import os import math import tempfile import warnings import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import torch import as px from torch.optim import AdamW from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import OneCycleLR from transformers import ( EarlyStoppingCallback, Trainer, TrainingArguments, set_seed, ) from transformers.integrations import INTEGRATION_TO_CALLBACK from tsfm_public import ( TimeSeriesPreprocessor, TrackingCallback, count_parameters, get_datasets, ) from tsfm_public.toolkit.get_model import get_model from tsfm_public.toolkit.lr_finder import optimal_lr_finder from tsfm_public.toolkit.visualization import plot_predictions # For M4 Hourly Example from tsfm_public.models.tinytimemixer import TinyTimeMixerForPrediction # Suppress warnings and set a reproducible seed warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") SEED = 42 set_seed(SEED) # Default model parameters and output directory TTM_MODEL_PATH = "ibm-granite/granite-timeseries-ttm-r2" DEFAULT_CONTEXT_LENGTH = 512 DEFAULT_PREDICTION_LENGTH = 96 OUT_DIR = "dashboard_outputs" os.makedirs(OUT_DIR, exist_ok=True) # -------------------------- # Helper: Interactive Plot def interactive_plot(actual, forecast, title="Forecast vs Actual"): df = pd.DataFrame( {"Time": range(len(actual)), "Actual": actual, "Forecast": forecast} ) fig = px.line(df, x="Time", y=["Actual", "Forecast"], title=title) return fig # -------------------------- # Mode 1: Zero-shot Evaluation def run_zero_shot_forecasting( data, context_length, prediction_length, batch_size, selected_target_columns, selected_conditional_columns, rolling_forecast_extension, selected_forecast_index, ): st.write("### Preparing Data for Forecasting") timestamp_column = "date" id_columns = [] # Modify if needed. # Use selected target columns; default to all columns (except "date") if not provided. if not selected_target_columns: target_columns = [col for col in data.columns if col != timestamp_column] else: target_columns = selected_target_columns # Incorporate exogenous/control columns. conditional_columns = selected_conditional_columns # Define column specifiers (if your preprocessor supports static columns, add here) column_specifiers = { "timestamp_column": timestamp_column, "id_columns": id_columns, "target_columns": target_columns, "control_columns": conditional_columns, } n = len(data) split_config = { "train": [0, int(n * 0.7)], "valid": [int(n * 0.7), int(n * 0.8)], "test": [int(n * 0.8), n], } tsp = TimeSeriesPreprocessor( **column_specifiers, context_length=context_length, prediction_length=prediction_length, scaling=True, encode_categorical=False, scaler_type="standard", ) dset_train, dset_valid, dset_test = get_datasets(tsp, data, split_config) st.write("Data split into train, validation, and test sets.") st.write("### Loading the Pre-trained TTM Model") model = get_model( TTM_MODEL_PATH, context_length=context_length, prediction_length=prediction_length, ) temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() training_args = TrainingArguments( output_dir=temp_dir, per_device_eval_batch_size=batch_size, seed=SEED, report_to="none", ) trainer = Trainer(model=model, args=training_args) st.write("### Running Zero-shot Evaluation")"Evaluating on the test set...") eval_output = trainer.evaluate(dset_test) st.write("**Zero-shot Evaluation Metrics:**") st.json(eval_output) st.write("### Generating Forecast Predictions") predictions_dict = trainer.predict(dset_test) try: predictions_np = predictions_dict.predictions[0] except Exception as e: st.error("Error extracting predictions: " + str(e)) return st.write("Predictions shape:", predictions_np.shape) if rolling_forecast_extension > 0: st.write( f"### Rolling Forecast Extension: {rolling_forecast_extension} extra steps" )"Rolling forecast logic can be implemented here.") # Interactive plot for a selected forecast index. idx = selected_forecast_index try: # This example assumes dset_test[idx] is a dict with a "target" key; adjust as needed. actual = ( dset_test[idx]["target"] if isinstance(dset_test[idx], dict) else dset_test[idx][0] ) except Exception: actual = predictions_np[idx] # Fallback if actual is not available. fig = interactive_plot( actual, predictions_np[idx], title=f"Forecast vs Actual for index {idx}" ) st.plotly_chart(fig) # Static plots (generated via plot_predictions) plot_dir = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "zero_shot_plots") os.makedirs(plot_dir, exist_ok=True) try: plot_predictions( model=trainer.model, dset=dset_test, plot_dir=plot_dir, plot_prefix="test_zeroshot", indices=[idx], channel=0, ) except Exception as e: st.error("Error during static plotting: " + str(e)) return for file in os.listdir(plot_dir): if file.endswith(".png"): st.image(os.path.join(plot_dir, file), caption=file) # -------------------------- # Mode 