | |
"历史": "History", | |
"对话历史列表": "List of conversation history", | |
"系统输入": "System input", | |
"列表": "List", | |
"用于输入给GPT的前提提示": "Prompt for input to GPT", | |
"比如你是翻译官怎样怎样": "For example, if you are a translator, how to...", | |
"刷新时间间隔频率": "Refresh time interval frequency", | |
"建议低于1": "Suggested to be less than 1", | |
"不可高于3": "Cannot be higher than 3", | |
"仅仅服务于视觉效果": "Only serves for visual effects", | |
"是否自动处理token溢出的情况": "Whether to automatically handle token overflow", | |
"如果选择自动处理": "If selected to handle automatically", | |
"则会在溢出时暴力截断": "It will be forcefully truncated when overflow occurs", | |
"默认开启": "Default enabled", | |
"失败时的重试次数": "Number of retries when failed", | |
"输出 Returns": "Output Returns", | |
"输出": "Output", | |
"GPT返回的结果": "Result returned by GPT", | |
"检测到程序终止": "Program termination detected", | |
"警告": "Warning", | |
"文本过长将进行截断": "Text will be truncated if too long", | |
"Token溢出数": "Token overflow count", | |
"在执行过程中遭遇问题": "Encountered a problem during execution", | |
"重试中": "Retrying", | |
"请稍等": "Please wait", | |
"请求GPT模型的": "Requesting GPT model", | |
"版": "version", | |
"具备以下功能": "Features include", | |
"实时在UI上反馈远程数据流": "Real-time feedback of remote data streams on UI", | |
"使用线程池": "Using thread pool", | |
"可调节线程池的大小避免openai的流量限制错误": "The size of the thread pool can be adjusted to avoid openai traffic limit errors", | |
"处理中途中止的情况": "Handling mid-process interruptions", | |
"网络等出问题时": "When there are network issues", | |
"会把traceback和已经接收的数据转入输出": "Traceback and received data will be outputted", | |
"每个子任务的输入": "Input for each subtask", | |
"每个子任务展现在报告中的输入": "Input displayed in the report for each subtask", | |
"llm_kwargs参数": "llm_kwargs parameter", | |
"历史对话输入": "Historical conversation input", | |
"双层列表": "Double-layer list", | |
"第一层列表是子任务分解": "The first layer of the list is the decomposition of subtasks", | |
"第二层列表是对话历史": "The second layer of the list is the conversation history", | |
"最大线程数": "Maximum number of threads", | |
"如果子任务非常多": "If there are many subtasks", | |
"需要用此选项防止高频地请求openai导致错误": "Use this option to prevent frequent requests to OpenAI that may cause errors", | |
"数据流的显示最后收到的多少个字符": "Display the last few characters received in the data stream", | |
"是否在输入过长时": "Automatically truncate text when input is too long", | |
"自动缩减文本": "Automatically shorten the text", | |
"在结束时": "At the end", | |
"把完整输入-输出结果显示在聊天框": "Display the complete input-output results in the chat box", | |
"子任务失败时的重试次数": "Number of retries when a subtask fails", | |
"每个子任务的输出汇总": "Summary of output for each subtask", | |
"如果某个子任务出错": "If a subtask encounters an error", | |
"response中会携带traceback报错信息": "Traceback error information will be included in the response", | |
"方便调试和定位问题": "Facilitate debugging and problem locating", | |
"请开始多线程操作": "Please start multi-threaded operation", | |
"等待中": "Waiting", | |
"执行中": "Executing", | |
"已成功": "Successful", | |
"截断重试": "Truncated retry", | |
"线程": "Thread", | |
"此线程失败前收到的回答": "Answer received by this thread before failure", | |
"输入过长已放弃": "Input is too long and has been abandoned", | |
"OpenAI绑定信用卡可解除频率限制": "Binding a credit card to OpenAI can remove frequency restrictions", | |
"等待重试": "Waiting for retry", | |
"已失败": "Failed", | |
"多线程操作已经开始": "Multi-threaded operation has started", | |
"完成情况": "Completion status", | |
"存在一行极长的文本!": "There is an extremely long line of text!", | |
"当无法用标点、空行分割时": "When punctuation and blank lines cannot be used for separation", | |
"我们用最暴力的方法切割": "We use the most brutal method to cut", | |
"Tiktoken未知错误": "Tiktok unknown error", | |
"这个函数用于分割pdf": "This function is used to split PDF", | |
"用了很多trick": "Used a lot of tricks", | |
"逻辑较乱": "The logic is messy", | |
"效果奇好": "The effect is very good", | |
"**输入参数说明**": "**Input Parameter Description**", | |
"需要读取和清理文本的pdf文件路径": "The path of the PDF file that needs to be read and cleaned", | |
"**输出参数说明**": "**Output Parameter Description**", | |
"清理后的文本内容字符串": "Cleaned text content string", | |
"第一页清理后的文本内容列表": "List of cleaned text content on the first page", | |
"**函数功能**": "**Functionality**", | |
"读取pdf文件并清理其中的文本内容": "Read the PDF file and clean its text content", | |
"清理规则包括": "Cleaning rules include", | |
"提取所有块元的文本信息": "Extract text information from all block elements", | |
"并合并为一个字符串": "And merge into one string", | |
"去除短块": "Remove short blocks", | |
"字符数小于100": "Character count is less than 100", | |
"并替换为回车符": "And replace with a carriage return", | |
"合并小写字母开头的段落块并替换为空格": "Merge paragraph blocks that start with lowercase letters and replace with spaces", | |
"将每个换行符替换为两个换行符": "Replace each line break with two line breaks", | |
"使每个段落之间有两个换行符分隔": "Separate each paragraph with two line breaks", | |
"提取文本块主字体": "Main font of extracted text block", | |
"提取字体大小是否近似相等": "Whether the font sizes of extracted text are approximately equal", | |
"这个函数是用来获取指定目录下所有指定类型": "This function is used to get all files of a specified type in a specified directory", | |
"如.md": "such as .md", | |
"的文件": "files", | |
"并且对于网络上的文件": "and for files on the internet", | |
"也可以获取它": "it can also be obtained", | |
"下面是对每个参数和返回值的说明": "Below are explanations for each parameter and return value", | |
"参数": "Parameters", | |
"路径或网址": "Path or URL", | |
"表示要搜索的文件或者文件夹路径或网络上的文件": "Indicates the file or folder path to be searched or the file on the internet", | |
"字符串": "String", | |
"表示要搜索的文件类型": "Indicates the file type to be searched", | |
"默认是.md": "default is .md", | |
"返回值": "Return value", | |
"布尔值": "Boolean value", | |
"表示函数是否成功执行": "Indicates whether the function is executed successfully", | |
"文件路径列表": "List of file paths", | |
"里面包含以指定类型为后缀名的所有文件的绝对路径": "Contains the absolute paths of all files with the specified type as the suffix", | |
"表示文件所在的文件夹路径": "Indicates the folder path where the file is located", | |
"如果是网络上的文件": "If it is a file on the internet", | |
"就是临时文件夹的路径": "it is the path of the temporary folder", | |
"该函数详细注释已添加": "Detailed comments for this function have been added", | |
"请确认是否满足您的需要": "Please confirm if it meets your needs", | |
"读取Latex文件": "Read Latex file", | |
"删除其中的所有注释": "Remove all comments from it", | |
"定义注释的正则表达式": "Define the regular expression of comments", | |
"使用正则表达式查找注释": "Use regular expressions to find comments", | |
"并替换为空字符串": "And replace them with an empty string", | |
"记录删除注释后的文本": "Record the text after removing comments", | |
"拆分过长的latex文件": "Split long latex files", | |
"抽取摘要": "Extract abstract", | |
"单线": "Single line", | |
"获取文章meta信息": "Get article meta information", | |
"多线程润色开始": "Multithreading polishing begins", | |
"并行任务数量限制": "Parallel task number limit", | |
"最多同时执行5个": "Up to 5 can be executed at the same time", | |
"其他的排队等待": "Others are queued and waiting", | |
"整理结果": "Organize the results", | |
