/* | |
* | |
* | |
*/ | |
; | |
const {createServer: Server, IncomingMessage, ServerResponse} = require('node:http'), {createHash: Hash, randomUUID, randomInt, randomBytes} = require('node:crypto'), {TransformStream, ReadableStream} = require('node:stream/web'), {Readable, Writable} = require('node:stream'), {Blob} = require('node:buffer'), {existsSync: exists, writeFileSync: write, createWriteStream} = require('node:fs'), {join: joinP} = require('node:path'), {ClewdSuperfetch: Superfetch, SuperfetchAvailable} = require('./lib/clewd-superfetch'), {AI, fileName, genericFixes, bytesToSize, setTitle, checkResErr, Replacements, Main} = require('./lib/clewd-utils'), ClewdStream = require('./lib/clewd-stream'); | |
/******************************************************* */ | |
let currentIndex, Firstlogin = true, changeflag = 0, changing, changetime = 0, totaltime, invalidtime = 0, uuidOrgArray = [], model, reqModel, cookieModel, tokens, apiKey, timestamp; | |
const events = require('events'), CookieChanger = new events.EventEmitter(); | |
require('events').EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 0; | |
CookieChanger.on('ChangeCookie', () => { | |
setTimeout(() => { | |
changeflag = 0, changing = true; | |
Proxy && Proxy.close(); | |
console.log(`Changing Cookie...\n`); | |
Proxy.listen(Config.Port, Config.Ip, onListen); | |
Proxy.on('error', (err => { | |
console.error('Proxy error\n%o', err); | |
})); | |
timestamp =; | |
invalidtime++; | |
}, !Config.rProxy || Config.rProxy === AI.end() ? 15000 + timestamp - : 0); | |
}); | |
const convertToType = value => { | |
if (value === 'true') return true; | |
if (value === 'false') return false; | |
if (/^\d+$/.test(value)) return parseInt(value); | |
return value; | |
}, CookieCleaner = () => { | |
Config.CookieArray.splice(Config.CookieArray.indexOf(Config.Cookie), 1); | |
Config.Cookie = ''; | |
writeSettings(Config); | |
currentIndex = (currentIndex - 1 + Config.CookieArray.length) % Config.CookieArray.length; | |
}, padtxt = content => { | |
const {countTokens} = require('@anthropic-ai/tokenizer'); | |
const placeholder = Config.padtxt_placeholder || randomBytes(randomInt(5, 15)).toString('hex'); | |
tokens = countTokens(content); | |
const padding = placeholder.repeat(Math.floor((/(?<=<\|padtxt.*?)\d+(?=.*?\|>)/.test(content) ? parseInt(/(?<=<\|padtxt.*?)\d+(?=.*?\|>)/.exec(content)[0]) : Math.max(1000, Config.Settings.padtxt - tokens)) / countTokens(placeholder.trim()))); | |
content = /<\|padtxt.*?\|>/.test(content) ? content.replace(/<\|padtxt.*?\|>/, padding).replace(/\s*<\|padtxt.*?\|>\s*/g, '\n\n') : !apiKey ? padding + '\n\n\n' + content.trim() : content; | |
return content; | |
}, xmlPlot_merge = (content, nonsys) => { | |
if (!content.includes('<|Merge Disable|>')) { | |
if (content.includes('<|System Role|>')) { | |
content = content.replace(/(?:\n\n|^\s*)(?:xmlPlot|System):(.*?(?:\n\n(Assistant|Human):|$))/gs, function(match, p1) {return '\n\nSystem:' + p1.replace(/(\n\n|^\s*)(xmlPlot|System):\s*/g, '\n\n')}); | |
} | |
if (!content.includes('<|Merge Human Disable|>')) { | |
nonsys ? content = content.replace(/(\n\n|^\s*)xmlPlot:/g, '\n\nHuman:') : content = content.replace(/(\n\n|^\s*)(?<!\n\n(Human|Assistant):.*?)xmlPlot:\s*/gs, '$1').replace(/(\n\n|^\s*)xmlPlot:/g, '\n\nHuman:'); | |
content = content.replace(/(?:\n\n|^\s*)Human:(.*?(?:\n\nAssistant:|$))/gs, function(match, p1) {return '\n\nHuman:' + p1.replace(/\n\nHuman:\s*/g, '\n\n')}); | |
} | |
if (!content.includes('<|Merge Assistant Disable|>')) { | |
content = content.replace(/\n\nAssistant:(.*?(?:\n\nHuman:|$))/gs, function(match, p1) {return '\n\nAssistant:' + p1.replace(/\n\nAssistant:\s*/g, '\n\n')}); | |
} | |
} | |
return content.replace(/(\n\n|^\s*)xmlPlot:\s*/gm, '$1'); | |
}, xmlPlot_regex = (content, order) => { | |
let match, regex = new RegExp(`<regex(?: +order *= *${order})${order === 2 ? '?' : ''}> *"(/?)(.*)\\1(.*?)" *: *"(.*?)" *</regex>`, 'gm'); | |
while ((match = regex.exec(content)) !== null) { | |
try { | |
content = content.replace(new RegExp(match[2], match[3]), match[4].replace(/(\r\n|\r|\\n)/gm, '\n')); | |
} catch (err) {} | |
} | |
return content; | |
}, xmlPlot = (content, nonsys = false) => { | |
//一次正则 | |
content = xmlPlot_regex(content, 1); | |
//一次role合并 | |
content = xmlPlot_merge(content, nonsys); | |
//自定义插入 | |
content = content.replace(/(<\/?)PrevAssistant>/gm, '$1@1>').replace(/(<\/?)PrevHuman>/gm, '$1@2>'); | |
let splitContent = content.split(/\n\n(?=Assistant:|Human:)/g); | |
let match; | |
while ((match = /<@(\d+)>(.*?)<\/@\1>/gs.exec(content)) !== null) { | |
let index = splitContent.length - parseInt(match[1]) - 1; | |
if (index >= 0) { | |
splitContent[index] += '\n\n' + match[2]; | |
} | |
content = content.replace(match[0], ''); | |
} | |
content = splitContent.join('\n\n'); | |
content = content.replace(/<@(\d+)>.*?<\/@\1>/gs, ''); | |
//二次正则 | |
content = xmlPlot_regex(content, 2); | |
//二次role合并 | |
content = xmlPlot_merge(content, nonsys); | |
//Plain Prompt | |
let segcontentHuman = content.split('\n\nHuman:'); | |
let segcontentlastIndex = segcontentHuman.length - 1; | |
