import cv2 | |
import numpy as np | |
import torch | |
from os import path as osp | |
from torch.nn import functional as F | |
from import mod_crop | |
from basicsr.utils import img2tensor, scandir | |
def read_img_seq(path, require_mod_crop=False, scale=1, return_imgname=False): | |
"""Read a sequence of images from a given folder path. | |
Args: | |
path (list[str] | str): List of image paths or image folder path. | |
require_mod_crop (bool): Require mod crop for each image. | |
Default: False. | |
scale (int): Scale factor for mod_crop. Default: 1. | |
return_imgname(bool): Whether return image names. Default False. | |
Returns: | |
Tensor: size (t, c, h, w), RGB, [0, 1]. | |
list[str]: Returned image name list. | |
""" | |
if isinstance(path, list): | |
img_paths = path | |
else: | |
img_paths = sorted(list(scandir(path, full_path=True))) | |
imgs = [cv2.imread(v).astype(np.float32) / 255. for v in img_paths] | |
if require_mod_crop: | |
imgs = [mod_crop(img, scale) for img in imgs] | |
imgs = img2tensor(imgs, bgr2rgb=True, float32=True) | |
imgs = torch.stack(imgs, dim=0) | |
if return_imgname: | |
imgnames = [osp.splitext(osp.basename(path))[0] for path in img_paths] | |
return imgs, imgnames | |
else: | |
return imgs | |
def generate_frame_indices(crt_idx, max_frame_num, num_frames, padding='reflection'): | |
"""Generate an index list for reading `num_frames` frames from a sequence | |
of images. | |
Args: | |
crt_idx (int): Current center index. | |
max_frame_num (int): Max number of the sequence of images (from 1). | |
num_frames (int): Reading num_frames frames. | |
padding (str): Padding mode, one of | |
'replicate' | 'reflection' | 'reflection_circle' | 'circle' | |
Examples: current_idx = 0, num_frames = 5 | |
The generated frame indices under different padding mode: | |
replicate: [0, 0, 0, 1, 2] | |
reflection: [2, 1, 0, 1, 2] | |
reflection_circle: [4, 3, 0, 1, 2] | |
circle: [3, 4, 0, 1, 2] | |
Returns: | |
list[int]: A list of indices. | |
""" | |
assert num_frames % 2 == 1, 'num_frames should be an odd number.' | |
assert padding in ('replicate', 'reflection', 'reflection_circle', 'circle'), f'Wrong padding mode: {padding}.' | |
max_frame_num = max_frame_num - 1 # start from 0 | |
num_pad = num_frames // 2 | |
indices = [] | |
for i in range(crt_idx - num_pad, crt_idx + num_pad + 1): | |
if i < 0: | |
if padding == 'replicate': | |
pad_idx = 0 | |
elif padding == 'reflection': | |
pad_idx = -i | |
elif padding == 'reflection_circle': | |
pad_idx = crt_idx + num_pad - i | |
else: | |
pad_idx = num_frames + i | |
elif i > max_frame_num: | |
if padding == 'replicate': | |
pad_idx = max_frame_num | |
elif padding == 'reflection': | |
pad_idx = max_frame_num * 2 - i | |
elif padding == 'reflection_circle': | |
pad_idx = (crt_idx - num_pad) - (i - max_frame_num) | |
else: | |
pad_idx = i - num_frames | |
else: | |
pad_idx = i | |
indices.append(pad_idx) | |
return indices | |
def paired_paths_from_lmdb(folders, keys): | |
"""Generate paired paths from lmdb files. | |
Contents of lmdb. Taking the `lq.lmdb` for example, the file structure is: | |
lq.lmdb | |
βββ data.mdb | |
βββ lock.mdb | |
βββ meta_info.txt | |
The data.mdb and lock.mdb are standard lmdb files and you can refer to | | for more details. | |
The meta_info.txt is a specified txt file to record the meta information | |
of our datasets. It will be automatically created when preparing | |
datasets by our provided dataset tools. | |
Each line in the txt file records | |
1)image name (with extension), | |
2)image shape, | |
3)compression level, separated by a white space. | |
Example: `baboon.png (120,125,3) 1` | |
We use the image name without extension as the lmdb key. | |