"基本信息": "Basic information", | |
"功能、贡献者": "Function, contributor", | |
"尝试导入依赖": "Attempt to import dependencies", | |
"如果缺少依赖": "If dependencies are missing", | |
"则给出安装建议": "Give installation suggestions", | |
"清空历史": "Clear history", | |
"以免输入溢出": "To avoid input overflow", | |
"将长文本分离开来": "Separate long text", | |
"以下是一篇学术论文中的一段内容": "The following is a paragraph from an academic paper", | |
"请将此部分润色以满足学术标准": "Please polish this section to meet academic standards", | |
"提高语法、清晰度和整体可读性": "Improve grammar, clarity, and overall readability", | |
"不要修改任何LaTeX命令": "Do not modify any LaTeX commands", | |
"例如\\section": "such as \\section", | |
"\\cite和方程式": "\\cite and equations", | |
"润色": "Polishing", | |
"你是一位专业的中文学术论文作家": "You are a professional Chinese academic paper writer", | |
"完成了吗": "Are you done?", | |
"函数插件功能": "Function plugin feature", | |
"对整个Latex项目进行润色": "Polish the entire Latex project", | |
"函数插件贡献者": "Function plugin contributor", | |
"解析项目": "Parsing project", | |
"导入软件依赖失败": "Failed to import software dependencies", | |
"使用该模块需要额外依赖": "Using this module requires additional dependencies", | |
"安装方法": "Installation method", | |
"空空如也的输入栏": "Empty input field", | |
"找不到本地项目或无权访问": "Cannot find local project or do not have access", | |
"找不到任何.tex文件": "Cannot find any .tex files", | |
"OpenAI所允许的最大并行过载": "Maximum parallel overload allowed by OpenAI", | |
"翻译": "Translation", | |
"对整个Latex项目进行翻译": "Translate the entire Latex project", | |
"提取摘要": "Extract abstract", | |
"下载PDF文档": "Download PDF document", | |
"翻译摘要等": "Translate abstract, etc.", | |
"写入文件": "Writing to file", | |
"重置文件的创建时间": "Resetting file creation time", | |
"下载编号": "Download number", | |
"自动定位": "Auto-locating", | |
"不能识别的URL!": "Unrecognized URL!", | |
"下载中": "Downloading", | |
"下载完成": "Download complete", | |
"正在获取文献名!": "Getting article name!", | |
"年份获取失败": "Failed to get year", | |
"authors获取失败": "Failed to get authors", | |
"获取成功": "Successfully retrieved", | |
"函数插件作者": "Function plugin author", | |
"正在提取摘要并下载PDF文档……": "Extracting abstract and downloading PDF document...", | |
"下载pdf文件未成功": "PDF file download unsuccessful", | |
"请你阅读以下学术论文相关的材料": "Please read the following academic paper related materials", | |
"翻译为中文": "Translate to Chinese", | |
"材料如下": "Materials are as follows", | |
"论文": "Paper", | |
"PDF文件也已经下载": "PDF file has also been downloaded", | |
"剩下的情况都开头除去": "Remove the beginning of the remaining situation", | |
"结尾除去一次": "Remove the end once", | |
"第1步": "Step 1", | |
"第2步": "Step 2", | |
"第3步": "Step 3", | |
"集合文件": "Collection file", | |
"第4步": "Step 4", | |
"随便显示点什么防止卡顿的感觉": "Display something randomly to prevent lagging", | |
"第5步": "Step 5", | |
"Token限制下的截断与处理": "Truncation and processing under Token restriction", | |
"第6步": "Step 6", | |
"任务函数": "Task function", | |
"分解代码文件": "Decompose code files", | |
"第7步": "Step 7", | |
"所有线程同时开始执行任务函数": "All threads start executing task functions simultaneously", | |
"第8步": "Step 8", | |
"循环轮询各个线程是否执行完毕": "Loop and poll whether each thread has finished executing", | |
"第9步": "Step 9", | |
"把结果写入文件": "Write the results to a file", | |
"这里其实不需要join了": "Join is not needed here", | |
"肯定已经都结束了": "They must have all finished", | |
"失败": "Failure", | |
"第10步": "Step 10", | |
"备份一个文件": "Backup a file", | |
"接下来请将以下代码中包含的所有中文转化为英文": "Please translate all Chinese in the following code into English", | |
"只输出转化后的英文代码": "Output only the translated English code", | |
"请用代码块输出代码": "Please output the code using code blocks", | |
"等待多线程操作": "Waiting for multi-threaded operations", | |
"中间过程不予显示": "Intermediate processes will not be displayed", | |
"聊天显示框的句柄": "Chat display box handle", | |
"用于显示给用户": "Displayed to the user", | |
"聊天历史": "Chat history", | |
"前情提要": "Context summary", | |
"给gpt的静默提醒": "Silent reminder to GPT", | |
"当前软件运行的端口号": "Current software running port number", | |
"这是什么功能": "What is this function", | |
"生成图像": "Generate image", | |
"请先把模型切换至gpt-xxxx或者api2d-xxxx": "Please switch the model to gpt-xxxx or api2d-xxxx first", | |
"如果中文效果不理想": "If the Chinese effect is not ideal", | |
"尝试Prompt": "Try Prompt", | |
"正在处理中": "Processing", | |
"图像中转网址": "Image transfer URL", | |
"中转网址预览": "Transfer URL preview", | |
"本地文件地址": "Local file address", | |
"本地文件预览": "Local file preview", | |
"chatGPT对话历史": "ChatGPT conversation history", | |
"对话历史": "Conversation history", | |
"对话历史写入": "Conversation history written", | |
"存档文件详情": "Archive file details", | |
"载入对话": "Load conversation", | |
"条": "条", | |
"上下文": "Context", | |
"保存当前对话": "Save current conversation", | |
"您可以调用“LoadConversationHistoryArchive”还原当下的对话": "You can call 'LoadConversationHistoryArchive' to restore the current conversation", | |
"警告!被保存的对话历史可以被使用该系统的任何人查阅": "Warning! The saved conversation history can be viewed by anyone using this system", | |
"gpt_log/**/chatGPT对话历史*.html": "gpt_log/**/chatGPT conversation history *.html", | |
"正在查找对话历史文件": "Looking for conversation history file", | |
"html格式": "HTML format", | |
"找不到任何html文件": "No HTML files found", | |
"但本地存储了以下历史文件": "But the following history files are stored locally", | |
"您可以将任意一个文件路径粘贴到输入区": "You can paste any file path into the input area", | |
"然后重试": "and try again", | |
"载入对话历史文件": "Load conversation history file", | |
"对话历史文件损坏!": "Conversation history file is corrupted!", | |
"删除所有历史对话文件": "Delete all history conversation files", | |
"已删除": "Deleted", | |
"pip install python-docx 用于docx格式": "pip install python-docx for docx format", | |
"跨平台": "Cross-platform", | |
"pip install pywin32 用于doc格式": "pip install pywin32 for doc format", | |
"仅支持Win平台": "Only supports Win platform", | |
"打开文件": "Open file", | |
"private_upload里面的文件名在解压zip后容易出现乱码": "The file name in private_upload is prone to garbled characters after unzipping", | |
"rar和7z格式正常": "RAR and 7z formats are normal", | |
"故可以只分析文章内容": "So you can only analyze the content of the article", | |
"不输入文件名": "Do not enter the file name", | |
"已经对该文章的所有片段总结完毕": "All segments of the article have been summarized", | |
"如果文章被切分了": "If the article is cut into pieces", | |
"检测输入参数": "Checking input parameters", | |
"如没有给定输入参数": "If no input parameters are given", | |
"直接退出": "Exit directly", | |
"搜索需要处理的文件清单": "Search for the list of files to be processed", | |
"如果没找到任何文件": "If no files are found", | |
"开始正式执行任务": "Start executing the task formally", | |
"请对下面的文章片段用中文做概述": "Please summarize the following article fragment in Chinese", | |
"文章内容是": "The content of the article is", | |
"请对下面的文章片段做概述": "Please summarize the following article fragment", | |
"的第": "The", | |
"个片段": "fragment", | |
"总结文章": "Summarize the article", | |
"根据以上的对话": "According to the above dialogue", | |
"的主要内容": "The main content of", | |
"所有文件都总结完成了吗": "Are all files summarized?", | |