if (!apiKey && segcontentlastIndex >= 2 && segcontentHuman[segcontentlastIndex].includes('<|Plain Prompt Enable|>') && !content.includes('\n\nPlainPrompt:')) { | |
content = segcontentHuman.slice(0, segcontentlastIndex).join('\n\nHuman:') + '\n\nPlainPrompt:' + segcontentHuman.slice(segcontentlastIndex).join('\n\nHuman:').replace(/\n\nHuman: *PlainPrompt:/, '\n\nPlainPrompt:'); | |
} | |
//三次正则 | |
content = xmlPlot_regex(content, 3); | |
//消除空XML tags、两端空白符和多余的\n | |
content = content.replace(/<regex>.*?<\/regex>/gm, '') | |
.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\\n)/gm, '\n') | |
.replace(/\s*<\|curtail\|>\s*/g, '\n') | |
.replace(/\n<\/(card|hidden|META)>\s+?<\1>\n/g, '\n') | |
.replace(/\n<(\/?card|example|hidden|plot|META)>\s+?<\1>/g, '\n<$1>') | |
.replace(/(?:<!--.*?-->\n|.+?: ?\n)?<(card|example|hidden|plot|META)>\s+?<\/\1>\n*/g, '') | |
.replace(/(?<=(: |\n)<(card|hidden|example|plot|META|EOT)>\n)\s*/g, '') | |
.replace(/\s*(?=\n<\/(card|hidden|example|plot|META|EOT)>(\n|$))/g, '') | |
.replace(/(?<=\n)\n(?=\n)/g, ''); | |
//确保格式正确 | |
if (apiKey) { | |
content = content.replace(/\n\n(Assistant|Human):(?!.*?\n\n(Assistant|Human):).*$/s, function(match, p1) {return p1 === 'Assistant' ? match : match + '\n\nAssistant: '}).replace(/\s*<\|noAssistant\|>\s*(.*?)(?:\n\nAssistant:\s*)?$/s, '\n\n$1'); | |
content.includes('<|reverseHA|>') && (content = content.replace(/\s*<\|reverseHA\|>\s*/g, '\n\n').replace(/Assistant|Human/g, function(match) {return match === 'Human' ? 'Assistant' : 'Human'}).replace(/\n(A|H): /g, function(match, p1) {return p1 === 'A' ? '\nH: ' : '\nA: '})); | |
return content.replace(Config.Settings.padtxt ? /\s*<\|(?!padtxt).*?\|>\s*/g : /\s*<\|.*?\|>\s*/g, '\n\n').trim().replace(/^.+:/, '\n\n$&').replace(/\n\n.+:$/, '$& '); | |
} else { | |
return content.replace(Config.Settings.padtxt ? /\s*<\|(?!padtxt).*?\|>\s*/g : /\s*<\|.*?\|>\s*/g, '\n\n').trim().replace(/^Human:|\n\nAssistant:$/g, ''); | |
} | |
}; | |
/******************************************************* */ | |
let ChangedSettings, UnknownSettings, Logger; | |
const ConfigPath = joinP(__dirname, './config.js'), LogPath = joinP(__dirname, './log.txt'), Conversation = { | |
char: null, | |
uuid: null, | |
depth: 0 | |
}, cookies = {}; | |
let uuidOrg, curPrompt = {}, prevPrompt = {}, prevMessages = [], prevImpersonated = false, Config = { | |
Cookie: '', | |
CookieArray: [], | |
Cookiecounter: 3, | |
CookieIndex: 0, | |
ProxyPassword: '', | |
Ip: (process.env.Cookie || process.env.CookieArray) ? '' : '', | |
Port: process.env.PORT || 8444, | |
localtunnel: false, | |
BufferSize: 1, | |
SystemInterval: 3, | |
rProxy: '', | |
api_rProxy: '', | |
padtxt_placeholder: '', | |
PromptExperimentFirst: '', | |
PromptExperimentNext: '', | |
PersonalityFormat: '{{char}}\'s personality: {{personality}}', | |
ScenarioFormat: 'Dialogue scenario: {{scenario}}', | |
Settings: { | |
RenewAlways: true, | |
RetryRegenerate: false, | |
PromptExperiments: true, | |
SystemExperiments: true, | |
PreventImperson: false, | |
AllSamples: false, | |
NoSamples: false, | |
StripAssistant: false, | |
StripHuman: false, | |
PassParams: false, | |
ClearFlags: true, | |
PreserveChats: false, | |
LogMessages: true, | |
FullColon: true, | |
padtxt: 15000, | |
xmlPlot: true, | |
Superfetch: true | |
} | |
}; | |
ServerResponse.prototype.json = async function(body, statusCode = 200, headers) { | |
body = body instanceof Promise ? await body : body; | |
this.headersSent || this.writeHead(statusCode, { | |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', | |
...headers && headers | |
}); | |
this.end('object' == typeof body ? JSON.stringify(body) : body); | |
return this; | |
}; | |
Array.prototype.sample = function() { | |
return this[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.length)]; | |
}; | |
const updateParams = res => { | |
updateCookies(res); | |
}, updateCookies = res => { | |
let cookieNew = ''; | |
res instanceof Response ? cookieNew = res.headers?.get('set-cookie') : res?.superfetch ? cookieNew = res.headers?.['set-cookie'] : 'string' == typeof res && (cookieNew = res.split('\n').join('')); | |
if (!cookieNew) { | |
return; | |
} | |
let cookieArr = cookieNew.split(/;\s?/gi).filter((prop => false === /^(path|expires|domain|HttpOnly|Secure|SameSite)[=;]*/i.test(prop))); | |
for (const cookie of cookieArr) { | |
const divide = cookie.split(/^(.*?)=\s*(.*)/), cookieName = divide[1], cookieVal = divide[2]; | |
cookies[cookieName] = cookieVal; | |
} | |
}, getCookies = () => { | |
const cookieNames = Object.keys(cookies); | |
return, idx) => `${name}=${cookies[name]}${idx === cookieNames.length - 1 ? '' : ';'}`)).join(' ').replace(/(\s+)$/gi, ''); | |
}, deleteChat = async uuid => { | |
if (!uuid) { | |
return; | |
} | |
if (uuid === Conversation.uuid) { | |
Conversation.uuid = null; | |
Conversation.depth = 0; | |
} | |
if (Config.Settings.PreserveChats) { | |
return; | |
} | |
try { // | |
const res = await fetch(`${Config.rProxy || AI.end()}/api/organizations/${uuidOrg}/chat_conversations/${uuid}`, { | |
headers: { | |
...AI.hdr(), | |
Cookie: getCookies() | |
}, | |
method: 'DELETE' | |
}); | |
updateParams(res); | |
} catch (err) {console.log(`[33mdeleteChat failed[0m`)}; // | |
