import os | |
from dotenv import load_dotenv | |
from import AsyncIterator | |
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager | |
from fastapi import FastAPI | |
from fastapi.responses import FileResponse | |
from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles | |
from fastapi_cache import FastAPICache | |
from fastapi_cache.backends.inmemory import InMemoryBackend | |
# from fastapi_cache.coder import PickleCoder | |
from fastapi_cache.decorator import cache | |
from typing import Union, Optional, Type, Any | |
from utils.student import Student | |
from utils.instructor import Instructor | |
from utils.course import Course | |
from utils.enrollment import Enrollment | |
from utils.logging import logging | |
from sqlmodel import SQLModel, select | |
from sqlmodel.sql.expression import SelectOfScalar | |
from sqlmodel.ext.asyncio.session import AsyncSession | |
from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine | |
from sqlalchemy import Engine | |
from typing import Dict | |
from config import ( | |
# ONE_DAY_SEC, | |
) | |
load_dotenv(ENV_PATH) | |
sms_resource: Dict[str, | |
Union[Engine, logging.Logger]] = {} | |
async def lifespan(_: FastAPI) -> AsyncIterator[None]: | |
# Cache | |
from redis import asyncio as aioredis | |
from fastapi_cache.backends.redis import RedisBackend | |
url = os.getenv("REDIS_URL") | |
username = os.getenv("REDIS_USERNAME") | |
password = os.getenv("REDIS_PASSWORD") | |
redis = aioredis.from_url(url=url, username=username, | |
password=password, encoding="utf8", decode_responses=True) | |
FastAPICache.init(RedisBackend(redis), prefix="fastapi-cache") | |
else: | |
# In Memory cache | |
FastAPICache.init(InMemoryBackend()) | |
# Database | |
DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("POSTGRES_URL") | |
connect_args = { | |
"timeout": 60 | |
} | |
else: # sqlite | |
DATABASE_URL = "sqlite+aiosqlite:///database/sms.db" | |
# Allow a single connection to be accessed from multiple threads. | |
connect_args = {"check_same_thread": False} | |
# Define the async engine | |
engine = create_async_engine( | |
DATABASE_URL, echo=True, connect_args=connect_args) | |
sms_resource["engine"] = engine | |
# Startup actions: create database tables | |
async with engine.begin() as conn: | |
await conn.run_sync(SQLModel.metadata.create_all) | |
# Logger | |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) | |
sms_resource["logger"] = logger | |
yield # Application code runs here | |
# Shutdown actions: close connections, etc. | |
await engine.dispose() | |
# FastAPI Object | |
app = FastAPI( | |
title='School Management System API', | |
version='1.0.0', | |
description=DESCRIPTION, | |
lifespan=lifespan, | |
) | |
app.mount("/assets", StaticFiles(directory="assets"), name="assets") | |
# Cache for 1 week | |
async def favicon(): | |
file_name = "favicon.ico" | |
file_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, "assets", file_name) | |
return FileResponse(path=file_path, headers={"Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename=" + file_name}) | |
# API | |
OneResult = Union[Student, Instructor, Course, Enrollment] | |
OneResultItem = Optional[OneResult] | |
BulkResult = Dict[str, OneResult] | |
BulkResultItem = Optional[BulkResult] | |
Result = Union[OneResult, BulkResult] | |
ResultItem = Union[OneResultItem, BulkResultItem] | |
class EndpointResponse(SQLModel): | |
execution_msg: str | |
execution_code: int | |
result: Any | |
class ErrorResponse(SQLModel): | |
execution_msg: str | |
execution_code: int | |
error: Optional[str] | |
# Endpoints | |
# Status endpoint: check if api is online | |
async def status_check(): | |
return {"Status": "API is online..."} | |
async def endpoint_output(endpoint_result: ResultItem, code: int = 0, error: str = None) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
msg = 'Execution failed' | |
output = ErrorResponse(**{'execution_msg': msg, | |
'execution_code': code, 'error': error}) | |
try: | |
if code != 0: | |
msg = 'Execution was successful' | |
output = EndpointResponse( | |
**{'execution_msg': msg, | |
'execution_code': code, 'result': endpoint_result} | |
) | |
except Exception as e: | |
print(output) | |
print(endpoint_result) | |
code = 0 | |
msg = 'Execution failed' | |
errors = f"Omg, an error occurred. endpoint_output Error: {e} & endpoint_result Error: {error} & endpoint_result: {endpoint_result}" | |
output = ErrorResponse(**{'execution_msg': msg, | |
'execution_code': code, 'error': errors}) | |
sms_resource["logger"].error(error) | |
finally: | |
return output | |
# Caching Post requests is challenging | |
async def sms_posts(instance: ResultItem, idx: str = None, action: str = "add") -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