2: Channel-Mix Finetuning Example def run_channel_mix_finetuning(): st.write("## Channel-Mix Finetuning Example (Bike Sharing Data)") # Load bike sharing dataset target_dataset = "bike_sharing" DATA_ROOT_PATH = ( "" ) timestamp_column = "dteday" id_columns = [] try: data = pd.read_csv(DATA_ROOT_PATH, parse_dates=[timestamp_column]) except Exception as e: st.error("Error loading bike sharing dataset: " + str(e)) return data[timestamp_column] = pd.to_datetime(data[timestamp_column]) # Adjust timestamps (to add hourly information) data[timestamp_column] = data[timestamp_column] + pd.to_timedelta( data.groupby(data[timestamp_column], unit="h" ) st.write("### Bike Sharing Data Preview") st.dataframe(data.head()) # Define columns: targets and conditional (exogenous) channels column_specifiers = { "timestamp_column": timestamp_column, "id_columns": id_columns, "target_columns": ["casual", "registered", "cnt"], "conditional_columns": [ "season", "yr", "mnth", "holiday", "weekday", "workingday", "weathersit", "temp", "atemp", "hum", "windspeed", ], } n = len(data) split_config = { "train": [0, int(n * 0.5)], "valid": [int(n * 0.5), int(n * 0.75)], "test": [int(n * 0.75), n], } context_length = 512 forecast_length = 96 tsp = TimeSeriesPreprocessor( **column_specifiers, context_length=context_length, prediction_length=forecast_length, scaling=True, encode_categorical=False, scaler_type="standard", ) train_dataset, valid_dataset, test_dataset = get_datasets(tsp, data, split_config) st.write("Data split completed.") # For channel-mix finetuning, we use TTM-R1 (as per provided script) TTM_MODEL_PATH_CM = "ibm-granite/granite-timeseries-ttm-r1" finetune_forecast_model = get_model( TTM_MODEL_PATH_CM, context_length=context_length, prediction_length=forecast_length, num_input_channels=tsp.num_input_channels, decoder_mode="mix_channel", prediction_channel_indices=tsp.prediction_channel_indices, ) st.write( "Number of params before freezing backbone:", count_parameters(finetune_forecast_model), ) for param in finetune_forecast_model.backbone.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False st.write( "Number of params after freezing backbone:", count_parameters(finetune_forecast_model), ) num_epochs = 50 batch_size = 64 learning_rate = 0.001 optimizer = AdamW(finetune_forecast_model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) scheduler = OneCycleLR( optimizer, learning_rate, epochs=num_epochs, steps_per_epoch=math.ceil(len(train_dataset) / batch_size), ) out_dir = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, target_dataset) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) finetune_args = TrainingArguments( output_dir=os.path.join(out_dir, "output"), overwrite_output_dir=True, learning_rate=learning_rate, num_train_epochs=num_epochs, do_eval=True, evaluation_strategy="epoch", per_device_train_batch_size=batch_size, per_device_eval_batch_size=batch_size, dataloader_num_workers=8, report_to="none", save_strategy="epoch", logging_strategy="epoch", save_total_limit=1, logging_dir=os.path.join(out_dir, "logs"), load_best_model_at_end=True, metric_for_best_model="eval_loss", greater_is_better=False, seed=SEED, ) early_stopping_callback = EarlyStoppingCallback( early_stopping_patience=10, early_stopping_threshold=1e-5, ) tracking_callback = TrackingCallback() finetune_trainer = Trainer( model=finetune_forecast_model, args=finetune_args, train_dataset=train_dataset, eval_dataset=valid_dataset, callbacks=[early_stopping_callback, tracking_callback], optimizers=(optimizer, scheduler), ) finetune_trainer.remove_callback(INTEGRATION_TO_CALLBACK["codecarbon"]) st.write("Starting channel-mix finetuning...") finetune_trainer.train() st.write("Evaluating finetuned model on test set...") eval_output = finetune_trainer.evaluate(test_dataset) st.write("Few-shot (channel-mix) evaluation metrics:") st.json(eval_output) # Plot predictions plot_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, "channel_mix_plots") os.makedirs(plot_dir, exist_ok=True) try: plot_predictions( model=finetune_trainer.model, dset=test_dataset, plot_dir=plot_dir, plot_prefix="test_channel_mix", indices=[0], channel=0, ) except Exception as e: st.error("Error plotting channel mix predictions: " + str(e)) return for file in os.listdir(plot_dir): if file.endswith(".png"): st.image(os.path.join(plot_dir, file), caption=file) # -------------------------- # Mode 3: M4 Hourly Example def run_m4_hourly_example(): st.write("## M4 Hourly Example")"This example reproduces a simplified version of the M4 hourly evaluation.") # For demonstration, we attempt to load an M4 hourly dataset from a URL. # (In practice, you would need to download and prepare the dataset.) M4_DATASET_URL = "" # Placeholder URL try: m4_data = pd.read_csv(M4_DATASET_URL, parse_dates=["date"]) except Exception as e: st.error("Could not