"如果是.doc文件": "If it is a .doc file", | |
"请先转化为.docx格式": "Please convert it to .docx format first", | |
"找不到任何.docx或doc文件": "Cannot find any .docx or .doc files", | |
"读取Markdown文件": "Read Markdown file", | |
"拆分过长的Markdown文件": "Split overlong Markdown file", | |
"什么都没有": "Nothing at all", | |
"对整个Markdown项目进行翻译": "Translate the entire Markdown project", | |
"找不到任何.md文件": "Cannot find any .md files", | |
"句子结束标志": "End of sentence marker", | |
"尽量是完整的一个section": "Try to use a complete section", | |
"比如introduction": "such as introduction", | |
"experiment等": "experiment, etc.", | |
"必要时再进行切割": "cut if necessary", | |
"的长度必须小于 2500 个 Token": "its length must be less than 2500 tokens", | |
"尝试": "try", | |
"按照章节切割PDF": "cut PDF by sections", | |
"从摘要中提取高价值信息": "extract high-value information from the abstract", | |
"放到history中": "put it in history", | |
"迭代地历遍整个文章": "iterate through the entire article", | |
"提取精炼信息": "extract concise information", | |
"用户提示": "user prompt", | |
"初始值是摘要": "initial value is the abstract", | |
"i_say=真正给chatgpt的提问": "i_say=questions actually asked to chatgpt", | |
"i_say_show_user=给用户看的提问": "i_say_show_user=questions shown to the user", | |
"迭代上一次的结果": "iterate over the previous result", | |
"提示": "prompt", | |
"整理history": "organize history", | |
"接下来两句话只显示在界面上": "the next two sentences are only displayed on the interface", | |
"不起实际作用": "do not have an actual effect", | |
"设置一个token上限": "set a token limit", | |
"防止回答时Token溢出": "prevent token overflow when answering", | |
"注意这里的历史记录被替代了": "note that the history record here has been replaced", | |
"首先你在英文语境下通读整篇论文": "First, read the entire paper in an English context", | |
"收到": "Received", | |
"文章极长": "Article is too long", | |
"不能达到预期效果": "Cannot achieve expected results", | |
"接下来": "Next", | |
"你是一名专业的学术教授": "You are a professional academic professor", | |
"利用以上信息": "Utilize the above information", | |
"使用中文回答我的问题": "Answer my questions in Chinese", | |
"理解PDF论文内容": "Understand the content of a PDF paper", | |
"并且将结合上下文内容": "And will combine with the context", | |
"进行学术解答": "Provide academic answers", | |
"请对下面的程序文件做一个概述": "Please provide an overview of the program file below", | |
"并对文件中的所有函数生成注释": "And generate comments for all functions in the file", | |
"使用markdown表格输出结果": "Output the results using markdown tables", | |
"文件内容是": "The file content is", | |
"在此处替换您要搜索的关键词": "Replace the keywords you want to search here", | |
"爬取搜索引擎的结果": "Crawl the results of search engines", | |
"依次访问网页": "Visit web pages in order", | |
"最多收纳多少个网页的结果": "Include results from how many web pages at most", | |
"ChatGPT综合": "ChatGPT synthesis", | |
"裁剪输入": "Trim the input", | |
"从最长的条目开始裁剪": "Start trimming from the longest entry", | |
"防止爆token": "Prevent token explosion", | |
"无法连接到该网页": "Cannot connect to the webpage", | |
"请结合互联网信息回答以下问题": "Please answer the following questions based on internet information", | |
"请注意": "Please note", | |
"您正在调用一个": "You are calling a", | |
"函数插件": "function plugin", | |
"的模板": "template", | |
"该模板可以实现ChatGPT联网信息综合": "This template can achieve ChatGPT network information integration", | |
"该函数面向希望实现更多有趣功能的开发者": "This function is aimed at developers who want to implement more interesting features", | |
"它可以作为创建新功能函数的模板": "It can be used as a template for creating new feature functions", | |
"您若希望分享新的功能模组": "If you want to share new feature modules", | |
"请不吝PR!": "Please don't hesitate to PR!", | |
"第": "The", | |
"份搜索结果": "search results", | |
"从以上搜索结果中抽取信息": "Extract information from the above search results", | |
"然后回答问题": "Then answer the question", | |
"请从给定的若干条搜索结果中抽取信息": "Please extract information from the given search results", | |
"对最相关的两个搜索结果进行总结": "Summarize the two most relevant search results", | |
"拆分过长的IPynb文件": "Splitting overly long IPynb files", | |
"的分析如下": "analysis is as follows", | |
"解析的结果如下": "The parsing result is as follows", | |
"对IPynb文件进行解析": "Parse the IPynb file", | |
"找不到任何.ipynb文件": "Cannot find any .ipynb files", | |
"第一步": "Step one", | |
"逐个文件分析": "Analyze each file", | |
"读取文件": "Read the file", | |
"装载请求内容": "Load the request content", | |
"文件读取完成": "File reading completed", | |
"对每一个源代码文件": "For each source code file", | |
"生成一个请求线程": "Generate a request thread", | |
"发送到chatgpt进行分析": "Send to chatgpt for analysis", | |
"全部文件解析完成": "All files parsed", | |
"结果写入文件": "Write results to file", | |
"准备对工程源代码进行汇总分析": "Prepare to summarize and analyze project source code", | |
"第二步": "Step two", | |
"综合": "Synthesis", | |
"单线程": "Single thread", | |
"分组+迭代处理": "Grouping + iterative processing", | |
"10个文件为一组": "10 files per group", | |
"只保留文件名节省token": "Keep only file names to save tokens", | |
"裁剪input": "Trim input", | |
"迭代之前的分析": "Analysis before iteration", | |
"将要匹配的模式": "Pattern to match", | |
"不输入即全部匹配": "Match all if not input", | |
"将要忽略匹配的文件后缀": "File suffixes to ignore in matching", | |
"避免解析压缩文件": "Avoid parsing compressed files", | |
"将要忽略匹配的文件名": "File names to ignore in matching", | |
"生成正则表达式": "Generate regular expression", | |
"若上传压缩文件": "If uploading compressed files", | |
"先寻找到解压的文件夹路径": "First find the path of the decompressed folder", | |
"从而避免解析压缩文件": "Thus avoid parsing compressed files", | |
"按输入的匹配模式寻找上传的非压缩文件和已解压的文件": "Find uncompressed and decompressed files uploaded according to the input matching pattern", | |
"源文件太多": "Too many source files", | |
"超过512个": "Exceeds 512", | |
"请缩减输入文件的数量": "Please reduce the number of input files", | |
"或者": "Or", | |
"您也可以选择删除此行警告": "You can also choose to delete this line of warning", | |
"并修改代码拆分file_manifest列表": "And modify the code to split the file_manifest list", | |
"从而实现分批次处理": "To achieve batch processing", | |
"接下来请你逐文件分析下面的工程": "Next, please analyze the following project file by file", | |
"请对下面的程序文件做一个概述文件名是": "Please give an overview of the following program files, the file name is", | |
"你是一个程序架构分析师": "You are a program architecture analyst", | |
"正在分析一个源代码项目": "Analyzing a source code project", | |
"你的回答必须简单明了": "Your answer must be concise and clear", | |
"完成": "Completed", | |
"逐个文件分析已完成": "Analysis of each file has been completed", | |
"正在开始汇总": "Starting to summarize", | |
"用一张Markdown表格简要描述以下文件的功能": "Briefly describe the functions of the following files in a Markdown table", | |
"根据以上分析": "Based on the above analysis", | |
"用一句话概括程序的整体功能": "Summarize the overall function of the program in one sentence", | |
"对程序的整体功能和构架重新做出概括": "Redescribe the overall function and architecture of the program", | |
"由于输入长度限制": "Due to input length limitations", | |
"可能需要分组处理": "Group processing may be required", | |
"本组文件为": "This group of files is", | |
"+ 已经汇总的文件组": "+ Files group already summarized", | |
"正在分析一个项目的源代码": "Analyzing source code of a project", | |