}, onListen = async () => { | |
/***************************** */ | |
if (Firstlogin) { | |
Firstlogin = false, timestamp =, totaltime = Config.CookieArray.length; | |
console.log(`[2m${Main}[0m\n[33mhttp://${Config.Ip}:${Config.Port}/v1[0m\n\n${Object.keys(Config.Settings).map((setting => UnknownSettings?.includes(setting) ? `??? [31m${setting}: ${Config.Settings[setting]}[0m` : `[1m${setting}:[0m ${ChangedSettings?.includes(setting) ? '[33m' : '[36m'}${Config.Settings[setting]}[0m`)).sort().join('\n')}\n`); | |
Config.Settings.Superfetch && SuperfetchAvailable(true); | |
if (Config.localtunnel) { | |
const localtunnel = require('localtunnel'); | |
localtunnel({ port: Config.Port }) | |
.then((tunnel) => { | |
console.log(`\nTunnel URL for outer websites: ${tunnel.url}/v1\n`); | |
}) | |
} | |
} | |
if (Config.CookieArray?.length > 0) { | |
Config.Cookie = Config.CookieArray[currentIndex]; | |
currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % Config.CookieArray.length; | |
changetime++; | |
} | |
let percentage = ((changetime + Math.max(Config.CookieIndex - 1, 0)) / totaltime) * 100 | |
if (Config.Cookiecounter < 0 && percentage > 100) { | |
console.log(`\n※※※Cookie cleanup completed※※※\n\n`); | |
return process.exit(); | |
} | |
try { | |
/***************************** */ | |
if ('SET YOUR COOKIE HERE' === Config.Cookie || Config.Cookie?.length < 1 || (Config.CookieArray?.length > 0 && invalidtime > totaltime)) { //if ('SET YOUR COOKIE HERE' === Config.Cookie || Config.Cookie?.length < 1) { | |
return console.log(`[33mNo cookie available, apiKey-Only mode enabled.[0m\n`); //throw Error('Set your cookie inside config.js'); | |
} | |
updateCookies(Config.Cookie.replace(/^(sessionKey=)?/, 'sessionKey=')); //updateCookies(Config.Cookie); | |
//console.log(`[2m${Main}[0m\n[33mhttp://${Config.Ip}:${Config.Port}/v1[0m\n\n${Object.keys(Config.Settings).map((setting => UnknownSettings.includes(setting) ? `??? [31m${setting}: ${Config.Settings[setting]}[0m` : `[1m${setting}:[0m ${ChangedSettings.includes(setting) ? '[33m' : '[36m'}${Config.Settings[setting]}[0m`)).sort().join('\n')}\n`); | |
//Config.Settings.Superfetch && SuperfetchAvailable(true); | |
const accRes = await fetch((Config.rProxy || AI.end()) + '/api/organizations', { | |
method: 'GET', | |
headers: { | |
...AI.hdr(), | |
Cookie: getCookies() | |
} | |
}); | |
/**************************** */ | |
if (accRes.statusText === 'Forbidden' && Config.CookieArray?.length > 0) { | |
CookieCleaner(); | |
console.log(`[31mExpired![0m`); | |
Config.Cookiecounter < 0 && console.log(`[progress]: [32m${percentage.toFixed(2)}%[0m\n[length]: [33m${Config.CookieArray.length}[0m\n`); | |
return CookieChanger.emit('ChangeCookie'); | |
} | |
/**************************** */ | |
await checkResErr(accRes); | |
const accInfo = (await accRes.json())?.[0]; | |
if (!accInfo || accInfo.error) { | |
throw Error(`Couldn't get account info: "${accInfo?.error?.message || accRes.statusText}"`); | |
} | |
if (!accInfo?.uuid) { | |
throw Error('Invalid account id'); | |
} | |
setTitle('ok'); | |
updateParams(accRes); | |
/**************************** */ | |
const accountRes = await fetch((Config.rProxy || AI.end()) + '/api/auth/current_account', { | |
method: 'GET', | |
headers: { | |
...AI.hdr(), | |
Cookie: getCookies() | |
} | |
}); | |
await checkResErr(accountRes); | |
const accountInfo = await accountRes.json(); | |
model = accountInfo.account.statsig.values.dynamic_configs["6zA9wvTedwkzjLxWy9PVe7yydI00XDQ6L5Fejjq/2o8="]?.value?.model, cookieModel = model; | |
/**************************** */ | |
console.log(Config.CookieArray?.length > 0 ? `(index: [36m${currentIndex || Config.CookieArray.length}[0m) Logged in %o` : 'Logged in %o', { //console.log('Logged in %o', { | |
name:'@')?.[0], | |
mail: accountInfo.account.email_address, // | |
model, // | |
capabilities: accInfo.capabilities | |
}); | |
uuidOrg = accInfo?.uuid; | |
/************************* */ | |
if (reqModel && reqModel != cookieModel && !Config.Settings.PassParams) return CookieChanger.emit('ChangeCookie'); | |
const Overlap = uuidOrgArray.includes(uuidOrg) && percentage <= 100 && Config.CookieArray?.length > 0; | |
!Overlap && uuidOrgArray.push(uuidOrg); | |
const Unverified = !accountInfo.account.completed_verification_at; | |
const Abused = accountInfo.account.statsig.values.feature_gates["4fDxNAVXgvks8yzKUoU+T+w3Qr3oYVqoJJVNYh04Mik="]?.secondary_exposures[0].gateValue === 'true' && accountInfo.account.statsig.values.feature_gates["4fDxNAVXgvks8yzKUoU+T+w3Qr3oYVqoJJVNYh04Mik="]?.secondary_exposures[0].gate === 'segment:abuse'; | |
const Remain = accountInfo.messageLimit?.remaining; | |
const Exceededlimit = (accountInfo.messageLimit?.type === 'approaching_limit' && Remain === 0) || accountInfo.messageLimit?.type === 'exceeded_limit'; | |
if (Remain) { | |
changeflag = Math.max(Config.Cookiecounter - Remain, changeflag); | |
console.log(`[33mApproachingLimit!: Remain ${Remain}[0m`); | |
} | |
if ((Overlap || Unverified || Abused) && Config.CookieArray?.length > 0) { | |
Overlap ? console.log(`[31mOverlap![0m`) : Unverified ? console.log(`[31mUnverified![0m`) : Abused && console.log(`[31mBanned![0m`); | |
