import pandas as pd import numpy as np from datetime import datetime, date from math import radians # + def card_owner_age(trans_df : pd.DataFrame, profiles_df : pd.DataFrame)-> pd.DataFrame: """Used only in feature pipelines (not online inference). Unit test with DataFrames and sample data. """ age_df = trans_df.merge(profiles_df, on="cc_num", how="left") trans_df["age_at_transaction"] = (age_df["datetime"] - age_df["birthdate"]) / np.timedelta64(1, "Y") return trans_df def expiry_days(trans_df : pd.DataFrame, credit_cards_df : pd.DataFrame)-> pd.DataFrame: """Used only in feature pipelines (not online inference). Unit test with DataFrames and sample data. """ card_expiry_df = trans_df.merge(credit_cards_df, on="cc_num", how="left") card_expiry_df["expires"] = pd.to_datetime(card_expiry_df["expires"], format="%m/%y") trans_df["days_until_card_expires"] = (card_expiry_df["expires"] - card_expiry_df["datetime"]) / np.timedelta64(1, "D") return trans_df # - def haversine_distance(long: float, lat: float, prev_long: float, prev_lat: float)-> float: """Compute Haversine distance between each consecutive coordinate in (long, lat).""" if isinstance(long, pd.Series): long = x: (x)) else: long = radians(long) if isinstance(lat, pd.Series): lat = x: (x)) else: lat = radians(lat) if isinstance(long, pd.Series): prev_long = x: (x)) else: prev_long = radians(prev_long) if isinstance(lat, pd.Series): prev_lat = x: (x)) else: prev_lat = radians(prev_lat) long_diff = prev_long - long lat_diff = prev_lat - lat a = np.sin(lat_diff/2.0)**2 b = np.cos(lat) * np.cos(prev_lat) * np.sin(long_diff/2.0)**2 c = 2*np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a + b)) return c def time_delta(prev_datetime: int, current_datetime: int)-> int: """Compute time difference between each consecutive transaction.""" return prev_datetime - current_datetime def time_delta_to_days(time_delta: datetime)-> float: """.""" return time_delta.total_seconds() / 86400 def date_to_timestamp(date_obj: datetime)-> int: return int(date_obj.timestamp() * 1000) def timestamp_to_date(timestamp: int)-> datetime: return datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp // 1000) def activity_level(trans_df : pd.DataFrame, lag: int)-> pd.DataFrame: # Convert coordinates into radians: trans_df[["longitude", "latitude"]] = trans_df[["longitude", "latitude"]].applymap(radians) trans_df.sort_values(["datetime", "cc_num"], inplace=True) # When we call `haversine_distance`, we want to pass as params, the long/lat of the current row, and the long/lat of the most # recent prior purchase. By grouping the DF by cc_num, apart from the first transaction (which will be NaN and we fill that with 0 at the end), # we can access the previous lat/long using Panda's `shift` operation, which gives you the previous row (long/lang). trans_df[f"loc_delta_t_minus_{lag}"] = trans_df.groupby("cc_num")\ .apply(lambda x :haversine_distance(x["longitude"], x["latitude"], x["longitude"].shift(-lag), x["latitude"].shift(-lag)))\ .reset_index(level=0, drop=True)\ .fillna(0) # Use the same `shift` operation in Pandas to get the previous row for a given cc_number trans_df[f"time_delta_t_minus_{lag}"] = trans_df.groupby("cc_num")\ .apply(lambda x : time_delta(x["datetime"].shift(-lag), x["datetime"]))\ .reset_index(level=0, drop=True) # .fillna(0) # handle the first datetime, which has no previous row when you call `shift` # Convert time_delta from seconds to days trans_df[f"time_delta_t_minus_{lag}"] = trans_df[f"time_delta_t_minus_{lag}"].map(lambda x: time_delta_to_days(x)) trans_df[f"time_delta_t_minus_{lag}"] = trans_df[f"time_delta_t_minus_{lag}"].fillna(0) trans_df = trans_df[["tid","datetime","cc_num","category", "amount", "city", "country", "age_at_transaction"\ ,"days_until_card_expires", f"loc_delta_t_minus_{lag}", f"time_delta_t_minus_{lag}"]] # Convert datetime to timestamp, because of a problem with UTC. Hopsworks assumes you use UTC, but if you don't use UTC # on your Python environment, the datetime will be wrong. With timestamps, we don't have the UTC problems when performing PIT Joins. trans_df.datetime = x: date_to_timestamp(x)) return trans_df def aggregate_activity_by_hour(trans_df : pd.DataFrame, window_len)-> pd.DataFrame: cc_group = trans_df[["cc_num", "amount", "datetime"]].groupby("cc_num").rolling(window_len, on="datetime") # Moving average of transaction volume. df_mavg = pd.DataFrame(cc_group.mean()) df_mavg.columns = ["trans_volume_mavg", "datetime"] df_mavg = df_mavg.reset_index(level=["cc_num"]) df_mavg = df_mavg.drop(columns=["cc_num", "datetime"]) df_mavg = df_mavg.sort_index() # Moving standard deviation of transaction volume. df_std = pd.DataFrame(cc_group.mean()) df_std.columns = ["trans_volume_mstd", "datetime"] df_std = df_std.reset_index(level=["cc_num"]) df_std = df_std.drop(columns=["cc_num", "datetime"]) df_std = df_std.fillna(0) df_std = df_std.sort_index() window_aggs_df = df_std.merge(df_mavg,left_index=True, right_index=True) # Moving average of transaction frequency. df_count = pd.DataFrame(cc_group.mean()) df_count.columns = ["trans_freq", "datetime"] df_count = df_count.reset_index(level=["cc_num"]) df_count = df_count.drop(columns=["cc_num", "datetime"]) df_count = df_count.sort_index() window_aggs_df = window_aggs_df.merge(df_count,left_index=True, right_index=True) # Moving average of location difference between consecutive transactions. cc_group = trans_df[["cc_num", "loc_delta_t_minus_1", "datetime"]].groupby("cc_num").rolling(window_len, on="datetime").mean() df_loc_delta_mavg = pd.DataFrame(cc_group) df_loc_delta_mavg.columns = ["loc_delta_mavg", "datetime"] df_loc_delta_mavg = df_loc_delta_mavg.reset_index(level=["cc_num"]) df_loc_delta_mavg = df_loc_delta_mavg.drop(columns=["cc_num", "datetime"]) df_loc_delta_mavg = df_loc_delta_mavg.sort_index() window_aggs_df = window_aggs_df.merge(df_loc_delta_mavg,left_index=True, right_index=True) window_aggs_df = window_aggs_df.merge(trans_df[["cc_num", "datetime"]].sort_index(),left_index=True, right_index=True) return window_aggs_df