"找不到任何python文件": "No Python files found", | |
"找不到任何.h头文件": "No .h header files found", | |
"找不到任何java文件": "No Java files found", | |
"找不到任何前端相关文件": "No front-end related files found", | |
"找不到任何golang文件": "No Golang files found", | |
"找不到任何rust文件": "No Rust files found", | |
"找不到任何lua文件": "No Lua files found", | |
"找不到任何CSharp文件": "No CSharp files found", | |
"找不到任何文件": "No files found", | |
"正在同时咨询ChatGPT和ChatGLM……": "Consulting ChatGPT and ChatGLM simultaneously...", | |
"发送 GET 请求": "Sending GET request", | |
"解析网页内容": "Parsing webpage content", | |
"获取所有文章的标题和作者": "Getting titles and authors of all articles", | |
"引用次数是链接中的文本": "The number of citations is in the link text", | |
"直接取出来": "Take it out directly", | |
"摘要在 .gs_rs 中的文本": "The summary is in the .gs_rs text", | |
"需要清除首尾空格": "Need to remove leading and trailing spaces", | |
"是否在arxiv中": "Is it in arxiv?", | |
"不在arxiv中无法获取完整摘要": "Cannot get complete summary if it is not in arxiv", | |
"分析用户提供的谷歌学术": "Analyzing Google Scholar provided by the user", | |
"搜索页面中": "In the search page", | |
"出现的所有文章": "All articles that appear", | |
"插件初始化中": "Plugin initializing", | |
"下面是一些学术文献的数据": "Below are some academic literature data", | |
"当你想发送一张照片时": "When you want to send a photo", | |
"使用 Unsplash API": "Use Unsplash API", | |
"匹配^数字^": "Match ^number^", | |
"将匹配到的数字作为替换值": "Replace the matched number as the replacement value", | |
"替换操作": "Replacement operation", | |
"质能方程式": "Mass-energy equivalence equation", | |
"知乎": "Zhihu", | |
"你好": "Hello", | |
"这是必应": "This is Bing", | |
"质能方程是描述质量与能量之间的当量关系的方程": "The mass-energy equivalence equation describes the equivalent relationship between mass and energy", | |
"用tex格式": "In tex format", | |
"质能方程可以写成$$E=mc^2$$": "The mass-energy equivalence equation can be written as $$E=mc^2$$", | |
"其中$E$是能量": "Where $E$ is energy", | |
"$m$是质量": "$m$ is mass", | |
"$c$是光速": "$c$ is the speed of light", | |
"Endpoint 重定向": "Endpoint redirection", | |
"兼容旧版的配置": "Compatible with old version configuration", | |
"新版配置": "New version configuration", | |
"获取tokenizer": "Get tokenizer", | |
"如果只询问1个大语言模型": "If only one large language model is queried", | |
"如果同时InquiryMultipleLargeLanguageModels": "If InquiryMultipleLargeLanguageModels is queried at the same time", | |
"观察窗": "Observation window", | |
"该文件中主要包含2个函数": "There are mainly 2 functions in this file", | |
"是所有LLM的通用接口": "It is a common interface for all LLMs", | |
"它们会继续向下调用更底层的LLM模型": "They will continue to call lower-level LLM models", | |
"处理多模型并行等细节": "Handling details such as multi-model parallelism", | |
"不具备多线程能力的函数": "Functions without multi-threading capability", | |
"正常对话时使用": "Used in normal conversation", | |
"具备完备的交互功能": "Fully interactive", | |
"不可多线程": "Not multi-threaded", | |
"具备多线程调用能力的函数": "Functions with multi-threading capability", | |
"在函数插件中被调用": "Called in function plugins", | |
"灵活而简洁": "Flexible and concise", | |
"正在加载tokenizer": "Loading tokenizer", | |
"如果是第一次运行": "If it is the first time running", | |
"可能需要一点时间下载参数": "It may take some time to download parameters", | |
"加载tokenizer完毕": "Loading tokenizer completed", | |
"警告!API_URL配置选项将被弃用": "Warning! The API_URL configuration option will be deprecated", | |
"请更换为API_URL_REDIRECT配置": "Please replace it with the API_URL_REDIRECT configuration", | |
"将错误显示出来": "Display errors", | |
"发送至LLM": "Send to LLM", | |
"等待回复": "Waiting for reply", | |
"一次性完成": "Completed in one go", | |
"不显示中间过程": "Do not display intermediate processes", | |
"但内部用stream的方法避免中途网线被掐": "But internally use the stream method to avoid the network being cut off midway", | |
"是本次问询的输入": "This is the input of this inquiry", | |
"系统静默prompt": "System silent prompt", | |
"LLM的内部调优参数": "LLM's internal tuning parameters", | |
"是之前的对话列表": "history is the list of previous conversations", | |
"用于负责跨越线程传递已经输出的部分": "Used to transfer the already output part across threads", | |
"大部分时候仅仅为了fancy的视觉效果": "Most of the time it's just for fancy visual effects", | |
"留空即可": "Leave it blank", | |
"观测窗": "Observation window", | |
"TGUI不支持函数插件的实现": "TGUI does not support the implementation of function plugins", | |
"说": "Say", | |
"流式获取输出": "Get output in a streaming way", | |
"用于基础的对话功能": "Used for basic conversation functions", | |
"inputs 是本次问询的输入": "inputs are the inputs for this inquiry", | |
"temperature是LLM的内部调优参数": "Temperature is an internal tuning parameter of LLM", | |
"history 是之前的对话列表": "history is the list of previous conversations", | |
"注意无论是inputs还是history": "Note that both inputs and history", | |
"内容太长了都会触发token数量溢出的错误": "An error of token overflow will be triggered if the content is too long", | |
"chatbot 为WebUI中显示的对话列表": "chatbot is the conversation list displayed in WebUI", | |
"修改它": "Modify it", | |
"然后yeild出去": "Then yield it out", | |
"可以直接修改对话界面内容": "You can directly modify the conversation interface content", | |
"additional_fn代表点击的哪个按钮": "additional_fn represents which button is clicked", | |
"按钮见": "See for buttons", | |
"子进程执行": "Subprocess execution", | |
"第一次运行": "First run", | |
"加载参数": "Load parameters", | |
"进入任务等待状态": "Enter task waiting state", | |
"收到消息": "Received message", | |
"开始请求": "Start requesting", | |
"中途接收可能的终止指令": "Receive possible termination command in the middle", | |
"如果有的话": "If any", | |
"请求处理结束": "Request processing ends", | |
"开始下一个循环": "Start the next loop", | |
"主进程执行": "Main process execution", | |
"chatglm 没有 sys_prompt 接口": "ChatGLM has no sys_prompt interface", | |
"因此把prompt加入 history": "Therefore, add prompt to history", | |
"的耐心": "Patience", | |
"设置5秒即可": "Set 5 seconds", | |
"热更新prompt": "Hot update prompt", | |
"获取预处理函数": "Get preprocessing function", | |
"处理历史信息": "Process historical information", | |
"开始接收chatglm的回复": "Start receiving replies from ChatGLM", | |
"总结输出": "Summary output", | |
"ChatGLM尚未加载": "ChatGLM has not been loaded", | |
"加载需要一段时间": "Loading takes some time", | |
"取决于": "Depending on", | |
"的配置": "Configuration", | |
"ChatGLM消耗大量的内存": "ChatGLM consumes a lot of memory", | |
"或显存": "Or video memory", | |
"也许会导致低配计算机卡死 ……": "May cause low-end computers to freeze...", | |
"依赖检测通过": "Dependency check passed", | |
"缺少ChatGLM的依赖": "Missing dependency for ChatGLM", | |
"如果要使用ChatGLM": "If you want to use ChatGLM", | |
"除了基础的pip依赖以外": "In addition to the basic pip dependencies", | |
"您还需要运行": "You also need to run", | |
"安装ChatGLM的依赖": "Install dependencies for ChatGLM", | |
"Call ChatGLM fail 不能正常加载ChatGLM的参数": "Call ChatGLM fail, unable to load parameters for ChatGLM", | |
"不能正常加载ChatGLM的参数!": "Unable to load parameters for ChatGLM!", | |
"多线程方法": "Multithreading method", | |
"函数的说明请见 request_llm/": "For function details, please see request_llm/", | |
"程序终止": "Program terminated", | |
"单线程方法": "Single-threaded method", | |
"等待ChatGLM响应中": "Waiting for response from ChatGLM", | |