CookieCleaner(); | |
Config.Cookiecounter < 0 && console.log(`[progress]: [32m${percentage.toFixed(2)}%[0m\n[length]: [33m${Config.CookieArray.length}[0m\n`); | |
return CookieChanger.emit('ChangeCookie'); | |
} | |
/************************* */ | |
if (accInfo?.active_flags.length > 0) { | |
let flagtype; // | |
const now = new Date, formattedFlags = => { | |
const days = ((new Date(flag.expires_at).getTime() - now.getTime()) / 864e5).toFixed(2); | |
flagtype = flag.type; // | |
return { | |
type: flag.type, | |
remaining_days: days | |
}; | |
})); | |
console.warn(`${'consumer_banned' === flagtype ? '[31m' : '[35m'}Your account has warnings[0m %o`, formattedFlags); //console.warn('[31mYour account has warnings[0m %o', formattedFlags); | |
await Promise.all( => (async type => { | |
if (!Config.Settings.ClearFlags) { | |
return; | |
} | |
if ('consumer_restricted_mode' === type || 'consumer_banned' === type) { //if ('consumer_restricted_mode' === type) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const req = await (Config.Settings.Superfetch ? Superfetch : fetch)(`${Config.rProxy || AI.end()}/api/organizations/${uuidOrg}/flags/${type}/dismiss`, { | |
headers: { | |
...AI.hdr(), | |
Cookie: getCookies() | |
}, | |
method: 'POST' | |
}); | |
updateParams(req); | |
const json = await req.json(); | |
console.log(`${type}: ${json.error ? json.error.message || json.error.type || json.detail : 'OK'}`); | |
})(flag.type)))); | |
/***************************** */ | |
if (Config.CookieArray?.length > 0) { //} | |
console.log(`${'consumer_banned' === flagtype ? '[31mBanned' : '[35mRestricted'}![0m`); | |
'consumer_banned' === flagtype && CookieCleaner(); | |
Config.Cookiecounter < 0 && console.log(`[progress]: [32m${percentage.toFixed(2)}%[0m\n[length]: [33m${Config.CookieArray.length}[0m\n`); | |
return CookieChanger.emit('ChangeCookie'); | |
} | |
} | |
if (Config.Cookiecounter < 0 || Exceededlimit) { | |
console.log(Config.Cookiecounter < 0 ? `[progress]: [32m${percentage.toFixed(2)}%[0m\n[length]: [33m${Config.CookieArray.length}[0m\n` : '[35mExceeded limit![0m\n'); | |
return CookieChanger.emit('ChangeCookie'); | |
} else changing = false; | |
/***************************** */ | |
const convRes = await fetch(`${Config.rProxy || AI.end()}/api/organizations/${uuidOrg}/chat_conversations`, { | |
method: 'GET', | |
headers: { | |
...AI.hdr(), | |
Cookie: getCookies() | |
} | |
}), conversations = await convRes.json(); | |
updateParams(convRes); | |
conversations.length > 0 && await Promise.all( => deleteChat(conv.uuid)))); | |
/***************************** */ | |
invalidtime = 0; | |
} catch (err) { | |
console.error('[33mClewd:[0m\n%o', err); | |
Config.CookieArray?.length > 0 && CookieChanger.emit('ChangeCookie'); | |
} | |
/***************************** */ | |
}, writeSettings = async (config, firstRun = false) => { | |
if (process.env.Cookie || process.env.CookieArray) return; // | |
write(ConfigPath, `/*\n*\n*\n*/\n\n// SET YOUR COOKIE BELOW\n\nmodule.exports = ${JSON.stringify(config, null, 4)}\n\n/*\n BufferSize\n * How many characters will be buffered before the AI types once\n * lower = less chance of \`PreventImperson\` working properly\n\n ---\n\n SystemInterval\n * How many messages until \`SystemExperiments alternates\`\n\n ---\n\n Other settings\n *\n * and\n *\n */`.trim().replace(/((?<!\r)\n|\r(?!\n))/g, '\r\n')); | |
if (firstRun) { | |
console.warn('[33mconfig file created!\nedit[0m [1mconfig.js[0m [33mto set your settings and restart the program[0m'); | |
process.exit(0); | |
} | |
}, Proxy = Server((async (req, res) => { | |
if ('OPTIONS' === req.method) { | |
return ((req, res) => { | |
res.writeHead(200, { | |
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', | |
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Authorization, Content-Type', | |
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'POST, GET, OPTIONS' | |
}).end(); | |
})(0, res); | |
} | |
switch (req.url) { | |
case '/v1/models': | |
res.json({ | |
/***************************** */ | |
data: [ //data: AI.mdl().map((name => ({ | |
...AI.mdl().slice(1).map((name => ({ id: name }))), { | |
id: 'claude-2' },{ | |
id: 'claude-v1.3' },{ | |
id: 'claude-v1.3-100k' },{ | |
id: 'claude-v1.2' },{ | |
id: 'claude-v1.0' },{ | |
id: 'claude-instant-v1.1' },{ | |
id: 'claude-instant-v1.1-100k' },{ | |
id: 'claude-instant-v1.0' //id: name | |
}] //}))) | |
/***************************** */ | |
}); | |
break; | |
case '/v1/chat/completions': | |
((req, res) => { | |
setTitle('recv...'); | |
let fetchAPI; | |
const abortControl = new AbortController, {signal} = abortControl; | |
res.socket.on('close', (async () => { | |
abortControl.signal.aborted || abortControl.abort(); | |
})); | |
const buffer = []; | |
req.on('data', (chunk => { | |
buffer.push(chunk); | |
})); | |
req.on('end', (async () => { | |
let clewdStream, titleTimer, samePrompt = false, shouldRenew = true, retryRegen = false; | |
try { | |
const body = JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(buffer).toString()); | |
let {temperature} = body; | |
temperature = Math.max(.1, Math.min(1, temperature)); | |
let {messages} = body; | |
/************************* */ | |
