# coding: utf-8 """ All configs for user """ from dataclasses import dataclass import tyro from typing_extensions import Annotated from typing import Optional from .base_config import PrintableConfig, make_abs_path @dataclass(repr=False) # use repr from PrintableConfig class ArgumentConfig(PrintableConfig): ########## input arguments ########## source_image: Annotated[str, tyro.conf.arg(aliases=["-s"])] = make_abs_path('../../assets/examples/source/s6.jpg') # path to the source portrait driving_info: Annotated[str, tyro.conf.arg(aliases=["-d"])] = make_abs_path('../../assets/examples/driving/d11.mp4') # path to driving video or template (.pkl format) output_dir: Annotated[str, tyro.conf.arg(aliases=["-o"])] = 'animations/' # directory to save output video source_driving_info: Annotated[str, tyro.conf.arg(aliases=["-sd"])] = make_abs_path('../../assets/examples/driving/d10.mp4') # path to driving video or template (.pkl format) flag_svideo: Annotated[str, tyro.conf.arg(aliases=["-vd"])] = False ########## inference arguments ########## flag_use_half_precision: bool = True # whether to use half precision (FP16). If black boxes appear, it might be due to GPU incompatibility; set to False. flag_crop_driving_video: bool = False # whether to crop the driving video, if the given driving info is a video device_id: int = 0 # gpu device id flag_force_cpu: bool = False # force cpu inference, WIP! flag_lip_zero : bool = True # whether let the lip to close state before animation, only take effect when flag_eye_retargeting and flag_lip_retargeting is False flag_eye_retargeting: bool = False # not recommend to be True, WIP flag_lip_retargeting: bool = False # not recommend to be True, WIP flag_stitching: bool = True # recommend to True if head movement is small, False if head movement is large flag_relative_motion: bool = True # whether to use relative motion flag_pasteback: bool = True # whether to paste-back/stitch the animated face cropping from the face-cropping space to the original image space flag_do_crop: bool = True # whether to crop the source portrait to the face-cropping space flag_do_rot: bool = True # whether to conduct the rotation when flag_do_crop is True ########## crop arguments ########## scale: float = 2.3 # the ratio of face area is smaller if scale is larger vx_ratio: float = 0 # the ratio to move the face to left or right in cropping space vy_ratio: float = -0.125 # the ratio to move the face to up or down in cropping space scale_crop_video: float = 2.2 # scale factor for cropping video vx_ratio_crop_video: float = 0. # adjust y offset vy_ratio_crop_video: float = -0.1 # adjust x offset ########## gradio arguments ########## server_port: Annotated[int, tyro.conf.arg(aliases=["-p"])] = 8890 # port for gradio server share: bool = False # whether to share the server to public server_name: Optional[str] = "" # set the local server name, "" to broadcast all