"ChatGLM响应异常": "ChatGLM response exception", | |
"借鉴了 https": "Referenced from https", | |
"config_private.py放自己的秘密如API和代理网址": "Put your own secrets such as API and proxy address in", | |
"读取时首先看是否存在私密的config_private配置文件": "When reading, first check if there is a private config_private configuration file", | |
"不受git管控": "Not controlled by git", | |
"则覆盖原config文件": "Then overwrite the original config file", | |
"看门狗的耐心": "The patience of the watchdog", | |
"失败了": "Failed", | |
"重试一次": "Retry once", | |
"再失败就没办法了": "If it fails again, there is no way", | |
"api2d 正常完成": "api2d completed normally", | |
"把已经获取的数据显示出去": "Display the data already obtained", | |
"如果超过期限没有喂狗": "If the dog is not fed beyond the deadline", | |
"则终止": "then terminate", | |
"非OpenAI官方接口的出现这样的报错": "such errors occur in non-OpenAI official interfaces", | |
"OpenAI和API2D不会走这里": "OpenAI and API2D will not go here", | |
"数据流的第一帧不携带content": "The first frame of the data stream does not carry content", | |
"前者API2D的": "The former is API2D", | |
"判定为数据流的结束": "Judged as the end of the data stream", | |
"gpt_replying_buffer也写完了": "gpt_replying_buffer is also written", | |
"处理数据流的主体": "Processing the body of the data stream", | |
"如果这里抛出异常": "If an exception is thrown here", | |
"一般是文本过长": "It is usually because the text is too long", | |
"详情见get_full_error的输出": "See the output of get_full_error for details", | |
"清除当前溢出的输入": "Clear the current overflow input", | |
"是本次输入": "It is the input of this time", | |
"是本次输出": "It is the output of this time", | |
"history至少释放二分之一": "Release at least half of the history", | |
"清除历史": "Clear the history", | |
"该文件中主要包含三个函数": "This file mainly contains three functions", | |
"高级实验性功能模块调用": "Calling advanced experimental function modules", | |
"不会实时显示在界面上": "Will not be displayed on the interface in real time", | |
"参数简单": "The parameters are simple", | |
"可以多线程并行": "Can be multi-threaded and parallel", | |
"方便实现复杂的功能逻辑": "Convenient for implementing complex functional logic", | |
"在实验过程中发现调用predict_no_ui处理长文档时": "It was found during the experiment that when calling predict_no_ui to process long documents,", | |
"和openai的连接容易断掉": "Connection to OpenAI is prone to disconnection", | |
"这个函数用stream的方式解决这个问题": "This function solves the problem using stream", | |
"同样支持多线程": "Also supports multi-threading", | |
"网络错误": "Network error", | |
"检查代理服务器是否可用": "Check if the proxy server is available", | |
"以及代理设置的格式是否正确": "And if the format of the proxy settings is correct", | |
"格式须是": "The format must be", | |
"缺一不可": "All parts are necessary", | |
"获取完整的从Openai返回的报错": "Get the complete error message returned from OpenAI", | |
"发送至chatGPT": "Send to chatGPT", | |
"chatGPT的内部调优参数": "Internal tuning parameters of chatGPT", | |
"请求超时": "Request timed out", | |
"正在重试": "Retrying", | |
"OpenAI拒绝了请求": "OpenAI rejected the request", | |
"用户取消了程序": "User canceled the program", | |
"意外Json结构": "Unexpected JSON structure", | |
"正常结束": "Normal termination", | |
"但显示Token不足": "But shows insufficient token", | |
"导致输出不完整": "Resulting in incomplete output", | |
"请削减单次输入的文本量": "Please reduce the amount of text input per request", | |
"temperature是chatGPT的内部调优参数": "Temperature is an internal tuning parameter of chatGPT", | |
"输入已识别为openai的api_key": "The input has been recognized as OpenAI's api_key", | |
"api_key已导入": "api_key has been imported", | |
"缺少api_key": "Missing api_key", | |
"MOSS尚未加载": "MOSS has not been loaded yet", | |
"MOSS消耗大量的内存": "MOSS consumes a lot of memory", | |
"缺少MOSS的依赖": "Lack of dependencies for MOSS", | |
"如果要使用MOSS": "If you want to use MOSS", | |
"安装MOSS的依赖": "Install dependencies for MOSS", | |
"Call MOSS fail 不能正常加载MOSS的参数": "Call MOSS fail, unable to load MOSS parameters normally", | |
"不能正常加载MOSS的参数!": "Unable to load MOSS parameters normally!", | |
"等待MOSS响应中": "Waiting for MOSS response", | |
"MOSS响应异常": "MOSS response exception", | |
"读取配置": "Read configuration", | |
"等待": "Waiting", | |
"开始问问题": "Start asking questions", | |
"追加历史": "Append history", | |
"问题": "Question", | |
"代理设置": "Proxy settings", | |
"发送请求到子进程": "Send request to child process", | |
"等待newbing回复的片段": "Waiting for the fragment of newbing reply", | |
"结束": "End", | |
"newbing回复的片段": "Fragment of newbing reply", | |
"没有 sys_prompt 接口": "No sys_prompt interface", | |
"来自": "From", | |
"等待NewBing响应": "Waiting for NewBing response", | |
"子进程Worker": "Child process Worker", | |
"调用主体": "Call subject", | |
"注意目前不能多人同时调用NewBing接口": "Note that currently multiple people cannot call the NewBing interface at the same time", | |
"有线程锁": "There is a thread lock", | |
"否则将导致每个人的NewBing问询历史互相渗透": "Otherwise, each person's NewBing inquiry history will penetrate each other", | |
"调用NewBing时": "When calling NewBing", | |
"会自动使用已配置的代理": "the configured proxy will be automatically used", | |
"缺少的依赖": "Missing dependencies", | |
"如果要使用Newbing": "If you want to use Newbing", | |
"安装Newbing的依赖": "Install the dependencies for Newbing", | |
"这个函数运行在子进程": "This function runs in a child process", | |
"不能加载Newbing组件": "Cannot load Newbing components", | |
"NEWBING_COOKIES未填写或有格式错误": "NEWBING_COOKIES is not filled in or has a format error", | |
"Newbing失败": "Newbing failed", | |
"这个函数运行在主进程": "This function runs in the main process", | |
"第三部分": "Part III", | |
"主进程统一调用函数接口": "The main process calls the function interface uniformly", | |
"等待NewBing响应中": "Waiting for NewBing response", | |
"NewBing响应缓慢": "NewBing response is slow", | |
"尚未完成全部响应": "Not all responses have been completed yet", | |
"请耐心完成后再提交新问题": "Please be patient and submit a new question after completing all responses", | |
"NewBing响应异常": "NewBing response is abnormal", | |
"请刷新界面重试": "Please refresh the page and try again", | |
"完成全部响应": "All responses have been completed", | |
"请提交新问题": "Please submit a new question", | |
"LLM_MODEL 格式不正确!": "LLM_MODEL format is incorrect!", | |
"对各个llm模型进行单元测试": "Unit testing for each LLM model", | |
"如何理解传奇?": "How to understand legends?", | |
"设定一个最小段落长度阈值": "Set a minimum paragraph length threshold", | |
"对文本进行归一化处理": "Normalize the text", | |
"分解连字": "Break ligatures", | |
"替换其他特殊字符": "Replace other special characters", | |
"替换跨行的连词": "Replace hyphens across lines", | |
"根据前后相邻字符的特点": "Based on the characteristics of adjacent characters", | |
"找到原文本中的换行符": "Find line breaks in the original text", | |
"根据 heuristic 规则": "Based on heuristic rules", | |
"用空格或段落分隔符替换原换行符": "Replace line breaks with spaces or paragraph separators", | |
"带超时倒计时": "With timeout countdown", | |
"根据给定的匹配结果来判断换行符是否表示段落分隔": "Determine whether line breaks indicate paragraph breaks based on given matching results", | |
"如果换行符前为句子结束标志": "If the line break is preceded by a sentence-ending punctuation mark", | |
"句号": "period", | |
"感叹号": "exclamation mark", | |