Note that we use the same key for the corresponding lq and gt images. | |
Args: | |
folders (list[str]): A list of folder path. The order of list should | |
be [input_folder, gt_folder]. | |
keys (list[str]): A list of keys identifying folders. The order should | |
be in consistent with folders, e.g., ['lq', 'gt']. | |
Note that this key is different from lmdb keys. | |
Returns: | |
list[str]: Returned path list. | |
""" | |
assert len(folders) == 2, ('The len of folders should be 2 with [input_folder, gt_folder]. ' | |
f'But got {len(folders)}') | |
assert len(keys) == 2, f'The len of keys should be 2 with [input_key, gt_key]. But got {len(keys)}' | |
input_folder, gt_folder = folders | |
input_key, gt_key = keys | |
if not (input_folder.endswith('.lmdb') and gt_folder.endswith('.lmdb')): | |
raise ValueError(f'{input_key} folder and {gt_key} folder should both in lmdb ' | |
f'formats. But received {input_key}: {input_folder}; ' | |
f'{gt_key}: {gt_folder}') | |
# ensure that the two meta_info files are the same | |
with open(osp.join(input_folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin: | |
input_lmdb_keys = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin] | |
with open(osp.join(gt_folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin: | |
gt_lmdb_keys = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin] | |
if set(input_lmdb_keys) != set(gt_lmdb_keys): | |
raise ValueError(f'Keys in {input_key}_folder and {gt_key}_folder are different.') | |
else: | |
paths = [] | |
for lmdb_key in sorted(input_lmdb_keys): | |
paths.append(dict([(f'{input_key}_path', lmdb_key), (f'{gt_key}_path', lmdb_key)])) | |
return paths | |
def paired_paths_from_meta_info_file(folders, keys, meta_info_file, filename_tmpl): | |
"""Generate paired paths from an meta information file. | |
Each line in the meta information file contains the image names and | |
image shape (usually for gt), separated by a white space. | |
Example of an meta information file: | |
``` | |
0001_s001.png (480,480,3) | |
0001_s002.png (480,480,3) | |
``` | |
Args: | |
folders (list[str]): A list of folder path. The order of list should | |
be [input_folder, gt_folder]. | |
keys (list[str]): A list of keys identifying folders. The order should | |
be in consistent with folders, e.g., ['lq', 'gt']. | |
meta_info_file (str): Path to the meta information file. | |
filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the | |
template excludes the file extension. Usually the filename_tmpl is | |
for files in the input folder. | |
Returns: | |
list[str]: Returned path list. | |
""" | |
assert len(folders) == 2, ('The len of folders should be 2 with [input_folder, gt_folder]. ' | |
f'But got {len(folders)}') | |
assert len(keys) == 2, f'The len of keys should be 2 with [input_key, gt_key]. But got {len(keys)}' | |
input_folder, gt_folder = folders | |
input_key, gt_key = keys | |
with open(meta_info_file, 'r') as fin: | |
gt_names = [line.split(' ')[0] for line in fin] | |
paths = [] | |
for gt_name in gt_names: | |
basename, ext = osp.splitext(osp.basename(gt_name)) | |
input_name = f'{filename_tmpl.format(basename)}{ext}' | |
input_path = osp.join(input_folder, input_name) | |
gt_path = osp.join(gt_folder, gt_name) | |
paths.append(dict([(f'{input_key}_path', input_path), (f'{gt_key}_path', gt_path)])) | |
return paths | |
def paired_paths_from_folder(folders, keys, filename_tmpl): | |
"""Generate paired paths from folders. | |
Args: | |
folders (list[str]): A list of folder path. The order of list should | |
be [input_folder, gt_folder]. | |
keys (list[str]): A list of keys identifying folders. The order should | |