apiKey = req.headers.authorization?.match(/sk-ant-api\d\d-[\w-]{86}-[\w-]{6}AA/g) || req.headers.authorization?.match(/(?<=3rdKey: *)[\S]*/); | |
reqModel = /^claude-2.[01]$/.test(body.model) ? body.model : ''; | |
let max_tokens_to_sample, stop_sequences; | |
if (apiKey || Config.Settings.PassParams) { | |
stop_sequences = body.stop; | |
max_tokens_to_sample = body.max_tokens; | |
model = body.model; | |
} else if (req.headers.authorization.includes('sk-ant-api') || Config.ProxyPassword != '' && req.headers.authorization != 'Bearer ' + Config.ProxyPassword) { | |
throw Error(req.headers.authorization.includes('sk-ant-api') ? 'apiKey Wrong' : 'ProxyPassword Wrong'); | |
} else if (changing || Config.CookieArray?.length > 0 && invalidtime >= Config.CookieArray?.length || reqModel && reqModel != cookieModel && !Config.Settings.PassParams) { | |
changing ? invalidtime = 0 : changeflag = -1; | |
throw Error(reqModel && reqModel != cookieModel && !Config.Settings.PassParams ? 'Polling requset model...' : 'Changing Cookie...'); | |
} | |
/************************* */ | |
if (messages?.length < 1) { | |
throw Error('Select OpenAI as completion source'); | |
} | |
if (! && 1 === messages.length && JSON.stringify(messages.sort() || []) === JSON.stringify([ { | |
role: 'user', | |
content: 'Hi' | |
} ].sort())) { | |
return res.json({ | |
choices: [ { | |
message: { | |
content: Main | |
} | |
} ] | |
}); | |
} | |
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); | | && res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/event-stream'); | |
if (! && messages?.[0]?.content?.startsWith('From the list below, choose a word that best represents a character\'s outfit description, action, or emotion in their dialogue')) { | |
return res.json({ | |
choices: [ { | |
message: { | |
content: 'neutral' | |
} | |
} ] | |
}); | |
} | |
if (Config.Settings.AllSamples && Config.Settings.NoSamples) { | |
console.log('[33mhaving[0m [1mAllSamples[0m and [1mNoSamples[0m both set to true is not supported'); | |
throw Error('Only one can be used at the same time: AllSamples/NoSamples'); | |
} | |
//const model = body.model; | |
//if (model === AI.mdl()[0]) { | |
// return; | |
//} | |
if (!/claude-.*/.test(model)) { | |
throw Error('Invalid model selected: ' + model); | |
} | |
curPrompt = { | |
firstUser: messages.find((message => 'user' === message.role)), | |
firstSystem: messages.find((message => 'system' === message.role)), | |
firstAssistant: messages.find((message => 'assistant' === message.role)), | |
lastUser: messages.findLast((message => 'user' === message.role)), | |
lastSystem: messages.findLast((message => 'system' === message.role && '[Start a new chat]' !== message.content)), | |
lastAssistant: messages.findLast((message => 'assistant' === message.role)) | |
}; | |
prevPrompt = { | |
...prevMessages.length > 0 && { | |
firstUser: prevMessages.find((message => 'user' === message.role)), | |
firstSystem: prevMessages.find((message => 'system' === message.role)), | |
firstAssistant: prevMessages.find((message => 'assistant' === message.role)), | |
lastUser: prevMessages.findLast((message => 'user' === message.role)), | |
lastSystem: prevMessages.find((message => 'system' === message.role && '[Start a new chat]' !== message.content)), | |
lastAssistant: prevMessages.findLast((message => 'assistant' === message.role)) | |
} | |
}; | |
samePrompt = JSON.stringify(messages.filter((message => 'system' !== message.role)).sort()) === JSON.stringify(prevMessages.filter((message => 'system' !== message.role)).sort()); | |
const sameCharDiffChat = !samePrompt && curPrompt.firstSystem?.content === prevPrompt.firstSystem?.content && curPrompt.firstUser?.content !== prevPrompt.firstUser?.content; | |
shouldRenew = Config.Settings.RenewAlways || !Conversation.uuid || prevImpersonated || !Config.Settings.RenewAlways && samePrompt || sameCharDiffChat; | |
retryRegen = Config.Settings.RetryRegenerate && samePrompt && null != Conversation.uuid; | |
samePrompt || (prevMessages = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messages))); | |
let type = ''; | |
if (apiKey) { type = 'api'; } else if (retryRegen) { //if (retryRegen) { | |
type = 'R'; | |
fetchAPI = await (async (signal, model) => { | |
let res; | |
const body = { | |
completion: { | |
prompt: '', | |
timezone:, | |
model | |
}, | |
organization_uuid: uuidOrg, | |
conversation_uuid: Conversation.uuid, | |
text: '' | |
}; | |
let headers = { | |
...AI.hdr(Conversation.uuid || ''), | |
Accept: 'text/event-stream', | |
Cookie: getCookies() | |
}; | |
if (Config.Settings.Superfetch) { | |
const names = Object.keys(headers), values = Object.values(headers); | |
headers =, idx) => `${header}: ${values[idx]}`)); | |
} | |
res = await (Config.Settings.Superfetch ? Superfetch : fetch)((Config.rProxy || AI.end()) + '/api/retry_message', { | |
stream: true, | |
signal, | |
method: 'POST', | |
body: JSON.stringify(body), | |
headers | |
}); | |
updateParams(res); | |
await checkResErr(res); | |
return res; | |
})(signal, model); | |
} else if (shouldRenew) { | |
Conversation.uuid && await deleteChat(Conversation.uuid); | |
fetchAPI = await (async signal => { | |