"问号": "question mark", | |
"且下一个字符为大写字母": "and the next character is a capital letter", | |
"则换行符更有可能表示段落分隔": "the line break is more likely to indicate a paragraph break", | |
"也可以根据之前的内容长度来判断段落是否已经足够长": "Paragraph length can also be judged based on previous content length", | |
"通过把连字": "By converting ligatures and other text special characters to their basic forms", | |
"等文本特殊符号转换为其基本形式来对文本进行归一化处理": "normalize the text by converting special characters to their basic forms", | |
"对从 PDF 提取出的原始文本进行清洗和格式化处理": "Clean and format the raw text extracted from PDF", | |
"1. 对原始文本进行归一化处理": "1. Normalize the original text", | |
"2. 替换跨行的连词": "2. Replace hyphens across lines", | |
"3. 根据 heuristic 规则判断换行符是否是段落分隔": "3. Determine whether line breaks indicate paragraph breaks based on heuristic rules", | |
"并相应地进行替换": "And replace accordingly", | |
"接下来请你逐文件分析下面的论文文件": "Next, please analyze the following paper files one by one", | |
"概括其内容": "Summarize its content", | |
"请对下面的文章片段用中文做一个概述": "Please summarize the following article in Chinese", | |
"请对下面的文章片段做一个概述": "Please summarize the following article", | |
"根据以上你自己的分析": "According to your own analysis above", | |
"对全文进行概括": "Summarize the entire text", | |
"用学术性语言写一段中文摘要": "Write a Chinese abstract in academic language", | |
"然后再写一段英文摘要": "Then write an English abstract", | |
"包括": "Including", | |
"找不到任何.tex或.pdf文件": "Cannot find any .tex or .pdf files", | |
"读取pdf文件": "Read the pdf file", | |
"返回文本内容": "Return the text content", | |
"此版本使用pdfminer插件": "This version uses the pdfminer plugin", | |
"带token约简功能": "With token reduction function", | |
"递归地切割PDF文件": "Recursively split the PDF file", | |
"为了更好的效果": "For better results", | |
"我们剥离Introduction之后的部分": "We strip the part after Introduction", | |
"如果有": "If there is", | |
"多线": "Multi-threaded", | |
"\\n 翻译": "\\n Translation", | |
"整理报告的格式": "Organize the format of the report", | |
"原文": "Original text", | |
"更新UI": "Update UI", | |
"准备文件的下载": "Prepare for file download", | |
"重命名文件": "Rename file", | |
"以下是一篇学术论文的基础信息": "The following is the basic information of an academic paper", | |
"请从中提取出“标题”、“收录会议或期刊”、“作者”、“摘要”、“编号”、“作者邮箱”这六个部分": "Please extract the following six parts: \"Title\", \"Conference or Journal\", \"Author\", \"Abstract\", \"Number\", \"Author's Email\"", | |
"请用markdown格式输出": "Please output in markdown format", | |
"最后用中文翻译摘要部分": "Finally, translate the abstract into Chinese", | |
"请提取": "Please extract", | |
"请从": "Please extract from", | |
"中提取出“标题”、“收录会议或期刊”等基本信息": "Please extract basic information such as \"Title\" and \"Conference or Journal\" from", | |
"你需要翻译以下内容": "You need to translate the following content", | |
"请你作为一个学术翻译": "As an academic translator, please", | |
"负责把学术论文准确翻译成中文": "be responsible for accurately translating academic papers into Chinese", | |
"注意文章中的每一句话都要翻译": "Please translate every sentence in the article", | |
"一、论文概况": "I. Overview of the paper", | |
"二、论文翻译": "II. Translation of the paper", | |
"/gpt_log/总结论文-": "/gpt_log/Summary of the paper-", | |
"给出输出文件清单": "Provide a list of output files", | |
"第 0 步": "Step 0", | |
"切割PDF": "Split PDF", | |
"每一块": "Each block", | |
"提取出以下内容": "Extract the following content", | |
"1、英文题目;2、中文题目翻译;3、作者;4、arxiv公开": "1. English title; 2. Translation of Chinese title; 3. Author; 4. arxiv open access", | |
";4、引用数量": "Number of Citations", | |
";5、中文摘要翻译": "Translation of Chinese Abstract", | |
"以下是信息源": "Here are the Information Sources", | |
"请分析此页面中出现的所有文章": "Please Analyze all the Articles Appearing on this Page", | |
"这是第": "This is Batch Number", | |
"批": "", | |
"你是一个学术翻译": "You are an Academic Translator", | |
"请从数据中提取信息": "Please Extract Information from the Data", | |
"你必须使用Markdown表格": "You Must Use Markdown Tables", | |
"你必须逐个文献进行处理": "You Must Process Each Document One by One", | |
"状态": "Status", | |
"已经全部完成": "All Completed", | |
"您可以试试让AI写一个Related Works": "You Can Try to Let AI Write a Related Works", | |
"该函数只有20多行代码": "This Function Has Only 20+ Lines of Code", | |
"此外我们也提供可同步处理大量文件的多线程Demo供您参考": "In addition, we also provide a multi-threaded demo that can process a large number of files synchronously for your reference", | |
"历史中哪些事件发生在": "Which Events Happened in History on", | |
"月": "Month", | |
"日": "Day", | |
"列举两条并发送相关图片": "List Two and Send Relevant Pictures", | |
"发送图片时": "When Sending Pictures", | |
"请使用Markdown": "Please Use Markdown", | |
"将Unsplash API中的PUT_YOUR_QUERY_HERE替换成描述该事件的一个最重要的单词": "Replace PUT_YOUR_QUERY_HERE in the Unsplash API with the Most Important Word Describing the Event", | |
"1. 临时解决方案": "1. Temporary Solution", | |
"直接在输入区键入api_key": "Enter the api_key Directly in the Input Area", | |
"然后回车提交": "Submit after pressing Enter", | |
"2. 长效解决方案": "Long-term solution", | |
"在config.py中配置": "Configure in", | |
"等待响应": "Waiting for response", | |
"api-key不满足要求": "API key does not meet requirements", | |
"远程返回错误": "Remote returns error", | |
"Json解析不合常规": "Json parsing is not normal", | |
"Reduce the length. 本次输入过长": "Reduce the length. The input is too long this time", | |
"或历史数据过长. 历史缓存数据已部分释放": "Or the historical data is too long. Historical cached data has been partially released", | |
"您可以请再次尝试.": "You can try again.", | |
"若再次失败则更可能是因为输入过长.": "If it fails again, it is more likely due to input being too long.", | |
"does not exist. 模型不存在": "Model does not exist", | |
"或者您没有获得体验资格": "Or you do not have the qualification for experience", | |
"Incorrect API key. OpenAI以提供了不正确的API_KEY为由": "Incorrect API key. OpenAI claims that an incorrect API_KEY was provided", | |
"拒绝服务": "Service refused", | |
"You exceeded your current quota. OpenAI以账户额度不足为由": "You exceeded your current quota. OpenAI claims that the account balance is insufficient", | |
"Bad forward key. API2D账户额度不足": "Bad forward key. API2D account balance is insufficient", | |
"Not enough point. API2D账户点数不足": "Not enough point. API2D account points are insufficient", | |
"Json异常": "Json exception", | |
"整合所有信息": "Integrate all information", | |
"选择LLM模型": "Select LLM model", | |
"生成http请求": "Generate http request", | |
"为发送请求做准备": "Prepare to send request", | |
"你提供了错误的API_KEY": "You provided an incorrect API_KEY", | |
"来保留函数的元信息": "Preserve the metadata of the function", | |
"并定义了一个名为decorated的内部函数": "and define an inner function named decorated", | |
"内部函数通过使用importlib模块的reload函数和inspect模块的getmodule函数来重新加载并获取函数模块": "The inner function reloads and retrieves the function module by using the reload function of the importlib module and the getmodule function of the inspect module", | |
"然后通过getattr函数获取函数名": "Then it retrieves the function name using the getattr function", | |
"并在新模块中重新加载函数": "and reloads the function in the new module", | |
"最后": "Finally", | |