be in consistent with folders, e.g., ['lq', 'gt']. | |
filename_tmpl (str): Template for each filename. Note that the | |
template excludes the file extension. Usually the filename_tmpl is | |
for files in the input folder. | |
Returns: | |
list[str]: Returned path list. | |
""" | |
assert len(folders) == 2, ('The len of folders should be 2 with [input_folder, gt_folder]. ' | |
f'But got {len(folders)}') | |
assert len(keys) == 2, f'The len of keys should be 2 with [input_key, gt_key]. But got {len(keys)}' | |
input_folder, gt_folder = folders | |
input_key, gt_key = keys | |
input_paths = list(scandir(input_folder)) | |
gt_paths = list(scandir(gt_folder)) | |
assert len(input_paths) == len(gt_paths), (f'{input_key} and {gt_key} datasets have different number of images: ' | |
f'{len(input_paths)}, {len(gt_paths)}.') | |
paths = [] | |
for gt_path in gt_paths: | |
basename, ext = osp.splitext(osp.basename(gt_path)) | |
input_name = f'{filename_tmpl.format(basename)}{ext}' | |
input_path = osp.join(input_folder, input_name) | |
assert input_name in input_paths, f'{input_name} is not in {input_key}_paths.' | |
gt_path = osp.join(gt_folder, gt_path) | |
paths.append(dict([(f'{input_key}_path', input_path), (f'{gt_key}_path', gt_path)])) | |
return paths | |
def paths_from_folder(folder): | |
"""Generate paths from folder. | |
Args: | |
folder (str): Folder path. | |
Returns: | |
list[str]: Returned path list. | |
""" | |
paths = list(scandir(folder)) | |
paths = [osp.join(folder, path) for path in paths] | |
return paths | |
def paths_from_lmdb(folder): | |
"""Generate paths from lmdb. | |
Args: | |
folder (str): Folder path. | |
Returns: | |
list[str]: Returned path list. | |
""" | |
if not folder.endswith('.lmdb'): | |
raise ValueError(f'Folder {folder}folder should in lmdb format.') | |
with open(osp.join(folder, 'meta_info.txt')) as fin: | |
paths = [line.split('.')[0] for line in fin] | |
return paths | |
def generate_gaussian_kernel(kernel_size=13, sigma=1.6): | |
"""Generate Gaussian kernel used in `duf_downsample`. | |
Args: | |
kernel_size (int): Kernel size. Default: 13. | |
sigma (float): Sigma of the Gaussian kernel. Default: 1.6. | |
Returns: | |
np.array: The Gaussian kernel. | |
""" | |
from scipy.ndimage import filters as filters | |
kernel = np.zeros((kernel_size, kernel_size)) | |
# set element at the middle to one, a dirac delta | |
kernel[kernel_size // 2, kernel_size // 2] = 1 | |
# gaussian-smooth the dirac, resulting in a gaussian filter | |
return filters.gaussian_filter(kernel, sigma) | |
def duf_downsample(x, kernel_size=13, scale=4): | |
"""Downsamping with Gaussian kernel used in the DUF official code. | |
Args: | |
x (Tensor): Frames to be downsampled, with shape (b, t, c, h, w). | |
kernel_size (int): Kernel size. Default: 13. | |
scale (int): Downsampling factor. Supported scale: (2, 3, 4). | |
Default: 4. | |
Returns: | |
Tensor: DUF downsampled frames. | |
""" | |
assert scale in (2, 3, 4), f'Only support scale (2, 3, 4), but got {scale}.' | |
squeeze_flag = False | |
if x.ndim == 4: | |
squeeze_flag = True | |
x = x.unsqueeze(0) | |
b, t, c, h, w = x.size() | |
x = x.view(-1, 1, h, w) | |
pad_w, pad_h = kernel_size // 2 + scale * 2, kernel_size // 2 + scale * 2 | |
x = F.pad(x, (pad_w, pad_w, pad_h, pad_h), 'reflect') | |
gaussian_filter = generate_gaussian_kernel(kernel_size, 0.4 * scale) | |
gaussian_filter = torch.from_numpy(gaussian_filter).type_as(x).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) | |
x = F.conv2d(x, gaussian_filter, stride=scale) | |
x = x[:, :, 2:-2, 2:-2] | |
x = x.view(b, t, c, x.size(2), x.size(3)) | |
if squeeze_flag: | |
x = x.squeeze(0) | |
return x | |