import os from pathlib import Path # Paths BASE_DIR = './' DATA = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'data/') TEST_FILE = os.path.join(DATA, 'Paitients_Files_Test.csv') HISTORY = os.path.join(DATA, 'history/') HISTORY_FILE = os.path.join(HISTORY, 'history.csv') # Urls TEST_FILE_URL = "" # ENV when using standalone streamlit server ENV_PATH = Path('../../env/online.env') ALL_MODELS = [ "AdaBoostClassifier", "CatBoostClassifier", "DecisionTreeClassifier", "KNeighborsClassifier", "LGBMClassifier", "LogisticRegression", "RandomForestClassifier", "SupportVectorClassifier", "XGBoostClassifier", ] BEST_MODELS = ["RandomForestClassifier", "XGBoostClassifier"] markdown_table_all = """ | Column Name | Attribute/Target | Description | |------------------------------|------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ID | N/A | Unique number to represent patient ID | | PRG | Attribute1 | Plasma glucose| | PL | Attribute 2 | Blood Work Result-1 (mu U/ml) | | PR | Attribute 3 | Blood Pressure (mm Hg)| | SK | Attribute 4 | Blood Work Result-2 (mm)| | TS | Attribute 5 | Blood Work Result-3 (mu U/ml)| | M11 | Attribute 6 | Body mass index (weight in kg/(height in m)^2| | BD2 | Attribute 7 | Blood Work Result-4 (mu U/ml)| | Age | Attribute 8 | patients age (years)| | Insurance | N/A | If a patient holds a valid insurance card| | Sepsis | Target | Positive: if a patient in ICU will develop a sepsis , and Negative: otherwise | """