Conversation.uuid = randomUUID().toString(); | |
Conversation.depth = 0; | |
const res = await (Config.Settings.Superfetch ? Superfetch : fetch)(`${Config.rProxy || AI.end()}/api/organizations/${uuidOrg}/chat_conversations`, { | |
signal, | |
headers: { | |
...AI.hdr(), | |
Cookie: getCookies() | |
}, | |
method: 'POST', | |
body: JSON.stringify({ | |
uuid: Conversation.uuid, | |
name: '' | |
}) | |
}); | |
updateParams(res); | |
await checkResErr(res); | |
return res; | |
})(signal); | |
type = 'r'; | |
} else if (samePrompt) {} else { | |
const systemExperiment = !Config.Settings.RenewAlways && Config.Settings.SystemExperiments; | |
if (!systemExperiment || systemExperiment && Conversation.depth >= Config.SystemInterval) { | |
type = 'c-r'; | |
Conversation.depth = 0; | |
} else { | |
type = 'c-c'; | |
Conversation.depth++; | |
} | |
} | |
let {prompt, systems} = ((messages, type) => { | |
const rgxScenario = /^\[Circumstances and context of the dialogue: ([\s\S]+?)\.?\]$/i, rgxPerson = /^\[([\s\S]+?)'s personality: ([\s\S]+?)\]$/i, messagesClone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(messages)), realLogs = messagesClone.filter((message => [ 'user', 'assistant' ].includes(message.role))), sampleLogs = messagesClone.filter((message =>, mergedLogs = [ ...sampleLogs, ...realLogs ]; | |
mergedLogs.forEach(((message, idx) => { | |
const next = mergedLogs[idx + 1]; | |
message.customname = (message => [ 'assistant', 'user' ].includes(message.role) && null != && !( in Replacements))(message); | |
if (next && !Config.Settings.xmlPlot) { //if (next) { | |
if ('name' in message && 'name' in next) { | |
if ( === { | |
message.content += '\n' + next.content; | |
next.merged = true; | |
} | |
} else if ('system' !== next.role) { | |
if (next.role === message.role) { | |
message.content += '\n' + next.content; | |
next.merged = true; | |
} | |
} else { | |
message.content += '\n' + next.content; | |
next.merged = true; | |
} | |
} | |
})); | |
const lastAssistant = realLogs.findLast((message => !message.merged && 'assistant' === message.role)); | |
lastAssistant && Config.Settings.StripAssistant && (lastAssistant.strip = true); | |
const lastUser = realLogs.findLast((message => !message.merged && 'user' === message.role)); | |
lastUser && Config.Settings.StripHuman && (lastUser.strip = true); | |
const systemMessages = messagesClone.filter((message => 'system' === message.role && !('name' in message))); | |
systemMessages.forEach(((message, idx) => { | |
const scenario = message.content.match(rgxScenario)?.[1], personality = message.content.match(rgxPerson); | |
if (scenario) { | |
message.content = Config.ScenarioFormat.replace(/{{scenario}}/gim, scenario); | |
message.scenario = true; | |
} | |
if (3 === personality?.length) { | |
message.content = Config.PersonalityFormat.replace(/{{char}}/gim, personality[1]).replace(/{{personality}}/gim, personality[2]); | |
message.personality = true; | |
} | |
message.main = 0 === idx; | |
message.jailbreak = idx === systemMessages.length - 1; | |
' ' === message.content && (message.discard = true); | |
})); | |
Config.Settings.AllSamples && !Config.Settings.NoSamples && realLogs.forEach((message => { | |
if (![ lastUser, lastAssistant ].includes(message)) { | |
if ('user' === message.role) { | | = message.customname ? : 'example_user'; | |
message.role = 'system'; | |
} else if ('assistant' === message.role) { | | = message.customname ? : 'example_assistant'; | |
message.role = 'system'; | |
} else if (!message.customname) { | |
throw Error('Invalid role ' +; | |
} | |
} | |
})); | |
Config.Settings.NoSamples && !Config.Settings.AllSamples && sampleLogs.forEach((message => { | |
if ('example_user' === { | |
message.role = 'user'; | |
} else if ('example_assistant' === { | |
message.role = 'assistant'; | |
} else if (!message.customname) { | |
throw Error('Invalid role ' +; | |
} | |
message.customname || delete; | |
})); | |
let systems = []; | |
if (![ 'r', 'R', 'api' ].includes(type)) { | |
lastUser.strip = true; | |
systemMessages.forEach((message => message.discard = message.discard || 'c-c' === type ? !message.jailbreak : !message.jailbreak && !message.main)); | |
systems = systemMessages.filter((message => !message.discard)).map((message => `"${message.content.substring(0, 25).replace(/\n/g, '\\n').trim()}..."`)); | |
messagesClone.forEach((message => message.discard = message.discard || mergedLogs.includes(message) && ![ lastUser ].includes(message))); | |
} | |
const prompt =, idx) => { | |
if (message.merged || message.discard) { | |
return ''; | |
} | |
if (message.content.length < 1) { | |
return message.content; | |
} | |
let spacing = ''; | |
/******************************** */ | |
if (Config.Settings.xmlPlot) { | |
idx > 0 && (spacing = '\n\n'); | |
const prefix = message.customname ? message.role + ': ' + + ': ' : 'system' !== message.role || ? Replacements[ || message.role] + ': ' : 'xmlPlot: ' + Replacements[message.role]; | |
return `${spacing}${message.strip ? '' : prefix}${message.content}`; | |
} else { | |
/******************************** */ | |
idx > 0 && (spacing = systemMessages.includes(message) ? '\n' : '\n\n'); | |