"使用yield from语句返回重新加载过的函数": "it returns the reloaded function using the yield from statement", | |
"并在被装饰的函数上执行": "and executes it on the decorated function", | |
"最终": "Ultimately", | |
"装饰器函数返回内部函数": "the decorator function returns the inner function", | |
"这个内部函数可以将函数的原始定义更新为最新版本": "which can update the original definition of the function to the latest version", | |
"并执行函数的新版本": "and execute the new version of the function", | |
"第二部分": "Second part", | |
"其他小工具": "Other utilities", | |
"将结果写入markdown文件中": "Write the results to a markdown file", | |
"将普通文本转换为Markdown格式的文本": "Convert plain text to Markdown formatted text", | |
"向chatbot中添加简单的意外错误信息": "Add simple unexpected error messages to the chatbot", | |
"Openai 限制免费用户每分钟20次请求": "Openai limits free users to 20 requests per minute", | |
"降低请求频率中": "Reduce the request frequency", | |
"只输出代码": "Output only the code", | |
"文件名是": "The file name is", | |
"文件代码是": "The file code is", | |
"至少一个线程任务Token溢出而失败": "At least one thread task fails due to token overflow", | |
"至少一个线程任务意外失败": "At least one thread task fails unexpectedly", | |
"开始了吗": "Has it started?", | |
"已完成": "Completed", | |
"的转化": "conversion", | |
"存入": "saved to", | |
"生成一份任务执行报告": "Generate a task execution report", | |
"文件保存到本地": "Save the file locally", | |
"由于请求gpt需要一段时间": "As requesting GPT takes some time", | |
"我们先及时地做一次界面更新": "Let's do a UI update in time", | |
"界面更新": "UI update", | |
"输入栏用户输入的文本": "Text entered by the user in the input field", | |
"例如需要翻译的一段话": "For example, a paragraph that needs to be translated", | |
"再例如一个包含了待处理文件的路径": "For example, a file path that contains files to be processed", | |
"gpt模型参数": "GPT model parameters", | |
"如温度和top_p等": "Such as temperature and top_p", | |
"一般原样传递下去就行": "Generally pass it on as is", | |
"插件模型的参数": "Plugin model parameters", | |
"暂时没有用武之地": "No use for the time being", | |
"找不到任何.tex或pdf文件": "Cannot find any .tex or .pdf files", | |
"读取PDF文件": "Read PDF file", | |
"输入中可能存在乱码": "There may be garbled characters in the input", | |
"是否重置": "Whether to reset", | |
"jittorllms 没有 sys_prompt 接口": "jittorllms does not have a sys_prompt interface", | |
"开始接收jittorllms的回复": "Start receiving jittorllms responses", | |
"jittorllms尚未加载": "jittorllms has not been loaded yet", | |
"请避免混用多种jittor模型": "Please avoid mixing multiple jittor models", | |
"否则可能导致显存溢出而造成卡顿": "Otherwise, it may cause a graphics memory overflow and cause stuttering", | |
"jittorllms消耗大量的内存": "jittorllms consumes a lot of memory", | |
"缺少jittorllms的依赖": "Missing dependencies for jittorllms", | |
"如果要使用jittorllms": "If you want to use jittorllms", | |
"和": "and", | |
"两个指令来安装jittorllms的依赖": "Two commands to install jittorllms dependencies", | |
"在项目根目录运行这两个指令": "Run these two commands in the project root directory", | |
"安装jittorllms依赖后将完全破坏现有的pytorch环境": "Installing jittorllms dependencies will completely destroy the existing pytorch environment", | |
"建议使用docker环境!": "It is recommended to use a docker environment!", | |
"Call jittorllms fail 不能正常加载jittorllms的参数": "Call jittorllms fail, cannot load jittorllms parameters normally", | |
"不能正常加载jittorllms的参数!": "Cannot load jittorllms parameters normally!", | |
"触发重置": "Trigger reset", | |
"等待jittorllms响应中": "Waiting for jittorllms response", | |
"jittorllms响应异常": "Jittor LMS Response Exception", | |
"这段代码来源 https": "This code is from https", | |
"等待输入": "Waiting for input", | |
"体验gpt-4可以试试api2d": "You can try API2d to experience GPT-4", | |
"可选 ↓↓↓": "Optional ↓↓↓", | |
"本地LLM模型如ChatGLM的执行方式 CPU/GPU": "Execution mode of local LLM models such as ChatGLM CPU/GPU", | |
"设置gradio的并行线程数": "Set the number of parallel threads for Gradio", | |
"不需要修改": "No modification is needed", | |
"加一个live2d装饰": "Add a Live2D decoration", | |
"HotReload的装饰器函数": "Decorator function of HotReload", | |
"用于实现Python函数插件的热更新": "Used to implement hot updates of Python function plugins", | |
"函数热更新是指在不停止程序运行的情况下": "Function hot update refers to updating function code in real-time without stopping program execution", | |
"更新函数代码": "Update function code", | |
"从而达到实时更新功能": "To achieve real-time update function", | |
"在装饰器内部": "Inside the decorator", | |
"使用wraps": "Use wraps", | |
"代码高亮": "Code Highlighting", | |
"网页的端口": "Web Port", | |
"等待多久判定为超时": "Timeout Threshold", | |
"-1代表随机端口": "-1 represents random port", | |
"但大部分场合下并不需要修改": "However, it does not need to be modified in most cases", | |
"发送请求到OpenAI后": "After sending the request to OpenAI", | |
"上下布局": "Vertical Layout", | |
"左右布局": "Horizontal Layout", | |
"对话窗的高度": "Height of the Dialogue Window", | |
"重试的次数限制": "Retry Limit", | |
"gpt4现在只对申请成功的人开放": "GPT-4 is now only open to those who have successfully applied", | |
"提高限制请查询": "Please check for higher limits", | |
"OpenAI模型选择是": "OpenAI Model Selection is", | |
"网络卡顿、代理失败、KEY失效": "Network Lag, Proxy Failure, KEY Invalid", | |
"窗口布局": "Window Layout", | |
"以下配置可以优化体验": "The following configurations can optimize the experience", | |
"OpenAI绑了信用卡的用户可以填 16 或者更高": "Users who have bound their credit card to OpenAI can fill in 16 or higher", | |
"如果OpenAI不响应": "If OpenAI does not respond", | |
"Latex英文纠错": "LatexEnglishCorrection", | |
"总结音视频": "SummaryAudioVideo", | |
"动画生成": "AnimationGeneration", | |
"数学动画生成manim": "MathematicalAnimationGenerationManim", | |
"test_数学动画生成manim": "test_MathematicalAnimationGenerationManim", | |
"这里借用了 https": "Here uses https", | |
"在相对论中": "In relativity", | |
"找不到任何音频或视频文件": "Cannot find any audio or video files", | |
"广义坐标": "Generalized coordinates", | |
"导入依赖失败": "Failed to import dependencies", | |
"相对速度": "Relative velocity", | |
"循环监听已打开频道的消息": "Loop to listen to messages in an open channel", | |
"秒 s": "Seconds s", | |
"提取视频中的音频": "Extract audio from video", | |
"解析为简体中文": "Parse to Simplified Chinese", | |
"等待Claude响应": "Waiting for Claude's response", | |
"请继续分析其他源代码": "Please continue to analyze other source code", | |
"3. 勒让德变换公式": "3. Lorentz transformation formula", | |
"需要被切割的音频文件名": "Name of audio file to be cut", | |
"Claude回复的片段": "Fragment replied by Claude", | |
"拉格朗日量": "Lagrangian", | |
"暂时不支持历史消息": "Historical messages are not supported temporarily", | |
"从而更全面地理解项目的整体功能": "So as to have a more comprehensive understanding of the overall function of the project", | |
"建议暂时不要使用": "It is recommended not to use it temporarily", | |
"整理结果为压缩包": "Organize the results into a compressed package", | |
"焦耳 J": "Joule J", | |
"其中 $t$ 为时间": "Where $t$ is time", | |
"将三个方程变形为增广矩阵形式": "Transform three equations into augmented matrix form", | |
"获取已打开频道的最新消息并返回消息列表": "Get the latest messages from the opened channel and return a list of messages", | |
"str类型": "str type", | |
"所有音频都总结完成了吗": "Are all audio summaries completed?", | |
"SummaryAudioVideo内容": "SummaryAudioVideo content", | |