load M4 hourly dataset: " + str(e)) return st.write("### M4 Hourly Data Preview") st.dataframe(m4_data.head()) context_length = 512 forecast_length = 48 # M4 hourly forecast horizon timestamp_column = "date" id_columns = [] target_columns = [col for col in m4_data.columns if col != timestamp_column] n = len(m4_data) split_config = { "train": [0, int(n * 0.7)], "valid": [int(n * 0.7), int(n * 0.85)], "test": [int(n * 0.85), n], } column_specifiers = { "timestamp_column": timestamp_column, "id_columns": id_columns, "target_columns": target_columns, "control_columns": [], } tsp = TimeSeriesPreprocessor( **column_specifiers, context_length=context_length, prediction_length=forecast_length, scaling=True, encode_categorical=False, scaler_type="standard", ) dset_train, dset_valid, dset_test = get_datasets(tsp, m4_data, split_config) st.write("Data split completed.") # Load model from Hugging Face TTM Model Repository (TTM-V1 for M4) device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" model = TinyTimeMixerForPrediction.from_pretrained( "ibm-granite/granite-timeseries-ttm-v1", revision="main", prediction_filter_length=forecast_length, ).to(device) st.write("Running zero-shot evaluation on M4 hourly data...") temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() trainer = Trainer( model=model, args=TrainingArguments( output_dir=temp_dir, per_device_eval_batch_size=64, report_to="none", ), ) eval_output = trainer.evaluate(dset_test) st.write("Zero-shot evaluation metrics on M4 hourly:") st.json(eval_output) plot_dir = os.path.join(OUT_DIR, "m4_hourly", "zero_shot") os.makedirs(plot_dir, exist_ok=True) try: plot_predictions( model=trainer.model, dset=dset_test, plot_dir=plot_dir, plot_prefix="m4_zero_shot", indices=[0], channel=0, ) except Exception as e: st.error("Error plotting M4 zero-shot predictions: " + str(e)) return for file in os.listdir(plot_dir): if file.endswith(".png"): st.image(os.path.join(plot_dir, file), caption=file)"Fine-tuning on M4 hourly data can be added similarly.") # -------------------------- # Main UI def main(): st.title("Interactive Time-Series Forecasting Dashboard") st.markdown( """ This dashboard lets you run advanced forecasting experiments using the Granite-TimeSeries-TTM model. Select one of the modes below: - **Zero-shot Evaluation** - **Channel-Mix Finetuning Example** - **M4 Hourly Example** """ ) mode = st.selectbox( "Select Evaluation Mode", options=[ "Zero-shot Evaluation", "Channel-Mix Finetuning Example", "M4 Hourly Example", ], ) if mode == "Zero-shot Evaluation": # Allow user to choose dataset source dataset_source = "Dataset Source", options=["Default (ETTh1)", "Upload CSV"] ) if dataset_source == "Default (ETTh1)": DATASET_PATH = "" try: data = pd.read_csv(DATASET_PATH, parse_dates=["date"]) except Exception as e: st.error("Error loading default dataset.") return st.write("### Default Dataset Preview") st.dataframe(data.head()) selected_target_columns = [ "HUFL", "HULL", "MUFL", "MULL", "LUFL", "LULL", "OT", ] else: uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload your CSV file", type=["csv"]) if not uploaded_file:"Awaiting CSV file upload.") return data = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file, parse_dates=["date"]) st.write("### Uploaded Data Preview") st.dataframe(data.head()) available_columns = [col for col in data.columns if col != "date"] selected_target_columns = st.multiselect( "Select Target Column(s)", options=available_columns, default=available_columns, ) # Advanced options available_exog = [ col for col in data.columns if col not in (["date"] + selected_target_columns) ] selected_conditional_columns = st.multiselect( "Select Exogenous/Control Columns", options=available_exog, default=[] ) rolling_extension = st.number_input( "Rolling Forecast Extension (Extra Steps)", value=0, min_value=0, step=1 ) forecast_index = st.slider( "Select Forecast Index for Plotting", min_value=0, max_value=len(data) - 1, value=0, ) context_length = st.number_input( "Context Length", value=DEFAULT_CONTEXT_LENGTH, step=64 ) prediction_length = st.number_input( "Prediction Length", value=DEFAULT_PREDICTION_LENGTH, step=1 ) batch_size = st.number_input("Batch Size", value=64, step=1) if st.button("Run Zero-shot Evaluation"): with st.spinner("Running zero-shot evaluation..."): run_zero_shot_forecasting( data, context_length, prediction_length, batch_size, selected_target_columns, selected_conditional_columns, rolling_extension, forecast_index, ) elif mode == "Channel-Mix Finetuning Example": if st.button("Run Channel-Mix Finetuning Example"): with st.spinner("Running channel-mix finetuning..."): run_channel_mix_finetuning() elif mode == "M4 Hourly Example": if st.button("Run M4 Hourly Example"): with st.spinner("Running M4 hourly example..."): run_m4_hourly_example() if __name__ == "__main__": main()