const prefix = message.customname ? + ': ' : 'system' !== message.role || ? Replacements[ || message.role] + ': ' : '' + Replacements[message.role]; | |
return `${spacing}${message.strip ? '' : prefix}${'system' === message.role ? message.content : message.content.trim()}`; | |
} // | |
})); | |
return { | |
prompt: prompt.join(''), //genericFixes(prompt.join('')).trim(), | |
systems | |
}; | |
})(messages, type); | |
console.log(`${model} [[2m${type}[0m]${!retryRegen && systems.length > 0 ? ' ' + systems.join(' [33m/[0m ') : ''}`); //console.log(`${model} [[2m${type}[0m]${!retryRegen && systems.length > 0 ? ' ' + systems.join(' [33m/[0m ') : ''}`); | |
'R' !== type || prompt || (prompt = '...regen...'); | |
/******************************** */ | |
prompt = Config.Settings.xmlPlot ? xmlPlot(prompt, model != 'claude-2.1') : apiKey ? `\n\nHuman: ${genericFixes(prompt)}\n\nAssistant: ` : genericFixes(prompt).trim(); | |
Config.Settings.FullColon && (prompt = apiKey | |
? prompt.replace(/(?<!\n\nHuman:.*)(\n\nAssistant):/gs, '$1:').replace(/(\n\nHuman):(?!.*\n\nAssistant:)/gs, '$1:') | |
: prompt.replace(/(?<=\n\n(H(?:uman)?|A(?:ssistant)?)):[ ]?/g, ': ')); | |
Config.Settings.padtxt && (prompt = padtxt(prompt)); | |
/******************************** */ | |
Logger?.write(`\n\n-------\n[${(new Date).toLocaleString()}]\n####### ${model} (${type}) ${tokens}t PROMPT:\n${prompt}\n--\n####### REPLY:\n`); //Logger?.write(`\n\n-------\n[${(new Date).toLocaleString()}]\n####### MODEL: ${model}\n####### PROMPT (${type}):\n${prompt}\n--\n####### REPLY:\n`); | |
retryRegen || (fetchAPI = await (async (signal, model, prompt, temperature, type) => { | |
/******************************** */ | |
if (apiKey) { | |
const res = await fetch(`${Config.api_rProxy ? Config.api_rProxy : ''}/v1/complete`, { | |
method: 'POST', | |
signal, | |
headers: { | |
'Content-Type': 'application/json', | |
'x-api-key': apiKey[Math.floor(Math.random() * apiKey.length)], | |
'anthropic-version': '2023-06-01' | |
}, | |
body: JSON.stringify({ | |
...stop_sequences && {stop_sequences}, | |
model, | |
max_tokens_to_sample, | |
stream: true, | |
prompt, | |
temperature | |
}), | |
}); | |
await checkResErr(res); | |
return res; | |
} | |
/******************************** */ | |
const attachments = []; | |
if (Config.Settings.PromptExperiments) { | |
let splitedprompt = prompt.split('\n\nPlainPrompt:'); // | |
prompt = splitedprompt[0]; // | |
attachments.push({ | |
extracted_content: (prompt), | |
file_name: 'paste.txt', //fileName(), | |
file_size: Buffer.from(prompt).byteLength, | |
file_type: 'txt' //'text/plain' | |
}); | |
prompt = 'r' === type ? Config.PromptExperimentFirst : Config.PromptExperimentNext; | |
splitedprompt.length > 1 && (prompt += splitedprompt[1]); // | |
} | |
let res; | |
const body = { | |
completion: { | |
...Config.Settings.PassParams && { | |
temperature | |
}, | |
prompt: prompt || '', | |
timezone:, | |
model | |
}, | |
conversation_uuid: Conversation.uuid, | |
organization_uuid: uuidOrg, | |
text: prompt || '', | |
attachments | |
}; | |
let headers = { | |
...AI.hdr(Conversation.uuid || ''), | |
Accept: 'text/event-stream', | |
Cookie: getCookies() | |
}; | |
res = await (Config.Settings.Superfetch ? Superfetch : fetch)((Config.rProxy || AI.end()) + '/api/append_message', { | |
stream: true, | |
signal, | |
method: 'POST', | |
body: JSON.stringify(body), | |
headers | |
}); | |
updateParams(res); | |
await checkResErr(res, CookieChanger); //await checkResErr(res); | |
return res; | |
})(signal, model, prompt, temperature, type)); | |
const response = Writable.toWeb(res); | |
clewdStream = new ClewdStream({ | |
config: { | |
...Config, | |
Settings: { | |
...Config.Settings, | |
Superfetch: apiKey ? false : Config.Settings.Superfetch | |
} | |
}, //config: Config, | |
version: Main, | |
minSize: Config.BufferSize, | |
model, | |
streaming: true ===, | |
abortControl, | |
source: fetchAPI | |
}, Logger); | |
titleTimer = setInterval((() => setTitle('recv ' + bytesToSize(clewdStream.size))), 300); | |
(!apiKey && Config.Settings.Superfetch) ? await Readable.toWeb(fetchAPI.body).pipeThrough(clewdStream).pipeTo(response) : await fetchAPI.body.pipeThrough(clewdStream).pipeTo(response); //Config.Settings.Superfetch ? await Readable.toWeb(fetchAPI.body).pipeThrough(clewdStream).pipeTo(response) : await fetchAPI.body.pipeThrough(clewdStream).pipeTo(response); | |
} catch (err) { | |
if ('AbortError' === { | |
res.end(); | |
} else { | |
changeflag -= 1; // | |
err.planned || console.error('[33mClewd:[0m\n%o', err); | |
res.json({ | |
error: { | |
message: 'clewd: ' + (err.message || || err.type), | |
type: err.type || || err.code, | |
param: null, | |
code: err.code || 500 | |
} | |
}, 500); | |
} | |
} | |
clearInterval(titleTimer); | |
if (clewdStream) { | |
clewdStream.censored && console.warn('[33mlikely your account is hard-censored[0m'); | |
clewdStream.nochange && changeflag--; //prevImpersonated = clewdStream.impersonated; | |
setTitle('ok ' + bytesToSize(clewdStream.size)); | |
429 == fetchAPI?.status ? console.log(`[35mExceeded limit![0m\n`) : console.log(`${200 == fetchAPI?.status ? '[32m' : '[33m'}${fetchAPI?.status}![0m\n`); //console.log(`${200 == fetchAPI.status ? '[32m' : '[33m'}${fetchAPI.status}![0m\n`); | |