"使用教程详情见 request_llm/": "See request_llm/ for detailed usage instructions", | |
"删除中间文件夹": "Delete intermediate folder", | |
"Claude组件初始化成功": "Claude component initialized successfully", | |
"$c$ 是光速": "$c$ is the speed of light", | |
"参考文献转Bib": "Convert reference to Bib", | |
"发送到openai音频解析终端": "Send to openai audio parsing terminal", | |
"不能加载Claude组件": "Cannot load Claude component", | |
"千克 kg": "Kilogram kg", | |
"切割音频文件": "Cut audio file", | |
"方法": "Method", | |
"设置API_KEY": "Set API_KEY", | |
"然后转移到指定的另一个路径中": "Then move to a specified path", | |
"正在加载Claude组件": "Loading Claude component", | |
"极端速度v下的一个相对独立观测者测得的时间": "The time measured by a relatively independent observer at extreme speed v", | |
"广义速度": "Generalized velocity", | |
"粒子的固有": "Intrinsic of particle", | |
"一个包含所有切割音频片段文件路径的列表": "A list containing the file paths of all segmented audio clips", | |
"/gpt_log/翻译-": "Translation log-", | |
"计算文件总时长和切割点": "Calculate total duration and cutting points of the file", | |
"总结音频": "Summarize audio", | |
"作者": "Author", | |
"音频内容是": "The content of the audio is", | |
"\\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}$ 是洛伦兹因子": "$\\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}$ is the Lorentz factor", | |
"辅助gpt生成代码": "Assist GPT in generating code", | |
"读取文件内容到内存": "Read file content into memory", | |
"以秒为单位": "In seconds", | |
"米每秒 m/s": "Meters per second m/s", | |
"物体的质量": "Mass of the object", | |
"请对下面的音频片段做概述": "Please summarize the following audio clip", | |
"t是原始坐标系下的物理量": "t is a physical quantity in the original coordinate system", | |
"获取回复": "Get reply", | |
"正在处理": "Processing", | |
"将音频解析为简体中文": "Parse audio into Simplified Chinese", | |
"音频解析结果": "Audio parsing result", | |
"在这里放一些网上搜集的demo": "Put some demos collected online here", | |
"”的主要内容": "The main content of ", | |
"将": "Convert", | |
"请用一句话概括这些文件的整体功能": "Please summarize the overall function of these files in one sentence", | |
"P.S. 其他可用的模型还包括": "P.S. Other available models include", | |
"创建存储切割音频的文件夹": "Create folder to store segmented audio", | |
"片段": "Segment", | |
"批量SummaryAudioVideo": "Batch Summary Audio Video", | |
"单位": "Unit", | |
"1. 等效质量-能量关系式": "1. Equivalent quality-energy relationship formula", | |
"模型选择是": "Model selection is", | |
"使用中文总结音频“": "Use Chinese to summarize audio", | |
"音频文件名": "Audio file name", | |
"LLM_MODEL是默认选中的模型": "LLM_MODEL is the default selected model", | |
"异步方法": "Asynchronous method", | |
"文本碎片重组为完整的tex文件": "Reassemble text fragments into a complete tex file", | |
"请对这部分内容进行语法矫正": "Please correct the grammar of this part", | |
"打开你的科学上网软件查看代理的协议": "Open your scientific Internet access software to view the proxy agreement", | |
"调用openai api 使用whisper-1模型": "Call openai api to use whisper-1 model", | |
"此处可以输入解析提示": "Parsing tips can be entered here", | |
"报告如何远程获取": "Report how to obtain remotely", | |
"将代码转为动画": "Convert code to animation", | |
"Claude失败": "Claude failed", | |
"等待Claude响应中": "Waiting for Claude's response", | |
"目前不支持历史消息查询": "Historical message queries are currently not supported", | |
"把某个路径下所有文件压缩": "Compress all files under a certain path", | |
"论文概况": "Overview of the paper", | |
"参见https": "See https", | |
"如果要使用Claude": "If you want to use Claude", | |
"2. 洛伦兹变换式": "2. Lorentz transformation formula", | |
"通过调用conversations_open方法打开一个频道": "Open a channel by calling the conversations_open method", | |
"当前参数": "Current parameters", | |
"安装Claude的依赖": "Install Claude's dependencies", | |
"生成的视频文件路径": "Generated video file path", | |
"注意目前不能多人同时调用Claude接口": "Note that multiple people cannot currently call the Claude interface at the same time", | |
"获取Slack消息失败": "Failed to get Slack message", | |
"翻译结果": "Translation result", | |
"调用Claude时": "When calling Claude", | |
"已知某些代码的局部作用是": "It is known that the local effect of some code is", | |
"根据给定的切割时长将音频文件切割成多个片段": "Cut the audio file into multiple segments according to the given cutting duration", | |
"请稍候": "Please wait", | |
"向已打开的频道发送一条文本消息": "Send a text message to the opened channel", | |
"每个切割音频片段的时长": "The duration of each cut audio segment", | |
"Claude响应缓慢": "Claude responds slowly", | |
"然后重启程序": "Then restart the program", | |
"因为在同一个频道里存在多人使用时历史消息渗透问题": "Because there is a problem of historical message penetration when multiple people use it in the same channel", | |
"其中": "Among them", | |
"gpt写的": "Written by GPT", | |
"报告已经添加到右侧“文件上传区”": "The report has been added to the 'File Upload Area' on the right", | |
"目前支持的格式": "Supported formats at present", | |
"英文Latex项目全文纠错": "Full-text correction of English Latex projects", | |
"光速": "Speed of light", | |
"表示频道ID": "Representing channel ID", | |
"读取音频文件": "Reading audio files", | |
"数学AnimationGeneration": "Mathematical Animation Generation", | |
"开始生成动画": "Start generating animation", | |
"否则将导致每个人的Claude问询历史互相渗透": "Otherwise, everyone's Claude inquiry history will be mutually infiltrated", | |
"如果需要使用Slack Claude": "If you need to use Slack Claude", | |
"防止丢失最后一条消息": "Prevent the last message from being lost", | |
"开始": "Start", | |
"Claude响应异常": "Claude responds abnormally", | |
"并将返回的频道ID保存在属性CHANNEL_ID中": "And save the returned channel ID in the property CHANNEL_ID", | |
"4. 时间膨胀公式": "4. Time dilation formula", | |
"属性": "Attribute", | |
"一些常见的公式包括": "Some common formulas include", | |
"时间": "Time", | |
"物体的能量": "Energy of an object", | |
"对整个Latex项目进行纠错": "Correcting the entire Latex project", | |
"此插件处于开发阶段": "This plugin is in the development stage", | |
"实现消息发送、接收等功能": "Implement message sending, receiving and other functions", | |
"生成数学动画": "Generate mathematical animations", | |
"设置OpenAI密钥和模型": "Set OpenAI key and model", | |
"默认值为1000": "Default value is 1000", | |
"调用whisper模型音频转文字": "Call whisper model to convert audio to text", | |
"否则结束循环": "Otherwise end the loop", | |
"等待Claude回复的片段": "Wait for the segment replied by Claude", | |
"这些公式描述了质量-能量转换、相对论引起的空间时变形、描述物理系统的拉格朗日力学、以及时间膨胀等现象": "These formulas describe phenomena such as mass-energy conversion, space-time deformation caused by relativity, Lagrangian mechanics describing physical systems, and time dilation.", | |
"则无需填写NEWBING_COOKIES": "Then there is no need to fill in NEWBING_COOKIES", | |
"SlackClient类用于与Slack API进行交互": "The SlackClient class is used to interact with the Slack API", | |
"同时它必须被包含在AVAIL_LLM_MODELS切换列表中": "At the same time, it must be included in the AVAIL_LLM_MODELS switch list", | |
"段音频完成了吗": "Is the segment audio completed?", | |
"提取文件扩展名": "Extract the file extension", | |
"段音频的第": "The", | |
"段音频的主要内容": "The main content of the segment audio is", | |
"z$ 分别是空间直角坐标系中的三个坐标": "z$, respectively, are the three coordinates in the spatial rectangular coordinate system", | |
"这个是怎么识别的呢我也不清楚": "I'm not sure how this is recognized", | |
"从现在起": "From now on" | |
} |