import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from import AsyncIterator from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from fastapi import FastAPI from fastapi.responses import FileResponse from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from fastapi_cache import FastAPICache from fastapi_cache.backends.inmemory import InMemoryBackend # from fastapi_cache.coder import PickleCoder from fastapi_cache.decorator import cache from typing import Union, Optional, Type from utils.student import Student from utils.instructor import Instructor from utils.course import Course from utils.enrollment import Enrollment from utils.logging import logging from sqlmodel import SQLModel, select from sqlmodel.sql.expression import SelectOfScalar from sqlmodel.ext.asyncio.session import AsyncSession from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine from sqlalchemy import Engine from typing import Dict from config import ( # ONE_DAY_SEC, ONE_WEEK_SEC, ENV_PATH, USE_REDIS_CACHE, USE_POSTGRES_DB, DESCRIPTION, ) load_dotenv(ENV_PATH) sms_resource: Dict[str, Union[Engine, logging.Logger]] = {} @asynccontextmanager async def lifespan(_: FastAPI) -> AsyncIterator[None]: # Cache if USE_REDIS_CACHE: from redis import asyncio as aioredis from fastapi_cache.backends.redis import RedisBackend url = os.getenv("REDIS_URL") username = os.getenv("REDIS_USERNAME") password = os.getenv("REDIS_PASSWORD") redis = aioredis.from_url(url=url, username=username, password=password, encoding="utf8", decode_responses=True) FastAPICache.init(RedisBackend(redis), prefix="fastapi-cache") else: # In Memory cache FastAPICache.init(InMemoryBackend()) # Database if USE_POSTGRES_DB: DATABASE_URL = os.getenv("POSTGRES_URL") connect_args = { "timeout": 60 } else: # sqlite DATABASE_URL = "sqlite+aiosqlite:///database/sms.db" # Allow a single connection to be accessed from multiple threads. connect_args = {"check_same_thread": False} # Define the async engine engine = create_async_engine( DATABASE_URL, echo=True, connect_args=connect_args) sms_resource["engine"] = engine # Startup actions: create database tables async with engine.begin() as conn: await conn.run_sync(SQLModel.metadata.create_all) # Logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) sms_resource["logger"] = logger yield # Application code runs here # Shutdown actions: close connections, etc. await engine.dispose() # FastAPI Object app = FastAPI( title='School Management System API', version='1.0.0', description=DESCRIPTION, lifespan=lifespan, ) app.mount("/assets", StaticFiles(directory="assets"), name="assets") @app.get('/favicon.ico', include_in_schema=False) @cache(expire=ONE_WEEK_SEC, namespace='eta_favicon') # Cache for 1 week async def favicon(): file_name = "favicon.ico" file_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, "assets", file_name) return FileResponse(path=file_path, headers={"Content-Disposition": "attachment; filename=" + file_name}) # API OneResult = Union[Student, Instructor, Course, Enrollment] OneResultItem = Optional[OneResult] BulkResult = Dict[str, OneResult] BulkResultItem = Optional[BulkResult] Result = Union[OneResult, BulkResult] ResultItem = Union[OneResultItem, BulkResultItem] class EndpointResponse(SQLModel): execution_msg: str execution_code: int result: ResultItem class ErrorResponse(SQLModel): execution_msg: str execution_code: int error: Optional[str] # Endpoints # Status endpoint: check if api is online @app.get('/', tags=['Home']) async def status_check(): return {"Status": "API is online..."} async def endpoint_output(endpoint_result: ResultItem, code: int = 0, error: str = None) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: msg = 'Execution failed' output = ErrorResponse(**{'execution_msg': msg, 'execution_code': code, 'error': error}) try: if code != 0: msg = 'Execution was successful' output = EndpointResponse( **{'execution_msg': msg, 'execution_code': code, 'result': endpoint_result} ) except Exception as e: code = 0 msg = 'Execution failed' errors = f"Omg, an error occurred. endpoint_output Error: {e} & endpoint_result Error: {error} & endpoint_result: {endpoint_result}" output = ErrorResponse(**{'execution_msg': msg, 'execution_code': code, 'error': errors}) sms_resource["logger"].error(error) finally: return output # Caching Post requests is challenging async def sms_posts(instance: ResultItem, idx: str = None, action: str = "add") -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: async with AsyncSession(sms_resource["engine"]) as session: code = 1 error = None result = None existing = await session.get(instance.