clewdStream.empty(); | |
} | |
if (!apiKey) { //if (prevImpersonated) { try { | |
await deleteChat(Conversation.uuid); //} catch (err) {} | |
/******************************** */ | |
changeflag++; | |
if (changeflag < 0 || Config.CookieArray?.length > 0 && (429 == fetchAPI?.status || Config.Cookiecounter > 0 && changeflag >= Config.Cookiecounter)) { | |
changeflag = 0; | |
CookieChanger.emit('ChangeCookie'); | |
} | |
/******************************** */ | |
} | |
})); | |
})(req, res); | |
break; | |
case '/v1/complete': | |
res.json({ | |
error: { | |
message: 'clewd: Set "Chat Completion source" to OpenAI instead of Claude. Enable "External" models aswell', | |
code: 404 | |
} | |
}, 404); | |
break; | |
default: | |
!['/', '/v1', '/favicon.ico'].includes(req.url) && (console.log('unknown request: ' + req.url)); //console.log('unknown request: ' + req.url); | |
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); | |
res.write(`<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta charset="utf-8">\n<script>\nfunction copyToClipboard(text) {\n var textarea = document.createElement("textarea");\n textarea.textContent = text;\n = "fixed";\n document.body.appendChild(textarea);\n;\n try {\n return document.execCommand("copy");\n } catch (ex) {\n console.warn("Copy to clipboard failed.", ex);\n return false;\n } finally {\n document.body.removeChild(textarea);\n }\n}\nfunction copyLink(event) {\n event.preventDefault();\n const url = new URL(window.location.href);\n const link = url.protocol + '//' + + '/v1';\n copyToClipboard(link);\n alert('链接已复制: ' + link);\n}\n</script>\n</head>\n<body>\n${Main}<br/><br/>完全开源、免费且禁止商用<br/><br/>点击复制反向代理: <a href="v1" onclick="copyLink(event)">Copy Link</a><br/>填入OpenAI API反向代理并选择OpenAI分类中的claude模型(酒馆需打开Show "External" models,仅在api模式有模型选择差异)<br/><br/>教程与FAQ: <a href="" target="FAQ">Rentry</a> | <a href="" target="FAQ">Discord</a><br/><br/><br/>请举报恶意盗用/商用本教程及Clewd修改版的这个B 站up<a href="" target="FAQ">浅睡一天一夜</a>\n</body>\n</html>`); | |
res.end(); | |
/*res.json( | |
{ | |
error: { | |
message: '404 Not Found', | |
type: 404, | |
param: null, | |
code: 404 | |
} | |
}, 404);*/ | |
} | |
})); | |
!async function() { | |
await (async () => { | |
if (exists(ConfigPath)) { | |
const userConfig = require(ConfigPath), validConfigs = Object.keys(Config), parsedConfigs = Object.keys(userConfig), parsedSettings = Object.keys(userConfig.Settings), invalidConfigs = parsedConfigs.filter((config => !validConfigs.includes(config))), validSettings = Object.keys(Config.Settings); | |
UnknownSettings = parsedSettings.filter((setting => !validSettings.includes(setting))); | |
invalidConfigs.forEach((config => { | |
console.warn(`unknown config in config.js: [33m${config}[0m`); | |
})); | |
UnknownSettings.forEach((setting => { | |
console.warn(`unknown setting in config.js: [33mSettings.${setting}[0m`); | |
})); | |
const missingConfigs = validConfigs.filter((config => !parsedConfigs.includes(config))), missingSettings = validSettings.filter((config => !parsedSettings.includes(config))); | |
missingConfigs.forEach((config => { | |
console.warn(`adding missing config in config.js: [33m${config}[0m`); | |
userConfig[config] = Config[config]; | |
})); | |
missingSettings.forEach((setting => { | |
console.warn(`adding missing setting in config.js: [33mSettings.${setting}[0m`); | |
userConfig.Settings[setting] = Config.Settings[setting]; | |
})); | |
ChangedSettings = parsedSettings.filter((setting => Config.Settings[setting] !== userConfig.Settings[setting])); | |
(missingConfigs.length > 0 || missingSettings.length > 0) && await writeSettings(userConfig); | |
userConfig.Settings.LogMessages && (Logger = createWriteStream(LogPath)); | |
Config = { | |
...Config, | |
...userConfig | |
}; | |
} else { | |
Config.Cookie = 'SET YOUR COOKIE HERE'; | |
writeSettings(Config, true); | |
} | |
})(); | |
/***************************** */ | |
for (let key in Config) { | |
if (key === 'Settings') { | |
for (let setting in Config.Settings) { | |
Config.Settings[setting] = process.env[setting] ? convertToType(process.env[setting]) : Config.Settings[setting]; | |
} | |
} else { | |
Config[key] = process.env[key] ? convertToType(process.env[key]) : Config[key]; | |
} | |
} | |
Config.rProxy = Config.rProxy.replace(/\/$/, ''); | |
Config.CookieArray = [ Set([Config.CookieArray].join('').match(/(sessionKey=)?sk-ant-sid01-[\w-]{86}-[\w-]{6}AA/g))]; | |
writeSettings(Config); | |
currentIndex = Config.CookieIndex > 0 ? Config.CookieIndex - 1 : Config.Cookiecounter >= 0 ? Math.floor(Math.random() * Config.CookieArray.length) : 0; | |
/***************************** */ | |
Proxy.listen(Config.Port, Config.Ip, onListen); | |
Proxy.on('error', (err => { | |
console.error('Proxy error\n%o', err); | |
})); | |
}(); | |
const cleanup = async () => { | |
console.log('cleaning...'); | |
try { | |
await deleteChat(Conversation.uuid); | |
Logger?.close(); | |
} catch (err) {} | |
process.exit(); | |
}; | |
process.on('SIGHUP', cleanup); | |
process.on('SIGTERM', cleanup); | |
process.on('SIGINT', cleanup); | |
process.on('exit', (async () => { | |
console.log('exiting...'); | |
})); |