async with AsyncSession(sms_resource["engine"]) as session: | |
code = 1 | |
error = None | |
result = None | |
existing = await session.get(instance.__class__, idx) | |
# For add action, do db operation if instance is not existing. Other actions, do db operation if instance exists in db | |
checker = existing is None if action == "add" else existing is not None | |
try: | |
if checker: | |
if action == "delete": | |
await session.delete(existing) # Asynchronous | |
await session.commit() | |
else: # add or update use add | |
session.add(instance) # Not asynchronous | |
await session.commit() | |
await session.refresh(instance) | |
result = instance | |
except Exception as e: | |
code = 0 | |
error = str(e) | |
finally: | |
return await endpoint_output(result, code, error) | |
# @cache(expire=ONE_DAY_SEC, namespace='sms_gets') # Cache for 1 day | |
async def sms_gets(sms_class: Type[Result], action: str = "first", idx: str = None, stmt: SelectOfScalar[Type[Result]] = None) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
async with AsyncSession(sms_resource["engine"]) as session: | |
result = None | |
error = None | |
code = 1 | |
try: | |
if action == "all": | |
statement = select(sms_class) if stmt is None else stmt | |
instance_list = (await session.exec(statement)).all() | |
if instance_list: | |
result = { | |
str( instance for instance in instance_list} | |
elif action == "first": | |
statement = select(sms_class).where( | | == idx) if stmt is None else stmt | |
result = (await session.exec(statement)).first() | |
except Exception as e: | |
code = 0 | |
error = str(e) | |
finally: | |
return await endpoint_output(result, code, error) | |
# Student Routes | |
async def add_student(student: Student) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(student,, action="add") | |
async def update_student(student: Student) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(student,, action="update") | |
async def delete_student(student: Student) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(student,, action="delete") | |
async def find_student(id: str) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_gets(Student, "first", id) | |
async def all_students() -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_gets(Student, "all") | |
# Instructor Routes | |
async def add_instructor(instructor: Instructor) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(instructor,, action="add") | |
async def update_instructor(instructor: Instructor) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(instructor,, action="update") | |
async def delete_instructor(instructor: Instructor) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(instructor,, action="delete") | |
async def find_instructor(id: str) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_gets(Instructor, "first", id) | |
async def all_instructors() -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_gets(Instructor, "all") | |
# Course Routes | |
async def add_course(course: Course) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(course,, action="add") | |
async def update_course(course: Course) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(course,, action="update") | |
async def delete_student(course: Course) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(course,, action="delete") | |
async def find_course(id: str) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_gets(Course, "first", id) | |
async def all_courses() -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_gets(Course, "all") | |
# Enroll Routes | |
async def enroll_student(enrollment: Enrollment) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(enrollment,, action="add") | |
async def update_enrolled_student(enrollment: Enrollment) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(enrollment,, action="update") | |
async def delete_enrolled_student(enrollment: Enrollment) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(enrollment,, action="delete") | |
async def find_enrollment_by_id(id: str) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_gets(Enrollment, "first", id) | |
async def find_enrollment_by_student_id(student_id: str) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
stmt = select(Enrollment).where(Enrollment.student_id == student_id) | |
return await sms_gets(Enrollment, action="all", stmt=stmt) | |
async def all_enrolled_students() -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_gets(Enrollment, "all") | |
async def assign_grade(enrollment: Enrollment) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: | |
return await sms_posts(enrollment,, action="update") | |