__class__, idx) # For add action, do db operation if instance is not existing. Other actions, do db operation if instance exists in db checker = existing is None if action == "add" else existing is not None try: if checker: if action == "delete": await session.delete(existing) # Asynchronous await session.commit() else: # add or update use add session.add(instance) # Not asynchronous await session.commit() await session.refresh(instance) result = instance except Exception as e: code = 0 error = str(e) finally: return await endpoint_output(result, code, error) # @cache(expire=ONE_DAY_SEC, namespace='sms_gets') # Cache for 1 day async def sms_gets(sms_class: Type[Result], action: str = "first", idx: str = None, stmt: SelectOfScalar[Type[Result]] = None) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: async with AsyncSession(sms_resource["engine"]) as session: result = None error = None code = 1 try: if action == "all": statement = select(sms_class) if stmt is None else stmt instance_list = (await session.exec(statement)).all() if instance_list: result = { str( instance for instance in instance_list} elif action == "first": statement = select(sms_class).where( == idx) if stmt is None else stmt result = (await session.exec(statement)).first() except Exception as e: code = 0 error = str(e) finally: return await endpoint_output(result, code, error) # Student Routes'/api/v1/sms/add_student', tags=['Student']) async def add_student(student: Student) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(student,, action="add") @app.put('/api/v1/sms/update_student', tags=['Student']) async def update_student(student: Student) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(student,, action="update") @app.delete('/api/v1/sms/delete_student', tags=['Student']) async def delete_student(student: Student) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(student,, action="delete") @app.get("/api/v1/sms/students/{id}", tags=['Student']) async def find_student(id: str) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_gets(Student, "first", id) @app.get("/api/v1/sms/students", tags=['Student']) async def all_students() -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_gets(Student, "all") # Instructor Routes'/api/v1/sms/add_instructor', tags=['Instructor']) async def add_instructor(instructor: Instructor) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(instructor,, action="add") @app.put('/api/v1/sms/update_instructor', tags=['Instructor']) async def update_instructor(instructor: Instructor) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(instructor,, action="update") @app.delete('/api/v1/sms/delete_instructor', tags=['Instructor']) async def delete_instructor(instructor: Instructor) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(instructor,, action="delete") @app.get("/api/v1/sms/instructors/{id}", tags=['Instructor']) async def find_instructor(id: str) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_gets(Instructor, "first", id) @app.get("/api/v1/sms/instructors", tags=['Instructor']) async def all_instructors() -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_gets(Instructor, "all") # Course Routes'/api/v1/sms/add_course', tags=['Course']) async def add_course(course: Course) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(course,, action="add") @app.put('/api/v1/sms/update_course', tags=['Course']) async def update_course(course: Course) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(course,, action="update") @app.delete('/api/v1/sms/delete_course', tags=['Course']) async def delete_student(course: Course) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(course,, action="delete") @app.get("/api/v1/sms/courses/{id}", tags=['Course']) async def find_course(id: str) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_gets(Course, "first", id) @app.get("/api/v1/sms/courses", tags=['Course']) async def all_courses() -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_gets(Course, "all") # Enroll Routes'/api/v1/sms/enroll_student', tags=['Enroll']) async def enroll_student(enrollment: Enrollment) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(enrollment,, action="add") @app.put('/api/v1/sms/update_enrolled_student', tags=['Enroll']) async def update_enrolled_student(enrollment: Enrollment) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(enrollment,, action="update") @app.delete('/api/v1/sms/delete_enrolled_student', tags=['Enroll']) async def delete_enrolled_student(enrollment: Enrollment) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(enrollment,, action="delete") @app.get('/api/v1/sms/enrollments/{id}', tags=['Enroll']) async def find_enrollment_by_id(id: str) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_gets(Enrollment, "first", id) @app.get('/api/v1/sms/enrollments/{student_id}', tags=['Enroll']) async def find_enrollment_by_student_id(student_id: str) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: stmt = select(Enrollment).where(Enrollment.student_id == student_id) return await sms_gets(Enrollment, action="all", stmt=stmt) @app.get('/api/v1/sms/enrollments', tags=['Enroll']) async def all_enrolled_students() -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_gets(Enrollment, "all") @app.put('/api/v1/sms/grade_student', tags=['Grade']) async def assign_grade(enrollment: Enrollment) -> Union[ErrorResponse, EndpointResponse]: return await sms_posts(enrollment,, action="update")